Читать книгу Sensei of Shambala. Book IV - Anastasia Novykh - Страница 1



The voice became silent. But in a few instants the words sounded in the darkness with a new force.

“Creation of the universe is mastered

By His great hand.

As a skillful Master of creation

He adds new colours.

Bright colours of the nature,

Blue river canvas,

Bunch of wildflowers,

Blue of great mountains.

But mostly He is attracted

By the invisible flight of the Soul

In fearless gaze of a young and old man,

And of that one who is close to God and comes to Him.

And they are not stopped on their great


By any illusive burden of existence,

That attacks in this instant

As pain, despair and poverty.

Since they are led by great Will

Of the One, whose Essence is Love.

The choice is given and it is Freedom,

And Knowledge of that secret

Hidden in cover of only four masterpieces.

And if you open that cover and will see the boundary of the Extreme Lotus,

You will cognize what is thrice written by the hand

Of the One who embodied the Voice of

God into a covenant.

That Truth hides the universe,

It keeps a secret seal,

If you tears if off, you will lessen the

Imaginary people’s values

But what you will find there is more precious that the world,

More valuable than what lies beyond its boundaries,

And it is deemed to be long forgotten,

As it is a key to the Word given.

The one who strives to God, can’t be stopped,

The one who wants power over the world, is welcome!

You will decide which way to chose,

When you utter the Word of 12 which creates everything.

But remember that now in you power

Is the destiny of worlds, the destiny of people.

Be careful and passionless

Be reasonable in your wishes.

As He entrusted the brush for some time,

That creates the world from nothing.

But this instant will be over as well

So be worthy to look into His eyes with Honour!

This secret makes clear many things,

It gives the chance and peculiarity to the one

Who wants to know the Truth with a sincere heart

Who is faithful only to God and comes to Him!”

* * *

Life is so amazing, so many-sided, diverse and unpredictable both for the whole nations, and for each man individually. Its events, hidden and evident, are transient and impressive. Their invisible trace they leave in people’s memory is mysterious. They don’t only leave but unnoticeably change the future destiny both of a man and of nations, depending on their own choice.

Reading once more my diary from the point of view of independent mature age and recalling those years I all the same come to the conclusion that that last day of rest on the sea coast of our young that time company headed by Sensei became one of the most important days in my life. It was the day which not only left indelible impressions but deeply changed my world view, understanding of the global structure of this world and strengthened more my spiritual positions and clearly determined the sense of my life. And I’m grateful to Sensei for that as the coming years of my formation as a personality gave me the possibility to understand more deeply what he had told us that time.

* * *

After the visit of an unexpected guest called Ariman to our tent “camp” located on the sea coast far from civilization I didn’t have a chance to sleep well. All the night I was tortured by terrible nightmares connected with the events of the day before. Slaves, crowd, rule of Archons, mean eyes of Veliar, friendly smile of Ariman. And all of that was against a background of some internal depression and despair. Not only that this serial of total thrillers projected from the subconscience to my dream stretched out till the morning, it was accompanied by different external “trick effects” emitted by Tatiana, my neighbor in the tent. I should say, she also suffered all the night: she moaned, quivered with the whole body, suddenly stretched out her hands. As our tent was small for two of us, so I naturally reacted sensibly to all this sound and martial process of Tatiana’s dream, and was awaken terrified by those “trick effects” supplementing my “horror film”. So, that night was more than “joyous”.

Nevertheless at down I managed to fall asleep. But my peaceful dream in its final series lasted not long. At the end, obviously for the “spectator” to be kept impressed by this “horror”, I dreamt of something so terrible that I was abruptly awakened out of fear, and even after I opened my eyes, I couldn’t understand whether it was all true. But when I realized that that terrifying “reality” was just a dream, I sighed with such a relief as if a load was off my mind. A human needs so little sometimes to feel happy, he has just to wake up from the reality alien to him.

In silence I laughed at myself. Why was I so confused yesterday and paid so much attention to the old wives’ tales of Ariman? Now it came to such a result. I wondered if it’s possible to control my dreams, or what is better, to manage them. A thought came across my mind that when an opportunity offers, I should ask Sensei about that in details. Since we waste for dreams almost eight hours per day! And by the way, is it a dream at all? As once Nikolai Andreevich, psychotherapist by profession, said, a dream is just an altered state of consciousness. If it’s so, it can be managed for the benefit of the Spiritual nature. Why should we waste the entire eight hours per day in vain, giving them to the power of our Animal nature?! It shouldn’t be like that! I’m sure that there should be a way to use this time more rationally. Life is so short and every minute is precious in it if it’s lived for the benefit to the Spiritual nature.

However, as soon as I put my thoughts in relative order, there appeared another problem. Suddenly I felt some bitter after-taste in my mouth that began to be filled by profuse saliva as if I half-bit a thick lemon segment. This unusual for me sensation caused in its turn a vivid recollection of the day before. It was Ariman (unexpected guest who visited us with his own luxurious yacht and spent almost the whole day with us) who accompanied our group on the way to rest houses and proposed us to test the power of our subconsciousness. We immediately agreed on it, except for Nikolai Andreevich and Sensei who left us a bit behind when talking about something of their own. Ariman held a short verbal “performance” helping us to concentrate, and after that almost all of us felt for some reason that strange lemon after-taste in the mouth. Ariman promised us that next morning as soon as we wake up, our subconsciousness will reproduce in mind word-for-word everything he told us during his visit. Of course, we didn’t believe it. And Eugene even said that “there will be just a few drops from the whole flow that would leak through his personal mill-ponds and dams”. Our guest smiled him in reply and fixing his gaze on the guy’s eyes promised him the whole spring flood with broad overflows. Surely, we didn’t take it for serious that time. But now…

After practically a sudden flash of memories concerning that scene of the day before, my thoughts, as if it were a repeated broadcasting, began to transmit the speech of Ariman. And what was more striking, it was so word-for-word that I was first even scared and confused. But then I quickly found my diary and started to write down there everything in order not to forget it. However it seemed the last thing was quite impossible. After I spent some time for writing all of that I decided to read it again in order not to forget something. And my memory reproduced the same text, repeating it again and again, as a gramophone record. This time my person panicked strongly of course as I got it finally that my stupidity and naivety brought me like a bird to the cunningly knitted clap-net of my subconsciousness nicely decorated by the words of Ariman. What a pity that I underestimated my memory the day before! And all of that because of my ignorance, so to say “just for fun”. What a “fun”, indeed! Now someone is having fun for sure, but not me. Why are we, people, so strange?! All the time we have doubts, please our Ego, and just play about the knowledge, but don’t cognize. And as a result we get into a tough spot, so it’s high time to cry “Help! SOS! Help me!” However often, whatever hard you cry, if you drown you can save your life only yourself. The same story happened to myself.

Well, it was my own fault, so I had myself to correct my mistakes. It was high time to put my thoughts to order. As an “emergency help” I tried to distract my attention from that “turbulent torrent” and to concentrate on the meditation of Lotus flower. First it didn’t work, because one or another phrase from Ariman’s speech constantly diverted my thoughts. And I couldn’t get rid of that obtrusiveness unless I understood that that thoughts flow didn’t distract my attention but attracted. It meant that I wanted to listen to it, or if to put it correctly, not me, but my Animal nature. So what’s the matter? My wishes are up to me! Having realized my mistake, I began to make my practice of Lotus flower more purposefully since all my wishes and intentions united in one flow of concentration, ignoring all the rest.

Though the Ariman’s speech calmed down, it continued to remain on some second background of my thoughts. Well, Ariman is Ariman! That’s why I decided to use as big guns a new meditation of Lotus flower which was last time told us by Sensei during one of the meditation trainings when he narrated about the endless variety of Lotus. Before that my attempts to master the new meditation were obviously fruitless though Sensei emphasized many times that all depends on the human himself, on his inner nature. But this time evidently due to purity and sincerity of my intentions, the Lotus flower showed itself in a completely unusual way.

When I achieved the clear concentration on the solar plexus, suddenly I saw with some internal vision my Lotus flower! I clear saw it, and not imagined as usually. This flower was beautiful. I have never seen this in my life! Snow-white petals irradiated bright but at the same time very soft light. And the center of the flower gleamed with some golden glow. And what was most striking this divine flower was alive! I noticed that the more I gave it my tenderness and love, the more it reacted to my sincere feelings by waving its very tender and pure little petals. First this waving was slightly noticeable, very alive, I would call it “breathing”. And then the flower began like waking up and showing itself more and more. At some instant it seemed to me but then I really heard very pleasant sound outgoing from one of the waving petals, it was as if sweet singing of a light breeze. Following it another petal sounded its way, producing by vibration a wonderful sound which wasn’t alike any of sounds I knew before. After it the third petal “showed” itself in this increasing melody. And just in a few instants I fully sank into the charming symphony of Lotus which consisted of harmonious, delicate, very pleasant to hear sounds. This music just enchanted by its divine sounds. And the more I sank into it, the more I had increasing feeling of internal all-embracing joy and endless freedom. But the most striking was the feeling when this outstanding sound emanated from Lotus began to turn to the bright soft light which wrapped me up from all the sides filling inside by its wonderful purity. It generated such a feeling of complete joy I never felt before that I dissolved in it fully sinking to the indescribable bliss. As if I disappeared with my body. Only Lotus remained and the cognition of the huge universal Love!

Leaving the state of meditation I felt myself so splendid that I wanted to embrace the whole world. I was in the perfect mood. And what was most striking, there reigned in my thoughts absolute clarity and purity of consciousness. There was no hint on presence of “gramophone record” with Ariman’s speech. Full with optimism, joy from successful meditation and so significant for me victory in gaining morning revenge over my Animal nature, I went out of the tent. First what I saw was a very funny scene.

* * *

On the sea coast, not far from canes Eugene sat in lotus position, with a bucket on his head. He fanned himself with some bunch of grass from time to time, with the lonely cane sticking up as a pistil. Stas was sitting near him on the stool and looked at his friend pensively. Victor washed himself in the basin not far from his tent. He splashed with great pleasure, so water scattered in the air to all sides. Sensei and Nikolai Andreevich were walking at the same time alongside the coast towards our tent camp. Some of our guys were swimming far in the sea, so far that only the crown of the head was seen. It was the distance right only for Volodya, if to take into consideration that Sensei and Nikolai Andreevich who were as good as him were that time on the coast.

I came closer to Stas, greeted him and just wanted to question about that unusual Eugene’s pose as Kostya climbed out of his tent. He stretched himself with pleasure and began to do some morning exercises but stopped at once having seen Eugene with a smoked bucket on the head. First his face showed sincere surprize which immediately turned to a grin. Having forgotten about the exercises Kostya approached lazily Stas and merrily asked, “I see that Eugene decided to change his profession from a wrong-way-guide to a shaman? Or does he play an alien? Well, he even has found an antenna! What for? For data transmission to a UFO?”

“It’s not an antenna, it’s a panicle,” Stas answered him patiently as if Kostya wasn’t the first who asked him such questions.

“A panicle?!” Kostya burst laughing looking at Eugene who waved again around himself with that “antenna”. “Why does he need it with a bucket?”

“The panicle is to brush aside flies, and the bucket to shield the thoughts,” Stas explained in a monotonous and absolutely serious way.

“What? Shield the thoughts?!” Kostya laughed once again.

At his laugh Andrew crawled out of his tent, evidently out of curiosity. Rubbing his sleepy eyes he joined our merry company.

“What are you doing here?” He was amazed not less than Kostya looking embarrassed at Eugene.

Stas hemmed.

“Don’t you see? We are taking a crash course of repulsing enemies attacks with aggressive thoughts, of endurability and survivalism of positive thoughts in especially unfavorable conditions. Briefly saying, it’s the struggle with arimanism.”

“What do you mean under arimanism?” Andrew didn’t get it.

Stas shifted his gaze from Eugene to Andrew’s sleepy baggy face.

“Are you ok, guys? My dear friends, you seem not to wake up yet. Don’t worry, it will happen to you soon as well!”

“It sounds like a promising start!” smiled Andrew.

Kostya declared with a triumph in his voice citing one of his favorite classics, “A wise man is superior to any insults which can be put upon him, and the best reply to unseemly behavior is patience and moderation!”

“Well, well,” grinned Stas and stared at Eugene again.

Andrew immediately responded to Kostya’s words and uttered with a snicker, “Which magnifying glass have you used this night in order to find the traces of wisdom in yourself?”

Kostya returned to Andrew in stilted style, “You know, respected Andrian, the son of your father. We, I mean “my Majesty and my Highness”, judge the wisdom not through the things which might seem for some narrow-minded persons to be living essentials in the night, rather we judge them exclusively from their pragmatic use. Since the clever man differs from the wise one, as the clever one knows how to come out of a difficulty and the wise one just avoids it.”

Such a Kostya’s speech made even Eugene to raise a little his bucket and looking at the guy from his shelter he said quite amazed, “No so bad!”

Our group rolled with laughter. And Eugene collected himself and hurried up to put on the bucket again and to continue his experiment.

“But why do you need a bucket?” Andrew asked laughing Stas.

“I explain once again for dummies. Ariman seems to have established a very strong telepathic connection to all of us. Therefore, as Nikolai Andreevich said in the morning, everybody protects him as he can. As you know, a thought is material and it’s a certain wave. The brain serves as a receiver. In order to break the constant contact, you should either isolate a source transmitting these waves, or a receiver. The source is located beyond our control, therefore we have to isolate a receiver. So Eugene is trying to screen himself with a bucket from this influence.”

“Well, now is clear,” drawled Andrew with a smile. “It means that Eugene exhausted his patience and he decided to help himself with the bucket?”

“Who exhausted the patience?!” Eugene rumbled in his bucket like a metal robot and taking it off from his head he added, “My patience is endless, it’s firm like steel! But extra vigilance has never been excessive.” And already addressing to Stas he uttered, “No, the bucket doesn’t help.”

“Why do you try then to isolate radio-waves with an iron?!” Kostya interfered inspired by the experiment of the senior guys. “As far as I know, only the lead can be used for it.”

Eugene immediately was jokingly indignant at that.

“You, dunderhead, want to say that my bright head needs to be put to the accumulator?”

“Why to the accumulator?!” Kostya laughed with all. “You may just wet the towel and wrap it around the head.”

“Right!” Andrew backed him. “Then your brain will feel better and the isolation will be good.”

Eugene looked with an unfavourable eye at these two advisors and then slightly grinning put the bucket on the sand and resolutely directed his steps towards Victor. The latter having finished his morning ablution dried himself with a towel and watched at Eugene’s clownery.

Eugene came close to Victor and began to take away the towel from him, “Stop rubbing! You shine like polished. Give me the towel, don’t be greedy.”

“Here you are, take it,” our seniour sempai smiled at that. “You may even take it for ever! I don’t grudge anything for my friend.”

“Of course, he doesn’t,” ironically uttered Stas, “especially when it’s my towel!”

Our group laughed again. Meanwhile Eugene took the terry-towel, wetted it in the water and without twisting it began to wrap it around his head like a turban. This made him look like an icicle melting down in the full blaze of the spring sun.

Right in that moment Sensei and Nikolai Andreevich came up to our group.

“Do you have a headache?” Nikolai Andreevich asked with care in his voice.

“No, he tries to screen himself against radio-waves this was,” explained Andrew while Eugene collected his thoughts to find a proper answer.

“How can you protect yourself with a wet towel from radio-waves?” the doctor said with a smile.

“Indeed!” interfered Victor combing back his resistant forelock. “I wanted to tell him this but he didn’t give me a chance to utter a word! The water is on the contrary a conductor. A dry matter can be a dielectric.”

With these words Eugene glanced at Kostya and Andrew in a severe way, took off the towel from his head and started to twist it in a demonstrative manner like a whip. Andrew and Kostya exchanged their cunning looks and disappeared in canes under the loud laugh of the other guys, so to say, to get out of harm’s way.

We stood in one circle together with Sensei. Stas used this opportunity and addressed to him, “But if to speak seriously, Sensei, please, forgive us! We were yesterday fools and losers. Word of honour, we feel so sorry and ashamed for that,” the guy put his hand to the heart and said it in a sincere way.

“Sensei, indeed,” Victor agreed to him, “Forgive us! Frankly speaking, I didn’t expect that I’m so full of arimanism, empty egocentrism. I was led like a stupid ass. Now I hate myself for it!”

“That’s true,” I thought listening to such revelations of the seniour guys. “And I was also so stupid! Sensei spent so much time for us, he wanted us not to believe blindly but to make a deliberate choice, pay high tribute to the spiritual things and understand what life is. And we behaved like pigs! Ariman needed less that half of the day to dip us into the mess of endless material wishes of our Animal nature! He smartly gained our confidence, made up a show giving us unobtrusive advices which attracted our Animal nature like dog hearing a whistle of his Master. He made such a subtle substitution of our strives to the spiritual life by the hell of the material world which we have to overcome, according to him, in order to realize our wishes.”

“We didn’t expect that the matter would catch us so yesterday,” Stas uttered sadly almost in unison with my thoughts. “It’s such a deceit! When I have realized all of it… My conscience tortured me the whole night! And this… ostrich beside me, too.”

The guy nodded towards Eugene. We also looked to that direction. Meanwhile Eugene kneeled, pulled his t-shirt on the head and quickly dug his head to the dry sand, obviously testing a new way of “waves screening” advised to him by Victor. Our company involuntarily grinned looking at Eugene. But then we glanced seriously back to Sensei.

“Well,” Victor sighed sadly, “we thought that nothing will lead us astray from the spiritual way. But this time we behaved like… Forgive us, please…”

“Alright, guys,” Sensei uttered in a friendly manner. “You are just people. If you understood all of that, that’s good. It means he didn’t visit in vain…” Sensei kept silence for a bit looking at us with some pensative kind-hearted gaze and then he said merrily, “Alright, drag this ostrich out, let’s go swimming!”

Our company felt relief. Faces of the guys brightened, a mark of fear and inner suffering disappeared. These simple human words meant for us really a lot. Once again I was amazed by Sensei’s Essence. He turned out to be even in such a situation a very humane Human. Since if to analyze it, it means that by our yesterday’s behaviour and stupid wishes we just betrayed Sensei, betrayed ourselves, our spiritual nature. But if the last one completely depended on reconciliation with our own conscience, in regard to Sensei, this unordinary Soul, we really felt awkward and even mental anguish for our “swinishness” and egocentrism. And it oppressed even more than internal anguish.

But Sensei simply forgave us. Or rather he didn’t show that something special happened, that he was hurt or dissatisfied. The other one would maybe in the best case moralizing for three hours, and in the worst one would turn out neck and crop with all our hesitations and stupidity. And he would be right! But it would be just an ordinary man, not Sensei! On the contrary he treated us with understanding like a careful parent treats naughty kids. He said just a few words, nice and kind-hearted, which not only let us realize the sense of our mistake, but warmed the soul of each of us. And this unspoken forgiveness revealed the essence of his Great Soul.

The seniour guys began to fulfil the request of Sensei to “drag out the ostrich” with such an inspiration that our company burst into laugh again from their endless humour. First Victor and Stas tried just to “tear” Eugene away from the sand. But the last on felt that he is separated from the sand elements and started to resist obviously for fun, that’s why all three of them fell down to the sand because of their too active actions accompanied by the loud laughter of our company.

Having stood up Eugene shook off the sand from himself and complained in jest, “Have you seen this! All in vain. Neither dry sand, nor empty bucket help to tackle this “conflagration” of thoughts!”

Nikolai Andreevich remarked at this smiling, “Right. As firemen used to say, what is a fire-bucket? It’s just an empty vessel having a shape of a bucket with an inscription “fire-bucket” and used to extinguish a fire.”

“And the main sense is that the fire is extinguished with water, not with an empty bucket,” Sensei specified with a smile.

“Exactly!” Stas backed the joke and turning to Eugene he said, “A bucket is an empty thing. And as it is known you can’t mill the wind!”

“You can’t mill the wind,” Eugene jokingly copied him when the guys laughed again. “Where have you thing the wind here?” He comically knocked at his head. “There boils so much in this pot from the very morning that I’m dizzy from that soup!” Eugene couldn’t stop with his “complaints”. “Well, really, I’m fed up with this thoughts attack! How can I get rid of it?”

“How to get rid of it, you say?” Nikolai Andreevich said smiling and gave an advice at once. “The same way like of sclerosis.”

“Of sclerosis? And how exactly?” Eugene pricked up his ears, obviously suspecting some trick in these words.

“Well, it’s not easy to cure sclerosis, of course, but you can forget about it with its help.”

While we were laughing Eugene nodded merrily agreeing with the doctor.

“I always suspected that I’m lucky like an immortal vampire.”

“You mean you look so terrible?” Stas interrupted him and that made guys laugh even more.

“Fie, you, vulgar persons!” Eugene got indignant in jest. “I wanted to say that I’m lucky to be as healthy and… to have a bad memory like an immortal vampire.”

“Ah,” drawled his friend and breathed out with relief. “Faugh, I got worried about you”

In reply to this Eugene changed his voice with cunning smile and mumbled like an old man, “Be careful, don’t overstrain your worries! Or rather you won’t have health enough for that.”

Our company just burst into laugh either from these jokes of the guys or just having a good mood. Having laughed a lot, the guys moved to the sea. I went to do my morning exercises. And a bit later I joined our swimming group with the other guys who woke up.

* * *

When we were getting into the sea, Volodya has already come back from his long distance swimming. He stood in the water together with Sensei, obviously having rest after such a strong physical effort and talking to him quietly about something. Swimming behind them I have occasionally heard Volodya’s words, “I’ve even thought about the reincarnation.”

“Don’t worry, there won’t be any death lethal injection,” said Sensei in his usual humorous tone.

“Thank you so much, of course,” Volodya answered merrily. “On the way back I considered myself that it has some negative features. First, I will not remember my previous life and everything that was in it. Second, it can happen a change of sex!” He smiled. “And with my normal orientation I don’t need it at all.” The men laughed. “But frankly speaking, it was cool!”

Though I haven’t heard all it was talked about, but I think that Volodya was tortured by the same thoughts like the seniour guys and all of us after yesterday. Just everybody went through it in his own way. The most interesting is that despite the fact that we were all friends and Sensei was with us, everybody fought inside of him alone, defended himself and resisted his own Animal nature. And it was natural. Since as Sensei used to say, everybody goes his own way, alone, from birth till death. And everybody accumulates his own experience which he obtains on this way. The others may only give advices but not go instead of him.

Thinking about Volodya I unnoticeably switched to my thoughts. And I thought that it’s so important to consider everything from positive side. Even if the life brings you a lemon segment, don’t worry about its bitter taste, just take it and change this segment into a delicious and sweet lemonade. It’s pleasant for you and good for health, especially for your spiritual health. Let’s take this visit of Ariman. If to consider it from the spiritual side, it was such a precious lesson for us, such a black-and-white contrast, a good-and-bad measure. To tell the truth, but for these flows of arimanism, nobody knows when I would have courage to rebuff my Animal nature and concentrate so seriously and heartily on the new meditation and, most important, achieve such outstanding results! It’s true that every cloud has a silver lining.

“Look, the dolphins came to visit us!” Stas called everybody having interrupted my thoughts.

The guy pointed to the approaching us familiar couple of dolphins. This time we fearlessly rushed to them. One of the dolphins, our common favourite, headed for Sensei at once. Swimming up to him he uttered some merry sounds and turning on the back showed Sensei its belly, probably for scratching.

“Hey, you, the naughty guy!” grinned Sensei caressing his belly.

It seemed to me that the dolphin even closed his eyes out of pleasure. The second dolphin was just friendly swimming around us.

Some of us came to Sensei, including me. Suddenly Sensei suggested to me, “Do you want to ride… a dolphin?”

“How can it be?” I didn’t grasp.

The guys also looked at Sensei quite amazed.

“It’s very simple! Come here. You take his upper fin, like that… And that’s all! The dolphin will give you a ride with pleasure.”

“With pleasure? The dolphin?” Kostya asked with doubts in his voice.

“But if he drags her far to the sea?” Andrew inquired in jest.

“He won’t,” grinned Sensei. “This dolphin is much smarter than some Homo sapiens.” And already addressing to me he uttered. “Go ahead!”

Our favourite turned around in the water during our conversation as if he really understood what we had been talking about and got ready like a fast horse. Of course, I was a bit scared just imagining this unusual ride. But I was ashamed to show it in front of the guys, especially because it was the initiative of Sensei. Therefore I pretended to play a very self-confident person, swam closer to the dolphin, caressed its back and carefully seized his upper fin so that he would not feel discomfort or pain, in my opinion.

But my mask of the “brave person” didn’t last long. As soon as I seized the fin, Sensei playfully splashed the water and the dolphin got off with a jerk and rushed alongside the coast. Our of fear I held his fin so strongly as if it were my last hope on the sinking ship. However the dolphin was moving with steady speed leaving his fin over the water and making maneuvers with his strong tail. Out of fear I closed my eyes tight and left only narrow chinks for vigilance. We flew like an arrow with such a speed that I was seriously frightened. Though it was a clever dolphin but he was an animal and what could he intend each next moment? How could I “ask” him to go back? If he really heads for the sea I won’t be able to reach the coast! So, all this cocktail of panic feelings of my Animal nature and such an incredible “water flying” could make my hair stand on end if it were not wet.

The dolphin continued to twist quickly joyfully rushing along the sea space with my person as a human “load”. But the biggest fun still awaited for me. My worst fears became to come true quite fast. Having swum some distance the dolphin began to turn towards the sea. My instinct of self-preservation immediately prevailed. Having let off the fin, I swam as hard as I could to the coast. But in comparison with the previous torpedo flight my own speed reminded more the lazy turtle slowly moving on the land in the full blaze of the sun.

However the dolphin wasn’t going to leave me to the mercy of fate. Having turned towards Sensei he swam to me very close by from the right side as if offering me his help. Floundering in the water I seized with one hand his fin. And the dolphin as if on command rushed again playfully towards Sensei. I had to pull myself up in order to seize the fin with the left hand. How come the dolphins have so much strength? Coming back to our point of departure all my fears disappeared at once and it was a great pleasure for me to ride at such a speed and to be close to such a friendly unordinary creature.

Quite amazing but as soon as my fear disappeared I cognized and felt what I didn’t notice when my Animal nature dominated. I have caught myself on the thought that I treated the dolphin like a human. As if I started to understand him and to anticipate somehow changes in his movements. For example, when we were in the middle of our way, the dolphin began to swim slower and to deepen gradually. I let off the fin somehow without fear clearly knowing on the subconsciousness level what was going to be but I didn’t understand it. The dolphin turned on his back in a funny manner showing me his belly and nearing like two hands his two side fins. I took them. In this position the dolphin again speeded up rushing with me to Sensei. Meanwhile the second dolphin “met” us and accompanied us playfully aside. This way we reached our group. I was fully delighted with the dolphins. They are so kind and friendly creatures!

Our company has also admired what they have seen.

“Why have you let him off when he turned back?” Kostya and Andrew began mocking at me.

Hardly had I wanted to confess frankly that I was scared, Eugene “stood up” for me, “She got embarassed! Have you forgotten that yesterday she’d got the gills when she’d been sitting under the water for ten minutes. And the dolphins felt her their relative at once! Have you seen that horizontal races!”

We laughed and the guys began joking about it and asking me about my feelings. Some of them also wanted to take a ride but this time attention of the dolphins changed to another kind of a game. Probably when I have been still floundering in the water, one of the stripes fell down unnoticeably from my hair. I used it to tie up the hair so that it would not hinder during swimming. And the smaller dolphin picked it up to his side fin and began racing with it around in circles. And the second dolphin started catching him up, archly hunting this stripe. Even when I “sacrificed” them the second stripe for fun, they still tried to take it away from each other in a such funny way that it made all our group laugh.

Part of the guys left to observe the game of the dolphins and even tried to take part in it, the rest went just swimming. Eugene was most active in diving trying to get rid of some intrusive green flies which circled around him even after he went into the water. What was most strange is that they intended to sit only on him, without disturbing anybody else.

“What’s up?!” Eugene got indignant laughing. “Mosquitoes ate me in the night and flies in the morning. Where did they get from, damn them!”

