How to Be a Lawyer

How to Be a Lawyer
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Описание книги

Transform your legal education into a successful and fulfilling legal career In How to Be a Lawyer: The Path from Law School to Success , a team of veteran lawyers and entrepreneurs delivers an eye-opening discussion of how to translate your years of training and education into a running start in the world of practice. The book bridges the gap between law school and practice, whether you hope to be a big firm transactional attorney, a solo criminal lawyer, work for the government or any other legal profession. You’ll discover how you can use what you learned in law school and how you can develop the real skills you’ll need as you deal with clients and colleagues. The authors explain what your professors won’t tell you in law school and what employers and clients will actually expect from you. You’ll also find: Case studies and guest chapters describing the transition to major areas of law and how it can and should affect your law school decision making Expert advice on making your first job a successful one Guidance on how to avoid the most common career pitfalls and client mistakes Unfiltered opinions from clients about what they really think about lawyers An ideal resource for aspiring and current law students and early career lawyers, How to Be a Lawyer is the practical blueprint you need to build your legal career from scratch.


Jason Mendelson. How to Be a Lawyer

Table of Contents

List of Illustrations



How to Be a Lawyer

About the Authors


Why We Wrote This Book

CHAPTER 1 The Divide Between Law School and Lawyering

CHAPTER 2 The Core Concepts of Lawyering


Listen First, Talk Second

Ask Questions

Always (Usually) Give Advice


CHAPTER 3 Understanding the Importance of Law School Rankings on Your Future

CHAPTER 3 Classic Coursework (What Is It Good For?)



Constraining Behavior and Aligning Incentives

Transaction Costs

Agency Costs and Information Asymmetry

Reputation Constraints

Civil Procedure


Criminal Law

Constitutional Law

Legal Methods/Writing/Research


Ethics and Professional Responsibility

CHAPTER 5 Choosing Proper Electives

CHAPTER 6 What Should You Get Out of Law School?

CHAPTER 7 Be a Fiduciary

Principle 1: Know If You're Acting as a Fiduciary and on Whose Behalf

Example A

Example B

Principle 2: Slow Down

Principle 3: Seek Advice and Help

Principle 4: Always Put Your Clients' Interests Ahead of Your Own

CHAPTER 8 A Short Primer on Negotiations

Negotiation Tactics

What Really Matters?

Preparing for the Negotiation

A Brief Introduction to Game Theory

Negotiating Win-Win Agreements

Negotiating Other Games

Negotiating Styles and Approaches

The Bully (aka UAW Negotiator)

The Nice Guy (aka Used-Car Salesman)

The Technocrat (aka Pocket Protector Person)

The Wimp (aka George McFly)

The Curmudgeon (aka Archie Bunker)

Smooth, Steady, and Smart (aka Dianne Lockhart from The Good Wife)

Wait. What about Someone Who Is Actually Normal?

Collaborative Negotiation Versus Walk-Away Threats

Building Leverage and Getting to Yes


CHAPTER 9 Preparing for the Job Hunt

You on Paper

Social Media

Telling the Story

Networking into Employers


Career Placement Services

CHAPTER 10 The Bar Exam

CHAPTER 11 You Got the Job—There Is No Time for Rest

CHAPTER 12 The Fourteen Commandmentsfor New Lawyers (Okay, How about“Strong Suggestions”?)

1: Have a Learning Mindset

2: Rely On but Mistrust Forms

3: Beware of the Foggy Project Trap

4: Never Consider Anything That Goes to a Senior Colleague or Client to Be a “Draft”

5: Be More Organized Than Others

6: Take Ownership Without Request

7: Invest in Your Management Skills

8: Have a Three- to Five-Year Horizon

9: Plan to Develop Near-Term and Long-Term Advantages

10: Understand How to Best Use and Foster Mentor Relationships

11: Flatten Hierarchies

12: Own Your Mistakes

13: Know What a Junior Lawyer's Value Is

14: Keep Your Own List

Bonus Commandment for Those Working with Contracts!

