Natural Environments and Human Health

Natural Environments and Human Health
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Описание книги

The role natural environments play in human health and wellbeing is attracting increasing attention. There is growing medical evidence that access to the natural environment can prevent disease, aid recovery, tackle obesity and improve mental health. This book examines the history of natural environments being used for stress-reduction, enjoyment, aesthetics and catharsis, and traces the development of the connection between humans and the environment, and how they impact our personal and collective health.


Alan W Ewert. Natural Environments and Human Health


Natural Environments and Human Health




1. Overview

Why This Book and Why Now

Who is This Book For?

Underlying Assumptions

Defining the Terms

Structure of this Book


2. Human Perceptions of Nature

What does Connected Mean? Are We Connected to Nature?

Evolutionary connections

Biological connections

Psychological/emotional and spiritual connections

What are WorldViews?

The History of WorldViews/Evolving WorldViews about Nature

First humans stage

Sacred cycle stage

Agricultural stage

Early modernity stage

Industrial stage

Technological stage

The Resultant Perception of Disconnection from Nature in Western Cultures: Where Are We Today?

The impact of a sense of landlessness

Emerging consciousness


3. The Historical Connection between Natural Environments and Health

Early Indigenous Conceptions of Health and Nature as Connection to the Earth’s Rhythms and Attachment to Mother Earth

Understanding the Spiritual Health Connection with Nature

Trees, spirituality, mythology, and metaphor

The Advent of Modern Medicine and New Therapies

Healing, hospitals, and herbs

Homeopathy, naturopathy, and Bach flower remedies: newer medical systems relying on nature

Vacation, parks, recreation, and well-being

Health through horticultural therapy

The Beginning of the Modern Environmental Movement: Ecology

The modern environmental movement, recreation, and understanding the Earth as an organism

Chapter Summary


4. Concepts and Theories

Evolutionary-Based Theories

Naturalistic intelligence

Biophilia hypothesis

Intra-indigenous or indigenous consciousness

Other evolutionary-grounded theories

Psychological and Sociological Theories

Identity and the natural environment

Psychologically ‘deep’ and extraordinary experiences


The peak experience

Transcendent experiences

Restoration and Restorative Environments

Psycho-evolutionary theory (PET)

Attention restoration theory (ART)

Intentionally Designed Experiences (IDEs)

Chapter Summary


5. Human Development and Nature*

What Do Children Need for Healthy Development?

Why is Time with Nature Critical for Children?

Attachment Theory

Learning Theories

Developmental Theories

The Practical Application of Theory: Time in Nature and Developmental Stages

Pregnancy to birth: becoming

Infancy: 0 to 6 months old

Infancy: 6 to 18 months old

Early childhood/toddlerhood: 18 months to 3 years old

Preschool/early childhood: 3 to 6 years old

School age/elementary: 6 to 12 years old

Adolescence: 13 to 19 years old


Toward death

What about Pollution in the Outdoors?

A Call to Action

Regenerativity: Reconnecting with Nature

Resources for Table 5.2


6. Adaptations and Applications

Cultural Adaptations

Folk biology

Traditional ecological knowledge (TEK)



Socio-ecological approach to human health


Spirituality: connecting directly with all that is

Ecopsychology, ecotherapy, nature therapy, and terrapsychology

Conservation and the development of a land ethic

Medicine from nature and conservation medicine

Citizen science*



7. Outcomes and Benefits

Research Background

Benefits from Exposure to Nature

Physiological benefits

Psychological benefits

Social well-being

Spiritual benefits of nature

Summary of Research on Benefits

Future Research


8. Sense of Place and the Role of Education

Why We Need a Land Ethic

Biophilia and a land ethic


Sense of place

Place and identity


The Role of Education

Educating for sense of place

Developing an ethic of care

Developing critical thinking skills

Developing ecoliteracy skills

‘Green’ schools

Forest kindergartens

Natural playgrounds

School environment and architecture

The Role of Public Land Management

Managing for sense of place

Inspiring Action


9. Innovative Approaches to Integrating Natural Environments and Health

An Overview of Adventure-Based Activities

Therapeutic and Educational Uses of Adventure

The Intersection of Adventure and Health

Is adventure beneficial to human health?

How is adventure beneficial?

Outward Bound process model

Components of the adventure experience

Interaction with the natural environment

Elements of risk and challenge

Uncertain outcomes

Intentionally Designed Experiences (IDEs) Within an Adventure Context

Adventure Experiences as Health-Transforming Experiences



10. Future Actions and Implications: Policy and Research—Take a Park, Not a Pill

Policy: Action and Implications

Life stages

Lifestyle factors

Social and community structure

Research and Evidence—Considerations for the Future


11. Resources

The Researchers

Judy Atkinson

Louise Chawla

Cheryl Charles

Susan Clayton

Marti Erickson

Howard Frumkin

Terry Hartig

Peter Kahn

Rachel and Stephen Kaplan

Stephen Kellert

Kalevi Korpela

Frances (Ming) Kuo

Cecily Maller

David Orr

Jules Pretty

Carolyn Raffensperger

Kate Rawles

Ted Schettler

Vandana Shiva

Mardi Townsend

Roger Ulrich

Nancy Wells

E.O. Wilson

Kathleen Wolf

Books of Interest

Films and Documentaries

Web Resources



Отрывок из книги

Natural Environments and Human Health

Indiana University, USA


Anderson, A. (2004) Real Medicine Real Health. Holographic Health Press, Waynesville, North Carolina.

Anon. (1964) Wilderness Act of 1964. 16 U.S.C. 1131–1136, 78 Stat. 890. United States of America.


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