In reply Volodya who was swimming not far from him noticed, “Of course, I’m not against flies as insects but I should say that flies won’t sit on something without a reason!”

Stas picked up this joke and began developing it. “Well, you should be done from something in order to attract their attention to you.”

“You want to say that I’m that something that doesn’t sink?!” Eugene grinned with indignation.

Victor who listened to their conversation laughed together with the guys and suggested, “We can easily check it!”

He rushed to drown Eugene with a boyish enthusiasm. The last one slipped out his hands, felt down aside and shouted, “It’s a lie! You will get into it but won’t catch it! That something doesn’t sink in the fire and doesn’t burn in the water!”

The guys rolled again laughing after the last Eugene’s pun.

Time of this unusual swimming with dolphins together with such a merry company flew by unnoticeably. Having probably played enough the dolphins made a few circles of honour around us and having left one stripe to Sensei, took the other one with them to the sea. We also began going from the water to the sand.

“They are really intelligent creatures!” Victor said with delight looking back to the swimming away dolphins.

“You can’t even imagine how intelligent they are,” emphasized Sensei. “How amazing their “social” ingenuity is. They don’t just follow the programmed standard instincts, but agree on their actions in favour of the population in general, its stability and self-preservation.” And he added with a smile. “By the way, unlike human demos kratos, they have a real democracy.”

“What do you mean?” Victor didn’t grasp.

“They don’t have special distinctions between leaders and subordinates. The leader differs from others only by the fact that he takes over responsibility in the critical situation.”

“In which way?” asked Kostya who listened to them with interest.

“Well… For example, a ship is coming close to dolphins. One or two dolphins-leaders swim close to it, investigate the object in details, and the others wait on secure distance for their decision whether they have to fear this object or to ignore it, etc.”

“So to say, a leader is the one who shows his bum in the critical situation?” Volodya specified with a smile. “Well, then that’s a true democracy. We don’t expect this even from the authorities of the ministry, moreover from the government.”

“That’s right.” Sensei nodded grinning. “People have something to be learnt from dolphins.” And in a while he added. “They really have a highly organized society. And “social” organization of dolphins is in some sense a copy of the primary structure of the human society about which people remember little and because of lack of knowledge they call it primitive matriarchy.”

“Which knowledge do you mean?” Nikolai Andreevich got interested at once.

“I will tell you later some day,” Sensei replied. And reaching the coast he suggested, “Wouldn’t you mind to have a breakfast? What do you think?”

Our company supported this idea and began to cook the late breakfast with enthusiasm.

* * *

Despite the collective activities in cooking food, it was eaten with real appetite only Sensei, Nikolai Andreevich and, what surprised me, I. I had such an appetite as if I have been starving for a week. The other guys ate with no interest, sitting around the table more to keep us company. They didn’t stop joking. Eugene was our star. By the way he didn’t take a seat at all but was walking in circles around us, picking fruits or biscuits. Somehow he wasn’t able to sit. As soon as he tried to take a seat, he was immediately accompanied by green flies around him that made attempts to sit on the food. So the guys lost the patience and having given him a paper-bag with food sent him to the “long walking journey”, so to say, far from our common table.

“So, Eugene, are we going to visit Pripyat?” Stas asked him with a cunning smile.

“What for?” He didn’t understand.

“What for? To catch crayfish.”

“Fie, I beg you, don’t remind me about them. Otherwise my mind will wrongly interpret your offer and will give a signal to the stomach so that it would return all its contents to the irritant which sent it this word impulse.”

“Well! What a vocabulary,” Stas grinned. “It seems like Ariman completely cleaned up your ground, up to the scalp foundation.”

“Right you are,” Victor nodded with a smile. “He began to sing like an important bird.”

In reply Eugene mumbled like an old man and with a creak voice of an experienced man answered, “Well, when life squeezes you, you will sing in falsetto voice! Where shall you hide from its kind pincers? However good or bad but it’s my own Fate.”

The company laughed and Stas uttered, “So you are a masochist besides all?! I didn’t know it. Only at rest-time we discover all personal features of a friend.”

“But seriously, Eugene, how do you feel?” Nikolai Andreevich asked a pragmatic question. “Do you feel a bit better after the “heavy morning”?”

“That’s all right, doc,” replied the guy. “My symptoms are already over.” And having caught skilfully a green fly circling around him he added, “just the clinical presentations left.”

While the seniour guys were joking, our young company has been talking quietly about other things. Eating food I all the time asked my friends to hand me over either a fresh tomato, or a cucumber which I couldn’t take myself as they were far from my plate. They didn’t eat practically anything and Tatyana “poured oil to the flames”, “I wish I could eat that caviar from the golden jar on the table of Ariman.”

“Or one of those salads, at least,” Kostya added dreamily.

“Or grilled shark pieces,” inserted Andrew. “Well, Ariman had a first class food, not this one.”

The guy nodded to the table with disgust.

“Don’t tell me,” backed him Tatiana and making a wry face told me, “How can you eat all of that?”

“Me?” My person got surprised. “With great appetite! Why don’t you like this food? Everything is fresh and delicious.”

“Hem, delicious,” she mimicked me and declared arrogantly in an expert tone, “You’d better try that food yesterday, when there was such a chance. Then you would understand the difference!”

“This food is also good!” I answered merrily trying to clear the air of discontent among my friends.

“This food,” hemmed Kostya and fell into memories of the day before. “Have you seen his yacht! I will also buy one day the same one.”

“Aha, just dream of it,” Slava grinned. “You know how much money you have to earn for it!”

In reply Kostya said arrogantly, “Don’t humiliate yourself to the slave’s thinking level! Believe in yourself! Then you will have good chances.”

Frankly speaking, I didn’t expect to hear it from Kostya and uttered with a smile, “You took over the Ariman’s philosophy so quickly.”

“Philosophy?” Kostya looked sulky. “That’s life, if you didn’t understand it yet! That’s the reality! And you have to use it when you are still alive. And all the rest is philosophy!”

I looked into Kostya’s eyes still hoping that he was just joking. But I met such a cold and sharp gaze that I decided not to reply. Though it was obvious that he waited for my reply probably to splash out fully his protest. But I felt that if I say a word it would lead to an empty conflict and anger. Why should I provoke him? Kostya isn’t a bad fellow. Just he didn’t grasp in full measure which trap Ariman put yesterday, and Kostya managed to be entrapped in it like a silly sparrow. Finally everybody makes his choice in this life and bears responsibility for it.

I lowered my gaze to the plate and continued my meal. After he haven’t received an answer Kostya repeated again insistently, “Yes, it’s just a philosophy!”

No objection followed his phrase. Tatiana said with a dreaming sigh, “What a cool yacht he has! And the furniture inside!”

“One gets used to the good things very quickly,” noticed Andrew.

“Don’t mention it,” nodded Tatiana. “After that luxury I can’t see this slum…”

“It’s a slum indeed,” smugly hemmed Kostya, looking contemptuously around and stopping his gaze at the table. “Let’s go swimming or what. Otherwise I will feel sick looking at this food.”

The guys nodded together agreeing with him. And they began to stand up from our improvised table.

“Are you going?” Tatiana invited me.

“No, thanks, I’d rather stay,” I uttered with a smile. “Unlike Kostya I have strong Siberian health.”

Though we had parted in a peaceful way, I had an unpleasant after-feeling. However I didn’t let me get upset because of such trifles. Having sending my bad thoughts far away, I rubbed my hands anticipating to try biscuits and sweets. And filling my plate with different sweeties in order not to stretch myself for them, I sat closer to the group of the seniour guys headed by Sensei.

Nikolai Andreevich glanced at many sweeties I brought with myself and held me up as an example, “Look how you should eat! And I hear from you just “don’t want”, “merci”, “pardon”!

“Right,” Stas agreed to him merrily. “She needs it! Otherwise she will be blown by the wind! Especially after the dolphins shook her last kilocalories.”

The guys laughed again. However Nikolai Andreevich like a careful parent went on insisting that the guys would eat something “serious”. In reply Victor responded for all of them in jest, “No, no, doctor, don’t insist, I mean, force us. We don’t want at all! Yesterday we arimaned so much that today food evokes the same response like Eugene felt in the story with crawfish.”

“What?!” Eugene roused himself and touched his back probably as he hasn’t heard well the words. That made all of us roll with laughter.

“I’m telling about the story with crawfish”, Victor repeated distinctly with a smile while explaining the guy what had just happened.

“Ah,” Eugene calmed down a bit. “And I thought you are talking about my Achilles’ heel! What a cruel fiend, I thought! It ached the whole night and now he is jeering at it with his emanations.”

While the guys were exchanging phrases, Stas told Sensei with sympathy, “Well, after yesterday sparrings… Ariman stroke him so well, now he’s got such a big bruise!..”

“You should put an ointment to it,” Nikolai Andreevich gave an advice immediately.

Eugene have seen how Stas bent towards Sensei and called him in a comic and pretension way, “Hey, you, why are you betraying all military secrets?! You are a spy!”

“Me? A spy?! You see, I try to help him, appeal to all the medic and rescue service of our good team! And he calls me a spy…”

Victor who sat near Stas, pushed him to the side with an elbow and asked with a humour, “And how come, you know about the size of his “military secret”?”

“How? I’m his friend!” Stas said. And looking at him grinning he added with a smile, shaking his finger, “Just a friend, nothing more.”

When everybody laughed enough, Volodya said in a bass voice, “Well, it were cool arimanic Olympic games in the cross-country yesterday for our brains.”

“Aha,” Eugene hurried up to share his impressions. “My tunnels are still suffering from labyrinth complex.”

“That’s true! A real cool championship,” Stas agreed with Volodya.

“Don’t say it,” Victor smirked and nodded. “As they say, illusions of pleasures scheduled by the couch Ariman leave just a reality of total defeats…”

“Yes… and a lot of diseases, not to mention bruises,” in a plaintive voice uttered Eugene. And counting on fingers he started to enlist industriously, “First of all, indigestion, second, thoughts attack. And in general… total lowering of spirit under the ground! Third!”

Eugene interrupted himself with a loud laughter. In reply Sensei remarked with a grin, “These are typical symptoms for a person with hesitating nature who like a pendulum rushes between his Animal and Spiritual nature.”

Volodya nodded.

“Like in a joke «What makes the tattler and the pendulum similar to each other? Both are needed to be stopped from time to time”.”

“Need to be stopped?!” repeated Victor. “Hem, in our case you will get tired to push the brake and emergency brake.”

“Right!” confirmed Stas.

Sensei glanced at the guys and uttered, “Alright, stop criticize yourselves. That’s the human nature to make mistakes.”

“Yes,” agreed Eugene, “but it’s ill luck of my homo sapiens even-toed nature: I do it often and with pleasure!” On saying that the guy was surprised by his words himself. “Ah! That’s the place where my mean little gall-and-kidney stone is located and rubs outgoing tracts of my purest Conscience!”

These Eugene’s reasonings made our company sincerely laugh. Sensei and Nikolai Andreevich laughed louder than the others.

“Eugene! Gall-and-kidney stone doesn’t exist,” uttered Nikolai Andreevich wiping tears caused by laugh. “Gall-bladder and kidney are two different organs, therefore stones may be both in the gall-bladder and in kidneys, but separately.”

“Really?” Eugene was surprised but immediately found an “explanation” to his words. “But it’s with normal people so… which don’t possess conscience. However I’m fed up with this arimanic syndrome with its symptoms.”

Sensei and Nikolai Andreevich exchanges surprised gazes. And Eugene went on arguing. “Eh, life is life! Yesterday I have felt myself on my own back that sometimes it’s better to bit my tongue than later to bit other parts of my body escaping flies… in the head.”

Stas pretended to get surprised, “Have you seen that! Sensei, look, it’s a miracle! Eugene saw the light!”

The guys began to joke about that. Having laughed enough the company turned in the further conversation to discuss impressions received yesterday.

“We believed the fairy-tales of Ariman like little kids,” uttered Volodya.

In reply Nikolai Andreevich reacted with humour, “Well, but fairy-tales bring also a certain experience. What are fairy-tales in fact? They are scary stories which carefully prepare kids to read the modern press.”

“That’s true!” grinned Sensei.

“And he nicely described us “the society of equal opportunities”,” not without humour said Volodya.

“When people take everything from the life!” added Victor.

“It means, all are equal in their opportunities but some are more equal than the others,” summarized Stas.

“What did you want?” Volodya said again in a bass voice. “Ariman gave us a right of choice. His elections have the only motto: “The rich get the real power! The poor only arguments and facts!””

“Aha,” hemmed Stas. “And the only candidate during these elections is Ariman! Just try to vote against, you will immediately sing in falsetto voice.”

The guys laughed again but then gradually calmed down, probably thinking about something personal. Their jokes induced my thoughts about the duality structure of this world. But as soon as I deepened into them Victor again uttered with a sad smile, “I have thought that nobody and nothing may divert me from the spiritual way. But this case…”

“Ariman entrapped us so cunningly,” Stas agreed with him.

“How did I get entrapped, I can’t understand?!”

“Me, too,” Eugene assented to Victor. “I listened to him, it seemed that he takes care about our spiritual development. So I, the dunderhead, opened my mouth.”

“If you were the only dunderhead,” Stas said friendly, “then no problem. But now after Ariman there is a true jungle in my head.”

“Right,” Volodya nodded with a grin. “Impassable jungle!”

“So why do you need to neglect your thoughts till the state of impassable jungle?” half in jest said Sensei. “Take the instruments and change this jungle to the noble garden. Put your thoughts into order. Since that’s you who decide whether you will lose you way in impassable jungle like monkeys in search of bananas or you will pass the life like wisemen walking around the cultivated garden. Since this jungle only seem to be impassable as it’s your Animal nature presented it to you so, for whom Ariman is a Master, therefore he is a king of this jungle. But if you evaluate the events from the spiritual point of view bringing your thoughts to the order, you will reveal a very precious lesson in the yesterday’s visit, where the lecturer was the most merciless and hard-edged teacher. Only mature pure souls may overcome all his hinders, pass final exams and completely leave the circle of reincarnations if they are full of sincere stable desire to come back home.”

We quietened, thinking over the words of Sensei. Meanwhile Ruslan who together with Yura before didn’t take part in the conversation but just listened and laughed with all of us also made up his mind to speak out.

“On the one side that’s true… But I have also thought that Ariman takes care about our spiritual development. In the beginning he was also talking about achieving happiness, success, spiritual development. It’s the same what you, Sense, were talking to us about.”

“Never, it’s not the same,” Victor objected to him. “I have also thought about it yesterday. But then I fixed it out! There is a serious cheating!”

Sensei only smiled to the guy’s conversation and uttered, “And you get surprised why pure knowledge has been lost. This is a clear example for you how the pure knowledge is turned into religion, how its true sense is substituted, how the spiritual strives are changed by the wishes of the Animal nature.”

“It means that Ariman is guilty in all of this!” Ruslan made a conclusion declaring it with some inflection of aggression and discontent.

“What has Ariman to do with that?” said Volodya in a thoughtful way. “He has just done his job well. Ariman only advised us, he didn’t press on us. We listened to him deliberately and made our choice.”

Sensei nodded agreeing with his answer, “The problem is that people want what Ariman was talking about. They want to become significant in this material world in front of other people, to satisfy the ambitions of their Animal nature, but not to prove God that they are worth to be called Human, to strive to Him and to take care of their soul. They want to become here and now superrich, famous, coming over all possible boundaries for the sake of their stupid dreams, no matter in which way, just to achieve their goal. They live to be not worse than others, and if it’s possible to be much better than others. Many of them try to become leaders. Almost everybody assumes that if he’s got a chance to be born in this world he should certainly live better that others and achieve certain peaks in career, society rank, material wealth.”

Nikolai Andreevich looked at Sensei as if he intended to ask him something obviously connected with his last statement. But he refrained from that and kept silence.

“Eh,” Victor sighed. “That’s right. You should be always vigilant regarding your thoughts and be careful in choosing your wishes.”

“Well, I agree, it’s good when you are just vigilant and careful,” uttered Stas. “But if you are attacked by such slogans as “freedom” and “equal opportunities”, if you are suggested by that from all sides, but in fact you are just used as a slave?”

Sensei replied, “‘Freedom’ and ‘equality’ are the most seducing trap words of Ariman, since a person reacts on them depending on his spiritual needs but then due to the shrewd interpretation of the Ariman’s ‘democracy’…”

“…He steps into the full… material,” Volodya added with a grin.

“Right you are.”

“Is it something like ‘the democracy is the way to choose you slave owner?’” joked Victor.

“Something like that,” nodded Sensei. “As Ariman manipulating with a word ‘freedom’ leads a human to the understanding that he can achieve it only through money, when he has enough of it. Richness and power is the main weapon of managing the consciousness of people. But the true freedom is when a human becomes higher than this world, higher than material wishes, when a human lives each day, each hour for the sake of his soul, enriching its treasury with good doings, thoughts, help to surrounding people. When a human doesn’t live for the sake of his egoism and significance, but for the sake of other people, in the name of God.

“These are golden words!” Eugene nodded seriously. “I’m, for example, with all my hands and other extremities “pro” good doings, and thoughts, and help. But what can I do if I can’t manage my thoughts? Frankly speaking, I’m fed up with them! I can’t bear all of that.

The guy was saying this so sincerely that I even felt sorry for him. In certain sense he got it in the neck by Ariman more than most of us. And nevertheless taking into account his internal struggle and sufferings about it, he behaved worthy of respect, didn’t complain or show aggression towards others as some of us because of the internal conflict, he even didn’t complain about the physical pain, though the day before he got a lot of serious grazes in sparrings. But it was obvious that the guy was on the verge and let splash out his “indignation” only through the prism of his endless humour, as they say, without detriment to other people.

Looking at him I sincerely offered, “Eugene, try a new meditation of Lotus flower. I’ve done it today. It’s so nice! My bad thoughts disappeared and my mood became perfect!”

In reply Eugene said, “I’ve tried this method not once.” And already addressing to Sensei he asked, “By the way, Sensei, I don’t understand what is the matter? However hard I tried with this meditation it doesn’t work and that’s al. Everything stays at the level of bare imagination.”

“It’s really a complicated meditation,” Sensei replied to him. “And in order to achieve much success in it, you should be persistent, hard-working and have a special state of will. Then your “resistance” will disappear and you will see a completely different reality.”

“It’s a bright perspective,” smiled the guy. “But I seem to have a growth problem. All my attempts don’t let me achieve another level, I have only after-effects caused by excessive pressure. Maybe there is some complementary additional “device” for such dummies like me?” As always, Eugene could avoid humour even in such delicate issues. Having heavily sighed the guy added with a supplication in his voice, “Sensei, throw me to this ocean of turbulent elements of my Animal nature a little straw to catch! As my Buyan isle was washed away together with a palace and a squirrel with golden nuts. I don’t care about the palace, but Sensei, help to save at least a squirrel!”

We couldn’t stop laughing hearing this sincere confession of the guy. Sensei uttered with a smile, “Well, I feel pity about the animal. Alright, let’s help it. We will throw it a straw, maybe it will become a Human with the time.” And having considered for a while, he uttered slowly, “You say, a straw… There is one.” And he added more seriously, “this meditation also belongs to the Lotus ones. It’s very helpful and effective in such cases. And the main thing, it’s easy for every “drowning” man in the ocean of the Animal nature. It’s like this. First, as usual, you concentrate on the solar plexus, show there a lotus flower and concentrate all your love on its growing, that is, you practice the meditation of Lotus flower. When you more or less calm down your thoughts and concentrate on positive side, you start imagining that your body consists of many little balls, or atoms, or cells, in general, as many as you have imagination. It’s very important to see the structure of your body, to visualize each cell. Having seen all this conglomeration of cells you take each ball or cell, as you wish, and visually write on it, as if writing carefully each letter, a very strong spiritual formula which consists of two simple words, “Love and Gratitude”. The language, you are writing these words on, does not matter, because that’s the essence which is important. This formula works the same way as the Grail. Since Love and Gratitude are the only two things that a human being is able to give God.

Thus during this meditation, you gradually fill billions of your cells with these inscriptions, and as a result your thoughts are concentrated on this powerful formula and improve both your physical and spiritual health. The cell, on which you leave such an inscription, will forever stay under the protection of this effective and strong formula, like under protection of a talisman or tamga. When you fill yourself with this formula, you don’t only cleanse yourself from the dirt of negative thoughts, but you also reveal the inner light coming from these cells. It’s as if you light up a lot of tiny light bulbs, and it becomes so bright inside of you that even shadows disappear… It’s important also that you concentrate during this meditation only on these words and switch off all the other, irrelevant thoughts.

“Irrelevant?!” Ruslan said, either answering himself, or asking Sensei… though, Sensei was talking directly to Eugene.

“Of course. When we are just thinking about something, even then a few thoughts simultaneously teem in us, jumping from one subject to another. During the meditation this process is surely decelerated but we all are different. Sometimes, because of poor concentration, it happens that uncontrolled thoughts emerge in the background. So, while meditating, you can unwittingly switch to thinking about something else. But, exactly in this meditation it is extremely important to purposefully concentrate, without any needless thoughts.”

“Got it,” said Eugene contentedly. “So, I have simply to properly concentrate and imagine.”

Ruslan shrugged his shoulders, probably being not fully able to catch the essence of the meditation, “Hmmm… Is everything so simple? Use your imagination, that’s all?”

Sensei replied, “Though, at first glance, this meditation may seem too simple and kind of naïve, as Ruslan says “use your imagination, that’s all”, but… it is far from being simple… Because apart from the influence of this powerful formula, a person also involves the power of his thought. And, the power of the thought serves as a stimulus to realize the program defined by an individual. Results of this program are later reflected both in his physical and spiritual health. As the majority of people are constantly tuned to the wave of their animal nature, a large quantity of their both psychological and physical problems are, first of all, the results of their negative thoughts. This meditation is good not only for those people who want to establish an internal order, but also for those who already suffer from different illnesses. Because almost 80% of the illness depends on mind. The more a person thinks about the illness, the more he suffers from it.”

“That’s right,” agreed our psychotherapist. “Sometimes it happens that a person imagines his disease so well, that he can not get rid of it just because he routed in himself the thought that exactly in his case this illness is incurable. At this point, Sensei, I absolutely agree with you. For people who experience problems with their nerves, this meditation will be indeed much a better cure that all the modern pills altogether. Because drug therapy is incapable of curing human thought. Drug therapy is good only as an emergency for the body.” He made a short pause and continued, “Indeed, human brain still remains a quite mysterious substance and is far from being explored.” And, with a smile, he added. “It’s amazing that even in the very ancient times people, in certain questions, knew a little bit more then present-day mankind.”

“And you can not even imagine how significant, in reality, was this “a little bit”!” – Sensei specified.

For a while we kept silence sitting around the table. It was Volodya who broke the silence.

“Well, it’s an interesting meditation. An intriguing formula… By the way, I recalled about formulas. Ariman has also mentioned about some golden formula which transform with a certain sound a thought through ezoosmos to reality. Supposedly it was used by the very Agapit. Is it true?”

“Yes, it’s true,” Sensei confirmed.

“And did Agapit bring the Grail to the world?”

“Yes, it was so, indeed.”

The guys became more vivid and started to talk all together.

“Oh! And why did Ariman say that the Grail is the power over the power?”

“Sensei, tell us!”

“Yes, about the Grail…”

“And what is that?”

Sensei looked at the arousen interest of the group to this issue and suggested, “Guys, let’s talk about it a bit later.”

Everybody calmed down. Only Ruslan said gladly, “It means that not everything what Ariman talked about was lie!”

In reply Sensei answered in a tired voice, “Ariman possess very serious knowledge, indeed. But taking in account the peculiarities of his work he gives this knowledge in the whole handful of tares. So only a pure mature soul can distinguish where truth or lie is, where spiritual or material is. The others who are obsessed by the matter, take everything on faith, and having eaten too much of tares get into an arimanic trap. But the true seekers, picking up even from his hands true grains, will be able to get saturated.”

Nevertheless Ruslan began to share excitedly his “remembrances” and to jabber non-stop, “Besides Ariman told us about some formula which, according to him, is used to destroy megapolises. It seems to me that it sounds like that, “IED SUEM SULAM”,” pronounced Ruslan with difficulties and added boastfully, “It seems to be an ancient one… the words are so difficult.”

Sensei grinned.

“You say, difficult? Turn this phrase vice versa.”

While Ruslan was making every effort to do it, Nikolai Andreevich easily fulfilled this task, “MALUS MEUS DEI?! It means in Latin, if I’m not wrong, “Devil is my god”.

“You aren’t wrong,” confirmed Sensei.

“How come it is… devil? And that’s all?” Ruslan uttered confused.

The guy had such a disappointed expression on his face that the other guys involuntarily began to laugh.

“What have you expected?!” hemmed Yura.

Victor offered Ruslan in a friendly manner, “That’s it, Ruslan-boy, you should learn Latin if you decided to plunge into antiquity.”

“Nice deal,” said Eugene, waving away flies again. “I’m not sure about this Latin but the very moment Ariman pronounced it, I was as if shaken from inside, as if the earth-quake happened in reality.”

“And, of course, he mentioned some real example,” said Sensei as if he knew this Ariman’s trick long before.

“Right, he told something about the Atlantic ocean,” recollected Eugene frowning. “And some city…”

“New Orly?” Yura interrupted him. “New Orleans!” And addressing already to Sensei he hurried to state his information. “And the main thing he explained in such details how it would happen, how everything would be destroyed there…”

“He spoke about Japan, too,” recollected Volodya. “I was surprised by the fact, that he mentioned not only the magnitude of the earthquake on the Richter scale, but also the precise date when it would happen.

“Well, I see,” uttered Sensei.

“What do you mean?” cautiously inquired Victor.

“If Ariman said so, then, it has already happened.”

“In which sense?” Ruslan didn’t get it. “How? It’s the future!”

Sensei only sighed heavily, obviously because of such a naivety of the guy and replied, “You see, those who possess the power perceive this world in a different way than ordinary people. What you felt the moment he was talking about it, it was the power put in this event. That is this event, though it is distanced by the future, it has already happened. Especially if it concerned the natural element.”

“How can it be?” the guys were surprised.

Sensei smiled sadly and said, “A thought is able to move planets, not just influence natural elements.” And in a while he added, “Well, if he said it, it means, the millions will get to know about that.”

“Sensei, I hear it from you not for the first time,” Nikolai Andreevich uttered with a smile. “How can these millions get to know if we don’t tell it anybody?”

“It’s doesn’t concern you, the main thing is that he uttered it aloud. Make no nevermind about the functioning of this mechanism. What is going to be, will be.”

“Right, the most difficult thing in this world is not to listen to Ariman,” Victor made his conclusions.

“The most difficult thing in this world for a human is not to fall under his Animal nature. And the most important is to win a victory over himself,” remarked Sensei.

“It seems, Ariman also spoke about that,” Ruslan expressed his bewilderment.

Sensei just shook his head and explained, “ ’A victory over yourself’ in interpretation of Ariman means to live for the sake of accumulation of material things, to give up everything for the sake of money, stepping over the lives of other people in order to get power and leadership. But this is a substitution, a deceit, an illusion of the welfare which turns to the total defeat of your soul. Since a human following the way of Ariman wants to be a king of this world. And he even doesn’t think of what is awaiting for him after death. For him the other world, the world of soul is somewhere there, he doesn’t know where. “Does that higher world exist at all?” due to Ariman’s attempts it turns to a big question for a human. And this material world, it’s right here, here and now. It seems to be real for him. And all this substitution happens as a human doesn’t remember the beauty of the higher world, the world of God. He can recollect it only reaching Nirvana, that is the highest spiritual state. But as far as a human doesn’t achieve it, as far as he doesn’t step over his Animal, he will spend this life in illusions, in dreams of his significance in this world, in fact in vain, as whatever peaks does he reach in this world, with the time these achievements turn into nothing.

“And the real victory over yourself is to win an egoist in yourself, the desire to be a “king” of this world. This world is just a trap for stupid people who take the illusion for reality and in this way bringing tortures and sufferings to their soul.”

“And is that true about the Archons?” asked Stas.

“Yes,” answered Sensei.

“That is they are shaman, witch-doctors, pagan priests?”

