Disaster in Paradise

Disaster in Paradise
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Реклама. ООО «ЛитРес», ИНН: 7719571260.

Описание книги

On the morning of July 12, 2012, Mandy Bath left her picturesque home and garden in Johnson’s Landing, BC, for a day trip to nearby Kaslo. She had no forewarning of what the placid summer day would bring. But just over an hour later, a massive landslide tore into the community, destroying her home and killing four people: Valentine Webber, aged 60, and his daughters, 22-year-old Diana and 17-year-old Rachel, along with 64-year-old Petra Frehse. Returning the next day to search for her cat, Mandy narrowly avoided being buried beneath a second slide. Disaster in Paradise tells a story of survival, grief and recovery, as Mandy and the other residents of Johnson’s Landing gradually rebuild their community in the wake of the tragedy. Mandy eloquently details her own experience of trauma and healing, and weaves in the stories of other residents and volunteers in the rescue and recovery missions as the community bands together to collectively mourn their loss. The story is grounded by the author’s intimate knowledge of the Johnson’s Landing community, but also reflects the greater themes of loss, perseverance and bravery that arise in natural disasters everywhere.


Amanda Bath. Disaster in Paradise

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Christopher and I fell in love on Manitoulin Island in Ontario, in the summer of 1992, two years after we first met at his family’s summer cabin there. We sat down together on the rocky shore, as the moon scattered a pathway of diamond light towards us across Lake Huron, and made plans for our future. “Could you live in Canada, do you think?” Christopher asked me. I assured him that I most certainly could. One city was much like another, right?

“Right,” he agreed. “How would it be if we moved west to British Columbia?”


The day dawned as perfect a summer’s day as you could wish for. The glass crystal that hung in the kitchen window sent rainbows of morning sunlight dancing over the walls and ceiling. A chipmunk scurried along the window ledge among the leaves and tendrils of Virginia creeper that had smothered the east wall and gradually crept across the windowpane. We hacked it back whenever it threatened to hide our view behind leafy fingers of soft green light.

A longer email from Loran, sent in the early hours, described what he was observing in Gar Creek. My heart sank as I read about the increasingly powerful surges in water volume. I wrote an email to everyone in the community describing my concern that the bank might give way under the pressure from the one culvert that was channelling almost all the water. I wrote, “I wonder if Highways could be persuaded to come out to clear the blocked culvert? It would also prevent the road itself from washing out.” Then I shut my MacBook and hurried to get dressed because Jillian and I were going to Kaslo.


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