CHAPTER 13 Common Mistakes New Lawyers Make That Limit Careers and Anger Clients

Forgetting You Are in the Services Industry

Getting Frustrated and Thinking People Are Idiots

Having Loose Lips

Assuming Each State Has the Same Laws

Treating Administrative Staff Poorly

Having a Sexual Relationship at Work

Being Inconsiderate of Others' Calendars

Forgetting You Are the Leverage

Forgetting Who the Client Is

Assuming Other Lawyers Are Good People

Shortchanging Research

Failing to Understand Basic Intellectual Property Law

Talking to Another Attorney's Client Without the Attorney

Screwing Up Billing (If You Bill Clients by the Hour)

CHAPTER 14 Relationships, Difficult Personalities, and Being the Calmest Person in the Room

Challenging Personalities

The Lawyer's Job When It Comes to Challenging Personalities

General Approaches to Managing Challenging Personalities

Sampling of Challenging Personalities and Tips for Dealing with Them

Parting Thoughts


CHAPTER 15 Understanding Current Technology

CHAPTER 16 Words from the Wise

Guest Chapter 1

Short background on why I went to law school

What frustrated me most about coming out of law school and/or what frustrates me with regards to people I work with or hire who are newly out of law school

How have you used (or not) the core concepts of lawyering as this book proposes: Empathy, Listening First, Asking Questioning, and Giving Advice?

Biggest mistake(s) you made while in law school

What class(es) did you wish you had taken while in law school? In or outside the school? What about today?

Most useful classes in law school

How did you decide what to do post-law school? With hindsight, how good of a job did you do?

Biggest mistake you made at your first job

Best advice you received or have given for those coming out of law school

Worst advice you received or have given for those coming out of law school

How have you remained happy in your profession? Have there been times when you were not? If so, what did you do to improve your situation?

If you could go back in time and tell your younger self something about making the transition from law school to the real world, what would it be?

Guest Chapter 2

Short background on why I went to law school

What frustrated me most about coming out of law school and/or what frustrates me with regards to people I work with or hire who are newly out of law school

How have you used (or not) the core concepts of lawyering as this book proposes: Empathy, Listening First, Asking Questions, and Giving Advice?

Biggest mistake(s) you made while in law school

Most useful classes in law school

How did you decide what to do post-law school? With hindsight, how good of a job did you do?

Biggest mistake you made while at your first job

Best advice you received or have given for those coming out of law school

Worst advice you received or have given for those coming out of law school

How have remained happy in your profession? Have there been times when you were not? If so, what did you do to improve your situation?

If you could go back in time and tell your younger self something about making the transition from law school to the real world, what would it be?

SUCCESS in the legal profession

Guest Chapter 3

My Background

The Legal Profession Needs You

Lawyer Skills

Litigation and Trial Skills

Write, Write, Write

Be a Storyteller

Be Happy

LITIGATION/Trial Skills9

Guest Chapter 4

Don't Close Doors

Remember, Reputations Are Sticky

Listen, a Lot

Be Authentic

Guest Chapter 5

Prologue – An Anecdote

A Few Ideas on How to Be a Lawyer that Only Halfway Correlates with How I Have Actually Behaved, as We Collectively March Toward the Year 2100

Epilogue – Quicker, Unranked Observations, as We Collectively March Toward the Year 2100

Guest Chapter 6

Short description of my law school experience

The Path of My Legal Career

Law Is a Service Industry

What is frustrating about new graduates? How have you used the core concepts of lawyering this book proposes?

Biggest mistake(s) you made while in law school

What to learn while in law school

Most useful classes in law school

How did you decide what to do post-law school? With hindsight, how good of a job did you do?

What was the biggest mistake you made while at your first job?

What was the best advice you received or have given for those coming out of law school?

What was the worst advice you received coming out of law school?

How have you remained happy in your profession? Have there been times when you were not? If so, what did you do to improve your situation?