“No, they were like that before, in ancient times, and moreover not all of them. And now they are those people who bind together in their lodges and secret societies world capital, politics and religion.”

“You mean world bankers or what?” Volodya was surprised about his guess.

“I mean those who control them,” specified Sensei.

Eugene even whistled after this message.

“I wonder what kind of secret societies are there?” inquired Volodya.

“In different times they were known under different names. For example, one of the first powerful circles of the Archons was known since ancient times as “Freemasons”. Many branches originate from this trunk. There are the so called “Brotherhood of the Snake”, the “Brotherhood of the Dragon”, “Illuminati”, “Masons” and other secret societies. Till now historians try to clear out which originated from which. But they get confused more and more. Why? Because the goal of the Archons is to mix up everything and to confuse so that nobody would be able to find out and to get at the roots of the true essence of all of these secret societies. And their essence is simple. The uppermost majority of secret societies are just pawns in hands of the Archons for manipulations of Ariman.

“Ariman just plays on weaknesses of people. One of these weaknesses is the subconscious inclination of people to secrets. And this way they touch upon not only the spiritual strive of a human, his desire to break the chains of reincarnation with the help of secret knowledge, but mostly his primitive egoistic ambitions to possess this knowledge for the sake of power over other people. That’s why the uppermost majority of secret societies flourish under the Archons. And taking into account that people not only want to possess secret knowledge but to create their own “empire” around them, we see that today practically the whole world is ruled by the secret world government – the Archons.”

Sensei became silent and Volodya pondering for a while said, “Frankly speaking, even taking into account all my knowledge and experience of the army officer, I have never heard about that, especially about secret societies of such a level. Would you be so kind to elucidate a bit on this issue,” and seeing doubts of Sensei he added, “As people say, it’s better to know the enemy than to be unaware of it.”

In reply Sensei said, “The Archons aren’t enemies. They are miserable people who by mistake chose dust and temporary values instead of eternal ones. Their choice was made towards the matter, or to be more precise, in favour of Ariman. A human always invents some enemies as for the most part he can’t solve the internal conflict between his Animal and Spiritual natures. And relations between the groups of people and the countries are just the enlarged overblown copy of this conflict. However in reality the most cruel enemy for a human is he himself, or to be more precise, his own Animal nature. You can’t fight with it in usual ways as the bigger the confrontation will be, the stronger will be aggression from the side of the Animal, as you draw your attention to this conflict. You can win it only due with you unwillingness to get provoked and tempted by the Animal nature, and by concentration on spiritual and useful for you soul things. Then, if you take such an internal position and will follow it sincerely, you won’t have in external world enemies, and your life will turn to a fascinating game. After all, we live here temporarily, let’s say, we are guests here.”

“Right, but this world is a trap of Ariman, isn’t it?! How can you live in it if you want to become Free?” asked Yura with agitation.

“Whatever conditions you are in, whichever obstacles you destiny brings you, you should live the way as it befits a Human. That is you should become a Human and help people around you. The main thing in this life is to be free spiritually inside, free from this material world, to strive to God without turning aside from this way. Then you will be able to be maximally useful to people and to live the life worth of Human. And that’s the great secret! Be a human here and now in this egoistic, material world. Be like a Lotus which grows up in the dirty swamp but despite of it becomes ideally pure! You are a Human and you have His grain!

Our group held our breath and listened to these words of Sensei.

“Well, in order to become a Human in this world you have to possess really a great will-power and courage so that to keep thoughts pure, not stained by the dirt of this swamp,” agreed Nikolai Andreevich. “A human is mainly attracted to live the same way like most of the people in this world. That’s why he is often inclined to made egoistic deeds, that’s why we swim in dirt and quiet our Conscience by phrases “everybody does this way”, “everybody lives like that”.” And in a while he added, “What is the Archons concerned… Frankly speaking, it would be also quite interesting for me listen to the information about these secret societies. Not by temptation but because I want to make it clear for myself, to learn how to separate seeds from tares.”

“Well, if you have such a wish,” smiled Sensei, “alright. But this story is too grave. That’s why I suggest you first before we get dip into its reality, we’d better finish our breakfast, freshen in the sea and then dive deep into the world history.”

* * *

Our group supported eagerly this proposal, especially those who ate nothing at the table. They went to swim at once. I stayed alone to clean the table a little. Volodya and Sensei also were delayed finishing drinking their tea. But as soon as Sensei wanted to stand up, Volodya proposed him for fun, “Swimming is cool! But let’s for the end of the end and in the beginning of the begin finish this rasp-p-berry jam,” laughing he hardly pronounced the name of this sweet delight. “Otherwise this delicacy will get out of order!”

With these words Volodya pointed out to the remained half-jar of jam which alluringly stood out on the table with all its appetizing air.

“You say, raspberry jam?!” Sensei stopped and looked with pleasure at the jar. He sat back to his place. “Well, I guess, it’s a right moment to try this nice jam.”

He took the jar to his hand, at the same time suggesting me to take part in this jam-fans “plot”.

“Join us!”

“Oh no, thank you! I have eaten enough of sweeties,” I rejected with laugh and continued to clean dishes.

“As you wish,” Sensei shrugged his shoulders and stretched out to take a spoon.

Meanwhile Volodya, during the time when Sensei was distracted by suggesting me to take part, managed to take this instrument and to dig up the first portion of jam from the jar which was held by Sensei.

Sensei didn’t even have time to dip it into the raspberry jam when Andrew and Kostya came to him arguing about something.

“Sensei, settle a dispute between us,” Andrew started talking with emotions. “When we practice meditations, it means that we work with our subconsciousness as well, as you told us. And in martial arts, as you explained, subconsciousness is also used on the Master’s level. But at the same time Ariman told a lot about the work of subconsciousness. Does it mean that subconsciousness and its power is an evil thing?! Does it mean that it all, they can say, originates from Ariman?! It means that our subconsciousness is evil!”

“Why is subconsciousness evil?” Sensei was surprised. “Subconsciousness is just an instrument. Let’s say it in a more precise way. Subconsciousness is a matter from which they make an instrument. And what a person would like to create from this matter and how he will use this instrument is a personal matter of everybody, a matter of his own choice. You can make, for example, if you wish a weapon in order to use it for destruction of other people like you. Or you can make from it, for example, a spoon, that is a quite necessary item for usage in household.” On saying it he showed his spoon to the guys. Meanwhile Volodya again dug stealthily a jam from the jar which was still in the hands of Sensei. “A spoon from this metal was invented and made for satiation of body with a life vital and sometimes very delicious food.”

“Right,” echoed Volodya and ate at once the contents of his spoon. After that he waited a little when Sensei starts talking again and stealthily stretched to take another portion.

“… Kalashnikov gun is made also from metal but its purpose is to kill people. You can’t sup with it and it’s not comfortable to eat with it.”

“Aha,” Volodya again nodded with satisfied air and finished successfully his next “secret operation”.

“The same thing is with the subconsciousness. All depends on intentions and desires of a human,” concluded Sensei.

“Well but Ariman also told us quite earnestly that the subconsciousness may be used for spiritual development,” Andrew couldn’t stop himself and gesticulated with his hands. “He even gave examples with meditations! It means that he also used a spoon but not a Kalashnikov gun.” And he proclaimed almost with pretension. “What is the difference then?!”

“You say, what is the difference?” Sensei uttered in a tired way, probably feeling fatigue to explain obvious things.

At this moment Sensei sitting at the table and holding a jam jar in one of his hands and a spoon in another suddenly took Andrew sharply down so that the guy’s legs flew upwards. And immediately as soon as the scared guy landed on the sand, delivered an imitating blow to the eye, such a flash-like one that Sensei’s hand with spoon’s handle froze almost in one millimeter from Andrew’s eye. Everything happened so swiftly that the shocked guy didn’t even manage to react. He just closed his eyes tight out of fear. And with all his “battle experience” it was the only defence from such an unexpected attack.

Sensei pronounced very distinctly addressing to Andrew, “What do you think, if I put some force of thirty kilogram and don’t change the trajectory of this item, what will happen?”

Me and Kostya stood frozen embarassed by this event and didn’t know what to think, not to mention Andrew. The guy’s face was distorted at once with panic fear of such words of Sensei, he even sweated, evidently out of deep emotion. Volodya used this moment, took the jar with jam from Sensei and as if nothing happened said in a bass and calm voice quickly eating the jam, “The spoon will freely go through the orbit of the right eye and damage frontoparietal part of the cerebrum. The conclusion: a lethal outcome is guaranteed.”

“Right,” said Sensei and didn’t turn aside his gaze from Andrew as if it were his answer.

Then he tapped him on the shoulder and helped to get up from the sand. Andrew, apparently being shocked by this unexpected event, looked like a plaster monument. Sensei sat at the table, as if nothing happened, and uttered, “A spoon is just an instrument. But even such a noble instrument can be transformed into a quite dangerous weapon.” He sighed heavily and looked with a pity at the jar which was empty due to Volodya’s prompt attack. “Is there no jam anymore?”

“No,” grinned Volodya and licked clean his spoon. “It’s not my fault that you distract your attention by every trifle. And the jam is a “perishable” goods, hardly you open it, the flies appear quickly around and start spoil it. So, the one who was in time, ate it.”

Sensei smiled and uttered, “Volodya, and how is about “share a crust of bread with your ‘neighbour’?”

“We have to share bread with neighbours. But in a big family, eh…” and quickly having glanced at me he corrected himself, “Well, don’t lag behind, I meant, don’t look aside when you eat.”

“Ah,” Sensei laughed sincerely and having put the spoon for jam which he didn’t use, he waved with his hand, “If we have finished with jam, let’s go swimming.”

Sensei and Volodya directed to the sea mocking at each other on their way about the quickly emptied jam jar. Kostya and Andrew, on the contrary, sat embarassed at the table.

“Cool!” Andrew could hardly speak it out, wiping sweat from his forehead. And in a while he added, “Have you seen how Sensei spoke straight from the shoulder! Ugh, I have even sweated!”

“Don’t tell me that, my pants are almost wet,” said Kostya, to my surprise, without his usual pathetic mask. “How does Sensei manage to do it? Just a few seconds of his attention and the mind gets so clear! And we argued the whole hour who is right and who is wrong.”

“Well,” nodded Andrew agreeing with him. “And here we cleared out in two seconds that both of us are fools!”

“It’s good that you were the first to ask and I didn’t have time to ask my question,” Kostya sighed with relief.

“It’s not too late, go and ask!” Andrew smiled inertly.

“Aha, so that I will learn run on the water with the help of Volodya’s heel?! No, thanks a lot for this nice proposal. I will fix myself my brakes in my mind. Because Sensei explained in a quite clear way. So, as is said, there is no need in this question anymore.”

“Right,” smiled Andrew, “If to take into account your wet pants…”

The guys laughed quietly. Then Tatyana came together with Slava and began to inquire what was a result of their dispute. In reply Andrew waved with his hand and said, “Result?! Excessive discharge of liquid and realization of our own stupidity!” And in order not to specify the details he called everybody, “Let’s go swimming with others!”

The guys laughed and ran together to the water. Tatyana remained to help me clean the table and started to inquire what happened here that turned back Kostya and Andrew to old good friends who almost had fought against each other because of their dispute as each of them was sure that his view was a “true” one.

This case made me think that sometimes we are wrong when we argue with somebody too emotionally. And then we suffer day and night after that as we think over this dispute in our mind again and again, inventing new answers to our opponent, sharper, “smarter” and more convincing, and wait for a moment when we can speak it out to his face when we meet each other. And in order not to forget our “brilliant” thoughts and proves, we begin to scroll again our future meeting and recollect anew our old conversation. Although in reality we don’t know whether we will meet again each other and in general which new surprises we will face tomorrow.

If we look at this dispute from the side and evaluate it humanly, is it worth of proving somebody’s “truth”, if it leads to growing of the bunch of non-stop rage and affects the most stinking part of our Animal nature – the egoism. Is it worth of paying the force of our attention so that to suffer later from it?! Though mostly we suffer not because somebody is “bad”, in our opinion, as he affected our egoism. In fact, it’s our soul which suffers as in the first place we did wrong and directed the force of our attention not on Love but on Hatred. That might beget in this case mental anguish. And on its base the empty insult of our egocentrism flourishes which doesn’t let us understand the depth and the true sense of this pain. That’s why we become cruel dashing about in a flap, argue till we rouse to fury. And it doesn’t matter what is the main issue of our dispute, whether it’s Ariman, relations between people, philosophy, religion, politics. The main thing is how a human treats this dispute.

If someone like Ariman thrusts his opinion to two friends, but is governed by his secret goals, and friends fly into a rage towards each other because of that and overfilled with hatred, so first of all they should cool down and think whether both of them are right. And what did really become a reason of their discord and lies in the core of this hatred? Is it their Animal nature with its megalomania which sticks out like a hardened cake? Could it be that a spiritual man isn’t able to forgive his neighbour?

And in fact why should we, people, argue with each other if this entire world belongs to Ariman and we live here only temporarily, we came as guests? In this position we can only establish noticed facts and render each other at least a moral support. Since sooner or later all of us will have to go beyond the boundary of this world! And this indisputable fact unites all of us and turns every issue of our dispute into an empty thing. Since in front of the eternity only your spiritual part strengthened by good doings makes sense. And all other negative garbage which we acquire with years due to our own stupidity just burdens our soul pushing it to new circles of earthly hell. So is it worth starting any dispute if its consequences are so dreadful?!

* * *

My reflections were interrupted by Tatyana who dragged me to swim as soon as our improvised table shone with its former cleanness. The guys were splashing for long. They launched a game with real acrobatic feats called “who will jump farther”. For doing this two guys linked the hands under the water and the third one got on this improvised “hand” jumping-off place and holding the guys’ shoulders was thrown by them jumping this way to the water. Whereas such “shy” guys like Kostya and Yura just flew away enjoying the process of flight, the others, like venturesome Andrew, Eugene and Stas tried meanwhile to make some acrobatic feats in the air. Of course, there was plenty of splashes and loud laughter! Looking at them me and Tatyana also wished to “play heroes”. First, our “jumping-off place” were Kostya and Andrew. But then looking how far other guys flew due to tall and strong Stas and Eugene, we decided also to test this distance flight.

I was first who climbed on this mighty “jumping-off place”.

“Just push off strongly,” Stas advised to me.

“Right! And when you will be flying, bend your legs, group yourself and turn around in the air, thus you will make a somersault,” jabbered Eugene from another side.

“And don’t stop on the half-way, turn around immediately,” added Victor getting ready to the next “start” after me.

“So, did you get it? When I count “three”, push off! And go ahead!” reminded Stas.

Briefly saying, after I have heard all the advices of the “experienced” guys, I climbed on the cross-linked hands of the guys and got ready to the jump, holding by their shoulders so that not to fall down. Swinging me in the water up and down, the guys started to count all together, “One! Two! Three-e-e!”

With these words they have thrown me so high and so far to the sea that it took my breath away. Frankly speaking, such a distance flight was so unexpected by me that I was a little bit scared and at first forgot all the advices including the one that I should turn around right at once. But then when I realized it and tried to undertake something, it was too late, I stroke my body against the water like a midge against a glass. I have not only a pain in my belly because of this stroke against the water surface (it ached as if it was burnt by the fire) and sinking to the cold water took my breath away, as with all these evident signs of the “sea” panic, fear and “burnt” belly I had to swim big distance to the shallow water.

“So how was it?” Tatyana merrily asked me. She was first to meet me on the way back.

“Nothing good,” I answered. “It seems to me that I was thrown like a little frog into the water which landed on his belly with protruding eyes.”

I looked at my belly. It was all red after such a “happy” landing, or to say it more precise, water-landing.

“Not bad!” uttered Tatyana with sympathy after she had seen the injured area on my body. “How come! Does it ache?!”

“Of course! It burns…”

Meanwhile Nikolai Andreevich came close to us. And looking at me, he was sorry about me, “Oh dear, girls why don’t you take care?! I can understand when the guys have gone crazy, but why do you need it?!”

“Who knew that it might happen like this?” I shrugged my shoulders. “I have not thought that the may be so…”

“Right, everything is learnt by your own experience,” grinned our psychotherapist. “The water has its surface tension. Jumping from the big height without knowing a certain technique of water entering, you may even get smashed. It’s not a joke!”

Ruslan, who stood not far from us and listened to the “teachings” of Nikolai Andreevich, asked with confused air, “How can one get smashed against the water?”

“Easily!” Nikolai Andreevich confirmed.

And turning towards me, he said which ointment I should use in order to remove pain and where the first-aid set was.

Me and Tatyana went to look for the first-aid set. When we finished with our “medic aid” and were returning to the beach, we met already Ruslan who hobbled with red belly going the same way like me and Tatyana not for so long, to take the first-aid set. He happened not to believe to Nikolai Andreevich and my sad experience and decided to jump in a “frog” style taking start from the “jumping-off place” arranged by Eugene and Stas. So he jumped in a way that he not only stroke with his belly but even managed to hurt his leg. So me and Tatyana again went beck to render first aid help to this misfortuned victim of his test experiments. After the injury of Ruslan, Sensei and Nikolai Andreevich just drove out all the guys to the beach, for non-observing the safety rules on the water. Sensei even hold all of us in a joking manner the whole lecture on the proper behaviour on the water.

* * *

The guys unwillingly parted with the sea and putting on their rugs on the beach in a scattered way, and started to take sun bath having rest after active swimming. However less than in ten minutes of this total “seal-rookery” Volodya dragged his rug closer to Sensei who was acquired a tan near Nikolai Andreevich and reminded him, “Sensei, you promised to tell us about secret societies.”

“Yes, indeed!” supported him Victor who was not far from them and also dragged his rug closer to Sensei.

They were at once followed by Eugene and Stas who pushed away Volodya and Victor and got to the center like piglets to the thick of their congeners, together with their rugs. All the others quickly joined them. As a result of such mass movement of rugs everybody crowded around Sensei.

“Sensei, please tell us!” the guys backed up.

“Well, if I have promised, then listen carefully…” uttered Sensei friendly and thinking about something for a while he started his story. “In order to understand the goal of secret societies, which knowledge and methods they use, we should go deep into the sources of confrontation between Good and Evil. In East from ancient times people believe that the main center of opposition to the Evil and dark forces on Earth is Shambala, which is a firstprimary source of knowledge and huge spiritual power. But I would like to notice that though Shambala possesses all these features, in general it’s neutral relative to the human society, giving people pure knowledge and full right to make their own choice between the forces of Good and Evil. That’s why spiritual knowledge of Shambala is spreaded in the human society and the Evil is opposed as a rule by people themselves who are on the spiritual way.

“Of course, from time to time the human society is visited by Bodhisattvas from Shambala who are mostly occupied first of all with restoration of lost spiritual knowledge, true history of development of human civilizations which were either lost by people in time or hidden from the majority of people or modified by other people in their greedy and power-seeking goals. Bodhisattvas also give additional information about the world depending on the level of scientific achievements of civilization. That is thy take neutral position relative to the human society and as far as possible they give pure information to people, without a touch of fantasy of dirt of ages, as well as various human ambitions. Whether they accept this information or not is a personal choice of every human who was lucky in the human society to become a possessor of those knowledge of Shambala which are dreamt of by many high and mighty of this world. And correspondingly to resist the Evil, if you possess this information, and do real Good in this world or to please your own vanity with this knowledge is also a personal matter of each human and of people in general. But I emphasize once again that within the human society only people themselves who follow the spiritual way resist the Evil and the Archons. By the way, those people are called from ancient times the Arhats.”

“The Arhats?” asked Victor.

“Yes. If to translate from Sanskrit, “Arhat” means worthy. Nowadays this word is used by Buddhists in their terminology, they call so humans who came close to the Nirvana state. But actually from ancient times people called as Arhats those who were worthy to bring spiritual knowledge of Shambala to the world. To these people belong also those who were called by ancient Slavyans as Vezha, Sokrovennik, Mezhanin.”

“You see, the Arhats and the Archons! The difference is so slight, only a couple of letters, but they have such opposite goals!” Stas was surprised.

“Right, but this “slight” difference changes the signs to completely opposite,” emphasized Sensei. “And the fact that there is a slight difference in names, it’s all due to people rumours. Since first there were the Arhats, who spreaded spiritual knowledge. And then appeared those who were called by ancient Greek wisemen as the Archons, emphasizing the popular method of the Archons to alter and to distort those things which became popular among people due to the Arhats. This opposition is inherent in all human civilizations whatever people call these both sides.

“The Archons just work according to principles of Ariman. And yesterday you had a chance to contemplate the principles of Ariman. It seems that he tells the same spiritual things as Bodhisattvas of Shambala but he distorts the truth so skilfully in favour of the matter that a human doesn’t notice under the details the global substitution, the change of direction on the way to the opposite side. But a human who has more of spiritual in him, will understand this substitution and reveal it. Ariman just plays on the human weaknesses, on the wishes of the Animal whatever nice word form it would put on. It fully confuses a human. The same principles, the principles of his Master are followed by the Archons.”

“What does mean a word ‘Archons’?” asked Yura.

“The word “Archons” origins from the Greek word “archontes” what means “elders”, “forefathers”, “chiefs”, “rulers”. Much later the orthodox Christians started to treat them as “servants of the devil”. The gnostics who were guided by ancient knowledge interpreted the Archons as spirits-world rulers, creators of the material universe whose power can be overcome only by a spiritual person. But in general they thought that the power of the Archons is not limitless, according to the plan of God. Taking into consideration the opposition of the Arhats and the Archons during thousands of years, they are right to some extent, of course.

The Great Archon, or he is also called the “Archon of this world” what is the same as the “king of this world” is Ariman… But in more ancient times his name as the name of the Great Archon was Abraxas, as it is interpreted nowadays, “the spirit of the universal whole who isn’t absolutely evil, but being ignorant, takes himself for absolute God”. This legend can be taken as a fairy-tale only by those who are completely unaware of knowledge and order of the world. For wise people it’s a hint, a tip.”

At this moment Nikolai Andreevich said, “The last one happens probably because people know little or don’t know anything at all. And where is no knowledge, there is misunderstanding and fear.”

“Right you are. What do people know about Ariman? Mostly, due to activities of the Archons, they are given the information corresponding to the level of a six-years-old child, something like “Satan is a bad awful monster, with horns and hooves, who will drag you to his dark kingdom and will boil you in a pot with pitch, if you will not obey to us and do everything we tell you.” By the way, not only in the religion but in the politics the Archons use the same technique of information supply for majority of people, throughout the world. And it happens so because the serious information, especially the political one, isn’t apprehended by the majority of people. It leads to a paradox: each individual considers himself to be smart and clever, but most of them understand the serious information just on the primitive level of explanation typical for a little kid. It was so both in ancient times and now. That’s why the Archons used it and use till now, nominating his people as interpreters.”

Volodya uttered with doubts in his voice, “Probably, people apprehend it so because they don’t know the whole truth which is boiled in the pot of political kitchen. And nobody, of course, will ever tell them the truth as it will just undermine the authority of those who launches all this disorders.”

“Yes, yes,” echoed Eugene, “As they say, if you like sausage and politics, it’s better not to know how both of them are cooked.”

The guys laughed. And Stas complained with humour addressing Sensei, “How does it come so? In relation to religions the Archons shamelessly slander their own Master when they intimidate people with “awful monster”?!”

“Well, they use any means to achieve their goal. And their goal is simple – to distract the attention of a human from his internal spiritual development by external material things. To hide the true reason of Evil which is concealed inside of the human, in his Animal nature. And, of course, the main thing for them is to achieve an unlimited power over people. They strive to it and dictate the society their rules of life, impose wards and don’t shun to awake in people beast instincts. They profit from people’s fear and ignorance. Since if a human knows truth, he will stop fearing them, he will see the light. He won’t care anymore about their lies, will turn around and will go to the spiritual side. That’s why the Archons do everything so that not to let it be. So, guys, whatever it be, be careful in this world. Don’t forget that we are here temporarily, we are guests of Ariman. It’s all his Satrapy.”

“What? Satrapy?!” Andrew didn’t get it. “What is that?”

Eugene explained him in his own way.

“It’s a place where murderers rule.”

“Really?!” Andrew asked with naivety, turning to Sensei.

Sensei looked grinning at Eugene and replied, “Almost. A Satrapy is a place under the rule of a satrap. ’Satrapēs’ is a Greek word. It comes from the ancient Persian word ‘sitrab’. So was called a governor of the region (satrapy) in Ancient Persia who had unlimited power.”

“That’s what I mean, a Satrapy is big soul-murder for a nation!” took up noisy Eugene. “Nobody wants to live in a Satrapy,” and he added cunningly at once, “but everybody dreams to become a Satrap.”

The guys looked with amazement at Eugene. Meanwhile Volodya began to ask Sensei about secret societies.

“Does it mean that secret societies are a doing of the Archons?”

“Why? Secret societies were organized both by the Arhats and the Archons,” specified Sensei.

“It’s clear with the Archons,” agreed Nikolai Andreevich. “Every power is based on possessing hidden information which is manipulated with selfish ends. But why do the Arhats need secret societies if they follow spiritual way?”

In reply Sensei said, “This world, as I said, belongs to Ariman. That’s why from ancient times the Arhats had to organize secret societies trying to be maximally useful to people. Not because they wanted it so but in order to keep in purity the received knowledge so that people would be able to oppose the Archons with its help. But for the Arhats, unlike for the Archons, this secrecy was a double-edged weapon. Since only sometimes the help of the Arhats became for many people so significant spiritually that ordinary people kept in their memory glory and respect to such secret organization. But these people’s rumors, without their knowing, was harmful for the Arhats. As soon as their secret organization became among people popular and known, simply saying, too many people knew about it, the Archons immediately concentrated their forces not only on destruction of this organization, but what is worse, on substitution of the internal ideology of this organization by penetration of their people into it and elimination of the leading Arhats. That is, externally for ordinary people who were unaware of internal matters of this secret society, the organization seemed to be active, but spiritually it was already empty. Playing on its popularity and using sometimes the names of killed by them Arhats, the Archons already manipulated in their own way with the consciousness of people.”

“And what was that organization of ‘Freemasons’ you mentioned which was one of the first influential circles of the Archons?” inquired Volodya.

“Oh, this is a classical example how the powerful organization of Arhats’ ‘Spiritually free bricklayers’ turned with the time into the secret society of Archon’s ‘Free masons’.”

“Really?! It would be quite interesting to listen about this case,” uttered Nikolai Andreevich with interest and sat more comfortably.

“You are welcome,” approvingly nodded Sensei and began to tell his story. “The movement of ‘Spiritually free bricklayers” was founded in Ancient Egypt. And primarily it was created by the Arhats as a positive spiritual society of people. Ta-Kemet, as Egypt was called in great antiquity, was a special place for Shambala. But it’s not an issue of our discussion. The initiator of this movement was a man called Imhotep. If to use terminology of the ancient Russian language he was Vezha, a disciple of the Sokrovennik.”

“And who was Imhotep? A pharaoh?” asked Slava who listened attentively to Sensei.

“No, Imhotep wasn’t a pharaoh. Nowadays he is famous among the majority of people as the Architect who headed the building of one of the first step-pyramids. This pyramid was named in honor of pharaoh Djoser who lived that time and who founded in 2778 b.c. the 3rd dynasty…”

“Aha, two thousand seven hundred… it’s approximately, in the three thousand years before Christ?!” half-affirmatively, half-interrogatively uttered Kostya and began at once to calculate. “If to add almost two thousand years of our era to that tree thousand years b.c…. It means altogether almost five thousand years ago?”

“Right you are,” confirmed Sensei.

“Ancient man!” uttered Andrew having heard these calculations and added with a smile, “Now I see why I haven’t ever heard of him.”

“No, you have! At school. He is mentioned in the history,” prompted Tatyana.

“Hem, during history lessons Andrew had more important things to do rather than to listen,” Kostya informed her with humour.

“Who would say it!” returned him Andrew. “Though, frankly speaking, I didn’t like history lessons. It was so dull. And the teacher spoke so boringly that we were almost sleeping.”

Kostya wanted to add something else about this but Nikolai Andreevich politely changed the topic to more interesting issues.

