Читать книгу Аутсорсинг на рынке ценных бумаг - Александр Юрицин - Страница 1
Иванова Л.Н., доцент кафедры экономики и финансовой политики экономического факультета Омского государственного университета им. Ф.М. Достоевского, кандидат экономических наук, доцент.
A. A. Yuritsyn
Ivanova L.N., Associate Professor of Economics and Financial Policy Department of Economics Faculty; Dostoevsky Omsk State University; PhD in Economics, Associate Professor.
Outsourcing in the securities market: monograph. / А.А. Yuritsyn. – M.: Yustitsinform, 2017. – 268 p.
ISBN 978-5-7205-1409-9
The monograph reveals the actual aspects of the practical application of outsourcing tool on the securities market. The possibility of using the outsourcing by various participants of the stock market is justified. Within the framework of the algorithm for the use of outsourcing, macroeconomic factors and perspective directions of outsourcing application by securities issuers are indicated. Also the questions of appropriateness of these relations are studied. Based on the study of legal framework for the functioning of professional subjects of securities market, possible areas of outsourcing application in their activities are identified.
The work is aimed at a wide range of scientists, professional subjects of the securities market, as well as regulators and entrepreneurs.
Key words: outsourcing characteristics, outsourcing classification, outsourcing agreement, securities issuers, functions of securities issuers, macroeconomic problems of financial market, appropriateness of outsourcing, algorithm of outsourcing application, professional subjects of securities market.