The Kashf al-mahjúb: The oldest Persian treatise on Súfiism

Реклама. ООО «ЛитРес», ИНН: 7719571260.
'Ali ibn 'Usman Hujviri. The Kashf al-mahjúb: The oldest Persian treatise on Súfiism
The Kashf al-mahjúb: The oldest Persian treatise on Súfiism
Table of Contents
CHAPTER I. On the Affirmation of Knowledge
CHAPTER II. On Poverty
CHAPTER IV. On the Wearing of Patched Frocks (Muraqqa`át)
CHAPTER V. On the Different Opinions held concerning Poverty and Purity
CHAPTER VI. On Blame (Malámat)
CHAPTER VII. Concerning their Imáms who belonged to the Companions
2.The Caliph `Umar b. al-Khaṭṭáb
3. The Caliph `Uthmán b. `Affán
4. The Caliph `Alí b. Abí Ṭálib
CHAPTER VIII. Concerning their Imáms who belonged to the House of the Prophet
1. Ḥasan b. `Alí
2. Ḥusayn b. `Alí
3. `Alí b. Ḥusayn b. `Alí, called Zayn al-`Ábidín
4. Abú Ja`far Muḥammad b. `Alí b. Ḥusayn al-Báqir
5. Abú Muḥammad Ja`far b. Muḥammad Ṣádiq
CHAPTER IX. Concerning the People of the Veranda (Ahl-i Ṣuffa)
CHAPTER X. Concerning their Imáms who belonged to the Followers (al-Tábi`ún)
1. Uways al-Qaraní
2. Harim b. Ḥayyán
3. Ḥasan of Baṣra
4. Sa`íd b. al-Musayyib
CHAPTER XI. Concerning their Imáms who lived subsequently to the Followers (al-Tábi`ún) down to our day