“As far as I know, Imhotep was also an outstanding doctor of his time.”

“Yes, and not only the doctor,” confirmed Sensei. “Imhotep was such a significant Person that he is worth that I tell you about him in details…”

Sensei made a pause in his story and asked Victor to pass him over a bottle with mineral water which he held in his hands, drank a bit from it and returned to Victor. Then he went on telling.

“Imhotep was born not far from Memphis, the capital of Ancient Egypt that time. He was a son of a commoner, an excellent bricklayer called Knofer. There were no schools that time at all. Children were taught in the family. As a rule, the specialization of parents was learnt by their children. Thus, any profession was a family matter and it was transmitted from one generation into another. Imhotep inherited from his father a mastery of bricklayer when he was still young. And he would remain to be one if his path wouldn’t cross with the Sokrovennik, who estimated at true worth not only his keen mind but also his human qualities. Imhotep was twelve when he met the Sokrovennik and made a choice of his life path really worth of Human.

“Soon Imhotep became a disciple of the Sokrovennik and was initiated into the basics of the science of White Lotus. Beside natural sciences, for example, grammar, mathematics, physics, geometry, astronomy, medicine, the Sokrovennik told him true original spiritual knowledge about a human. He revealed to him as well the practice of Lotus flower. And when Imhotep began to practice it on his own, with all his diligence, he was surprised with the changes which started to happen with him.”

Kostya even whistled quietly and said with admiration, “Wow! So, practice of Lotus flower was known even in the year three thousand b.c.? Well, well, well… It’s Egypt… And Buddha was born in the six century b.c…. Wow! What a time difference, it’s almost two and a half thousand years!”

“Why did you mention Buddha?” asked Andrew in perplexity.

“What do you mean ‘why?’?” He is always depicted sitting in the lotus flower.”

Kostya uttered it with such a surprise as if Andrew didn’t understand the obvious thing from the “logical chains” of thoughts of our Philosopher. Eugene listened to the guys, hemmed and probably to stop all these talks in the future, addressed to Kostya with accented politeness, “Dear Einsteino-Sokrato! Would you be so kind to make you conclusions silently so that not to disturb the esteemed audience to enjoy the fruits of pure knowledge,” and changing his voice from polite tone to a strictly warning, he added, “Without your aggravating complication!”

Sensei simply smiled to all these “tactful” negotiations of the guys and patiently explained to Kostya, “The practice of Lotus flower was known to people from great antiquity. And by the way it was known not only to this human civilization. I have already told you that this practice is very ancient and it exists as long as a human. Just from time to time knowledge about it is lost or hidden by people under the myths. The Archons don’t waste time, too.

“In Egypt this knowledge was given during the so called by people “golden age”, when, according to ancient Egyptians, “Gods ruled on Earth”. But by the time of Imhotep this knowledge was partly lost and developed into the form of religious worshiping. Lotus was honoured as a sacred flower. Partly it took shape of primitive symbolic worshiping and was connected with fertility of fields as plenty of lotuses were blooming at Nile high water (a river which brought black silt to fields, due to which Egyptians gathered not a one harvest per year). But in general the lotus flower was worshiped as a symbol of spiritual purity. Like a human with a pure soul, to whom no filth of this world sticks, lotus was also grown from the dirt but always remained pure and unspotted. Moreover, this sacred flower was connected by legends with highest gods of Ancient Egypt, for example, Osiris, his spouse goddess of fertility Isis, their son, the god of light Horus, who were depicted as sitting on the throne made from the lotus flower, or the god Ra, who “was born from lotus”, a new-born sun, sitting on the lotus, etc. Lotus was connected with sacral symbols, cosmogonical myths (one of them, for example, tells how from a blossoming lotus flower, growing on the hill, which in its turn appeared from the initial chaos, a sunny baby came out, who “illuminated the earth covered by darkness”). By the way, this picture of the baby sitting on the petals of lotus flower was popular till the Roman epoch.

“And though a lot of knowledge of the “golden age” was lost, many real events of that time were camouflaged in myths, but in general, by the time of Imhotep Egyptians believed in existence of, saying in our language, a “dusha” (a “soul”) more than modern people. Ancient Egyptians, for examples, thought that this world is temporary, that the life follows the death the same way like the day follows the night. And the death was considered only as a point of transition in the flow of complicated existence. That is, they had belief into the process of reincarnation, if to say it in our words.”

Yura asked, “Sensei, but why did you say that Egyptians “believed in existence of, saying in our language, a “dusha” (a “soul”)? Didn’t they have such a word, a “soul”?”

“They had a similar word. And “dusha” is a word of Slavic origin, known to many European peoples. The Slavic word “dusha” has its roots in “dykh-”, “dukh” (“spirit”) which once upon a time meant stopping breathing, that is a sign of the end of life. What does it mean for a man to die? “To breathe one’s last”. But I should mention that Slavyans meant under the soul a spiritual creature which possesses both will and reason. In their conception it is something without body, that is without flesh. The soul is interpreted as a vitally important part of the human which at the same time is independent, that is separate from both body and spirit creature. Do notice that Slavyans’ “dusha” (“soul”) is feminine and that points out in its sacral meaning at primary role of the female nature, I will tell you about it a bit later. And the word “duh” (“spirit”) is masculine. Together with the soul it makes harmony.

“By the way, the Slavyan word “duh” has many meanings. It means something incorporeal, an immaterial creature of the spiritual world, a shadow, a ghost. It means a vision. The spirit means as well the strength of the soul, bravery, prowess, strength. It gave birth to the word “spiritual”, that is incorporeal spirit, without body, which consists of soul and spirit.

“Why do I tell you all this in detail? For you to understand, taking into account my further story, how much knowledge is kept in careful memory of Slavyan people… In general, the notion of soul as such existed within many peoples in different times, and the human soul was called in different ways. For example, the Indian in the Hinduism had this word in Sanskrit sounding as “atman”. Or to say more precise, the soul was called a “part of Atman” (that is a part of the Universal Soul), the true “I” of a man which can be cognizable only on the intuitive level. Persians (in Zoroastrianism) called the immortal human soul as “fravashi” (by the way, it’s a derivative word from Avestan words “fravart” – “to make a choice” and “pra-vart-ti” – “preexist”), that is something which exists before the human birth and doesn’t die after his death. Moreover, it was mentioned that fravashi as an embodiment of the soul is feminine. And it was depicted as a disc with wings (faroar). By the way, this symbol was known still to ancient Egyptians. It was deemed that while ascending to good god Ahura Mazda the fravashi goes through three stages – humat, hukht, huvarsht, which in ancient Persian means “good thought”, “good word”, “good deed”.

“Greeks named the soul as “psyche” which root also means “breathing”. And their notion of breathing was similar to the wind, wings. And they depicted the soul not only as a flying bird like Egyptians but also a butter-fly which corresponded the same way as the soul to the word “Psychea”. Later this Greek word migrated to Latin and began to be called as “anima” (anima, animus)…”

Nikolai Andreevich uttered with interest, “It means that the Latin word “reanimation” means not only the “repeated revival”?”

“Right you are. At great extent it’s an attempt to return the soul.”

But our Kostya got excited about another question. Having waited until a Sensei’s answer, the guy asked with curiosity, “So, how did ancient Egyptians call the soul?”

“The Ba,” replied Sensei.

Kostya obviously like all of us didn’t understand it and asked amazed. “The Ba? And that’s all? Just the Ba?!”

“Yes,” said Sensei with a smile looking at confused and funny Kostya’s face, “just the ‘Ba’.”

Eugene immediately reacted to this message, nudged Stas and uttered, “You see, and you always asked me why I’m so unceremonious when I meet you with open arms and shout whole-heartedly, ‘Ba! (Oh!) Glad to see you!” Now you see that I subconsciously greet your soul in ancient Egyptian language.”

“Subconsciously…” mimicked him Stas. “Do you have it at all, your subconsciousness? In order to have “sub”, you should first have “over”!”

Hardly Eugene opened his mouth, probably to object to his friend, Kostya again began to question Sensei, “Well, really, is it just the ‘Ba’?”

“Of course,” nodded assent Sensei. “Or to put it more precisely, ‘Ba’ is the closest term to the notion of the soul. Ancient Egyptians interpreted ‘Ba’ as one of the five elements composing the human creature. Ba was depicted as a bird, a falcon with a human head that flew between two words, the earthy one and the beyond. Ba, as a soul, also was considered to be an embodiment of vital force of all people and it continued to exist after their death.”

“And what are these five elements composing the human creature?” asked Victor.

“They present some modified by people original knowledge. That is, in fact, these five elements are nothing more that a structure of a human, his Spiritual and Animal natures.”

“Sounds interesting,” Nikolai Andreevich asked quite intrigued again.

Sensei looked attentively at the listening group and went on, “Well, if you are so interested in it, let’s continue… One of the elements was called by ancient Egyptians, as you know, ‘Ba’, the soul, which was the foundation of the Spiritual nature. Ba was often depicted as a falcon with a human head and a lit icon-lamp in front of it as a symbol meaning that Ba belongs to heaven. People believed that stars are a gathering of many icon-lamps of blessed Ba, souls of star mother Nut.” Sensei made a pause and distinctly repeated. “Star mother! Remember that, further you will understand why it is so important. Besides, ancient Egyptians attributed their gods with Ba. For example, the Orion constellation was called not else that the soul of the god Osiris. Sotis, or Sirius in our language, was the soul of goddess Isis, the faithful spouse of Osiris… Please remember it, too.”

Sensei kept silence for a while, obviously letting us better reconsider what we had just heard and then he went on, “The second element composing the human creature according to legends of ancient Egyptians, is ‘Akh’, or it was also called ‘Ab’. ‘Akh’ means ‘spirit’, ‘blessed’, ‘enlightened’, that is it originates from Egyptian lexical root ‘akh’, ‘to shine, to radiate’. Akh was regarded as a connecting link between a human and a shining vital force. It was believed that after the death Akh leaves the body in order to join stars. There was even such an expression, ‘Akh goes to heaven, and body goes to earth’.

“Akh was depicted as a bird with bright feathers, an ibis, which was called by Egyptians as ‘akhu’, that is ‘shining’. Besides, in ancient Egypt they worshiped Toth, the god of knowledge (and the keeper of divine power and soul) who was depicted as a man with ibis head or fully as ibis. It was believed that his wife, Seshat, wrote down details of life of every human on the leaves of Heaven Tree.”

Eugene couldn’t keep from making his funny comment, “You see, there were only birds, a falcon, an ibis!”

In reply Sensei said, “They are birds to those who see only the exterior, but doesn’t see the internal essence. Akh was interpreted also as a spirit which symbolized a will and desire of an individual. Later this ‘spirit’ began to be associated as a ‘spirit’ of heart (the hati). It caused the confusion in legends which told that after death a human came to the beyond justice in front of Osiris, and it was his heart which supposedly responded for human deeds and not the Akh (spirit of will and desires) of a human was put on the scales in the presence of soul Ba, and the counterbalance of it was the goddess of justice, truth and order, Maat.”

“Ancient Egyptians also had the beyond justice?” Andrew asked surprised.

“Of course,” answered Sensei. “They considered the god Osiris to be a sun god who became after his death the supreme judge of the beyond world. According to their belief he made a decision about the further destiny of the human soul, where to direct it, to the fields of Ialu (or as it was also named Iaru), that is to the heaved in our language, which was located according to legends of ancient Egyptians in the Eastern heaven, or to give it to a monster to swallow it, so to say, to the ‘hell’.

“So, when the true knowledge was distorted, it came to such an absurd that the priests, in order to become more important, began to tell people that in order to avoid this trial ‘on scales’ in the beyond world and in order not to get worried that after their death an anatomist would prepare their corps and by accident would hurt their heart or completely leave the body without this important organ they need to obtain a reserve heart from priests, the so called by them ‘heart-scarab’ with written magical formulas on it.”

“Nice joke!” grinned Volodya with the guys.

“Yeah, nice joke,” with a faint note of sadness uttered Sensei. “The human stupidity invents so much and then you have just laugh, wiping out tears.”

Nikolai Andreevich pondered over it and made a conclusion, “It means that that time the knowledge was distorted. It is obvious that Christians took it over from Egyptians… And what was the original knowledge? What was hidden under the notion ‘Akh’?”

“Everything is simple,” uttered Sensei. “The force which is called the ‘will’ of a human and gives birth to the initial impulse to realization of different desired depends only by thirty percent on the matter, that is on the processes connected with the work of brain. The other its manifestations are connected more with subtle matter, or to put it more simply, with energy and material world of a human, that is with his aura, soul, centers of agathodaemon and cacodaemon. This force, as a connecting link, has a unique feature, the more you concentrate is on something, the more it strengthens the potential of transformation of energy and material structures (composing our thoughts as well) into real deeds, events either of material or spiritual nature, depending on your own choice. By the way, due to these specific features to do something with a will, in ancient times this force was called a voice of reason, “a god which is inside of you”. Later this force was called with different names, such as concentration of reason, container of mind which makes union with the tongue and will carrier.”

“Well, but why was it nevertheless connected with the heart?”

“From ancient times it was the solar plexus which was considered to be the centre of concentration of the will-power. And it was also connected with doing the spiritual practice ‘Lotus flower’. Since exactly in this place is located the soul, which is connected only with thin energy and material structures of the human, but not directly with the matter of the body. So, when the human reached the state of union between his willpower (that is single-mindedness of thoughts) and wishes of the soul, it was considered to demonstrate the spiritual maturity of the human.

“Besides it was believed from the earliest times that the will-power is influenced in a way by, to say in our language, feelings and emotions. And again this impact was ascribed to that region. It’s partly true. And as far as the heart concerned… Since the heart is a central pump of the body which pumps over the blood. And the blood is a special very peculiar fluid which is far from being studied, even with all modern knowledge. Those main forces, so to say, energies, which combination leads to the formation of the material structure of this fluid are one of the main elements in the Arimanian system, simply to say, in the system…,” Sensei thought for a while, evidently trying to find the matching words, “let’s say it, for you to be more clear, in the system of ‘programming the matter’.”

“It’s an interesting information,” Nikolai Andreevich said with animation and uttered at once with the impatience of the striving scientist, “Could you please tell us about it in more details?”

“It’s an interesting information, indeed,” Sensei agreed with him. “But there will be no more details on this issue. You are not ready to it.”

Frankly speaking, I was a bit surprised to that flat reply of Sensei. Since it was a question not from any of us, who would ask just out of curiosity, but it was a man who was dealing with science for long time and who would surely need this knowledge in his work. But Sensei cut short, as if even not wishing to hear to any objection on that issue. And I thought: if he answered that way, then there should be a serious reason, then this knowledge is really very serious and it need a certain spiritual maturity and preparation even for such a clever and practical man like Nikolai Andreevich.

Having answered to doctor, Sensei, after some pause, continued as if nothing had happened, to tell the story about ancient Egyptians.

“So, as far as the heart concerned… There was knowledge in Ancient Egypt but when it became to turn into religion, the priests distorted it intentionally.” And he added with the humour. “You can’t see neurons with ordinary eyes and you can’t touch with your hands the will-power. So the priests decided to ascribe the notion of ‘Akh’ to the heart, since there existed among people different expressions which poetically connected feelings with the heart. Because it’s a quite tangible organ and it’s located also almost in the centre. So who among laity would notice this substitution? But then here is a direct evidence of material proof, ‘embodiment of the will-power and human wishes’ which can be seen and touched by most curious persons after the death of man. So to say, the impressive visual advertisement which very soon began to bring huge profits to priests. Thus it came to total mass copying of distortion.”

“Well, people are people,” Nikolai Andreevich sighed.


“Egyptians were so naïve!” Slava uttered with a gibe.

“This materialization was inherent to many nations,” remarked Sensei.

“Sure,” drawled Andrew. “It’s called, Ariman works professionally!”

Kostya on seeing that the discussion turned again not the way he was interested in waved his hand towards Andrew, “Wait!” and already addressing to Sensei started again to inquire, “Thus it means… Five elements of ancient Egyptians composing the human essence are: Ba, the soul, Akh, the will-power and wishes… And the other?”

“The other?! Well, it’s Ka, the element which was believed to be a spiritual double of a man, his vital force (‘breathing’, ‘spirit’) which is given to him from birth and after his physical death is his guide in the beyond world, and then it leaves him. It was considered that Ka is born and grows together with a human acquiring his merits and imperfections. Ka may exist independent of body, for example, to reach the heaven and talk to gods there or just move on earth. The Ka sign was depicted as two hands lifted up bent in elbows (quite often this sign was positioned on the head of the double), that somehow reminds the hieroglyph in its meaning ‘to raise, to seize’. The human was ascribed to have a multitude of Ka, or how they were also called Kau.”

“It reminds the human astral body,” assumed Nikolai Andreevich.

“Why does it remind? This is it in fact. However ancient Egyptians beside it managed to stuff into the notion of multitude of Ka also protective functions of the aura. But it’s not too important. In general they interpreted it more or less correctly. As far as Ka as the astral body concerned, it was deemed that Ba exists in Ka and has a feature to become bodiless or bodily. Though by its structure Ba was more ascribed to etheric substances…”

“Well, it seems these Egyptians were not so simple…” Slava changed his opinion at once.

Sensei went on to tell his story, “One more element composing the human being was Khat, the physical body of a human.”

“Oh!” exclaimed Kostya gladly. “And I started to get worried whether they had a notion of body at all!”

Sensei smiled almost unnoticeably and added, “With the word ‘Khat’ ancient Egyptians called not only the physical body but everything to be rotten… And finally, one more element which formed a triad with Ka and Khat was Hu.”

“Hu?!” asked Eugene with surprise while the seniour guys began to smile.

“Yes, Hu,” confirmed Sensei grinning. “Under Hu ancient Egyptians meant initially reasonable force which by its influence on the body was comparable only with the notion of Ba. Later this term was transformed into a ‘not the best part of the soul’ which lives due to Khat and Ka and dies together with the physical body, that is, with Khat. In our understanding, it’s an Animal nature.”

Kostya uttered amazed, “Does it mean that the notion of the Animal nature was known still in such ancient times?!”

The seniour guys couldn’t help laughing either because of this question or because of this surprized and funny expression of Kostya’s face, and Eugene added with enthusiasm, “What do you want? Hu is hu in all times and among all peoples! As it was Hu, it remains Hu, you can’t do anything with it.”

After these words our group fell about. And most of all laughed Sensei, so to say, ‘until cries’. The guys began to cast Kostya with their jokes until at last Nikolai Andreevich renewed the conversation.

“I have met already somewhere this notion, ‘duality of the soul’, but I don’t remember where exactly.”

“Well, there are a lot of mentions of it in teachings of different peoples of the world,” remarked Sensei. “For example, in India people practicing a religion of Jainism have such notions as the jiva, that is the soul, spiritual nature, and the ajiva, that is material nature. These people consider that in surrounding world jiva is always connected with ajiva and not just connected but encapsulated and enslaved by it.

“Or let’s take the conceptions of ancient Chinese about the human. They thought that there two special souls in the human, beside other souls: Hun and Po. The Hun soul, in their opinion, manages the spiritual nature of the human and is connected to it by ‘Yan’ forces. After death of the body this reasonable nature turns into the good spirit Shen, and after some time, it flies to the sky. The Po soul manages the human body, that is his material, animal essence, and it connected with ‘Yin’ forces. This is a lower sensual nature which dies together with the body and remains with the corpse as a Gui spirit until its total decay, then it goes to the ground and dissolves. Whereas the live body of the human is the only thread which connects Hun and Po together. Death of the body leads to their division. By the way, at certain time ancient Chinese had mass spring rituals during which they called upon to Hun and Po. At the heart of these rituals there was a popular belief that namely the union of Hun and Po gives life and of course the fertility.”

“And what other souls were there except these two?” asked Victor.

“Almost the same as Egyptians had, just in some different interpretation. Lin, for example, according to ancient Chinese believes, is a soul which exists in all beings and things, qi is a vital force. There are spirits of all inner organs and parts of the body. And also, as you have already heard, Shen is a good spirit of the dead, Gui is the evil spirit of the dead.”

“Now it’s clear,” nodded Victor.

Eugene hemmed and uttered with a note of humour in his voice, “Now I see why Chinese have such names as Hun Lin and Hun Po! I thought that this is the way they swear and use bad language. I thought one should really love someone to call with such a name! But in fact, there is quite another reason!” And looking aside at Stas, he added with a smile, “Well… So, Stas, if you were born in China, you would have now a more proper name, for example, Stas Hun Po!”

“You know, Hun Eugene Po, I’m already fed up with your propaganda of your historical Motherland!” grinned Stas.

“Of my historical Motherland?!” Eugene whose figure in no way reminded the inhabitant of China gave a start with his patriotic feelings. But he immediately calmed down and narrowing his eyes began to bow and friendly nod to Stas, “Welcome… to visit us, well…”

“Well?! Ah, you are the Chukchi man! Sorry, brother, for insulting you. I thought however that you are a Chinese,” Stas laughed together with everybody.

“You are rong, no … wrong! I’m a Chinese Chukchi man, well!”

Eugene again made us laugh by his clownery. He was cast by a gust of jokes but the guy bravely countered them playing the role of a ‘Chinese Chukchi man’. These five minutes of fun were over so sudden as they began. Nikolai Andreevich asked Sensei about something concerning the spiritual nature. Unfortunately because of the guys’ laugh to one of Eugene’s answers I missed what was this question about. But answering it Sensei said the following, “Perhaps I will share this topic a bit more time and will tell you a Chinese legend about it…”

The guys calmed down and began to listen to the legend with interest.

* * *

“Once upon a time a wiseman called Tang Qiao. He lived many years, knew a lot about what is going on the Earth and among the stars. But he was considered to be the wisest among people because he knew a lot about what is going on inside the man. Once his disciples came to him and found him to do something unusual. Tang Qiao finished to dig a tomb for himself in the garden near the tree where he often used to have a rest and reflect. The disciples got frightened and began to ask why he had done it before his death, before the term determined by the heaven. The wiseman answered, ‘In order to remember about the Peace.’ The disciples were surprised and asked Tang Qiao to clarify the meaning of his wise words. And he told them the following story. ‘Today I sat to have a rest near the tree and began to reflect on my life spent on this earth. And I got so deep into reflections that I have seen how a good spirit Shen parted from my Hun soul, and an evil spirit Gui parted from my Po soul. They sat opposite to each other and began to talk.

Gui suggested to Shen temptingly, “It would be nice to live one more time!”

“What for?” the Shen spirit was surprised. “Only the fool after finishing his fatiguing and hard way and coming to the door of his home, returns in order to overcome this way again.”

“Nevertheless, it would be nice to live one more time!” said merrily Gui.

“What for?” again asked tired Shen. “To jump like a marmot out of the cradle in order to hide in a tomb? No, I wish I could finish soon this miserable existence.”

The Gui spirit sighed dolefully and said, “Still it would be nice to live once again!”

“Tell me why? To perceive again what is suffering, diseases and privations? Since life is an eternal thirst and unspeakable suffering!”

The Gui spirit burst into tears, “It would be nice to live one more time!”

Listening to them, I felt for an instant sorry for the Gui spirit since it will die together with the body and will dissolve in the ground irretrievably. And that very moment I thought, “Right, it would be nice to live one more time!” At once I was as if fallen into a dream. The Gui spirit picked me up and merrily carried through the darkness into the new life, whispering to my ear, “Yes, yes, yes! It’s nice to live one more time! I will bring you back your youth, will fill your existence with joy, will give you such knowledge and will teach you such skills, arts that our life with you will run in luxury and pleasures.”

“But which payment will you take for this?” I asked with fear. “Will it be my Hun soul?”

“Oh no!” with triumph exclaimed the Gui spirit. “The Hun spirit is yours! Don’t worry about it. It will follow you and you will pass your life without fear and anxiety. But I have one rule, one condition: I will always go one step in front of you.”

I reflected a while. And not seeing anything bad in it, I agreed, “Alright.”

We immediately happened to be in primeval forest, in the most impassable thicket. The Gui spirit was bravely going ahead, moving apart for me prickly branches, so that I was able to advance freely, without injuring me even one time. And I thought, “How stupid is my Gui spirit. Let him go ahead. It’s even very good for me. Let him do all dirty work for me, and I will just enjoy the life.”

We reached the abode of the powerful dragon. The Gui spirit came close to him first and the last one touched him with his sting and filled up with power. I have seen that nothing bad happened to my spirit and also came close to the dragon. He touched with his sting my body and it became young. The dragon hit with his tail the ground and we found ourselves in the world grown younger with us which was full of heady aroma of wonderful flowers and where marvellous birds were singing their songs. I rejoiced about the feeling of life fullness and went to people.

It happened so as Gui had promised. He shared with me his knowledge. In a flash I raised above among the joy of public emptiness and amazed all by my knowledge, mastership in handy-crafts and arts. Though I became the weak-willed servant of my Gui spirit. Since whatever I thought, the thoughts of the Gui spirit always dominated in my, whatever I said, the words of my Gui spirit flew out first. And whatever I did, the initiator of all my doings was always my evil Gui spirit. So I couldn’t do anything good for my Hun soul, neither with a thought, nor with a word, nor with a doing. I couldn’t even stay alone with it in order to gain myself and my way. And the whole world faded in my eyes. I couldn’t feel the aroma of flowers or listen to birds songs. I understood that the evil Gui spirit cheated me since I let him go one step ahead of me, became his weak-willed servant and enslaved this way in his power my Hun soul. I felt terribly sorry for that and cried. Since that time under the tree I needed to make one more step to gain for my Hun soul Peace and Harmony. That very moment I awakened and saw the light cognizing the essence. I took a shovel and began to dig a tomb for the body and the Gui spirit in order to come here every day and to remember about the Hun soul and its Great Home of Peace till my death.”

The disciples were wondering at his sincere story. And Tang Qiao uttered a wise saying, “Human vanity is fruitless. People rush, torment themselves with fears and anger cast by Po. Meantime the Great Dao remains in divine serenity. He, who has desires and thinks about them, is born in this world again because of his desires. Only he, who is perfect in spirit, who is free from desires and fear, hewill learn the secret of the Great Dao and leaves this world for ever. A wise man goes along the way of understanding the Highest in self-immersion and spiritual cleansing one step ahead of himself... For everything is called forth by the laws of the Highest. The Highest guides all things in existence and leads all things in existence to perfection. Perfection in turn implies acquiring the ultimate goal, the Peace. For the Peace is the very source of the innermost spirituality.”’

And Tang Qiao uttered a word of wisdom which remained in the memory for ages, “If you wish to gain Peace of the Great Dao, remember that birth leads to death but only through death you may come to life.”

Having narrated this legend, Sensei cast an inspecting glance at us. And we silently looked at him. Though there reigned silence, I have still heard in my ears the voice of Sensei who was saying the last phrase, “… remember that birth leads to death but only through death you may come to life”. “It’s expressed so precisely,” I thought. “Even if to regard my life: hadn’t my Destiny brought me so realistically with oncoming Death, I would probably not cognize that there is a genuine life. These words are a universal hint for those who in on the spiritual way! For example, if to regard my material wishes, when they are born in me sooner or later I begin to understand uselessness of these wishes and their emptiness that means that in fact these wishes die in me. And when I stop wishing such stupid things, my attention concentrates on really more important values of the life. Or if to regard instead of ‘wishes’ my ‘fear’. Again, when different fears appear in me it pushes me to finally start looking for a reason of these fears and ways how to get rid of them. So, in the end it will result sooner or later in ‘death’ of my fears. And having ceased fearing, as Sensei said, the human becomes free of fear, and it means that he starts to understand what is the genuine life. Right, if to study globally the human essence it turns out that unless we master our Animal nature, we will not feel what our soul wants and why we were given this life. As it was correctly said in this legend: in order to go the spiritual way, you should always be one step ahead of you, ahead of your Ego, so that your soul would lead you, then you will never be wrong with the direction and sooner or later will reach your innermost goal.”

* * *

My considerations were interrupted by Sensei who continued his narration.

