A man with a tree growing out of his head? A woman with children made of wax? A bird that can be milked? With more stories from his original celebration of African folktales, The Girl Who Married A Lion, let Alexander McCall Smith once again take you to a land where the bizarre is everyday and magic is real.
Alexander McCall Smith. The Baboons Who Went This Way And That: Folktales From Africa
Folktales from Africa:
Guinea Fowl Child
A Girl Who Lived In A Cave
Milk Bird
Children Of Wax
Bad Uncles
Why Elephant And Hyena Live Far From People
The Wife Who Could Not Work
Bad Blood
Two Bad Friends
How A Strange Creature Took The Place Of A Girl And Then Fell Into A Hole
Head Tree
The Grandmother Who Was Kind To A Smelly Girl
The Baboons Who Went This Way And That
The Thathana Moratho Tree
Chicken, Hawk And The Missing Needle
Morategi And His Two Wives
The Miracle Tree
The Goat And The Jackal
Also by Alexander McCall Smith
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The girl agreed to this, as she knew that nearby cave. It was comfortable and cool, and she thought she would be happy there. As the rest of the family disappeared down the path that led to their new place, she took her mat and her pots to the cave and set them on a ledge at the back. Then, since it was beginning to get dark, she rolled the rock in the front into position. Inside the cave, it was pitch black, but the girl felt safe and she slept well that first night.
The next day, the girl’s brother paid her a visit to see how she was. She told him of how comfortable she had been in the cave and of how well she had slept.