Children's Rights and the Philosophy of Childhood: A Generational Dialogue

Children's Rights and the Philosophy of Childhood: A Generational Dialogue
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Реклама. ООО «ЛитРес», ИНН: 7719571260.

Описание книги

The philosophy of childhood is still a young science area. Human being is childhood and adulthood and requires communication, a dialogue. The dialogue philosophy offers an integrative basis in the interdisciplinary context of psychology, biology, pedagogy, sociology, law and religion: •What is childhood? •Which natural law does a child have? •Who carries the responsibility for a child? •Which stages of childhood development can be differentiated in dialogue philosophy? •What means the generation concept for childhood and adulthood? •What is the basic thesis of education? •Which myth (fairy tale) was paved the way for our state constitution? •Which parenting conflict remains unsolvable? •What fundamental rights are missing in the United Nations Convention on the rights of child? •Which rights and duties can be deduced from the self-understanding of nature? Towards adulthood being a child means a weaker position and the risk of abuse. In the childhood-philosophical sense, an answer to the risks of being a child and the best possible protection of the child is required. The legal foundation is the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. But we do not reach the children with laws. It takes more than just dialogue and parental care. There are controversial arguments in politics and science. The author finds clear answers.


Werner Boesen. Children's Rights and the Philosophy of Childhood: A Generational Dialogue

Children's Rights and the Philosophy of Childhood: A Generational Dialogue


A GENERATIONAL DIALOGUE. Statics and dynamics of humankind

Preface and Acknowledgements


The dialogue philosophic Approach

Dialogue philosophical basic concept

The dialogue

The I

The You

The ‘I-You’-Relation

The generation concept in ‘I-You’ relation

Basic rights in I-You-Relation Child - Parents

Children’s Rights: Between permanence and change. Moral Rights with view on childhood phases

Phase 1: Pre-natal phase, from procreation to birth

Phase 2: The infant and childish amnesia, age 0-3

Phase 3: The toddler, first fall in love, age 4-6

Phase 4: The middle childhood phase, age 6-12

Phase 5: Adolescence, second fall in love, age 12-17

Phase 6: Maturity

Legal rights

Religious commandments in Christianity

The mediation and enforcement of children's rights

As early as possible for children and parents

Child advocates and commissions

Surrogate family, Alloparenting, family facilities

100,000 years of human history

I & You, static and dynamic childhood development. The Right for Welfare

Children’s Rights Generation Child - Parents

Autonomy and Coercion, Good and Bad

Questions and Answers at a Glance

What is childhood?

Who carries the responsibility for a child?

Which theoretical basis is available…?

Which stages of childhood can be differentiated?

What distinguishes a generation dialogue?

What is the basic thesis of education

Which parenting conflict remains unsolvable?

What fundamental rights are missing in UNCRC?

What is the self-understanding of nature?

Which rights and duties can be deduced?


Отрывок из книги

‘I’ and ‘You’ are children of nature and cosmos, for the believers God’s children (Joh 1, 12; LUT)!

This project study was restricted to a certain number of pages. The specification was based on about 40 DIN A4 pages. It was extremely challenging for me to limit the content to this page specification and it is not enough that questions arise. I have therefore attached a questionnaire with possible answers for publication. It was also important to me to publish this work as both a German-language and English-language publication, as the childhood philosophy is underrepresented research publications in the German-speaking world.


In particular, I would like to thank the lecturers of the project study for their contributions to the discussion and critics, as well as Dr. phil. Laura Marwood for her assistance in fine-tuning the English translation.

In fond memory of my most recent childhood, I dedicate this work to my beloved Mother and would like to thank the private, state and religious communities for their loyal education experts (Loyal’ here means committed to pure doctrine. This excludes abuse. That should be synonymous with the term ‘education expert’, but the use of a thing carries the risk of abuse). The ‘I’ grows on ‘you’!


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