“… The same notions about the soul and other elements of the human existed in ancient China… Or let’s take, for example, the conceptions of Turkic nations of Siberia, of that very Altay people. They also differentiate between almost five elements in the human: ‘kermes’, what literally means ‘not seeing’, it’s the spirit of the dead man. It could be ‘aru-kermes’, that is ‘pure’, or could be ‘diaman-kermes’, that is ‘dirty, evil’. Beside ‘kermes’ there is also ‘tyn’, breathing, an inseparable part of the human, ‘sur’, the ghost, double which can part from the body, ‘kut’, the vital force, if to steal it the man will be dead…” And thinking for a while he said, “Greeks also had a dichotomy of ‘bodysoul’…”

“What?” Andrew didn’t quite catch. “Tichotomy?”

“No, dichotomy,” repeated Sensei and explained immediately. “This word originates from Greek word ‘dicha’ which means ‘in two parts’ and ‘tomē’, which means ‘section’. That is the consecutive division of the whole in two parts, and then of each part again etc.”

Nikolai Andreevich nodded confirming the words of Sensei and summarized again making his own general conclusions.

“Now it’s a little bit clearer why the soul was equated to ‘breathing’ in the Old Testament. The Egyptian source is evident.”

“By the way,” remarked Sensei. “Pay attention that ancient Jews had a conception of the soul and body as of one and indivisible.”

“Really?” with a slightly visible smile uttered Nikolai Andreevich. “Obviously someone needed to impose this opinion to the whole nation.”

“There are no doubts,” Sensei agreed to him.

“Wait, I didn’t quite get it,” Victor began to investigate this case. “What does it mean, ‘the Egyptian source is evident”? Does it turn out that ancient Jews plagiarized from ancient Egyptians and somehow forgot to indicate the source of their information?!”

In reply Sensei remarked, “First it were not namely ancient Jews as a nation who ‘plagiarized’ since in majority it was a wild nomadic nation that time which was busy mainly with cattle-breeding. It was ‘plagiarized’ by Jewish priests heading the Jews and exploiting already that time their nation almost like slaves. And second, they plagiarized not only ancient Egyptians.”

“Well, bu they didn’t plagiarized everything!” emphasized Victor.

Sensei only grinned and uttered with a smile, “On the other hand you have a possibility to get to know with different ancient folk legends, fragments of historical documents and chronicles, religious and philosophical writings of ancient Egyptians, Sumerians, Akkadians, Persians, ancient Greek, with doctrines of other nations worshiping Eastern religions.”

“Here you are!” uttered Stas startled. “That’s a news for me! And I thought that it were Jews themselves so smart to come to such an understanding of the world.”

“Of course, they were smart,” nodded Sensei. “Because they had to be really very smart people in order to process all that knowledge of more developed ancient civilizations and to represent it as their own religion. And not only represent but to spread their idea in the whole world claiming exclusive rights of only their belief against all other in order to convince the majority of people of special importance and ‘peculiarity’ of Jewish people among other nations. And in fact in the first turn it means special importance and ‘peculiarity’ of the clan of Jewish priests’ descendants who use their nation as a cover for reaching the personal world rule. A cover which is thrown by stones during many ages because of the ungovernable activity of the priestly leaders in reaching their power-seeking goals. Their people, unfortunately, were and remain to be their personal slaves and have nothing from their ‘priests’ except the total headache.

Thus they had to be not just smart but very wise people in order to transform for their selfish goals the traditional knowledge of different peoples sometimes changing their internal structure so that those who wanted to grasp it had first to learn the language, history and culture of the Jewish people. That is first of al he had to get to know the ennobled and thoroughly polished ’history’ of appearance of the clan of Jewish priests and their ‘great role’ in formation of the whole humankind.”

“That’s true!” Nikolai Andreevich grinned. “When you read in the Bible who bore whom and from whom originated all the peoples, you start to have doubts about your nationality.”

Sensei laughed merrily together with our group. Whereas Eugene couldn’t help adding one of his funny comments.

“Who wrote it in fact? All-round talents and self-degenerators!”

“Not self-degenerators but gifted people, you, village boy!” Stas corrected him with a laugh.

“Well, but I say so, those who degenerated that is generated himself,” Eugene explained to his friend.

Stas hopelessly waved with hand towards him under the overall laugh of the guys.

“What can I explain to him? He has only two eyes and furthermore behind his nose.”

In reply Volodya commented their funny dialogue, “You are like in that proverb, ‘The blind swapped from the deaf a mirror for a guitar’.”

Burst of laughter rolled on the sea coast. When the guys calmed down, Victor asked Sensei, “I wonder what is concretely transformed in the Bible?” and he begged with sincerity, “Sensei, tell us at least a few examples for my blind eyes to see the light finally.”

“Aha! And for my slowcoach please, too,” Stas added with humour.

“You are always welcome,” answered Sensei with readiness and explained, “For example, if you take the most elementary what you can easily find yourselves. In the Bible (in ‘Genesis’) the description of the original state of the world as of the water chaos was taken at certain time from the Akkadian legend about the goddess of original element, embodiment of the world chaos, Tiamat. And Akkadians borrowed these legends from Sumerians. The legend about the paradise Eden as a blissful place on the earth is the transformation of the ancient Sumerian legend about the island of Dilmun, or as it was later called by Akkadians, Telmun. Dilmun is a blissful island, the original country, ‘pure’, ‘light’, ‘virgin’, without diseases nor death. One of the ancient Sumerian myths was connected with it, the myth about god Enki and mother goddess Ninhursag. By the way, Jewish ‘interpreters’ reshaped in their own way namely this most ancient legend distorting its sense caused by inaccurate translation into the Bible story about Adam, forbidden fruit, expulsion from the paradise, creation of the woman from the rib of the man. Though it was all described in Sumerian legend completely different and it was based on the primacy of the female nature, but noway of the male one… Ziusudra was settled on the Dilmun island after the Flood, his name is literally translated from Sumerian as ‘the one who found life of long days’. In Akkadian this man was called as ‘Ut-napishti’ and that already meant ‘the one who found breathing’.”

“Everything is clear, in the Jewish version it’s Noah,” Victor remarked with a smile.

“Right you are,” Sensei nodded, “Moreover this time his name is understood as ‘appeasing’.”

Kostya inquired with interest, “Which legend about the Flood did ancient Sumerians have?”

“I’ll tell you now… Jewish priests copied this legend from Babylon myths, they just changed the names of their heroes and introduced some alterations. And the legend itself was as follows. According to Sumerian legend Ziusudra was a son of the famous wiseman and pious ruler of his city. From Enki, the god protector of people, he received a news about the forthcoming Flood which was prepared by gods to be sent for people. According to Enki’s advice this man built a big ship called a ‘boat saving life’, survived the Flood which lasted seven days and seven nights. And then as a ‘saviour of human semen’ he got a ‘life like gods’ and ‘eternal breathing’ settling down with his spouse on Dilmun, the island of blissful… Later this legend formed a basis of the Babylon legend about the Flood, just the main characters were called in different way. That is Ziusudra was named as Atrahasis (‘exceedingly wise’) and as Gilgamesh (‘forefather-hero’).

“In general one should note that except Sumer the legend about the Flood as well as the one about the world tree, myths about twins were disseminated around the world, for example in such ancient centres of civilization as India, China, Egypt. And every nation gave its own names to the main characters of these legends. If you take for example the world tree, Sumerians called it as huluppu, ancient Babylonians called it the tree of truth and the tree of life. Ancient Egyptians named it as the tree of cognition, the beautiful sycamore with fruits of life, they believed that the one who sat on it became a god. The dead one in the form of bird was invited to land on that tree. There he was opened a great secret and namely he cognized his divine essence and his origin from the Supreme God. And in general in was believed in Ancient Egypt that death brings a man back to that divine country where he was expelled from for the time of his earthly lives.

I don’t even mention the creation of legends about Abel and Cain, Jacob and Esav, connected with myths about twins, in particular with Sumerian legend about matchmaking of the farmer Enkimdu and the shepherd Dumuzi to Inanna, with Egyptian legends about brothers-gods Osiris and Set where envious Set by the way with the help of seventy two accomplices-plotters kills kind Osiris.

Well, in general and so on and so forth. And it concerns not only legends but also many rituals, customs, signs which the nomadic tribes of ancient Jews took from more developed nations. Let’s take for example the very Ancient Egypt. Fertility was considered there as a gift of Osiris and was highly valued in the society. Egyptians strived to have big families because children mortality was quite high that time. Male circumcision was practiced in Egypt since times immemorial, however not as a baby but at a young age when the boys were from six to twelve years old. And it was stipulated only by hygienic considerations because these people lived in the region with a quite hot climate. But not more. Beside this, pig was considered by ancient Egyptians as an impure animal and it was ascribed to the kingdom of Set. That’s why they didn’t eat pork. One can make a long list of these ‘adoptions’.

“Well, I didn’t know that,” Victor uttered with curiosity.

Having listened to Sensei Ruslan asked somewhat with pretensions, “Why nobody knows about that?!”

In reply Sensei said quite calmly, “Why ‘nobody knows’? Many people know, especially the experts who study these issues. Just some of them keep silence out of politeness, the others do it because they belong to the interested circles.” The seniour guys grinned. “So as they say, those who want, will find out the truth. Information is available, you just need to have a wish…”

“I wonder when did ancient Jews manage to adopt so much from different peoples?” Stas uttered with a slight note of irony.

“I told you already that they were nomads and cattle-breeders,” Sensei repeated. “First Jewish priests forced their people to go and to conquer other lands, then their people became on these lands a captive for stronger nations. Even during the peaceful times they needed to find and to choose better places for settlement. How long did they live in the very Ancient Egypt? And some of them even became related with local people. Let’s take for example from those whom you know Abraham, so to say, ‘one of the first patriarchies of the Old Testament’, ‘the forefather of the Jewish people’…”

“The patriarchy-forefather? Does it mean that he was one of the first from the clan of Jewish priests?!” Stas gave a guess.

“I’m glad that you start to understand the essence,” Sensei remarked.

Nikolai Andreevich grinned and uttered, “Once I faced a quite interesting question. I was looking one country in the encyclopedia on states and suddenly an information about Israel stroke my eyes. Briefly saying, the historical article about this country and its lands begins from the fact that ‘around the year 2000 b.c. Abraham, the forefather of the Jewish people, came to Palestine from Mesopotamia’. And not a single word about Palestine. Just a small mark with a figure on the map of Israel, ’Palestinian territories’. And that’s all! I was surprised that there was no even a slight mention about those who inhabited in Palestine before that. And as far as I know, there was one of the ancient states on that lands.”

“What did you want,” Sensei shrugged his shoulders, “History for masses is unfortunately stuffed in most of its ‘facts’ in the kitchen of the world politics and is dished with decorations, so to say, in the form of ‘generally accepted historical concepts’.”

“Oh but, they are masters of such dishes!”

“I didn’t quite get it. Who was Abraham in fact, one of the first representatives from the clan of Jewish priests or the enlightened disciple of Jesus?” Kostya put a question trying to clear it out. “Sensei, once you told us…”

Andrew interrupted him impatiently, “What do you mean ‘once’?”

“Do you remember when some members of a sect came to our training?”

“Ah,” Andrew drawled. “It was when their guys, the journalist, looked for a meeting with Sensei?”

“Yes,” Kostya nodded and turned again to Sensei. “The matter concerned Mohammed. And you, Sensei, told us that the archangel Jabrail carried Mohammed in space and time to the city of Jerusalem where he arranged a meeting with Isa and his enlightened disciples Abraham and Moses.”

“Right you are,” Sensei confirmed. “The legend tells so. But the legend and the true history are two different things… In the light of religion they made from Abraham a ‘patriarchy’, ‘forefather’, ‘preacher of the faith’, even a certain ‘martyr’. All in all a legendary half-mythical personality who supposedly concluded with the very god Yahweh the ‘eternal covenant’ and approved that heirs of rights and resposibilites of this ‘covenant’ would be offsprings of Abraham born from his wife Sarah, and the sign of the ‘covenant’ for believers would be a circumcision for all male babies. But if to throw away all religious cover and exaggerations, the image of Abraham was created for worshiping by believers not without a reason.

“Indeed, in XVIIIth century b.c. (and not ‘about XXth century b.c.’ as they try to present it nowadays) there was a man called «’a-bu-ra-mu». It’s a Mesopotamian name typical for that time. In Jewish version it sounded as «’abraham» and was transformed into the name Abraham known to you by adding to the name ‘Abram’ comprising of two syllables an additional syllable for religious purposes. Thus, Abram was a native of the city of Ur in Southern Mesopotamia (in south of modern Iraq), it was the place where the Sumerian civilization existed long time ago until Sumerians were in the same ‘quiet and peaceful’ manner conquered by northern neighbors, nomadic Semites-Akkadians who adopted in their own way their culture. In the Bible this city is called as Ur of the Chaldees. However I would like to mention that the word ‘of the Chaldeans’ was associated with this city only in VII b.c. when it became a part of the Chaldean kingdom, or as it was also called, the New Babylonian kingdom which existed from 626 b.c. to 539 b.c. unless it was conquered by Persians.

“The ancient city of Ur (founded still by Sumerians) was located not far from Babylon. During the life of Abram it was one of the religious centres. By the way, the huge ‘zikkurat’ of Ur (the religious building constructed in the form of a peculiar truncated staged tower-pyramid with a temple on its top) is preserved to our days. In those days, though like today, religion was tightly connected with politics. And it should be mentioned that it were times of political changes. It was that time when Babylon began to gain in strength and the political centre of the Tigris-Euphrates river system started to shift there. Before that Ur was more significant city than Babylon by its political and trade influence (it was in that region one of the centres of Indian and Arab trade). And it represented one of the pillars of the Archons.”

“Pillars? In which sense?” Andrew didn’t get it.

“Be patient. I will tell you about it later… Abram’s father, Farrah (Terah) was a local priest (later Jews will call him an ‘idol sculptor’, and ‘idolater’) who consolidated in his hands both spiritual and secular full powers. And as an educated priest he knew well astrology, astronomy, mathematics and certainly grammar. He imparted this knowledge to his children. Farrah was one of few rich priests who were directly connected with Archon’s circle, it means, those who tried to control secretly let’s call it ‘international politics’ by manipulating the mighty of the world. The secret membership in this clan was inherited by son from father, that is only through the male line. So, it was namely Farrah who was entrusted with controlling over building of the ‘new pillars’ in the regions pointed out by the Archons, as they agreed on the following influence of Farrah’s offsprings there in the future, and who sent his son Abram to Khanaan. “

“Well, he has sent him far away,” Eugene uttered with compassion.

Sensei just smiled together with the seniour guys and continued, “

“In Khanaan, as this region was called by Jews (it comprised of the Palestinian territories as well), the cities-states of one of the most ancient civilizations were located, its heyday fell on the times of existence of Sumerian civilization. I emphasize, there were civilized cities-states and not just a land in which as they try to prove now ‘the tribes of Khanaaneans-farmers settled down’. And the local people living in these lands wasn’t affiliated in any way with Jewish tribe as it is written in the legends of the Old Testament, ‘with the grandson of Noah and the son of Kham, Khanaan,’ whose offsprings were allegedly Khanaaneans. Jewish priests who wrote the Old Testament just substituted the root.”

“Was there the ancient civilization on the Palestinian territory in the days of Sumerians? Why is there no available information on it till now?”Nikolai Andreevich was surprised.

“Look on the map, under whose control were these territories. You have read yourself how the historical article on these lands begins. Do you think it was favorable for offsprings of Jewish priests to reveal what had existed here before them? On the contrary they try hard to connect their people to these lands because it’s beneficial for them, in the first turn. They impose the idea that ancient Jews belonged to the group of Western Semite people who lived in Syria, Phoenicia, Palestine in IV to III thousand years b.c. Though in fact the tribe that gave birth to this people led a nomad’s life that time in northern and western regions bordering on Mesopotamia. But who needs today this truth?”

Nikolai Andreevich grinned, “Well, the more I live in this world, the more I get convinced that though science as a faithful dog goes ahead of its master, Politics, it’s still bound with the short dog’s lead and muzzled.

“But why did the Archons need that Khana…, to say briefly, that region?” Andrew asked.

“That region was the most significant in the ancient world. Actually it was located on the borders of Africa, Asia and Europe, and correspondingly, main trade ways by land which connected ancient states of these parts of the world. It was the golden crossroads of the trade ways.”

“Hem, the crossroads of trade ways? I lost sight of it,” Volodya uttered puzzled. “Now it’s clear. The trade means income. And big trade means big income. If you control it, you have power and influence.”

“Exactly. It’s politics… So, Abram went there together with his family, his nephew Lot, with his rich property, with many people, slaves, cattle. And quietly but not always peacefully he tried to strengthen his influence in this region, as it will be written ennobly later, he led there the life of a ‘patriarchal head of the clan of cattle-breeders and nomads’.”

“It looks like a ‘reconnaissance operation’,” Volodya commented it with a smile.

“Almost… Later, in the religious version, such a sudden campaign of Abraham will be motivated by trust and devotion to the deity who required from his as it is written in Genesis (12-1), ‘go to the land I will show you’. It will be decorated with the legends how Abraham, the chosen one by Jahweh, searched for the highest and the strongest power in the world of elements and how he was finally convinced, in the light of highly spiritual truth that everything has its limit except for God-Creator. “

“It’s quite convincing,” Nikolai Andreevich uttered shrugging shoulders.

“However one should note that Jews started to worship Jahweh as God much later, almost in five hundred years after Abraham,” Sensei went on. “And the figure of Jahweh evolved in these tribes from the cult of god Jew who was commonly worshiped in Phoenicia. Abraham and his offsprings who moved to Khanaan tried to get closer to the local population and began to worship the local god of Khanaaneans called El Shaddai as he was called in the city of Khevron. The Khanaanean god El (‘Almighty’) headed all gods according to belief of the local population and was considered to be the highest authority in all divine and human affairs. In different Khanaanean cities he was called in various ways, for example, El Shaddai (‘Almighty’), El Olam (‘Eternal’), and in the city of Salim (which was later called by Jews as Shalem and afterwards Jerusalem) El Elion (‘the Most High’).

“But that’s even not the point. Jewish priests told everybody in the religious legends about highly spiritual truth but they taught their disciples completely different things, in particular, that all means are good for reaching the set goal. If you have time, read in the chapter 12 of Genesis the typical examples. When people began to suffer from hunger in Khanaanean lands, Abraham moved to Egypt. There he posed his wife Sarah as his sister and for selfish ends actually sold her to the harem of the pharaoh. And due to it he carelessly lived in Egypt all these years of hunger in Khanaan. Or read further about his grandsons, when the younger brother Jacob suggested to his elder brother Esav, when he was hungry, to buy from him a apiece of bread and a plate of lentil for the primogeniture of Esav. Or how that very Jacob received by cunning a blessing from his father which was predestined to Esav. Or how in the chapter 32 of Genesis the legend tells about Someone who fought with Jacob in the night and having blessed him called him with the name of Israel, what means ‘God contended’. It is emphasized in the legend that it was namely Jacob who became the forefather of the Jewish (Israelitish) people… By the way, do you know what the word ‘Jews’ mean?”

“’Jews’? Well, I have never thought about it,” Nikolai Andreevich answered for all. “And what does it mean?”

“This word originates from a word-combination meaning ‘to pass through’, and not ‘arrived from a strange land’ as they try to present it today. The supreme Jewish priests who belonged to the caste of Archons called themselves as ‘passing through the bridges of time’. Briefly it sounded as ‘Jews’. And ‘Jewish people’ is considered as the people which belonged to those ‘Jews’, that is priests.”

“How come ‘belonged’? Like a thing? They were their slaves or what?” Stas asked.

“Well, something like that,” Sensei answered.

“Here you are!”

“So… Or read as Jacob’s sons after the hint of one of their brothers, Judas, sold their brother Josef for twenty pieces of silver to the merchants for further reselling as a slave to Egypt because he was a favourite son of their father and told him about smearing facts about them.”

“Well, all of them were ‘good’!” Volodya smiled.

“Judas?! The brothers sold for twenty pieces of silver?!” Victor got surprised. “The history repeats itself!”

“That’s why it’s the history,” Sensei uttered. “By the way, what is Josef concerned… Coming back to our conversation about Jews adopting knowledge of ancient peoples. Even if not to mention not the best political reality of that time but to be guided exclusively by the legends, the very biblical Josef, the son of Jacob, when he was in Egypt in the city called in the Bible as On, he married the Egyptian Asenef, the daughter of a priest called Potifer who was known in the city. And the biblical city of On is the famous in the ancient world Egyptian city of Iunu, or as it was called by Greeks, Heliopolis (‘the City of Sun’). For that time it was one of the biggest centres of Egyptian religion. It was a place where the cult of Ra, the god of Sun, originated as well as the widespread cosmology describing genesis of the world.”

“Where was this city located in Ancient Egypt?” Kostya asked.

“Today this place is a suburb of Cairo.”

“I see.”

“And the prototype of Josef, is that a real figure in history?” Nikolai Andreevich asked.

“Yes. But it was all much simpler. Of course, nobody sold this man as a slave. It was just an epoch when the Hyksos reigned in Egyptian state. And he was one of the Habiru clan, foreigners of Semite origin who started to gain political weight in this country. So the historical character was written from this man. The rest was supplemented by different fairy-tales, including by the way an Egyptian fairy-tale about two brothers (Bata and Anubis) and the infidel wife, besides, by the symbols of Sumerian cryings of goddess Inanna about Dumuzi etc. So a lot of things were adopted by Jewish priests from Egypt.”

“And the story about Moses?”

“This one, too… But it was not so colourful as it is presented today. Despite the fact that I wearied you a little bit with this topic, I will tell you this story in details, since it is quite illustrative and similar to another story which I will tell you a bit later. I do it for you to understand how the history is written and the religion is founded, how it was in that times and the most important, what is going on today… Moses (Moshe) was born in the east of Egypt, not far from the Red sea. The religious legend that he was brought up by the very daughter of pharaoh after she pulled him out from the water, or rather after she had found him in the crib near the water, it was of course a figment in order to ascribe more significance to the main character in the light of religion. And this figment appeared due to the different interpretation of the name of Moses: the Jewish verb mašah means ‘pull out’, whereas in Egyptian language, in that very Coptic, mose means a ‘child’. What is more, this legend was necessary in order to hide the true parents of Moses since Moses, as they would say today, was only a half-Jew. The land of Madians was located not far from the place where he was born and brought up, across the Red sea on the Sinai half-isle. When Moses grew up, he married one of the daughters of the Madian priest, Jether (or as he is called in other way, Raguil). He lived at house of his father-in-las and worked for him. It should be mentioned that Moses himself was not very eloquent. He was rather vice versa, tongue-tied, although easy to control and obedient. Furthermore the priests nominated him for the public leader of the Jewish group for these qualities.

“That time was connected with new political rearrangements on the world ‘chess board’ in the Archons’ game. Many people were involved into the realization of the Archons’ plan. It happened so that among them were the priest Jether already known to you and the priest Aaron who lived in Egyptian land and had a certain authority in Jewish circles. Aaron will be called later in writs as the ‘first in the line of chief priests’, ‘forefather of the priestly caste’. And in the religious legends he was presented as a brother of Moses, they clearly showed his ‘secondary’ role in comparison to Moses, the fact that he just ‘assisted’ Moses, was his interpreter and messenger. However it was far from that, in fact. Aaron was from the clan of priests who considered them to be ‘pure Jews’. They utterly despised such half-breeds like Moses, they even didn’t take them for humans, not only for their brothers. Nevertheless according to the principles of the Archons, the ideological organizers and factual leaders who served to the Archons, in noway should have shown their leading role in any sphere. Secrecy, mystery, invisible control over the leaders are three golden rules in any affair planned by the Archons. They use this principle up to our days, remember it for yourselves. By the same reason namely the public leader Moses is towered above others in the priestly writs, whereas the very ‘modest role’ with features of ‘reconciliation, mildness and softness’ is ascribed to Aaron, and there is almost no mentions of the priest Jether.

Although it were namely Aaron and Jether who fulfilled the political intentions of the Archons to conquer foreign lands and made a mess with organization and leading out the part of Jews (and not only them!) from Egypt to ‘better places for settlement’. Ordinary Jewish people were as always promised a lot by the priests: freedom, better life, better lands. Many of them fell for this eternal bright bait and volunteerily followed them together with their families. They didn’t have even a slightest notion that in fact they were led to the war and death for political ambitions of the Archons… These people weren’t of course pursuited by the pharaoh’s host.”

“Weren’t?” Kostya was surprised. “How is about the legend that Moses supposedly ‘parted’ the waters of the Red sea and led ‘his people’ through the sea to the other coast, and the warriors of the pharaoh chasing after them perished in that sea?”

Sensei just smiled and commented, “It’s just a rewritten information adopted by Jewish priests from more ancient sources of the very Egypt, some of them remained till now. For example in the ancient Westcar Papyrus (it was called so after the first owner of this papyrus, Ms. Westcar, who bought it in Egypt) there is a so called ’story of a green stone’. It’s written in it that when the pharaoh was boating on a lake, with the most beautiful girls who pleased his eyes rowing the boat, one of them dropped suddenly a green gem decorating its hair into the water. And the chief lector who was in the boat together with him spoke a spell in order to fulfil the request of the pharaoh and to pick up this gem from the bottom of the lake. The water of the lake parted aside opening a ledge of dry bottom. The magician went down, found the gem and gave it back to the girl. This story served a firstprimary source for Jewish priests to think out the plots of their own religion.

“By the way, there is also a legend in that papyrus roll telling how king Khufu got to know a prophecy of elder and miracle-worker Dedi about three babies which would be born by the wife of the chief priest of god Ra who will occupy a king’s throne. Khufu decided to find these babies. The servant girl who worked in the house of this priest made an attempt to inform the king about a ‘plot’ but she perished on the Nile bank, ‘seized and swallowed by a crocodile’. The most interesting is that in this place the papyrus roll is torn, though, the same way as its beginning.”

Nikolai Andreevich said as if it dawned upon him, “Wait, was this information a base for a story in the New Testament about a prophecy, king Herod and his ‘chase’ for babies?!” Sensei just grinned slightly. “It’s clear now why this ‘historical’ discrepancy took place.”

Sensei nodded and added, “I would note that the legends of that papyrus tell exactly about the time when the Vth dynasty was in power in Ancient Egypt, that is it was the First transition period when the Archons made an attempt to destroy those spiritual foundations which where set as far back as by Imhotep. Remember it. We will talk about it a bit later… Moreover, as far as the legend about Moses concerned… By the time when the writ of the Old Testament was supplemented and rewritten by Jewish priests, they were aware of the legends about phenomena of lake Sirbon described in the Greek geographical tradition.

“And as far as the real events concerned… Though Jews lived long time among Egyptians they remain foreigners, and they weren’t such a people large in number in comparison to Egyptians as they try to present it in history. Beside that there was no exodus at all. First all Jews who wished ‘better life’ were gathered in the native vicinity of Moses. They were religiously indoctrinated so that to incline them to forthcoming events. The people was prepared to be absolutely obedient to their God, that is in the first turn to the priests who headed them. And they did it, so to say as far as possible in order not to catch somebody’s eyes, in the deserted place, not far from Mount Sinai.”

“It is the place where Moses gave Jews ten famous commandments? Something like ‘you shall not murder’, ‘you shall not steal’, ‘honor your father and your mother’ etc.” Stas recalled.

“It was not like that at all! The Jewish people has already known these commandments and not only them! Living among Egyptians Jews adopted partly their culture as well. And in that country, since the times of Ancient Egypt they paid special attention to moral education of young generations because Egyptians deeply believed that namely their children could give to their parents a new life in the beyond world if they perform a funeral religious rite. They piously believed that everybody who came to the after-death justice by Osiris had to give a proof of his honest life and for doing that he had to deliver the so called ‘Negative Confession’ or the ‘Declaration of Innocence of the dead’ where the man renounced forty two ‘mortal sins’, as they would be called nowadays by religious leaders. Thus they included not only commandments known to all today (which allegedly were given to Moses) but even such peculiar commandments which concerned honesty in trade.