Guest Chapter 7

Deliberate Practice and the Arc of a Legal Career

What is deliberate practice?

What are the elements of expertise for deal attorneys?

Design a Deliberate Practice Training Regime

Guest Chapter 8

The nontraditional reason that had a kinda-sorta traditional outcome—Why I went to law school and what happened when I got there

Dang, THAT Is Irritating! (Or what frustrates me about people newly out of law school)

The Importance of Empathy, Listening, Asking, and Giving Advice

Boy, That Was a Doozy

Moot Court Prepared Me for Life. Legal Writing Prepared Me for Art

My Life Is a Series of Accidents, but I'm Fine

Don't Leave the House Without Lipstick—The Best Advice

You Have to Wear a Skirt, and Other Bad Advice

If Someone Tells You They Are Happy All the Time, They Are Lying

If you could go back and tell yourself something about the transition from law school to the practice of law what would it be?

Guest Chapter 9

Short background on why I went to law school

How have you used (or not) the core concepts of lawyering as this book proposes: Empathy, Listening First, Asking Questions, and Giving Advice?

Most useful classes in law school, and what class(es) did I wish I had taken while in law school? In or outside the school? What about today?

How did you decide what to do post-law school? With hindsight, how good of a job did you do?

Biggest mistake you made while at your first job

Best advice you received or have given for those coming out of law school

Worst advice you received or have given for those coming out of law school

How have you remained happy in your profession? Have there been times when you were not? If so, what did you do to improve your situation?

Guest Chapter 10

Short background on why I went to law school

What frustrated me most about coming out of law school and/or what frustrates me with regards to people I work with or hire who are newly out of law school

How have you used (or not) the core concepts of lawyering as this book proposes: Empathy, Listening First, Asking Questions, and Giving Advice?

Biggest mistake(s) you made while in law school

What class(es) did I wish I had taken while in law school? In or outside the school? What about today?

Most useful classes in law school

How did you decide what to do post-law school? With hindsight, how good of a job did you do?

Biggest mistake you made while at your first job

Best advice you received or have given for those coming out of law school

Worst advice you received or have given for those coming out of law school

How have you remained happy in your profession? Have there been times when you were not? If so, what did you do to improve your situation?

If you could go back in time and tell your younger self something about making the transition from law school to the real world, what would it be?

Guest Chapter 11

Why law school?

New lawyer frustrations—for me and working with baby lawyers

How have you used (or not) the core concepts of lawyering as this book proposes: Empathy, Listening First, Asking Questions, and Giving Advice?

Biggest mistake(s) you made while in law school

What class(es) did I wish I had taken while in law school? In or outside the school? What about today?

Most useful classes in law school

How did you decide what to do post-law school? With hindsight, how good of a job did you do?

Guest Chapter 12

Short background on why I went to law school

What frustrated me most about coming out of law school and/or what frustrates me with regards to people I work with or hire who are newly out of law school

How have you used the core concepts of lawyering as this book proposes: Empathy, Listening First, Asking Questions, Giving Advice?


Listen First, Talk Second/Ask Questions

Always/Usually Give Advice

Bonus Concept: Be Objective—Must Seek Balance

Biggest mistake(s) you made while in law school

What classes do I wish I'd taken?

Most useful classes in law school

How did you decide what to do post-law school? With hindsight, how good of a job did you do?

Biggest mistake you made at your first job

Best advice you have received or have given for those coming out of law school?

Worst advice you have received or been given out of law school?

How have you remained happy in your profession?

Younger self to old self about the transition?

Guest Chapter 13

Current Position: Chief Executive Officer for RPTC Inc. and President and General Counsel for Hugo Enterprises LLC. RPTC Inc. is the private trust company for the Ricketts Family and holds assets including the Chicago Cubs and an extensive portfolio of investments. Hugo Enterprises is the holding company for the operating businesses and investments of TD Ameritrade Founder, Joe Ricketts

Short background on why I went to law school

What frustrated me most about coming out of law school and/or what frustrates me with regards to people I work with or hire who are newly out of law school

How have you used (or not) the core concepts of lawyering as this book proposes: Empathy, Listening First, Asking Questions, and Giving Advice?

