Cosmos – Great Deceiver

Cosmos – Great Deceiver
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Реклама. ООО «ЛитРес», ИНН: 7719571260.

Описание книги

The picture of the starry sky does not at all reflect the real structure of our Universe. When you begin to investigate how the Universe is actually arranged, there arises a strong impression that you are watching the performance of a magician-illusionist in a circus. At every step you come across paradoxes, so every time you want to exclaim: “This cannot be!” What we can see in the sky is an illusion, and the real structure of the Universe carefully hides from us.


Aleksandr Khorev. Cosmos – Great Deceiver

Foreword for English speaking readers


Chapter 1. Length, width, height

Chapter 2. Energy

Chapter 3. Time

Chapter 4. Universe device

Chapter 5. What our Universe may look like in reality

Chapter 6. Speed of light

Chapter 7. Gravity

Chapter 8. Big Bang

Chapter 9. Space

Chapter 10. Observer and source

Chapter 11. Expansion of the Universe

Chapter 12. Proton and electron

Chapter 13. Vacuum and emptiness

Chapter 14. Back to front information


Отрывок из книги

I started writing this book in 2010, that is, ten years ago, and transferred the finished version to the publishing house two years ago. Since then, my views on the structure of our Universe have not changed. Moreover, since I am constantly interested in the opinions of scientists, I began to find confirmation of the correctness of my views on the structure of the Universe in the relevant sections of the Internet. For example, it used to be that our Universe was as flat as a blanket. I believed that our Universe is a flat surface of a ball. And recently, materials began to come across to me that some scientists also believe that our Universe is a ball. Here, for example, is one quote: “Everything that we know about the shape of the Universe may be a mistake. It is possible that our Universe is not flat, but spherical, the authors of a new study say. The results of their work were published on Monday (November 4) in the journal Nature Astronomy.” And another quote: “A team of scientists led by the cosmologist of the University of Manchester, Eleonora Di Valentino decided to cast doubt on the fundamental characteristic of the Universe – its shape. As it known, most of the available astronomical observations speak in favor of a model of a flat Universe, in which light moves in a straight line. Nevertheless, the authors of a new study say that outer space surrounding us can be curved and closed like a giant sphere, and light rays frame this space in a circle and return to the starting point. The findings of the scientists are based on the new data published last year by the Planck mission – the astronomical satellite of the European Space Agency (ESA), which was in space from 2009 to 2013.”

I gave an example about only one of my assumptions, and not the main one.


With some things, I more or less figured out, in any case, I was able to isolate and mark the individual details of the space device. But still, as I went deeper into the cosmic problems, I didn’t leave the feeling that I didn’t grasp the overall picture that made up these details. There is only a feeling that this picture is very peculiar. It is fundamentally different from the understanding of the cosmos, not only ordinary people, but also scientists.

Well, now, it seems, I said everything.


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