I have to mention that there was a simplified version of this ‘Confession’ and a full one when the man listed the names of all forty two Egyptians gods and justified his deeds. The simplified version sounded for example this way. After a brief greeting to the Lord of two Truths, the way Osiris was entitled as the Afterdeath Judge, the man would say, “I have not done wrong to people. I have not slain cattle. I have done no wrong in the Place of Truth… I have not blamesphered… I have not caused anyone to starve and to weep… I have not killed… I have not made anyone to suffer… I have not wrongly

copulated… I have not cursed… I have not stolen…” And so forth. It was also said there ‘I have not reduced measures… I have not robbed a parcel of land… I have not transgressed… I have not done grain-profiteering’ etc.”

“Not bad!” Victor grinned. “So, Jewish priests have chosen only those things which were favorable for them!”

“I’m glad that you start to understand it and not just listen,” Sensei repeated again.

“It’s quite amazing!” Nikolai Andreevich uttered with surprise. “And how did it sound in the full version?”

“It was like that:

Hail, Usekh-nemmt, who comest forth from Anu, I have not committed sin.

Hail, Hept-khet, who comest forth from Kher-aha, I have not committed robbery with violence.

Hail, Fenti, who comest forth from Khemenu, I have not stolen.

Hail, Am-khaibit, who comest forth from Qernet, I have not slain men and women.

Hail, Neha-her, who comest forth from Rasta, I have not stolen grain.

Hail, Ruruti, who comest forth from heaven, I have not purloined offerings.

Hail, Arfi-em-khet, who comest forth from Suat, I have not stolen the property of God.

“And so on ‘I have not lied’, ‘I have not entered disputes about property’, ‘I have not acted deceitfully’, ‘I not made my speech to burn with anger’… You can find all this information nowadays, too. Read a script of ancient Egyptian literature, ‘The Book of Dead’, Chapter 125, and you will get this information in details… Thus Egyptians learnt since childhood this ‘Declaration of Innocence’ by heart… Because it was believed that the man had to pronounce these words very accurately in the after-death court so that to justify himself since as you know his Akh (will and wishes of the man resulting in deeds and actions in the past life) was put on one cup of scales during this process and the ‘codex of behaviour’, the so called ‘maat’ (a ‘feather of goddess Maat’ who personified the world order) was put on the other cup. It was deemed that if the scales will be in balance, the dead one will be allowed to live in the after-death world. But if the balance will be disturbed against the man, his destiny was non-existence instead of further life in the after-death kingdom. And taking into account that Egyptians prepared themselves by their thoughts, deeds and actions to the after-death existence, this disbalance was the most terrible punishment for them. That’s why the principles of high moral behaviour were taught by parents to their children since childhood and a worthy Egyptian followed them during all his life. Ordinary Jews who lived in that country adopted some moral principles from Egyptians.

Therefore it was not Moses who revealed these commandments to his people but the Jewish people revealed them for itself through the culture of Egyptians far ahead of Moses! By the way, Jewish priests noticed how ordinary people accept these moral foundations of life and rewrote later a lot of things from Egyptian sermons, edited them in their own way and posed them for sermons of their Jewish patriarchies.”

“Surely,” Nikolai Andreevich grinned, “you will do your best to strengthen your authority and popularize yourself!”

“To be laconic, I will cite you a few examples. It is written in the Egyptian Wisdom of Amenomope (which mainly served as a firstprimary source for the book Proverbs of Solomon) ‘Give your years and hear what is said, give your mind over to their interpretation’. And here are the Proverbs of Solomon, ’So that thou incline thine ear unto wisdom, and apply thine heart to understanding’. By the way, king Solomon became famous and popular at his time due to his marriage with the Egyptian princess… Now listen to an abstract from the Teachings of Ptahhotep, ‘Don’t make plans for tomorrow since you don’t know what is going to be’. And the ‘echo’ of these teachings in the very Proverbs (27:1) ‘Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring forth.’ Again the Teachings of Ptahhotep, ‘Teach the great what is useful to him’. And in the Proverbs (9:9) ‘Instruct a wise man and he will be wiser still; teach a righteous man and he will add to his learning.’ The Teachings of Ptahhotep, ‘He who hears the one who said this, is well adjusted in his inner being, and honored by his father. His remembrance is in the mouth of the living, those on earth and those who will be.” The Bible Psalter (78:5-6), ‘He decreed statutes for Jacob and established the law in Israel, which he commanded our ancestors to teach their children, so the next generation would know them, even the children yet to be born, and they in turn would tell their children.’ I can give many examples like that for long.”

Eugene hemmed, “Well, Jewish priests were skilled in pla…” Meanwhile Stas looked at Eugene and shook his head with reproach, so Eugene immediately reacted on that, “plagiarism… that’s what I wanted to say!”

The seniour guys rolled laughing together with Sensei and Nikolai Andreevich.

“Right, they were very smart for that,” Sensei agreed to him. When the laugh faded out, he went on telling, “If they simply copied it, it would be not that bad, but they supplemented it with piles of their own sermons favourable first of all to the priests’ clan in order to keep their people in slavish obedience. Look at those ‘laws’ allegedly given by Moses (some people even try to convince everybody that he had written them). Apart from the fundamental ‘ten commandments’ there are plenty of prohibitions and instructions (sometimes almost senseless) which regulate the behaviour of a poor ordinary Jew who was prescribed by the priests to fulfil it all because in their opinion it should be so, it has to be so, ’God wishes it so’.

“That’s right,” Nikolai Andreevich nodded. “As they say, it’s the highest authority and the most convincing argument for a believer.”

“That’s true. So, as far as those people concerned, whom the priests assigned Moses to govern… Keep in your mind a fact that the Jewish priests have always tried to bring to power such a public leader to govern its people who would be easily controlled later as a puppet, on one hand, and on the other hand, he should be a public target in case of people’s wrath. Whereas the priests who had the factual power would be always in the shadow and were not to blame.

“So, the priests have been gathering Jewish people who wished ‘better life’ in that vicinity during a year. In order to fulfil accurately the intentions of the Archons Aaron appointed skillful and ruthless commander Jesus Navin to look after Moses. He organized groups of young strong men chosen by him from Jewish families allegedly for the case if people would be attacked suddenly by other peoples during their campaign to ‘better lands’. However as a matter of fact this commander taught his ‘soldiers’ maneuvers and prosecution of aggressive wars. Besides the priests captured by deceit all the gold from these Jewish families before the very campaign. The priests just knew that they lead these Jews to death, and as it is known, the dead don’t need gold.”

“They were like fascists!” Stas couldn’t stand it.

“The fascists just used their methods,” Sensei remarked. “Though, let’s speak about it later.”

Nikolai Andreevich uttered reflecting upon it aloud, “It turns out that all that story with the golden calf wasn’t a myth, when Aaron required from people ‘Break off the golden earrings, which are in the ears of your wives, of your sons, and of your daughters, and bring them unto me’?”

“The golden calf is just a symbolic metaphor. By the way, it’s at the same time a sign for their people who were behind this political ‘castle’, and namely, the Jewish priests from the Babylon clan. One of the symbols of Babylon was a ‘golden calf’.”

“Does it mean that Moses wasn’t forty days and forty nights on the top of the mountain?”

“Of course, not. Just in this way the priests who described these events tried to show, in view of Egyptians believes, the ’high spirituality’ of Moses as they positioned him as a founder and a teacher of the Jewish religion, as well as a political leader. Since according to Egyptian views forty days and nights is a term during which highly spiritual people left for the desert or mountains and practiced there, in solitude, spiritual practices for self-improvement.

“Also there were no these forty years during which Moses allegedly led his people in the wilderness. Everything was much simpler. When Aaron’s ‘group’ consisting mainly of Jews was ready, it was sent through the Red sea to the Sinai half-island where it was united with another group which consisted of people from different tribes who were gathered and prepared by Jether. And all these people headed by Moses and accompanied by priests and commanders moved to the direction pointed out by the Archons, with the final destination in ‘Khanaanean lands’. Certainly, only priests and commanders knew about this route.”

“Cool idea,” Volodya said in a bass voice, “It means that they gathered a military force which didn’t belong in fact to any state. But with its help they were able to provoke, unleash military conflicts and therefore perform political changes in the targeted regions?!”


“I see, they were tough ‘wisemen’!”

“So, after they walked a long distance, ordinary people started to rumor where they were led in reality instead of the promised ‘better life’. Since in fact they were led to the slaughter with another people which was strong and lived in well fortified cities. Surely, people were indignant, and began to rebel against their formal leader Moses cursing the day they left their homes. As usually the priests started to frighten them that if people will not fullfil the ‘will of God’, all ‘rebels’ would die in the wilderness which they were overcoming… Perhaps I will reveal you one more significant moments which description even became a part of the Bible (Chapter 16, the Book of Numbers)… Kohath, with Dathan and Abiram (supported by noble men) came out to defend the whole Jewish people and accused Moses and Aaron of all their troubles for they led them by deceit out Egyptian land to the waterless desert and doomed them to death and sufferings, and moreover they wished to rule them further… They refused to believe and to listen to these ‘shephers’ making a reproach, ‘You take too much on you, seeing all the congregation are holy, everyone of them, and Yahweh is among them: why then lift yourselves up above the assembly of Yahweh?’ By the way, Jews adopted this belief that God is among people, in every man, also in Egypt. This belief existed among Egyptians since the times of Imhotep. But we’ll talk about it later. Thus, all this story with rebellion of ordinary people finished with massacre of rebels. They did it demonstratively, in front of the ‘crowd’, so that everybody would fear and tremble before the ‘mighty’ of their leaders. That day people of commanders who were obedient in their turn to the priests killed ruthlessly not only ‘spontaneous leaders’ of the people together with their families (they didn’t have mercy on their children, nor women, nor elders) but almost fifteen thousand of their sympathizers. But who would reveal the genuine truth of this atrocity? It’s much more profitable to write that these people were punished by ‘God Himself’. Since keeping in awe and with its help forcing people to be obedient is one of the main and effective instruments of the Archons, because according totheir principles ‘only that slave is good for work who is afraid of his master to death’. Remember it as you will face this principle not once in this world.

“After these demonstative executions the priests with the commanders led the rest of people along the path pointed out according to the plans of the Archons to the ‘golden crossroads’ of trade routes and unleashed there impertinently aggressive wars (under the command of Jesus Navin). Moreover, the more they realized Archons’ plans, the more the priests diminished the significance of Moses as a leader, and finally still at his life the priests reduced it practically to zero after they appointed Jesus Navin as a ’successor’ of Moses ‘in front of all Israeli’. Moses finished his life in a quite gloomy way. On the way to Khanaanean land he got sick. He was left in a hut of a poor shepherd where he died later, so quickly forgotten and abandoned by the priests as useless.

“So, all these wars were not accidental. Many ordinary peaceful people suffered for the sake of Archons’ ambitions from both combatant sides, they were in fact forced to take part in these wars. And deceived ordinary people who were ’fed up’ by the priests with slogans and appeals to ‘gain better life and freedom’ found in fact their death on the battlefield instead of that, thousands of them were dying because of power-seeking ambitions of the wretched small group of politicians.

“I might mention a few words how the Jewish priests ruled over their people in the following centuries. Saul is a typical example for that. Translated from Jewish his name means ‘asked for’. He is deemed to be the first king of the Israelitish and Jewish state (end of XI century b.c.). In texts of the Old Testament he is depicted as a king enthroned by the will of God. However later he became ‘undesirable’. Before Saul’s enthronement the judges possessed the supreme power. Moreover in times of peace every Jewish community had its own internal life. But when there was a threat of war with other peoples, the judges obtained the supreme power. And quite often Jews had to fight with other people (especially with their neighbors) only because this war was secretly provoked by these ‘judges’ who wished to gain their full powers. In particular there were a lot of such conflicts with Philistines (by the way, the name ‘Palestine’ originates from the ancient Jewish word ‘Plishtim’, this way Jews called Philistines that time). Do you know what was the main reason for many of that conflicts with bloody battles for ordinary people? It was the secret agreement between some of Israelitish ‘judges’ with some very rich priests of Philistines.”

Nikolai Anreevich shook his head with condemnation.

“As they say, ’look deep into the root’ in any military conflict. Ordinary people judge the reasons of the war by external factors but they don’t see the inner core of the ongoing events.”

“Who would reveal them this core?” Volodya said with a bass voice. “They will just throw people to some bloody slaughtery and that’s all! You thought that you fought for freedom of working-people but in a couple of years you find out that you were an invader.”

In reple Sensei remarked, “Everything depends on people themselves. External circumstances arise from the inner world of a human. The more will a human become Human and control his thoughts and wishes, the more he will gain freedom of sould and his mind will be less captured by the whirlpool of Archons’ politics because he will understand the genuine reality of this world. And the more will be there such spiritually free people in the world, the quicker the power of the Archons over people will weaken and the humankind will establish its ‘golden millennium’. So everything good starts first of all from the purity of your own thoughts!”

“That’s true, of course, but you mentioned recently a typical example for people how some honest Jews rebelled against the priests who simply killed them,” Nikolai Andreevich objected.

“It happened so because other people were afraid of supporting the rebels though they understood their rightfulness… This fear was suggested to the people by the priests before that case. But in fact there is an emptiness behind this fear, there is nothing behind it… Who are that Archons actually? They are just people. It’s a wretched small group of people in comparison with the whole nations. And when people will get rid of illusion of fear begotten by henchmen of the Archons, they will see that their fear was caused by their own imagination, but there is emptines at the heart of it.”

Sensei made a pause and then he said, “Well, I will finish the story of Saul… Prophet Samuel was considered to be the last ‘great judge of Israel’. When he got old, he put his two sons on his place. After they came to power they began, to put it in modern language, to take ‘bribes’ and to make perverse judgements: the one who gave them more bribes, was right. Then the elders of Israel asked Samuel to dismiss his sons from power and to propose a worthy man for a king over the people, like it was among other nations. So, according to the legends of the Old Testament Samuel ‘began to ask an advice of God’. And He ‘answered’ that Samuel should give this people a king as they ask, then they will recall previous times not once and will regret about their request. The next day young Saul came to Samuel in order to ask for his wise advice where he could find his lost jennet. In reply Samuel said, ‘Don’t worry about your jennet since it’s already found.’ Later he proclaimed Saul as a ‘ruler’ of Jewish people.”

The seniour guys grinned and Stas said to them with indignation mixed with irony, “Why are you grinning? He gave a wise advice. The answer is as fine as the question!”

“And so on and so forth… If you read in the Old Testament about kings and other things you will see yourselves the whole history of struggle for power and influence in politics and the constant intimidation of the people. I should mention that all of that are only earthly and human affairs, though the Jewish priests all ‘their history’ tried hard to ascribe them to ‘divine matters’. For intimidated uneducated people who took on trust all the words of the Archons and who live in fears and illusions imposed by the Archons, every line in these talmuds is considered to be sacred. But for those who see the truth in the lines,” Sensei sighed heavily and uttered, “God is where light is.”

Sensei became silent thinking about something. The guys also kept silence, some of them with admiring faces, some with puzzled gazes, and those like Kostya and Slava with indifferent faces at all. It seemed that everybody took the words of Sensei that moment in his own way, in accordance to his life experience and the grade of purity of his thoughts. For me, for example, it was really a staggering revelation! Actually I was quite aware of the text of the New Testament from the Bible, especially those places where it described the life of Jesus Christ, His Sermon on the Mount. I tried to read the Old Testament selectively but frankly speaking I didn’t grasp it due to many unknown names and localities. But now I caught myself at a thought that despite all the intricacy and complexity of the text, even without knowing what is written there, I also considered the Old Testament to be a holy book and blindly believed that it was written by ‘God’s people’, that is I believed that almost every word there came from God. I don’t know why I had this ’belief’. Maybe under the pressure of all the literature I managed to read by that time. It turns out that I was imposed this belief before I even saw this book, without even knowing what is written there?! It was a really shocking revelation for me. Here you are! That’s really a cunning work over the people’s mind! It’s so important to be an educated and wise person in this life. This revelation by Sensei invoke in me a desire to find out myself the truth, to deepen into the history, to compare, to check, to find a proof. And to clarify finally what is going on from the point of view of a human and not of that jennet whom everybody rides and transports his burden and whom everybody dupes with stories about sweet carrot.

Nikolai Andreevich seemed to make his conclusions about history and uttered aloud, “Well, it’s so important to know history.”

“Surely,” Sensei nodded, “especially the true history and not that one which was written by henchmen of the Archons.”

“Right, when I think about it globally… Since Judaism as the religion of ancient Jews is a source of two world religions of nowadays. Billions of belivers think in categories prescribed for them…”

“I’m sorry for interrupting you but I would like to mention one more important fact,” Sensei said to Nikolai Andreevich. “When talking about one or another their organization Archons’ henchmen emphasize the fact of enormous number of their followers. What for? This way they try to influence each single man meaning that if there are so many people with them, they are the best. Meanwhile they keep silence about the mechanisms how they crimp and zombi these people and what are the true goals of that organization. As far as those billions of believers concerned, many of them join world religions because they seek for God and the ways of spiritual self-improvement. And such particles of spiritual knowledge which are preserved in the legends of Sumerians, ancient Egyptians, other nations which got into the Bible, for example, they attract people. Due to them a man in spiritual search adheres to this or that relition. But it doesn’t mean at all that he fully belongs to the leading top of that religion. The man in search of God would have a lot of questions to his ‘pastors’ and they either don’t know how to answer or can’t answer quite honestly within the scope of this or that religious organization. So when the henchmen of the Archons declare that billions of believers stay behind them doesn’t mean that these billions are the same like that henchmen.”

“Well, I have thought about it many times too, when I met different people and their world view,” Nikolai Andreevich acknowledged and he added in a while, “What I wanted to say… After your story I understood finally what attracts me so much in the Bible! It’s exactly those places you mentioned which are concern with ancient Egyptian views!”

“Of course, these grains still give healthy ears and although modest but good harvest!” Sensei said with pride.

“But how did it happen that these spiritual grains appeared in a slave-owing state?” Kostya shrugged his shoulders perplexedly.

“Ancient Egypt wasn’t first a slave-owing country as Archons’ servants try to present it to historians,” Sensei remarked. “I have told you about it and will tell more. It was a society which achieved a significant spiritual progress. Even in following centuries when the Archons began to destroy seriously the spiritual structures of this country, the memory about teachings of the ancients fixed in the legends was alive in ancient Egyptian literature and among people.”

“Ancient Egyptian literature?” Ruslan got surprised. “What a literature could be there? Nothing but papiri!”

“Under the word ‘literature’ I didn’t meant paper,” Sensei grinned. “I meant that vast layer of deep human culture, highly artistic values which were recorded at times of Ancient Egypt on stones, papiri, and in hearts of people.”

After a short silence Sensei asked Nikolai Andreevich with a slight irony, “By the way, do you know what are the roots of the Kabbalah greatly praised nowadays?”

“Kabbalah?!” the lattest asked again. “Do you mean that secret doctrine of Israel and the key to masonic esoterism and rosicrucianism? No.”

“Where does it originate from?” Volodya asked. “Frankly speaking, I just know that Kabbalah is a Jewish teaching which pretends to possess secret knowledge and at present gains popularity in the world.”

“They will spend much time and blow this soap bubble still long time, they will shout around the whole world that there is a great mystery and might power hidden in it,” Sensei grinned. “Though in fact it’s totally empty inside. The Kabbalah originates from the ancient Jewish word ’qabbālah’ which literally means ’legend’. “

“A legend?!” Victor repeated half in jest. “And I thought that it means a ‘political plot or backstreet intrigues’ as we were taught in the high school.”

“No, it’s a ‘cabal’. Though if you regard the hidden goals and tasks of those who head the movement on dissemination of the Kabbalah teaching, it’s almost something like that. The term cabal derives from Kabbalah and originally meant either an occult doctrine or a secret…”

Sensei took breath in order to add something more but hesitated and considered for a moment.

“That’s why I tell you, the cabal is everywhere the cabal!” Victor uttered merrily grasping the same way as Sensei the meaning of words which had quite similar spelling.

Sensei burst into laughing with all the company and uttered with a laugh, “Well, such ‘coincidences’ sometimes take place in life! So, it was really once a legend, however not an ancient Jewish one but an ancient Egyptian. It was based on even more ancient Egyptian teaching ‘Ka-Ba-Akh’ which opened sources of powers and ways, it was possible to go out with its help, so to say, from the circle of reincarnations of the soul. Ka, Ba, Akh, that is the astral body, soul and spirit-will, were three main components of this teaching where soul Ba was considered to be a top of this triangle. It showed only the ways of spiritual cognition and there was nothing about the influence on this material world. Like all genial things this teaching was simple and available for all those who wished to go along the spiritual way.

But it happened so that the description of this teaching drew the attention of some ‘especially gifted’ Jewish priests. Not only that they rewrote this ancient teaching in their own way, but taking into account peculiarities of their greedy power-seeking nature to hide the ‘secret essence from their neighbor’ they managed finally to lose this knowledge across generations.” Sensei threw up a sand hillock in front of him and showed at its top. “If these Jewish priests knew at least something in the light of this teaching, the others,” he showed at the bottom of the pyramid, “got only miserable remains from the philosophy of this knowledge. In our days namely this philosophy with Egyptian roots attracts people in the teaching of Kabbalah. And for filling up of arising gaps and emptiness they included there mathematics so loved by the Jewish priests and combined with the Jewish language so that nobody would ever guess or understand anything. As a result the book ‘Sefer Yetzirah’ (‘Book of creation’) appeared in the IVth century a.c. in accordance with goals and tasks of the top of Jewish priests, and apart from the statement that God is the reason of everything it was written there that the Universe is based on ten figures and twenty two letters of … the Jewish alphabet (it makes in total thirty two elements of the Universe).

The seniour guys couldn’t stand at this moment and laughed. And Volodya added his comment, “One would say, it is ‘jewed’ on it!”

But Sensei didn’t pay attention to the laugh of the guys and went on telling further.

“It was emphasized in the Jewish teaching that namely the letters of the ancient Jewish alphabet are connected with creative forces of the Universe where each letter by its position corresponds to a a certain number and by its form to a hieroglyph with a hidden sense, and by its relation to other letters to a whole math symbol. Combining letters and making words from them one can allegedly even influence the world, open new laws of development, predict future events etc. It was claimed that possessing this ‘key’ the ‘initiated’ was able to extract a secret hidden from others Knowledge from the Jewish Torah. So here is again this human game in ’chosen ones’, possession of secret knowledge.”

“And Torah is… is…” Slava seemed not able to recall it.

“The ancient Jewish term Torah refers to the Five Books of Moses, that is to first five books of the Old Testament: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. Though I would like to mention that in narrow circles the Five Books of Moses are called not else than the Six Books. For all persons interested in this issue there is an official ‘historical version’ to satisfy their interest according to which the Five Books of Moses were completed at the same time with the text of the sixth book of the Old Testament, the book of Jesus Navin, a commander already known to you. In fact the Five Books are for ordinary people. But for a quite narrow circle of those whose ancestors ruled over this people since times immemorial there are ‘Holy Six Books’ (remember it, further you will compare it with the following information), so decided the Jewish priests during their secret meeting in Babylon in the year of 440 b.c.

“By the way, one of those who implemented one of the most important decisions of the priests was Ezra whose book also was taken into the Old Testament. His duties included editing, systematization and unification of laws into a code of laws prescribed for the Jewish people. Ezra moved from Babylon to Jerusalem where he worked actively together with Nehemiah to restore the cult of Jahweh, to reestablish prohibitions and prescriptions by priests for their people.

His closest companion Nehemiah whose book was also included into the Bible was a quite aggressive Jewish politician, fierce chauvinist who was remarkable for his intolerance verging on hatred to all other peoples. By that time Persian king Artakserks (Artahshasse I) appointed him as a governor of Judea. Under his rule, not without help of Ezra’s propaganda the Temple of Jerusalem was restored. Due to activities of these two companions who implemented the plans of Jewish priest leaders they organized an open people’s meeting where Ezra announced the ‘Law’ designated for the people, it means the Five books respectively rewritten. They announced the rules of the priests to everybody and let them go home.”

“It were again political games,” Nikolai Andreevich remarked.

“Unfortunately,” Sensei nodded. “One of the Archons’ principles they use often in their activities is foundation of different religious organizations in order to create a society easy to be manipulated and subordinate to the Archons.”

And in a while he began to tell further.

“Well, as far as the kabbalists concerned, the second valued book by them after the ‘Sefer Yetzirah’ (‘Book of Creation’) is ‘Zohar’ (‘Book of light’) written in the end of XIIIth century a.c. by an author who descended from the Jewish diaspora living in Spain. Remember this date – end of XIIIth century, later you will compare it with something else and understand something. So, the concealed unspeakable Deity is regarded in the book ‘Zohar’ as En Sof (Endless) and the world of matter as emanation of divine forces. It tells also about ten sefirots, intermediate creative forces of the Deity, due to which it is revealed for cognition. And naturally it interprets the reincarnation of souls in its own way.”

“Wait, I can’t get it how could it include the remains of ancient Egyptian knowledge? Show us at least a few examples to see the light,” Victor asked.

“No problem. Let’s take for example an idea of kabbalists about the concealed unspeakable name of Deity which they adopted from the Bible. It got to the Bible through the Jewish priests who simply rewrote the information about the secret name of God in their own way which they took from ancient Egyptian sources and legends. It was believed in ancient Egypt that the genuine name of a human (they called the personal name of a human as ‘Ran’) is a key to opening his individuality (even for the dead, according to their believes, it was important not to forget his name after death), and the genuine name of God is a key to opening huge secret forces which give unlimited power. And, correspondingly, if you know the genuine name of a human you may have a positive or negative impact on its owner. Therefore they were convinced that the genuine name, whether it was the name of a human or of God, should be kept deeply secret for security reasons.

“These notions formed a basis for many legends. For example, the legend about Isis and god Ra known today. According to this legend god Ra was bitten by a snake and had to tell his secret name to goddes Isis in order to be cured. And due to this secret name Isis got power over the king of gods.”

“I wonder,” Nikolai Andreevich uttered, “If they paid so much attention to it in Ancient Egypt, we may assume that all this information was based not on emptiness?”

“Surely,” Sensei nodded.

“And which knowledge was its basis?”

“As far as the genuine name of a human concerned… It was considered initially that when the soul appeared in the material world God gave it a name which the soul kept secret during all the reincarnations. God communicated with the soul through this name, and when it rippened He called for it. If someone got to know in some way the genuine name of the human soul, he could use it and influence on the human himself. But as a rule this knowledge is available apart from Boddhisattvas only to highly spiritual people who finish their earthly cycle of reincarnations. It happens seldom among people that the name given to a human from his birth coincides with his genuine name. But as a rule the human himself doesn’t have a slight notion of that. And this ‘coincidence’ happens not occasionally but in especially significant cases.

“Unfortunately nowadays this knowledge is regarded as ‘fantasy’. Though a certain echo of this knowledge about names as an understanding of the first element in a human, of a certain deep innemost essence, what is put into the human essence, exists within different peoples. For example, the Indo-European word meaning the name ‘n-men’ refers to ‘in’, ‘inside’. Or the Russian dialect word ‘voimya’, meaning ‘name’. Hindu, in the Brahmanical concept, believe that the genuine name of a human characterizes the nature of its owner, that is ‘name and form’, ‘nāmarūpa’ are identical (by the way, its Vedic prototype is ’nāman:dhāman’, ’name and form’). There is a habit in many cultural and historical traditions to guess the inner essence of a new born baby in order to name it. For example, Zulus have a popular belief that if a baby cries much, they chosen a wrong name for it. Finno-Ugrs consider if they chose not a proper name for a human, it will cause difficulties in his life. But all of this is just an echo.

