Читать книгу Механизмы судебной и внесудебной защиты права на судопроизводство в разумный срок - А. В. Белякова - Страница 1


The mechanisms of judicial and non-judicial protection of the right to trial within a reasonable time: monograph / A. V. Belyakova. – M.: Yustitsinform, 2016

This is a study of the bases and methods of overcoming long proceedings in the civil process of the Russian Federation. We analyze the content of the right to trial within a reasonable time in civil and arbitration processes in Russia. The concept of reasonable duration of the proceedings, the legal nature of compensation for the violation of the reasonable duration of the proceedings are laid down. The reasons for delayed justice in Russia, the experience of overcoming the judicial delays in European countries are studied. The author proposes to solve the problem of the civil law process by introducing changes and determining the legal nature of compensation for the violation of the reasonable duration of the proceedings at the legislative level, the introduction of the European experience in national legislation, the formation of the legal community through the promotion of the principle of good faith in the Russian procedural law, and alternative dispute resolution.

The study may be of interest to practicing lawyers, judges, law enforcement officials, lawyers, human rights activists, graduate students, law students and faculty.

© A. V. Belyakova, 2016

© Ltd. «Yustitsinform», 2016

Механизмы судебной и внесудебной защиты права на судопроизводство в разумный срок

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