1. Ḥabíb al-`Ajamí
2. Málik b. Dínár
3. Abú Ḥalím Ḥabíb b. Salím[57] al-Rá`í
4. Abú Ḥázim al-Madaní
5. Muḥammad b. Wási`
6. Abú Ḥanífa Nu`mán b. Thábit al-Kharráz
7. `Abdalláh b. Mubárak al-Marwazí
8. Abú `Alí al-Fuḍayl b. `Iyáḍ
9. Abu ´l-Fayḍ Dhu ´l-Nún b. Ibráhím al-Miṣrí
10. Abú Isḥáq Ibráhím b. Adham b. Manṣúr
11. Bishr b. al-Ḥárith al-Ḥáfí
12. Abú Yazíd Ṭayfúr b. `Ísá al-Bisṭámí
13. Abú `Abdalláh al-Ḥárith b. Asad al-Muḥásibí
14. Abú Sulaymán Dáwud b. Nuṣayr al-Ṭá´í
15. Abu ´l-Ḥasan Sarí b. Mughallis al-Saqaṭí
16. Abú `Alí Shaqíq b. Ibráhím al-Azdí
17. Abú Sulaymán `Abd al-Raḥmán b.`Atiyya al-Dárání
18. Abú Maḥfúẕ Ma`rúf b. Fírúz al-Karkhí
19. Abú `Abd al-Raḥmán Ḥátim b. `Ulwán[73] al-Aṣamm
20. Abú `Abdalláh Muḥammad b. Idrís al-Sháfi`í
21. The Imám Aḥmad b. Ḥanbal
22. Abu ´l-Ḥasan Aḥmad b. Abi ´l-Ḥawárí
23. Abú Ḥámid Aḥmad b. Khaḍrúya al-Balkhí
24. Abú Turáb `Askar b. al-Ḥusayn al-Nakhshabí al-Nasafí
25. Abú Zakariyyá Yaḥyá b. Mu`ádh al-Rází
26. Abú Ḥafṣ `Amr b. Sálim[75] al-Níshápúrí al-Ḥaddádí.[76]
27. Abú Ṣáliḥ Ḥamdún b. Aḥmad b. `Umára al-Qaṣṣár
28. Abu ´l-Sarí Manṣúr b. `Ammár
29. Abú `Abdalláh Aḥmad b. `Áṣim al-Inṭákí
30. Abú Muḥammad `Abdalláh b. Khubayq
31. Abu ´l-Qásim al-Junayd b. Muḥammad b. al-Junayd al-Baghdádí
32. Abu ´l-Ḥasan Aḥmad b. Muḥammad al-Núrí
33. Abú `Uthmán Sa`íd b. Ismá`íl al-Ḥírí
34. Abú `Abdalláh Aḥmad b. Yaḥyá al-Jallá
35. Abú Muḥammad Ruwaym b. Aḥmad
36. Abú Ya`qúb Yúsuf b. al-Ḥusayn al-Rází
37. Abu ´l-Ḥasan Sumnún b. `Abdalláh al-Khawwáṣ
38. Abu ´l-Fawáris Sháh Shujá` al-Kirmání
39. `Amr b. `Uthmán al-Makkí
40. Abú Muḥammad Sahl b. `Abdalláh al-Tustarí
41. Abú Muḥammad `Abdalláh Muḥammad b. al-Faḍl al-Balkhí
42. Abú `Abdalláh Muḥammad b. `Alí al-Tirmidhí
43. Abú Bakr Muḥammad b. `Umar al-Warráq
44. Abú Sa`id Aḥmad b. `Ísá al-Kharráz
45. Abu ´l-Ḥasan `Alí b. Muḥammad al-Iṣfahání
46. Abu ´l-Ḥasan Muḥammad b. Ismá`íl Khayr al-Nassáj
47. Abú Ḥamza al-Khurásání
48. Abu ´l-`Abbás Aḥmad b. Masrúq
49. Abú `Abdalláh Muḥammad[94] b. Ismá`íl al-Maghribí
50. Abú `Alí al-Ḥasan b. `Alí al-Júzajání
51. Abú Muḥammad Aḥmad b. al-Ḥusayn al-Jurayrí
52. Abu ´l-`Abbás Aḥmad b. Muḥammad b. Sahl al-Ámulí
53. Abu ´l-Mughíth al-Ḥusayn b. Manṣúr al-Ḥalláj
54. Abú Isḥáq Ibráhím b. Aḥmad al-Khawwáṣ
55. Abú Ḥamza al-Baghdádí al-Bazzáz
56. Abú Bakr Muḥammad b. Músá al-Wásiṭí
57. Abú Bakr b. Dulaf b. Jaḥdar al-Shiblí
58. Abú Muḥammad Ja`far b. Nuṣayr al-Khuldí
59. Abú `Alí Muḥammad b. al-Qásim al-Rúdbárí
60. Abu ´l-`Abbás Qásim b. al-Mahdí[98] al-Sayyárí
61. Abú `Abdalláh Muḥammad b. Khafíf
62. Abú `Uthmán Sa`íd b. Sallám al-Maghribí
63.Abu ´l-Qásim Ibráhím b. Muḥammad b. Maḥmúd al-Naṣrábádí
64. Abu ´l-Ḥasan `Alí b. Ibráhím al-Ḥuṣrí
CHAPTER XII. Concerning the principal Ṣúfís of recent times
1. Abu ´l-`Abbás Aḥmad b. Muḥammad al-Qaṣṣáb
2. Abú `Alí Ḥasan b. Muḥammad al-Daqqáq
3. Abu ´l-Ḥasan `Alí b. Aḥmad al-Khurqání
4. Abú `Abdalláh Muḥammad b. `Alí, generally known as al-Dástání
5. Abú Sa`íd Faḍlalláh b. Muḥammad al-Mayhaní
6. Abu ´l-Faḍl Muḥammad b. al-Ḥasan al-Khuttalí
7. Abu ´l-Qásim `Abd al-Karím b. Hawázin al-Qushayrí
8. Abu ´l-`Abbás Aḥmad b. Muḥammad al-Ashqání
9. Abu ´l-Qásim b. `Alí b. `Abdalláh al-Gurgání (may God prolong his life for the benefit of us and of all Moslems!)
10. Abú Aḥmad al-Muẕaffar b. Aḥmad b. Ḥamdán
CHAPTER XIII. A brief account of the modern Ṣúfís in different countries
1. Syria and `Iráq
2. Fárs
3.Quhistán, Ádharbáyaján, Ṭabaristán, and Kish.[105]
4. Kirmán
5. Khurásán (where now is the shadow of God’s favour)
