A Physician on the Nile

Реклама. ООО «ЛитРес», ИНН: 7719571260.
ʿAbd al-Laṭīf al-Baghdādī. A Physician on the Nile
Letter from the General Editor
From Aristotle to Infinity: the life and work of ʿAbd al-Laṭīf al-Baghdādī
The Eye Atop the Pyramid: the historical context of the book
Promethean Fire: the intellectual and literary background to the book
From the Sublime to the Pit: ʿAbd al-Laṭīfʼs panoptic gaze
The Tale of a Text
Maps. 1. The Cairo Conurbation
2. Egypt
3. Egypt and Surrounding Lands
4. The Levant
Note on the Text. The Manuscript
Previous Arabic Editions
This Edition
This Translation
Appendix: The Egyptian Calendar
Notes to the Introduction
إحصاء فصول الكتاب. The Chapters of the Book
الفصل الأوّل في خواصّ مصر العامّة لها. Chapter One: General characteristics of Egypt
الفصل الثاني فيما تختصّ به من النبات. Chapter Two: Characteristic plants and trees of Egypt
الفصل الثالث فيما تختصّ به من الحيوان. Chapter Three: Characteristic features of the animal world in Egypt
الفصل الرابع في اقتصاص ما شوهد من آثارها القديمة. Chapter Four: A description of the ancient Egyptian monuments examined by the author
الفصل الخامس فيما شوهد بها من غرائب الأبنية والسفن. Chapter Five: Unusual Egyptian buildings and boats examined by the author
الفصل السادس في غرائب أطعمتها. Chapter Six: Unusual Egyptian foods
الفصل الأوّل في النيل وكيفيّة زياداته وإعطاء علل ذلك وقوانينه. Chapter One: The Nile and the manner of its annual rises, with an explanation of the causes of this phenomenon and the laws of nature governing it
الفصل الثاني في حوادث سنة سبع وتسعين وخمس مائة. Chapter Two: The events of the year 597 [1200–1]
الفصل الثالث في حوادث سنة ثمان وتسعين وخمس مائة. Chapter Three: The events of the year 598 [1201–2]
Glossary of Names and Terms
About NYU Abu Dhabi Institute
About this E-book
Titles Published by the Library of Arabic Literature
English-only Paperbacks
About the Editor–Translator
Table of Contents
Отрывок из книги
كتاب الإفادة والاعتبار في الأمور المشاهدة والحوادث المعاينة بأرض مصر
عبد اللطيف البغداديّ
ʿAbd al-Laṭīf is thus both an autopsist and an empiricist, someone who can form “a hypothesis constructed on the basis of evidence observed” (§1.2.20). It doesnʼt matter that his hypotheses can sometimes be wrong—that, for example, we know no one could have planted a date stone in a taro corm and grown a banana. You can be wrong and still be scientific, as he is in his marshaling of the data on those plants, and in his refusal to come to a dogmatic conclusion on the relationship between them (§§1.2.15–28). As Karl Popper put it, it is “not the verifiability but the falsifiability of a [scientific] system” that matters.41 Again, ʿAbd al-Laṭīf tries to correct another possible error of the venerable Galen—his description of the human sacrum—and half succeeds, then admits in a marginal afterthought, “I am not . . . certain of this, however . . .” (§2.3.32). By saying that, he is admitting his own falsifiability (as well as Galenʼs). Certainty is pre-scientific; it is ʿAbd al-Laṭīfʼs doubt that makes him scientific.
With the authorʼs historical and intellectual background in mind, it is now time to look at his book with fresh eyes.