“In times immemorial a man of knowledge tried not to disturb and to secure his own name, therefore he took a ‘nickname’ which characterized features of his character, or it was at all some transformation of the name of the honoured deity, so that to ‘find protection’ under his name. But with time this knowledge was lost and people imitated only externally traditions of their ancestors. Therefore when some people with excessive megalomania make attempts to ‘influence’ on other people intimidating them and boasting that they possess magic ‘knowledge’ connected with the name, it’s just ridiculous because present names are just that very ‘transformation’. For example, let’s take the ancient Russian name Svyatogor, or German Siegfried, it’s nothing more that ‘victory + protection’. Or let’s take modern names like Andrew, John, Mary, Kseniya etc, these are the names of Christian saints who were taken in their turn from transformantion of meanings for different qualities of a ‘God’s man’. Thus the loss of genuine knowledge caused in fact the human ‘paranoia’ concerning speculations and manipulations with ordinary names, pretending ‘influence’ on the owner of that name. It came to such a point of absurdity that in that very Egypt later priests unleashed wars between themselves and captured ancient monuments by a such banal reason of human egocentrism as wiping off the names of genuine builders of these monuments and ‘immortalization’ on that place of their own names. Since the ancients mentioned ‘As long as the name lives, its owner is immortal’. In Ancient China it was prohibited to say aloud the name of the ruling emperor so that nobody could harm him. In ancient times Jews changed their names on any occasion so that ‘evil spirits could hardly find the genuine name’.”

“That’s right,” Eugene said with a laugh, “so that they weren’t found by those from whom they borrowed money.”

Everybody laughed sincerely.

“That’s true!” Nikolai Andreevich nodded laughing.

When the laugh faded out Sensei said, “So, all of that are human affairs.” And keeping silence for a while he added. “There is an ancient Indian wisdom written in Upanishads concerning this multitude of names in reincarnations of a human, “All rivers flow and disappear in the sea losing their name and image, the same way a man of knowledge freeing himself from the name and form ascends to divine Purusha’…”

“To Purusha? Does it mean the primeval man?” Nikolai Andreevich specified.

“Yes,” Sensei replied and explained to all of us. “Purusha refers to the primeval man in ancient Indian mythology, elements of universe appeared from him, he is a universe soul… And as far as the secret name of God concerned… It should be mentioned that many ancient people which were called later by Jews as ‘paganic’ had a legend that there was a rare possibility for a ‘mere mortal’ (that is for an ordinary man) to gain power like that one of gods. And it was connected with the knowledge of the secret Word under which the secret name of God was hidden. I should mention that though these legends are deeply covered with a veil of mythology and mysticism, they are based per se on the principle of what is called today as the Grail. I will tell you about it later.”

“It would be quite interesting to listen to it,” Nikolai Andreevich uttered with impatience.

“There is time for everything,” Sensei uttered kindly. “But let’s return to the book Zohar, to the information which was adopted… Let’s take for instance ten sephiroths which kabbalists suggest for attributes of God, ‘rays which bear His creative energy’, whereas the light from these rays is perceived by them not through feelings but through wisdom. Names of the sephiroths are Crown, Wisdom, Understanding, Kindness, Justice, Beauty, Victory, Eternity, Foundation, Kingship. Where did they adopt it from and rewrite? From notions of ancient Egyptians about Ka and its connection with gods. Ancient Egyptians believed for example that a baby is taken care by its protective magic forces, that is by male deities which were indicated by the sign of Ka (the sign of hands risen upwards) and female deities which are called Khemsut (‘nurses’) and bear the sign of an arrow on their heads. As a rule there were seven pairs of them (and seven is a sacred figure for ancient Egyptians). And all of them are represented by fourteen names: Force, Power, Flourishing, Food, Worship, Eternity, Shine, Splendour, Glory, Magic (Kheka), Saying (Will to creation), Vision, Hearing, Conscious. 14 Kau and 7 Ba were attributed also to highest God. Make your conclusions yourselves.

“Or let’s take for example how kabbalists give an interpretation to the soul. They repeat what was known long time ago to Eastern peoples that the world of a human is a microcosmos similar to a macrocosmos. Immortal divine substance is located in the middle of microcosmos, and it’s surrounded by external shells. They name these shells as ‘neshamah’ (spirit), it corresponds to ancient Egyptian Akh which you know already, ‘ruakh’, it’s the same ancient Egyptian Ba, soul. But kabbalists included the notion of personality of a human and the place of his will into ‘ruah’. Simply saying they bound into one bunch Egyptian notions of Akh and Ba. And the third shell as to them is ‘nephesh’, that is a body which corresponds to ancient Egyptian Khat. Besides they emphasize that each of these shells has three parts. For example, the very ‘nephesh’ includes not only the physical shell but also an immortal part of ‘nephesh’…”

“Khu Li?” Eugene asked with a cunning smile.

Sensei just smiled and went on telling, “as well as ‘spirit of bones’, that is imperishable physical body preserving its shape for following resurrection. The ‘spirit of bones’ means in ancient Egyptian terms Ka, or in our terms, the ‘astral double’. And it this misinterpreted perverted by kabbalists notion of trinity you can easily find out ancient Egyptian knowledge and believes.

“Ancient Egyptians not only divided a man into five elemetns but they pointed out to the main triple interconnection between these elements. For example the main triads already known by you. Ka-Ba-Akh shows that soul is tightly bound with astral double of a man and his spirit-will. Or the triad Ka-Khu-Khat where the Animal nature (Khu) was tightly bound with the astral double of a man (Ka) and physical body (Khat). And they not only showed this trinity but wrote the whole teachings on work with these structures, effects, results. Also they pointed out to special trinity at achieving of certain level of self-improvement such as for example Sakh-Ba-Shu, I will tell you about it later. This knowledge was not invented from nowhere like kabbalists did, who not only picked up other’s fruits but mixed them with their very peculiar conclusions prepared such a medley that half of the humankind came down with dysentery caused by it. Ancient Egyptians took their knowledge from the pure source where everything was simple and clear. So take it and use! No, Jews needed to pervert it all in their own way, to complicate everything to incredible level, to name everything in their own way and to aim to their goals. Well … the funniest thing is that since in that kabbalists’ ‘teaching’ were seen the ancient Egyptian roots too clearly which can’t be hidden from eyes of a clever reader they began to popularize a legend that the knowledge of Kabbalah was imparted from very Adam to Noah and then to Abraham, ‘God’s friend’. They asserted that allegedly Moses possessed this ‘secret knowledge’ and initiated seventy elders into this teaching and then they imparted it to their ‘chosen ones’ as a great secret from one person to another.

“It almost the same like in Egyptian legend about Seth and seventy two plotters,” Volodya remarked.

“To Abraham, ‘God’s friend’?” Eugene got surprised in his turn. “It means that Abraham is a friend and the others are slaves? Smartly done.”

“What did you expect elso from ‘Jews’, I mean the priests,” Sensei uttered. “So, they began to ascribe that namely through Abraham this knowledge got to Egypt where they let a ‘leackage’ of a part of this ‘mystical teaching’. And namely this way Egyptians got to know ‘something from Kabbalah’ and Eastern peoples ‘even introduced some elements of Kabbalah into their philosophical systems’.”

“Hem, the guys aren’t at a loss,” Eugene commented again. “They have stolen this knowledge from Eastern peoples and now accuse that those peoples have stolen from them.”

“Right you are,” Sensei confirmed. “This is one of their principles: first they steal somebody’s knowledge and then they declare that it belongs to them and that they ‘invented’ it starting from the idea and finishing with the project itself. They stuffed so many Eastern symbols into kabbalism thus perverting in fact the genuine meaning of this knowledge! For example, what does this sign remind you?” Sensei took a thin twig which lay not far and drew with it a triangle on the sand, a circle in the triangle and three little circles inside of the circle, whereaw the central circle was a little higher that the two others. He drew downwards three little strokes and connected them with one line at the bottom. “Which versions do you have?”

Looking at the sign Nikolai Andreevich uttered, “There are not so many versions. Three circles in the circle is obviously a sign of Shambala which is popular in East. But without this capital letter Ш at the bottom.

“What? There is nothing to do with East!” Sensei said with a laugh. “Kabbalists style it as ‘Jewish triad’, the so called ‘creative triad’ where they inserted a letter ‘shin’ for describing the trinity of first three sephiroths: the central circle is Keter, the White Head, Crown, and the two others are Hokhmah (Father) and Binah (Mother).”

“Well,” Eugene laughed together with the guys. “I don’t know whose White Head invented it, but it sounds like a real Joke&Fun!”

“That’s not all! For example, the symbol En Sof (which means for kabbalists ’eternal state of Existence’, ‘endless’, ‘the most ancient from ancient’, ‘begetting things from it’ etc) is depicted as a closed eye.”

“A closed eye?” Stas was surprised.

“Wait, the open eye is a symbol of God,” Victor expressed his thought.

“That’s all right,” Eugene confirmed. “The closed eye means that when God sleeps the Archons act!”

“It’s clear,” Nikolai Andreevich nodded. “In general wherever one pokes a finger the Archons have everywhere a trap.”

“Well, they have been setting traps for so many milleniums,” Sensei replied with regret. “So, they interpret the Bible in the book Zohar in allegorical terms, besides they mixed to it various elements of neoplatonism and gnosticism. All of that is covered with theoretically tempting rosy appeals to purification and ascent of the soul. And it is based on Messiah expectations and the main idea, the beginning of the Messiah time for the ‘Jewish’ people as the ideal world of perfection which God Himself wasn’t able to build.”

“Not bad plans!” Victor grinned.

“Well, and the practical Kabbalah is based on the belief that due to special rituals of kabbalists, special ‘prayers’ and inner acts of will a man can allegedly actively interfere into a ‘divine and cosmic process’ of the history and influence with the help of their ‘knowledge and secret power’ on everything and everyone in the whole Universe.”

“Fie, it’s a kind of arimanism!” Volodya hemmed.

Ruslan was on the contrary intrigued by Sensei’s story, he even whistled and uttered with admiration, “Do they really possess this mighty power and secret knowledge?!”

The seniour guys even laughed from his childish naivety. Sensei put a light bird’s plumelet which lay not far on the top of the sand pyramide and pointing out to it he said, “If to gather all, all, all kabbalists in the world, their greatly praised ‘mighty power and knowledge’ won’t be enough even to blow away this plumelet.”

The seniour guys stopped laughing and looked together with us with interest at the snow-white downy plumelet resting on the top of the sand pyramide.

“Really?!” Eugene uttered intrigued and moving up closer blew at the plumelet. It fell down from the pyramide with ease. Eugene said self-satisfied, “Eh, you see, I’m stronger than all the cablists!”

“You are the cablist yourself!” Stas clipped him slightly on the back of the head. “Come on, don’t meddle in with your talks!”

The company laughed merrily again.

“That’s how the things are,” Sensei summarized. “Emptiness is emptiness by itself!”

“Well,” Nikolai Andreevich drawled thinking evidently about what he had heard. “Dirty tricks.” And keeping silence for a while he asked. “So what was the trinity ‘Sakh-Ba-Shu’ in ancient Egyptians teachings?”

“Oh, it’s a quite interesting point,” Sensei said. “In Ancient Egypt ’Shu’ refered to notion of human ‘shaddow’, in fact it was one of Ka manifestations. But ‘Sakh’ … Let’s put it so, the word ‘Sakh’ had several meanings in Ancient Egypt. ‘Sakh’ meant ‘enlightenment’. The same word refered to Orion constellation which they considered to be the king of stars. By the way, they often called also Osiris as Orion, and his spouse Isis as Sotis (Sirius star, the closest to the Earth). ‘Sakh’ meant also a special state of mind of a human at the moment of highest ‘enlightenment’. Then they began to call so ‘blessed ancestors’, ‘noble men of antiquity’. Later they entitled as ‘Sakh’ people from the palace aristocracy who were authorized to carry a seal. And when the knowledge was so deeply dug into the religion and that’s why a lot of it was lost with time, ‘Sakh’ turned in after-death belives of ancient Egyptians into the protector of dead, into the term meaning a mummy, the body burried in accordance with the ritual of ‘enlightenment’. But even after that the religion continued to connect ‘Sakh’ with meanings from more ancient times, with the notion of a ‘verily enlightened person’, with the merit and quality of another level which are endowed in the kingdom of heaven, as well as of the highest power and ‘divinity’.

“Do you see how long is this chain of human transformations and fantasy? But it was all simple in the beginning. ‘Sakh’ was initially explained by ancient Egyptians as a life-giving energy. Due to the state ‘Sakh-Ba-Shu’, as it was called by ancient Egyptians, or saying in our language, with the help of a certain spiritual practice a human achieved a special state of the ‘highest enlightenment’. The pyramidal buildings played big role for that as one of the conditions for this practice in achieving the state of ‘enlightenment’. First it were stone pyramidal buildings or the hills. By the way, later it served as one of the reasons for worshipping of the sacred stone ‘Ben-ben’, the pyramidal stone, by ancient Egyptians.”

And by the way this spiritual practice wasn’t limited only by Ancient Egypt. Many pyramids built artificially which are nowadays revealed by modern people and those ones which are still not ‘unsealed’ and not found are far from being chaotic buildings. Though built in different time they were located in strictly determined coordinates, with strict orientation in time of building at certain stars. Globally it’s a kind of a map. Initiators of such pyramids were people who possessed this knowledge. Imhotep was one of them. He received this information about the global world architectural project (which was elaborated far before the time of Imhotep) from the Sokrovennik at the end of his many years of study with him, along with other knowledge.

“So, let’s come back to the begin of our story about Imhotep, this really significant human Personality. He was distinguished still in his childhood first of all by the purity of his moral qualities and sincerity of spiritual motives which were laid down in him by his parents. That’s why the Sokrovennik took his as a disciple. It was much easier for Imhotep to perceive the knowledge of the Sokrovennik than for example for a modern man convinced by the Archons in prevalence of the material life.

“However, to get the knowledge is only a half of the deed. It’s much more important to use it in a worthy manner. Since as they say, theory is dead without practice. What was noteworthy in Imhotep as a Personality? Not only that he took this knowledge with all responsibility using it for developing of his soul, but he’s done a lot of useful things for people. More than that he did it so well that the seeds of knowledge he sew that time, due to the knowledge of the Sokrovennik of Shambala, were used not only by off-spings of Egyptians, but also peoples of Asia, Afrika, Europe.

That’s why the Archons are so afraid of the activities of the spiritually strong free Human since they know how unpredictably he can influence on the consciousness of the whole peoples.

Sensei made a little pause and drank a bit of mineral water. Andrew used this moment and began to interrogate him, “Sensei, you mentioned about the global project concerning the pyramids and that it was elaborated far before the times of Imhotep. Who has elaborated it far before the times of Imhotep? Well, I understand that East is a cradle of civilization. But if to believe scientists, it turns out that there were only hunters and gatherers that time, that is the most primitive humankind.”

“You are right about the new cradle. It was really so. But that time the Earth was visited by such civilizations which don’t fit into the frames of the modern ‘historical’ concept… but their traces are found till now. Let’s take the very Baalbeck with its huge slabs of ‘landing path’. Or the Great Sphinx built not far from the ‘bottom of the flower’ and built far before this civilization, from the monolith rock, with internal undergroung premises. By the way this stone monument survived quite successfully the Flood.

“The Great Sphinx?!” Slava and Yura asked simultaneously.

“Yes, the Great Sphinx is the great sculpture of a lying lion with a man’s head and a peculiar cape from head to shoulders,” Sensei explained it through habit. “By the way, ‘Sphinx’ is far from being the genuine name of this building. Actually it’s a Greek word meaning ‘the one who strangles’ it comes from the verb ’squeeze’, ‘stifle’. Greeks called so this statue because when they were in Egypt they associated it with a character from their ancient Greek legends, Sphinga (Sphinx). Sphinga meant in Greece a fairy animal with a woman’s head and chest, a lion’s body of a lion, bird’s wings. According the legend this creature lived on the rock near Thebes and asked all passers-by an insoluble riddle and when it didn’t receive an answer, it strangled them. Since their legend resembled ancient Egyptian legends about goddess Sakhmet (a lioness with a human face), daughter of god Ra, who slayed rebellious people, this name remained so in the history.

Though I would like to mention that the Greek legend arouse from the more ancient version about predator Phix who lived in Boeothia on Mount Phikion, it was a fierce monster able to swallow its prey. Oedipus defeated it in a cruel fight. And the very character of Sphinga appeared in Greece under the influence of the character of Asia Minor describing a winged half-virgin and half-lioness.

What the Great Sphinx concerned, actually it was named in Egypt as Harmahis and it symbolized the sun rising in the East and the symbol of ressurrection. But these notions resulted from earlier concepts about the Great Sphinx as of the ‘Guard of gods’ home’. It wasn’t occasional since this building guards the secret of the path leading to the Temple of Lotus, one of the most ancient underground building in this place.”

“Incredible!” Our guys exclaimed with delight.

“Really?” Nikolai Andreevich pricked up his ears. “Could you please tell us more details…”

“What does it mean that the Great Sphinx is ‘located not far from the bottom of the flower’?” Victor asked almost at the same time with Nikolai Andreevich.

Sensei waited a little with the answer.

“Well, I will tell you one day about the Temple of Lotus later. However I can add some more details about the ‘flower’ now. I have already told you that Ta-Kemet was a special place for Shambala in the times of extreme antiquity. Even its location is not simple if to take into account the geographical region of this place on the Earth, its coordinates and view from space.”

“A view from space?” Stas asked with curiousity. “What is so interesting in that region? The biggest part of its area is occupied by the desert.”

“Not only the desert,” Sensei objected. “And by the way there was not always the desert. Twenty years ago when the bigger part of Europe was covered by ice shelves, the North of Africa was a quite flourishing earthly paradise. And when the ice went away and the climate became drier, that it came to periods of droughts. But we don’t talk about it now. If you look from space at the geographical region of North and East of African continent, you may see a beautiful blossoming out flower of the blue lotus among the desert sands which is shaped by the Nile river (by the way, if someone doesn’t know yet, it’s the longest river in the world today). Due to its broad triangle and bowl-shaped delta flowing into to the Mediterranean Sea, petal-shaped veins of rivers in the region of the delta itself as well as the long serpentine band of the river, the Nile resembles the blossoming out flower of lotus on the long stock. And twelve and half thousand years ago due to the coastal line of this delta the resemblance with petals of the flower of lotus was ideal. Shambala was located that time almost at the ‘bottom of the flower’, or to be more precise the Threshold of Shambala. Its previous location was on the bank of the magnificent lake, now there are waters of the Black Sea there. And the next one was already moved to the mountains of Belovodie, where it is located till nowadays.

“So, in legends connected with their gods ancient Egyptians depicted not by occasion a three-petals lotus that is young, blossoming out as a symbol of young (renewed) humankind. Moreover, not by occasion the space deity called Khapi was considered as god of the Nile, his symbol was lotus (much later the papirus added to it and due to an impudent invention of one of the priests they began to depict Khapi as a fat man with a pot-belly and female breast). And not by occasion at all there appeared one more destination of Khapi as one of the four sons of god Horus. I would like to mention that the name of Horus is translated as ‘height’, ‘sky’, and his symbol from the time immemorial was a sun’s disc with outstreched wings. I would also mention that initially the children of Horus were considered as astral gods, satellites of the constellation ‘Cow leg’ (Ursa Major) on the Nothern sky. It was deemed that these sons were escorted Osiris. Horus assigned to each of them their places aroung the throne of Osiris. The main function of sons of Horus was to guard Osiris, to protect him from enemies. Whereaw each of them stood on guard from a certain side of the world (Khapi was on the Nothern side). And if you put together all of that and think well, you will understand a lot.”

“Put together?” Kostay asked puzzled.

“Hem, it sounds interesting,” Nikolai Andreevich uttered intrigued.

“But we would need to strain all our brains!” Andrew remarked jokingly.

“But what for? Why?” Ruslan began to interrogate. “What is hidden there?”

Volodya replied in a bass voice, “But you were said, when you think well, you will understand.”

“Right,” Eugene mocked at Ruslan when he saw that Sensei was keeping mysterious silence in that regard, “And if you don’t understand it, it’s your destiny!”

The guys laughed together with Ruslan. Unlike us Nikolai Andreevich was apparently making some comparison in mind and remarked addressing to Sensei, “Wait a minute, you have said before that that the Threshold of Shambala was located at the ‘bottom of the flower’?! It means that before the Threshold of Shambala was placed almost in centres of civilization. And as far as I know, it means a possibility of more often contacts of Boddhisattvas with people, does it?”

“Well, in the beginning of civilization it’s just a necessity. So no wonder that Boddhisattvas were openely present among people. Moreover the whole mankind consisted that time of small groups of people who were naturally protected from external earthly and space factors.”

“But if Boddhisattvas of Shambala took care of people it means that some ancient Egyptian legends are not just legends?”

“What do you mean?” Sensei asked in his turn.

“Once I have read a legend about those who ruled pre-dynastic Egypt. I was a student that time and trained my mnemotechnique on it, especially memory for figures. You’ve just told about Boddhisattvas and I recalled undeliberately this chronology. It was said that 12 300 years Egypt was ruled by seven great gods: Ptah – 9 000 years, Ra – 1 000 years, Shu – 700 years, Geb – 500 years, Osiris – 450 years, Seth – 350 years, Horus – 300 years. Then there were twelve divine rulers including Toth and Maat, and they ruled 1570 years. After that there were 30 half-gods who ruled 3 650 years… The most interesting is that after their rule people began to rule Egypt. However something didn’t go well and 350 years Egypt was lost in chaos, alienation and discord without any ruler. The integration began at the time of Menes.”

Nikolai Andreevich looked interrogatively at Sensei, and the last one replied to that, “Well, it’s not quite like that though…”

“… it would be enough for people,” Eugene finished jokingly Sensei’s phrase.

“This ‘chronology’ was written by Egyptian priest Manetho who lived in Egypt in IIIrd century b.c. during the times of Greek dominance. Manetho described the history of Egypt, composed a list of kings and dynasties based on more ancient sources fixed in papiri. In fact he tried to systematize and reanimate long forgotten literature sources including various legends. And the most important wasn’t about figures and dates which are argued today by egyptologists. The most interesting is that he highlighted so smartly the political reality in the history of Egypt that the Archons (when they got this writing which became quite popular among people) quickly withdrew his original writing and spreaded the rumours that it was destroyed during Egypt conquest by the army of Alexander the Great. That’s why the writing by Manetho didn’t come to modern people. They know about it only by quotes and comments of other authors. And they judge this writing in the modern world by the abstracts which were preserved in writings by Julius Africanus, Eusebius and Josef Flavious, and they even don’t think who were these authors, when they lived, whom they worked for and where they got information about the writing of this priest who lived a few centuries earlier. And I don’t even mention such a ‘triffle’ that every historian considered that time that he had a right to insert his own voluntary changes and interpretations of more ancient writings. That’s why scientific opinions are so contradictory even about the abstracts of this writing which cause both delight, disappointment, accusations that all of that are ‘groundless legends’, ‘evident figment’, ‘confusing information’.”

“Well, if they don’t stop arguing about his for so many centuries, it means that this man really got at the heart of the matter,” Volodya remarked.

“Surely,” Sensei nodded. “Let’s regard for example what some people call today as ‘confusing information’. One could find today a Manetho’s record that during the so called today First transitional period (It was right after the times of Imhotep when the Archons began to act in Egypt in real earnest and caused political instability, hunger, riots) Egypt was ruled by ‘seventy kings during seventy days’. And it was really so! But we will come back to that time and events.

“Through Manetho’s writing the Archons ‘came to light’ in the history, in the first turn, by their structure. But it wasn’t for the first time. And it was mentioned about seventy two plotters in the legend about Seth not without a reason. Far from being occasional the Jewish priests organized later the supreme court for their people, the Sanhedrim, which was ruled by ‘chief priests’. Not by chance there were seventy one member in the Sanhedrim (if you remember, they questioned and judged Jesus Christ once). Because seventy (plus one to three), thirty (plus one to three) and ten (plus one to three) are the main numerical structures of Archons’ people.”

“But why with a prefix “plus one to three”?” Victor didn’t understand.

“Depending on significance of that circle for the Archons they add to it from one to three members. These are circles of power. We will talk about them later.”

“These Archons are dashing guys!” Stas said with a slightly noticeable grin.

“Of course! That’s why people didn’t have enough information and had only to trust in myths and legend (although to be on the alert). The nature brings little of artifacts. Let’s regard that very Delta region. Due to quick accumulation of precipitates people consider that the most ancient cultural layers are contained deep under the ground. And one needs a lot of money to dig them out.”

Sensei made a little pause.

“Right, everything depends on money,” Nikolai Andreevich remarked.

“And money depends on the Archons,” Victor added sadly.

In reply Eugene uttered with imperturbable air, “So let’s this ‘everything’ together with money doesn’t go right to the hands of the Archons!”

Everybody laughed at this Eugene’s pun. And Stas answered jokingly, “It’s a pity, they don’t award a Nobel prize for big stupidity anymore! You would be unsurpassed in this sphere!”

“What do I need that Shnobel prize for? It’s enough for me that I feel good here,” Eugene objected.

The guys met again his comment with loud laughter. Only Nikolai Andreevich didn’t’ take part in our verbal fun, he was thinking over something of his own. Having waited for some time when the guys would calm down he uttered addressing to Sensei, “It turns out that it’s not so simple… It means that Boddhisattvas contacted more often people that time. And people regarded them as gods…”

The guys calmed down immediately, apparently they were interested in this issue too.

“It’s natural that Boddhisattvas are associated by people with gods,” Sensei said when the silence sell. “Since their knowledge and ability to control the matter (including nature, without any ’technical means’ as well as possession of other extraordinary abilities) would shock the modern man too, with all his piles of information about ‘advanced’ technologies, I don’t speak of those who lived during the time of birth of this human civilization. The contacts were indeed quite often. Since the Boddhisattvas of Shambala not only protected people but also they gave people knowledge, starting from elementary knowledge (how to plant seeds, build houses etc) and ending spiritual practices. That’s why people started to believe that gods need to look as humans in order to contact people. For example, those like Ptah and Osiris, they are not mythical figment but real personalities of Boddhisattvas who lived once among people. But the story of their life was strongly turned into a myth by people and simplified to the level of human comprehension, and moreover tied to a concrete geographical region. However as a rule the activity of Boddhisattvas of such level covered at those times not only the lands of Ancient Egypt.”

“What do you mean?” Kostya asked.

“Well… Take for example a Boddhisattva who was known much time ago under the name of Osiris. His activity was connected not only with Ancient Egypt but with regions which are known today as Altai, basin of Volga, Dnepro and Danube region. He and his people have done a vast work which gave an impulse to some cultures which flourished in that centres of civilization. And even today a curious person can find some indirect proves in Tripolie culture which appeared seven thousand years ago in Dnepro and Danube region…”

“What a culture is that? I hear about it for the first time,” Kostya got surpised.

“Tripolian?! This culture was called so by archeologists who dug out an unusual settlement for the first time not far from the village of Tripolie in Kiev region. They were surprised that people of this culture were able to build cities-megapolises, melt metal, had a unique technology of ceramics manufacture and in general they lived comfortably and prosperously. It was a quite friendly, quiet, non-aggressive people. And it’s still a big puzzle for agcheologists till now its unusual ideology shown even in such details as nicely decorated earthenware crockery and terracotta statuettes. It’s a mystery for them that this people expressed words in its art by symbols including those which became later very important for cultures of ancient China, India, Egypt located far from that place. These were signs of ‘Yin-Yan’, swastika, world tree, unusual ‘striped’ pictures which became typical later for ancient Egyptians as elements of the dress. But the most interesting thing wasn’t yet ‘discovered’ by modern archeologists. This people raised not just ‘burial mounds-sanctuaries’. This people knew about pyramidal structures and spiritual practices connected with them. And it not only knew but also raised such ‘pyramids’ in certain places in conformity with certain star disposition. And similar ‘structures’ exist till now.”

“Really?” Kostya was surprised together with us. “Does it mean that these pyramids are not found yet?! But why?”

“As usual, because there is either no good chance or information. But as they say, there is time for everything… So, as far as places concerned which were visied by Osiris. Not by occasion the ancient name of Volga river is Ra. And not by occasion such an untypical for those places plant as lotus flower was brought there. And surely not for appearance the so called today ‘Altai princesses’, and in fact ‘virgins of Knowledge’ made themselves special tatoos from symbols in ancient times. All of that has the same roots of origin of this knowledge. So, the one who wishes will get knowledge…” Sensei looked attentively at curious faces of the guys and continued his story. “So, Boddhisattvas, when among people, not only took care of people like about babies in the cradle but it was natural that they communicated with representatives of other civilizations… And there is nothing extraordinary in it. In principle the humankind has a chance to develop to such a level during the next hundred years that it can freely visit other worlds. And at those times this communication between Boddhisattvas and representatives of other worlds were normal. And it’s quite natural because however developed is the material civilization it will strive to communication with more developed creatures, particularly when, as I have already said, Boddhisattvas were for quite a long time present among people that time.”