Biggest mistake(s) you made while in law school

What class(es) did I wish I had taken while in law school? In or outside the school?

Most useful classes in law school

How did you decide what to do post-law school? With hindsight, how good of a job did you do?

Biggest mistake you made at your first job

Best advice you received or have given for those coming out of law school

Worst advice you received or have given for those coming out of law school

How have you remained happy in your profession? Have there been times when you were not? If so, what did you do to improve your situation?

If you could go back in time and tell your younger self something about making the transition from law school to the real world, what would it be?

Guest Chapter 14

Guest Chapter 15

Short background on why I went to law school

What frustrated me most about coming out of law school andor what frustrates me with regards to people I work with or hire who are newly out of law school

How have you used (or not) the core concepts of lawyering as this book proposes: Empathy, Listening First, Asking Questions, and Giving Advice?

Biggest mistake(s) you made while in law school

What class(es) did I wish I had taken while in law school? In or outside the school? What about today?

Most useful classes in law school

How did you decide what to do post-law school? With hindsight, how good of a job did you do?

Biggest mistake you made while at your first job

Best advice you received or have given for those coming out of law school

Worst advice you received or have given for those coming out of law school

How have you remained happy in your profession? Have there been times when you were not? If so, what did you do to improve your situation?

If you could go back in time and tell your younger self something about making the transition from law school to the real world, what would it be?

Guest Chapter 16

One or two books I recommend:

Short background on why I went to law school

What frustrated me most about coming out of law school and/or what frustrates me with regards to people I work with or hire who are newly out of law school

How have you used (or not) the core concepts of lawyering as this book proposes: Empathy, Listening First, Asking Questions, and Giving Advice?

Biggest mistake(s) you made while in law school

What class(es) did I wish I had taken while in law school? In or outside the school? What about today?

Most useful classes in law school

How did you decide what to do post-law school? With hindsight, how good of a job did you do?

Biggest mistake you made while at your first job

Best advice you received or have given for those coming out of law school

Worst advice you received or have given for those coming out of law school

How have remained happy in your profession? Have there been times when you were not? If so, what did you do to improve your situation?

If you could go back in time and tell your younger self something about making the transition from law school to the real world, what would it be?

Guest Chapter 17

My Practice Area and Why I Love It

Your First Client—the Partners

Communication—a Key Feature of Every Good Lawyer

Focus on Your Development

Develop Good Habits

You Need a Team

Take Charge of Your Career

Guest Chapter 18

Guest Chapter 19

Why I Went to Law School

Frustrations After Law School—For Me and New Hires

How Have I Used Core Concepts of Lawyering?

Biggest mistake(s) you made while in law school/classes you should have taken

Most useful classes in law school

How I decided what to do after law school? Did I make a good choice?

Biggest mistake you made at your first job

Best advice received or have given for new lawyers

Worst advice received or given for new lawyers

How to remain satisfied practicing law; what to do when you’re not

What would I go back and tell myself as a third year?

Guest Chapter 20

Short background on why I went to law school

What frustrates me most about people I hire newly out of law school

How have you used (or not) the core concepts of lawyering as this book proposes: Empathy, Listening First, Asking Questions, and Giving Advice?

Most useful class in law school

Biggest mistake I made at my first job

How I remain happy in my profession

Guest Chapter 21

Why I went to law school

What frustrated me most about coming out of law school and/or what frustrates me with regards to people I work with or hire who are newly out of law school

How have you used (or not) the core concepts of lawyering as this book proposes: Empathy, Listening First, Asking Questions, and Giving Advice?

Biggest mistake(s) you made while in law school

What class(es) did I wish I had taken while in law school? In or outside the school? What about today?

Most useful classes in law school

How did you decide what to do post-law school? With hindsight, how good of a job did you do?

