Читать книгу Освоение Карелии и Беломорья христианскими миссионерами - М. Ю. Трещалин, А. В. Трещалина - Страница 1
ОглавлениеМосковский государственный университет имени М.В. Ломоносова
Кошаев Владимир Борисович
доктор искусствоведения, профессор кафедры семиотики и общей теории искусства факультета искусств МГУ имени М.В. Ломоносова, лауреат премии Правительства РФ в области культуры, заслуженный деятель искусств Удмуртской Республики, член Союза художников России.
Бурлука Оксана Семеновна исполнительный директор фонда поддержки науки и искусства «Дом Якоби», издатель, член Союза журналистов Москвы.
Трещалина А.В. Освоение Карелии и Беломорья христианскими миссионерами. – М.: Изд-во «БОС», 2022. – 104 с., ил.
Treschalina А. V. The development of Karelia and the Belomorye by Christian missionaries. – Moscow: Publisher BOS, 2022.104 p., il.
The native Russian lands of the North of Russia attract researchers with a desire to know how their development took place, what is the role of the founders of such strategically important monasteries for the protection of the central regions of Russia as Kirillo-Belozersky, Ferapontovo-Belozersky, Muromsky on Lake Onega, Valaam and Konevetsky on Ladoga, Solovetsky on the White Sea. And here it is impossible not to pay tribute to the pioneers, St. Sergius and Herman of Valaam, Cyril and Ferapont of Belozersk, Savvati and Herman of Solovetsky, Arseny Konevsky.
But who are they and where are they from? Why and how did they come to the northern lands? How did people live and what faith did they profess in the North before the advent of Christian missionaries?
In the proposed book, an attempt is made to focus readers' attention on the so-called places of power and underground structures on the way of St. Andrew the First-Called through the territory of Ancient Russia, to understand the personality and trace the wanderings of St. Savvati and his life in the Belozersk monastery, on Valaam and Bolshoy Solovetsky Island, to assess the real possibilities of the Solovetsky monks of building the foundations of stone structures in the bay Well-being, to analyze the campaign of the Monk Arseny to the island of Konevets.
© A.B. Трещалина, текст, илл. 2022
© Издательство «БОС» (дизайн, редактирование, печать), 2022