6. Transoxiana
CHAPTER XIV. Concerning the Doctrines held by the different sects of Ṣúfís
1.The Muḥásibís
Discourse on the true nature of Satisfaction and the explanation of this doctrine
The distinction between a “State” (ḥál) and a “Station” (maqám)
2. The Qaṣṣárís
3. The Ṭayfúrís
Discourse on Intoxication and Sobriety
4. The Junaydís
5. The Núrís
Discourse on Preference (íthár)
6. The Sahlís
Discourse touching the true nature of the Lower Soul (nafs) and the meaning of Passion (hawá)
Discourse on the Mortification of the Lower Soul
Discourse on the true nature of Passion (hawá)
7. The Ḥakímís
Discourse on the Affirmation of Saintship (wiláyat)
Discourse on the Affirmation of Miracles (karámát)
Discourse on the difference between Evidentiary Miracles (mu`jizát) and Miracles (karámát)
Discourse on the performance of miracles belonging to the evidentiary class by those who pretend to godship
Discourse concerning their Miracles
Discourse on the Superiority of the Prophets to the Saints
Discourse on the Superiority of the Prophets and Saints to the Angels
8.The Kharrázís
Discourse on Subsistence (baqá) and Annihilation (faná)
9.The Khafífís
Discourse on Absence (ghaybat) and Presence (ḥuḍúr)
10. Sayyárís
Discourse on Union (jam`) and Separation (tafriqa)
11. The Ḥulúlís
Discourse on the Spirit (al-rúḥ)
CHAPTER XV. The Uncovering of the First Veil: Concerning the Gnosis of God (ma`rifat Allah)
CHAPTER XVI. The Uncovering of the Second Veil: Concerning Unification (tawḥíd)
CHAPTER XVII. The Uncovering of the Third Veil: Concerning Faith (ímán)
CHAPTER XVIII. The Uncovering of the Fourth Veil: Concerning Purification from Foulness
Chapter concerning Repentance and its Corollaries
CHAPTER XIX. The Uncovering of the Fifth Veil: Concerning Prayer (al-ṣalát)
Chapter concerning Love and matters connected therewith
CHAPTER XX. The Uncovering of the Sixth Veil: Concerning Alms (al-zakát)
CHAPTER XXI. The Uncovering of the Seventh Veil: On Fasting (al-ṣawm)
Chapter on Hunger and matters connected with it
CHAPTER XXII. The Uncovering of the Eighth Veil: Concerning the Pilgrimage
CHAPTER XXIII. The Uncovering of the Ninth Veil: Concerning Companionship, together with its Rules and Principles
Chapter on Companionship and matters connected therewith
Chapter concerning the Rules of Companionship
Chapter on the Rules of Companionship affecting Residents
CHAPTER XXIV. The Uncovering of the Tenth Veil: explaining their phraseology and the definitions of their terms and the verities of the ideas which are signified
Muḥáḍarat and Mukáshafat, and the difference between them
Qabḍ and Basṭ, and the difference between them
Musámarat and Muḥádathat, and the difference between them
CHAPTER XXV. The Uncovering of the Eleventh Veil: Concerning Audition (samá`)
Chapter on the Audition of the Koran and kindred matters
Chapter on the Audition of Poetry, etc
Chapter on the Audition of Voices and Melodies
Chapter on the Principles of Audition
Chapter on the various opinions respecting Audition
Chapter concerning their different grades in the reality of Audition
Chapter on Wajd and Wujúd and Tawájud
Chapter on Dancing, etc
Chapter on the Rending of Garments (fi ´l-kharq)
Chapter on the Rules of Audition
I. Names of Persons, Peoples, Tribes, Sects, and Places
II. Subjects, Oriental Words, and Technical Terms
III. Books
Отрывок из книги
‘Ali ibn ‘Usman Hujviri
Published by Good Press, 2021
43. Abú Bakr Muḥammad b. `Umar al-Warráq.
44. Abú Sa`id Aḥmad b. `Ísá al-Kharráz.