Biggest mistake you made at your first job

Best advice you received or have given for those coming out of law school

How have you remained happy in your profession? Have there been times when you were not? If so, what did you do to improve your situation?

If you could go back in time and tell your younger self something about making the transition from law school to the real world, what would it be?

Guest Chapter 22

Why law school

What frustrated me most about coming out of law school and/or what frustrates me with regards to people I work with or hire who are newly out of law school

How have you used (or not) the core concepts of lawyering as this book proposes: Empathy, Listening First, Asking Questions, and Giving Advice?

Biggest mistake(s) you made while in law school

Most useful classes in law school?

How did you decide what to do post-law school, and in hindsight how good of a job did you do?

Biggest mistake at my first job?

Best advice I got coming out of law school

Worst advice I received coming out of law school

How have you remained happy in your profession? Have there been times when you were not? If so, what did you do to improve your situation?

Guest Chapter 23

One or two books I recommend:

Short background on why I went to law school

What frustrated me most about coming out of law school and/or what frustrates me with regards to people I work with or hire who are newly out of law school

How have you used (or not) the core concepts of lawyering as this book proposes: Empathy, Listening First, Asking Questions, and Giving Advice?

Biggest mistake(s) you made while in law school

What class(es) did I wish I had taken while in law school? In or outside the school? What about today?

Most useful classes in law school

How did you decide what to do post-law school? With hindsight, how good of a job did you do?

Biggest mistake you made while at your first job

Best advice you received or have given for those coming out of law school

Worst advice you received or have given for those coming out of law school

How have you remained happy in your profession? Have there been times when you were not? If so, what did you do to improve your situation?

If you could go back in time and tell your younger self something about making the transition from law school to the real world, what would it be?

Guest Chapter 24

Short background on why I went to law school

What frustrated me most about coming out of law school and/or what frustrates me with regards to people I work with or hire who are newly out of law school

How have you used (or not) the core concepts of lawyering as this book proposes: Empathy, Listening First, Asking Questions, and Giving Advice?

Biggest mistake(s) you made while in law school

What class(es) did I wish I had taken while in law school? In or outside the school? What about today?

Most useful classes in law school

How did you decide what to do post-law school? With hindsight, how good of a job did you do?

Biggest mistake you made while at your first job

Best advice you received or have given for those coming out of law school

Worst advice you received or have given for those coming out of law school

How have remained happy in your profession? Have there been times when you were not? If so, what did you do to improve your situation?

If you could go back in time and tell your younger self something about making the transition from law school to the real world, what would it be?


CHAPTER 17 What Clients Want

What Clients Liked

What Clients Didn't Like

CHAPTER 18 Law School as a “Second Career”

Entrance into Law School

Getting a Job

CHAPTER 19 How to Be a Happy Lawyer

Have an Identity Outside of Being a Lawyer

Take Pride in Your Work and the Impact It Has on Others

Keep a Continually Learning Mindset

Don't Get Too Wrapped Up in Your Work

Manage Your Stress

Watch Your Drug Consumption

Never Compromise Your Value System

Don't Forget to Laugh and Celebrate the Wins

Internalize the Losses, But Don't Dwell on Them

Work with Clients You Really Like

Have a Great Surrounding Team

Set Boundaries for Your Personal Life

What to Do When You Are Not Happy

CHAPTER 20 What If You Don't Want to Be a Lawyer Anymore?

CHAPTER 21 Let's Sum Up



Отрывок из книги


Jason MendelsonAlex Paul


Let's take a mental check here. Empathy? Got it. Listening? Yep. Ask questions? Got this one, too. The last core concept is the idea that you should always give advice.

You should be thinking, “Wait. How do I always give advice when I'm fresh out of school and don't really know what I'm doing?” Most junior lawyers focus on this question and decide not to give advice. They tell the client, “I'll get back to you,” or they wait two days to return an email and frustrate the person who sent the communication. This also applies to getting back to bosses and senior lawyers.


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