Why We Want You To Be Rich

Why We Want You To Be Rich
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Описание книги

Donald Trump and Robert Kiyosaki wrote Why We Want You To Be Rich because they saw how the turbulent economic climate would impact the middle class. They predict the middle class in America will continue to shrink—pushing most middle-class Americans into the ranks of the poor. This book inspires middle-class Americans who believe that the American Dream is alive and well to take control of their lives… and take charge of the one thing they have total control over: themselves.


Robert T. Kiyosaki. Why We Want You To Be Rich

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Authors’ Notes


This book is not about changing the world. This book is about changing you so that you do not become a victim of a changing world. The world is changing rapidly. Politicians and government bureaucracy cannot change fast enough or protect everyone from these shifts.

Bill Gates and Warren Buffett have joined forces to solve some of the world’s most pressing problems. This is commendable as money does have the power to solve many of our world problems, such as hunger, affordable housing, and hopefully many diseases (such as cancer and AIDS).


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