Information Organization of the Universe and Living Things

Реклама. ООО «ЛитРес», ИНН: 7719571260.
Alain Cardon. Information Organization of the Universe and Living Things
Table of Contents
List of Illustrations
Information Organization of The Universe and Living Things. Generation of Space, Quantum and Molecular Elements, Coactive Generation of Living Organisms and Multiagent Model
1. The Computable Model, Computer Science and Physical Concepts
1.1. The Turning model
1.2. Computer science
1.3. Formation of the Universe in physical sciences
2. The Informational Components and the Organizational Law of the Formation of Space and the Elements of the Universe
2.1. Informational model of universe generation and organizational law
Notion of the informational component of activity and structure and the emergence of the Universe
The informational energy given to informational components
2.2. The notion of generating information in the Universe
The information field of a component
The informational substratum of the Universe
The activity information component and its information envelope
The two categories of information components
The information that generates
The space-forming structural component
The generating information creating the Universe
Organizational trend of the Universe and informational envelope
Constructive informational actions of the activity components
2.3. The generative informational component and the informational energy of the substrate of the Universe
The generative informational component and the informational substrate of the Universe
Informational energy and the substrate of the Universe
Informational links
Organizational properties of the substrate of the Universe
The structure and information envelope of an activity component
The first activities of the informational components and the initial Universe ball
The creative activity of the informational component of activity
The quantum-type information components
The characters of time in the Universe
2.4. The formation process of the Universe from the informational components
An organizational scheme of the formation of the Universe and gravity
Algorithm for generating a universe
3. An Agent Model to Represent Informational Components
3.1. Informational and control agents representing the components
The informational agent representing an activity component
The two types of agents corresponding to the two types of components
Consideration of the organizational law with the control agents
Rules of action for a control agent
The entanglement of two informational agents
3.2. The generation of atoms and molecules in the informational agent model
The properties of informational agents
3.3. The formation of a hydrogen atom agent with informational agents
Action of substrate control agents on informational agents
The complementarity of informational agents
The informational energy and the physical mass of the elements
Structure of an atomic agent
3.4. Formation of a helium-type atomic agent
Formation process of a helium-type atomic agent
The organizational property of creating large atoms
The rule of constitution of the organized elements of the Universe
4. The Generation of the First Molecules in the Agent Approach
4.1. The informational characteristics of the system forming the molecules
The global trend in the formation of molecules
The global information network representing the trend system of organization
4.2. Formation of simple molecules of helium hydride and dihydrogen
The expression of the organizational law in atomically dense environments
The multiscale incentive exercised by organizational law
5. The Formation of Physical Elements in the Agent Approach
5.1. The notion of aggregate mass
The notion of mass in an informational space and the generation of gravity
Material agent representing an aggregate with mass
Formation process of aggregates with mass
5.2. The formation of stars and galaxies by the general action of the organizational law
The specific action of the organizational law to transform the clouds of atomic agents and molecules
The transforming action of general scope of the organizational law
Formation process of a first-generation star
Formation process of a second-generation star
Formation process of the planets of second-generation stars
The general principle of organizational law
The organizational role of the stars
The actions of the organizational law
Two forms of energy in the Universe
5.3. The informational program for the design of the universal system
Step 1 – formation of the generating component in the generating system
Step 2 – activation of the generating component
Step 3 – the formation of quantum, molecular and mass elements
The realization of the program generating a universe
Introduction to Part 2
6. The Characteristics of Scientific Theories of Life
6.1. Evolution and selection: Charles Darwin’s theory of gradual evolution and the biochemical approach
6.2. The constitution of life, from DNA to developmental biology
6.3. Genes and their expression: an open problem
The deterministic rule
7. The Informational Interpretation of the Living
7.1. Origin of the living and bifurcation of the organizational law
The principle of action of the organizational law for the generation of life
Bifurcation of the organizational law
The new principle for the organization of life: the unification of the informational envelope with the membrane
The continuous action of informational control creating living organisms. 1) The creation of bacteria
2) The creation of cells
3) The creation of multicellular organisms
4) The generation of species
The creation of sexual reproduction
The reasons for the production of new organisms
An evolved living organism
The development of energy in the functioning of groups
7.2. Evolutionary reproduction
The evolution process of the organizational law of reproduction
The notion of informational agent of reproduction in living organisms
The formation of sexuality in organizations
General formation process of the living
Informational agent of reproduction
Reproductive actions of an organism by its reproductive agents
7.3. Informational action of reproduction of life with morphological patterns
The fundamental rule of the organizational law that formed all living things
Morphological patterns
The influence of an external morphological pattern on a living organism
7.4. The application of the organizational law in the reproduction process
The contextual thesis of reproduction at the informational level
The formation of brains
The bifurcation in the coactive informational organization of life on earth
Hypothesis on external organizational attractors
General morphological rule of evolutionary trend in reproduction:
7.5. The continuous evolution of life
The general rule of evolution of the system of life
General offspring formation process
The similarity between the generating system of an organization and the general system of informational organization
The evolution of the action of the organizational law in the production of life
7.6. The human species in the organizational evolution of life
The creation of Homo sapiens is the result of a strong evolution
The organizational action of the formation of the human brain
The distinction between the organizational process of the Universe and the generation of human mental forms
The importance of informational links between groups of humans
The power of group participation for humans
7.7. The informational envelope of the planet Earth today
B, C
D, E
G, H
L, M
O, Q
R, S
T, U
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This approach is characterized as ascending, because we start from the observation of the phenomenon and we try to represent it by variables and functions that describe its evolution. It is therefore assumed that there is a space available and that the physical phenomena that occur in this space with structured elements must be precisely described to measure their evolution.
At the base of everything that is done and calculated by computers, there is a very general and far-reaching scientific problem. To understand it well, we must approach the science of the calculable. Let us consider the problem of the mathematical calculation of integer functions. We are interested here in what can be done with the integers, that is, those going from zero to infinity, and used, for example, to count objects. This set is noted N, the set of natural numbers. We know, in mathematics, that we can calculate many things using integers, and we can define a lot of functions of the set of integers in itself. Indeed, we can code everything that is symbolic, everything that is cognitive with natural integers. Let us recall that any integer can be represented, if necessary, in base two, that is, with the two digits 0 and 1. We can generalize this and be interested in functions whose argument is formed by a sequence of n integers, the value of the function being another sequence of integers. In this case, we are interested in vectors of integers. We have thus defined all the functions with n integer arguments, and whose values are certain sequences of integers. We are in the domain of integer mathematics where any formula is in the form of a sequence of signs. We can encode this sequence of signs by integers and thus represent any mathematical formula by a sequence of vectors of integers. Any mathematical demonstration is, in the same way, a sequence of signs that can also be coded by integers. We can therefore see that the study of integer functions is a fundamental problem of the representation of mathematical language. The question is the following: since the formulas and the mathematical demonstrations of the domain of integers are finite sequences of signs, can we represent the demonstrations by programs? The answer will be yes, and for a very large set of functions and demonstrations.