“Was it something like a unique chance for representatives of other worlds to cognize more than they know?” Victor made a conclusion.

“Right you are,” Sensei nodded. “That’s why the presence of that cosmodrome not far from Egypt, on the territory of modern Libya, it’s preserved by the way till now…”

“Cosmodrome?!” we asked almost unaminously.

“Yes,” shrugging shoulders Sensei calmly replied to our general surprise. “Now it is called by scientists as ‘Baalbek verandah’. It’s a huge platform built from gigantic blocks, each of them weighs 360 tons, with special holes on each side of the platform. Archeologists still rack their brains over its destination. Though unlike world-views of people from previous epochs they started at least to guess that it looks like a cosmodrome,” Sensei grinned. “Their naivety is striking! They look for traces of soot from spaceship’s fuel and mean by fuel the one with its components which is known nowadays.” Sensei stated with surprise. “What tanks should one have with such fuel in order to go to, for example, Sirius and to come back?! They are so ridiculous, they look for traces of combustive-lubricating stuff and even don’t assume that there are a lot of other sources of alternative energy which are more economical and environmenally safe.Well, as they say, everybody relies on information available to him.”

Apart from ‘Baalbek verandah’ there were other cosmodromes which didn’t require such a big landing place. There was a region in the immediate bottom of the Nile ‘flower’ for such spaceships. It’s natural that this intensive traffic was noticed by people that’s why quite curious ancient legends about that time were preserved in the memory of generations.

“Which legends, for example?” Nikolai Andreevich asked.

“For example, the legends about ancient city of Khem which was later called as Letopolis by Greeks. It was situated near the ‘bottom of flower’, on the Western coast of Rosette arm of the Nile. There are some legends that in antiquity it was called a ’city of thunderbolt’ and according to religious sources Khem is known as a ‘road sign that shows a way for Osiris to the sky’. They considered this city an earthly reflection of Sirius. It was connected with one of ancient names of god Horus. As you remember, his was depicted as a winged disc, and a falcon, and a man with falcon’s head.

“Or here is another city which was situated not far from Khem (almost on the same geographical latitude) at the ‘bottom of the flower’ and known in antiquity as Iunu (as you remember, it’s Bible’s On, or in Greek version Heliopolis, that is the ‘city of Sun’). There is also a legend about a sacred hill in Iunu where the Sun rose for the first. Then the sacred column was erected on that place in memory of past, later it was replaced by not less sacred relic from ancient times, the Ben-Ben stone shaped as rounded cone (later it was transformed in legends into the Greek work ‘pyramidon’.).

The ancients ascribe this stone to extraterrestrial origin. In the opinion of people it is considered ‘lost long time ago’. It was depicted in sacred signs together with Phoenix bird which was sitting on it. At first sight all these stories seem to be just a fairy-tale. Most of all modern scientist may assume that the ancients invented a story and took the ordinary aerolite for a ‘sacred stone’ which fell from the sky. Even if they will investigate the root ‘ben’ and will know that it means ‘seed’, ‘insemination’ and will connect it with the legend about Phoenix which flies to people from time to time from the East and bears a new cycle. In the best case they will attribute it all to religious primitive connected with the cult of fertility and will be satisfied with that. But in fact it’s all not so simple…”

Sensei looked at the position of the sun on the sky and made a suggestion, “Let’s… make a break. It’s time to swim, don’t you mind, guys?”

“It’s high time,” Nikolai Andreevich agreed with him and glanced over our company, “since everybody became ruddy like a cake.”

“Well, it’s always like that, you interrupt on the most interesting place!” groaning Eugene started to stand up together with other guys. “By the way, you said something about cakes… Do we have something good to eat?!”

Since Eugene addressed this question to Tatyana, she answered merrily, “We’ll find!”

* * *

We decided first to swim. Though nobody actually swam earnestly. We just plunged a few times because the water seemed too cold after our long sitting under sun. As soon as me and Tatyana entered the water, we immediately jumped out of it and went to the tent with fool. Nobody wanted to spend too much time for cooking a lunch that’s why we prepared quickly sandwiches for all. Meanwhile by initiative of Nikolai Andreevich the guys made our beach more cosy by stretching a big tent over our beach towels in order to protect all of us from direct burnings sun beams and to provide more comfort for our further rest. They have done it quite well. The blowing light breeze seemed to me in the tent’s shaddow to be even more ‘refreshing’. We arranged an improvised table with sandwiches and mineral water on the beach towels. After all of us have well stuffed ourselves Sensei continued his fascinating story. This time I ’equiped’ myself with a note-book with a pen and began to record Sensei’s story in details.

“So, as far as Imhotep concerned,” Sensei began to tell. “This man used skillfully and praiseworthly the knowledge revealed to him by the Sokrovennik. Soon due to his tireless work Imhotep became famous among people as a skillful doctor and was invited to the court of the pharaoh who is known today in history under the name of Djoser (though his name sounded in Ancient Egypt differently), the king of the third dynasty who founded his capital in the city of Memphis. To put it more precise, at those days this city was called by Egyptians also differently, ‘Khet-Ka-Ptah’, which meant ‘chamber of the soul of god Ptah’ (or the ‘palace of the soul of god Ptah’) since god-craftsman Ptah was believed to be a supreme god of this city. And before that it was simply called a ‘city with white walls’. Memphis is already a Greek interpretation of the more ancient Egypt name of this city ‘Menepher’ (‘Good haven’). If you look at modern map and this city was situated not far from modern Cairo in the strategically important location of the Nile delta. Now there are only ruins left from this city, they are buried under a thick sand layer. By the way, in the Old Testament this city was named as Nof.

“Imhotep showed himself not only just as an outstanding doctor but also a wise man who knew well natural sciences (today these sciences are known as astronomy, mathematics, chemistry, physics, geometry) and as it turned out later who had a talent of speaker and excellent organizer. Soon the pharaoh Djoser appointed his to the position of his chief clerk, the first high official in the state after the pharaoh, someone like vizier or present prime-minister in Western countries. It was at all an extraordinary case at those times since this position was taken by people from hereditary aristocracy. Imhotep was an ordinary man by birth and reached this position, as they say, owing to his intellect and hard work.”

“Aha, owing to the knowledge given to him by the Sokrovennik,” Andrew said.

“Right but one thing is to get knowledge. Another one is to use it properly,” Sensei remarked. “For you to better estimate what this Human managed to do for people I will tell you briefly about the situation which was typical under the rule of pharaoh Djoser before Imhotep appeared among high authorities.

“The head of the state was worried about strengthening of his power. He tried to reinforce his position on the North and waged a war on the Southern border. He controlled copper mines on the Sinai half-isle which belonged to his predecessors in power. By and large he was more busy with solving his ‘strategic’ problems than needs of his people. His suite followed him.

“The priests were engaged in their political intrigues and confrontation among them fighting for domination of their theological system. Since that time each ‘sep’, or how Greeks named it later, ‘nome’ (in our words, regions into which the country was divided) had its own gods, its own religious concepts based, one should say, on the same more ancient knowledge. However, gods of that nome where the capital was located at that moment were announced as central gods of the whole country. But all influential priests claiming for big power wanted to live very well. That’s why each of them played his tricks in fight for power. For example, if the doctrine of competitive religious concept influenced more on the world view of people priests even added not only main statements of this concept to their systme but also the very attributes of the ‘competitive’ god to their ‘own’.”

“Well, though priests were in power, nevertheless they paid much attention to the world view of ordinary people,” Nikolai Andreevich remarked.

“Of course. And it may sound for you as a paradox but they depended on the world view of ordinary people! Since it’s bread of priests! They support only external illusion of their power that any religious position of their believers depends on the general decision of the ruling authorities of this religion. But in fact it’s only a small group of people who are afraid of losing their power if the majority of people will change their world view. Since together with this power they will lose their significance as ‘intermediaries’ between gods and people and therefore not only the political influence but also quite comfortable and prosperous existance which is provided to them by this power.”

“That’s true,” Nikolai Andreevich confirmed.

“So, at those times religion was more politics and it was profitable for priests to keep their flock obedient… Thus, the very nomes were ruled by governors appointed by the pharaoh, they were provincial aristocrats who have been spending their time mostly in idleness. And if they needed for some issues to get a support of the people they obtained loyalty as usual with the help of priests. Some of the governors of the nomes were relatives of the pharaoh because there was a custom among monarchs to take wives from daughters of nome governors or to conclude marriages between them and their children.”

“I see,” Nikolai Andreevich grinned. “It seems to be a quite actual modern ‘custom’.”

Sensei just smiled and went on telling. “However these political marriages brought to a provincial aristocracy not always a long waited connection with the ruling house. Sometimes it turned to an uncompromising enmity and competition. And when a pharaoh got a few off-springs from different wives, who were candidates for the throne, it could lead to plots and counter-plots with secret support of this process by several priests and interested aristocrats who in their turn also dreamt to advance their son or close relative to the nome governors.”

On hearing the last words Nikolai Andreevich laughed even more, “But really nothing has changed indeed!”

“In general almost everybody, starting from pharaoh, high ranked priests, aristocrats, nome governors and ending collectors of natural tributes were occupied with an actual problem, where to steal something, to capture more, to broaden the sphere of his influence. Whereas ordinary people were mostly deprived attention of authorities and were left by its own, as they say, they survivied as they could. The commercial activity of the country was controlled by big cities, or to be more precise by those who controlled them. Even Memphis which was an important handicraft and trade centre of the state with big multinational population lived by its own. Simply saying, everything was as usual. Everybody was occupied by his problems, some had nothing for a soup, others complained about small pearls.”

“Therefore Imhotep got ‘hereditary’ from his forerunner not the best situation in the country. Moreover as a man of Knowledge he understood reasons of what was happening around. He was aware that the main Egypt’s trade routes were secretly controlled by people of the Archons and that they profited by such a situation in the country and by concern of people with their own problems. Knowing that Imhotep acted in a very wise way.

Practically for the short period of time he put the country in order. First of all he dismissed people of the Archons and replaced them with responsible people whom he trusted and who knew well their work. He reorganized bureaucracy and forced clerks to work. He established severe discipline among them: any theft, deceit, bribery, mercenary use of position were stopped and strictly punished. He made the pharaoh the protector of all people, grown-ups and young. Due to Imhotep they introduced fair laws which were strictly kept. Anyone in this state even if it were a poor commoner who was treated unjustly had a right not only to complain about his offender even he was a high and mighty but, to say in our language, to sue him and to win the case. Imhotep organized groups which checked quite quickly and effectively complaints from population. And if these complaints were justified, the guilty person was punished immediately. That’s why common people began to name Imhotep as ‘Kind friend of poor people’, ‘Enemy for all law-breakers and genuine Truth-seeker’, ‘Wiseman who gives valuable advices without any reward’, ‘The one who is respected by the most esteemed men’. Later they began to attribute these people’s epithet to pharaohs of next dynasties.”

“At the same time Imhotep brought to order the irrigation system. He put responsible and professional people at the head of works on canal building and solved in short time one of the main problems for Egyptians, the problem which was a heave burden on the ‘shoulders’ of the pharaoh and namely distribution and use of water both for everyday and agricultural needs. Since in the hot dry climat e of Egypt where the average annual temperature of air is about thirty five degree, the lack of water provoked hunger and national troubles. The irrigation system existed also before but it was in bad state. However after bringing it to order the result was not only improvement of conditions of life of common people but also significant growth of the crop. It led to excess of the grains which attracted merchants from other countries and to additional income. The pharaoh’s treasury began to get replenished quickly (it was already in peaceful time, without wars!).

“Due to initiative and care of Imhotep they started to open schools everywhere, the so called ‘Houses of life’, “Houses of Wisdom’, and knowledge became available not only to priviledged minority. First Imhotep organized special schools at pharaoh’s court where he taught personally together with his assistants gifted young people (usually it were children of clerks) those professions which were at that moment quite necessary for the state for putting it in order, it were clerks, accountants, organizers fo different works. They were taught to read, to calculate, to write and other sciences and skills necessary for their profession… By the way, they wrote hieroglyphs on earthenwary crocks, leather, pieces of limestone. But it was Imhotep who introduced specially processed stems of marsh plant papirus which grew abundantly on the banks of the Nile as a writing material.

“This time and money investment into education of talanted young people justified itself so much that Imhotep managed soon to achieve general opening of such schools in temples where they started to prepare future clerks, lawyers, doctors. And what is most remarkable is that they began to select there also talanted gifted children of common people. And later they opened schools in some state organizations where gifted children (even from poor families) were prepared to the concrete profession chosen in advance by the pupils themselves, for example, profession of sculptor, merchants, bricklayer etc.

“And the more gifted and talented was the young man, the more he was initiated into more profound sciences. Imhotep did so that the youth was itself interested in obtaining solid and high-quality fundament of knowledge. Why? Because the more talented, professional and gifted was the man, the more opened the state career opportunities before him and it improved his life conditions. The most revolutionary was that it didn’t matter to which family a person belonged (a poor or a rich one) since his abilities and high morality were valued most of all. Finally the result of such policy was that people were given a real opportunity to show their better qualities and abilities. For example even an ordinary clerk who had high morality and professional as well as organizational skills had a chance to become a governor of a city (like a royal governor) and even of a nome, that means to join the privileged class. Briefly saying, he was able to realize himself as a Personality, due to his talent.

Do you understand what has happened?! They began to intensively advance talented people, starting from highest layers of power and ending with the lowest, starting from management structures of the state and ending with science, education, medicine and art. It became a fashion to have moral principles, to be polite, clever, educated, to set high goals. And why? Because the state began to actively stimulate moral and intellectual achievements of its citizens.

But Imhotep went even further. Not only that he awoke people’s interest in raising their professionalism, he also increased their significance before other people. He made almost every profession honourable and thus made people respect themselves and their labour, irregardless to which stage of social scale of ranks and to which class they belonged. It improved first of all the culture of communication between people due to it. All layers of society began to keep strict discipline, to respect law and order. Imhotep organized such conditions that people became to be more concerned with improvement of moral and quality of their work. As a result everyone was busy with work for the benefit of the state, starting from the pharaoh who has been dealing with public affairs during the whole day… By the way, it was namely Imhotep who convinced him to stop any wars, since as Imhotep used to say, ‘words are stronger than weapons… Even every prince received his concrete state position in the system of state employment elaborated by Imhotep, and he had to effectively fullfil his duties. Since the pharaoh declared (after he got a hint with this idea from Imhotep) that only the worthy heir will take his place. And it stimulated in its turn the wives of the pharaoh to actively help their sons in public affairs so that it were their sons who would become worthy of enthronement. Thus the state only benefited from the public affairs and everyday employment of the pharaoh’s wives. Since as it is known, lazy mind is a workshop of devil. But this way intrigues and plots were replaced with business efficiency and healthy competition.

“So, everyone was busy, starting from the pharaoh and ending with common people. And there was no place anymore in that country for idlers, lazybones, bribe-takers and thieves since the conditions for their flourishing disappeared and the very society rejected them. It led to the epoche of rushing progress as a result of such wise Imhotep’s policy for people.

“But the most unprecedental thing was that ideology which was formed in the society. Whereas unlike all earlier mentioned merits Imhotep even wasn’t specially occupied with its broad implementation for the masses. He was only the man whose example people wanted to follow: he lived simply, talked wisely and acted fairly and humanly. That’s why he and his world-view became so popular among people.

“Namely due to Imhotep’s popularity and fame his image became an ideal for ancient Egyptians, that is a man who doesn’t speak too much, who is wise and resistant to hardships and strikes of destiny, with humanic views, deeply human, with absolute belief in after-death existence of the soul. Many people from the following generation (not to mention those who lived in his time) were brought up with the following popular Imhotep’s proverbs and sayings:

“It’s better to be poor and to live in a desert but with a lotus in the soul than to be rich and to live among people but with emptiness in the soul”;

“There is no use in freedom for a man if he is blind to his soul”;

“Merits are measured by deeds performed by you”;

“During the time of a trial don’t look for friends and don’t blame enemies but set hopes upon God”;

“Only that man misses slavery who strives to dethrone a king who gave him freedom”;

“Only that man flourishes who helps people in need and not that one who makes others fear him”.

Many other sayings by Imhotep were used by priests and viziers of the next generations in their ‘teachings’ because the words by Imhotep were quite popular among people and were spreaded by word of mouth, from one generation to another.

“Imhotep had a quite tolerant attitude to all religious concepts of the state. He deserved a genuine respect and sympathies not only of the pharaoh but also influential priests of various religions because he acted very wisely and delicately even in respect of the priests’ policy. However his own firm position was belief based on Knowledge. He didn’t have doubts in what he was saying, he wasn’t hypocritical as it was typical to many priests and aristocrats. People felt a Man of Knowledge in him. That’s for why many people who found this invisible but quite perceivable strong belief in him Imhotep became a revealer of Truth. Mainly due to his life style and world view Egyptians got a concept and absolute belief that this life is temporary and it is given for a man to deserve better life in the after-death world by his righteousness, honesty of thoughts and deed before God (and not before people). In that society belief in the after-death life became dominating.

Certainly, this belief was begotten not on the empty place. Belief in the after-death world was inherent to Egyptians from ancient times and, as I have already told you, it was initially based on knowledge. Just with time the knowledge was partially lost and this belief gained a form of confusing and unclear religion. Therefore the majority of people, so to say, worshipped mechanically to ancient gods, mostly without understanding and going deeply into the very religion. It was for them just a tradition heredited from ancestors nothing more. However everything has changed due to invisible work of Imhotep.”

“Invisible work? What do you mean under ‘invisible’?” Kostya asked. He listened to Sensei with the same enthusiasm as we did.

“Wait a minute, I will tell you right now.” Sensei made a few drinks of mineral water and continued his story. “All mentioned merits of Imhotep were only a visible part of that great work he managed to do during his life. But there was more valuable and significant invisible work which was thoroughly hidden from strangers. High position gave Imhotep a real opportunity to contribute his share to realization of the global world architectural project narrated to him by the Sokrovennik. It could bring an invaluable value to the humankind of the far future.”

“I see it was a man of great soul,” Nikolai Andreevich said thoughtfully. “When he was at the top of power he thought first of all about common people and took care about the future of humankind. I wonder whether there are such honest people in the upper strata nowadays.”

Sensei nodded but didn’t join this topic and went on telling. “Imhotep acted wisely in solving this very complicated problem. In fact, the visible part of his work was preparation to the main work. Because to realize Imhotep’s idea was possible only under the conditions of highly organized society. So he acted as follows. After he learnt well traditions morals and manner as well as psychology of the ruling elite, priests and especially the pharaoh, he used their weak points for the sake of realization of his plans which brought later invaluable spiritual help to many people. Imhotep suggested to Djoser a project which was completely unprecedented for that time, and the pharaoh couldn’t reject it. Since according to his belief Djoser, like other Egyptians, had to take care first of all about his life after death and as it was usual among pharaohs he was obliged to build his sepulchre still when he was alive. Imhotep proposed him an idea to erect an unusual burial-vault. It was unusual because it was not just a mastaba…”

“Mastaba? And what is it?” Yura asked politely.

“First it were rectangular wooden tombs of Egyptians. After that they began to build the tombs from brick turning them into constructions with decorative niches pointing out to the burial place and hiding it. Nevertheless ‘mastaba’ is not a Egyptian but an Arabian word meaning ‘bench’. They were called so by Arabian workers who worked with archeologists in Egypt in XIXth century.

So, Imhotep suggested to Djoser to build a stepped pyramid instead of a usual tomb, and moreover not from the simple adobe brick which was a widespread fragile building material but from hewn stone which provided for durability. It was a revolutionary decision for Egypt in those times. Imhotep’s idea to build ‘a staircase thrown from heaven for divine ascension of the pharaoh’ inspired Djoser so much that he ordered to start the works immediately, not sparing money for that, and entrusted it with Imhotep himself. I need to mention that a big brick mastaba for Djoser has been already built in Abidos, a place where pharaohs were traditionally burried.”

“It means that as Imhotep showed initiative, he was entrusted with it,” Stas grinned. “They say, iniative is always punishable!”

“But not in this case,” Sensei objected. “Imhotep was interested in this project more than others. He managed to interest in it not only the pharaoh but also influential priests because this project envisaged, apart from unusual burial-vault for the pharaoh, building of the whole complex including temples as well. Moreover, at the expense of the pharaoh’s treasury. And therefore it provided priests with future income from services in these temples. Furthermore he included into a site layout plan even a big granary, so to say, state owned. And I should mention that later due to big stock of grain kept there Egyptians were able to survive more or less well during the years of bad harvest and draught.

The place chosen by Imhotep for building of this truncated pyramid wasn’t occasional. It was located on the verge of plateau, the same very pateau which was only a few kilometers to North from the Great Sphinx. When Imhotep has been showing the site layout plan to the pharaoh, priests and aristocrats he explained the choice of this place of deserted plateau as a more close location to Memphis and a beautiful view from that place on Memphis. But in fact this place fully matched with one of the earth geographical coordinates marked on the ‘star map’ revealed to him still by the Sokrovennik. The Great Shpinx erected far earlier than that time (and not after the life of Imhotep as they assume it now as if it were during the time when big pyramids were built!) was an important reference point for precise and accurate location of this truncated pyramid.

“So, this grandiose building was intentionally extended not for one decade. Why? Because it wasn’t enough to build this object, it was necessary to ‘launch’ it. And for doing this the most important were highly spiritual people, both men and women. Imhotep spent many years for their upbinging and education, that’s why he extended in principle terms of this building and explained the delay to the elite as improvement and modernisation of his architectural plan.”

“It means that people were most important for Imhotep,” Nikolai Andreevich specified.

“Certainly. So, Imhotep acted this way… He gathered from all Egypt best masters in their professtions, and appointed best moral people (both men and women) to their assistants. He organized for them not only full employment but other better conditions of life and increased their social significance for the state. Imhotep launched not just a building. It was something like nowadays state enterprise with a full complex of social welfare starting from solving everyday problems of peole and ending with medical service of high quality. Bakers, doctors, clerks, accountants, sculptors, brick-layers and people of other professions worked at this huge enterprise, there was enough work for all, both men and women.”

“But they all were slaves there!” Kostya exclaimed with surprise. “Women most of all.”

“Noway,” Sensei objected. “This complex was built by free people. And despite the dominating opinion in our days there was a special attitude towards a woman in Ancient Egypt. She occupied an important place in the society, first of all as mother and successor of the kin, and she had the same right in the society as men. A woman had a right to choose any profession she liked. Talented women became high priestesses, doctors and even architects.”

“Wait a minute,” Nikolai Andreevich got interested in this issue. “Does it mean that there were high priests and priestesses in Ancient Egypt?”

“Yes. The high priest, for example, in that very Iunu was called as Ur Maa and the highest priestess as Urt Tekhent. Their status and level of knowledge was similar to the status of people with highest scientific degrees.”

“Do you want to say that they were people of science, including women?!” Nikolai Andreevich asked even more surprised.

“What does embarrass you?” Sensei asked in his turn.

“Well, I have read once that in ancient times if a woman took part in some religious rituals her role was usually limited with ceremonial dances and in the best case with musical accompaniment. But as a rule especially in those temples whose god was connected with fertility, her business was the so called ‘sacred prostitution’.”

“It happened really so but as an echo and empty imitaion by people to the so called ‘acts of divine force’ which were held in the secret organization of Imhotep among the narrow circle of initiated people where women played the leading role. These mysterious people of Imhotep were called as ‘possessors of sacred forces’, priests Ur Heku and priestesses Ur-t Hekau, since the divine force which they obtained from above during these ‘acts of force’ was called Heka. These people were not only storages and keepers of this divine force but they were able to pass it to things, thus ‘sanctifying’ them, and due to this force to help sich people to get healed. That’s why they were also doctors, not ordinary but universal, the most skillful among ancient doctors though these people just used pure Knowledge. I will tell you about it one day.”

“Excuse me, but why were there such limitations in Knowledge in hierarchy of doctors?” Nikolai Andreevich asked in official tone.

“Because this Knowledge was entrusted only to spiritually pure people. And they kept in deep secret the sacrament of obtaining the Force. Because the Force is the Force. It’s like a hammer, you can either build with it or destroy with it. Everything depends on the Master who holds this hammer in his hands.”

“It sounds logical,” Nikolai Andreevich remarked.

“As far as people of science in those times concerned, well, talented women also achieved much success in this sphere. Let’s regards that very medicine. Even today you may find a record that ‘the earliest known female physician who practiced in Memphis in IIIrd millenium b.c. was called Peseshet’. Though in fact she wasn’t the first female physician, just archeologists have found this only earliest record about it that’s why they called this woman the first physician… Medcine was regarded as sacred science at that time and it was taught at temples. It was believed that the recovery depeded not only on practical knowledge of a doctor but also on divine will that’s why apart from medical knowledge physicians learnt sacred texts. The priest-doctor didn’t have right to start healing a patient without offering up a prayer.”

“A prayer?” our psychotherapist again catched on a word. “But as far as I know, that time they practiced witchcraft and spells in religion of Ancient Egypt.”

Sensei smiled and replied joining this game of ‘official tone’, “Doctor, you have a wrong concept about the genuine reality of that time. And you will understand later why. And you will not just understand it but you will find necessary guidelines due to which you will find out all the truth about that time which would exhaust all your doubts. And now I will mention that witchcraft was prohibited in Ancient Egypt. There were clear distinctions between the divine mysticism which was based on knowledge of the ancients, prayer and assiduous spiritual service to God, and witchcraft which was practiced by curious laity inspired by their egoism as well as sorcerers or the so called ‘black magicians’, people who possessed some knowledge and used it for their mercenary goals against other people. Furthermore, people were strongly convinced that sorcery was harmful for spiritual health of people. And by the way some of the priests had even such a ‘specialization’ and were called Uab Sekhmet. They were specially trained to ‘neutralize’ activities of black magicians. Some echo of that priests’ ‘specialization’ could be seen in the modern world. The same is practiced by modern priests who deal with exorcism.”

“Alright, but you will not deny that they practiced magic forecasts of the future in Ancient Egypt and at least astrology?!” Nikolai Andreevich couldn’t stop.

“I will,” Sensei declared firmly but with a smile. And he explained immediately. “It took place but with a completely different implication than it is interpreted today. Let’s regard for example forecasts. One of Egyptian ‘commandments’ stipulated that people are not allowed to know about the future and to resort to services of fortune-tellers. It was written in the rules for priests, “Don’t try to know what hasn’t happened yet”. Moreover, the title of the highest priest (Imhotep also got it later) was called Ur Maa, it means ‘the Great prophet”. However activities of this priest weren’t connected with magical forecasts. His goal was to interpret in a right way the past events in order to ‘understand the will of God on which depended the future’. Since Egyptians were in earnest about the past important events, ‘signs’ and dreams, it was considered that God tries to warn people through them about something. And I would like to mention that due to this belief ancient Egyptians were very observant people in regard to both natural phenomena and social. Their ‘predictions’ were based on revelation of analytical regularities. The same concerned ‘astrlogy’ as well. ‘Astrology’ of that time wasn’t ‘fortune-telling’. In general it could be rather called as scientific forecasts in agricultural, astronomic, medical issues. Because namely priests dealt with development of science that time.

“But still, who were priests, religious leaders or scientists?” Victor asked.

“Both of them. In general they had a special priestly structure. The highest priests were religious leaders who were dealing with such issues as religion, politics and science. Also they had in this structure priests-scientists, priests-physicians, priests-clerks, priests-administrators, priests-clergymen, preachers. By the way, the last ones read during temple servies to believers ‘divine laws’, religious ‘teachings’ and preached.”

“Hem, I see their structure was similar to nowadays religions,” Victor remarked.

“Rather!” Sensei said with a smile.

Nikolai Andreevich uttered with a slight note of scepticism, “Well, I could imagine if in the modern world with its priority of scientific knowledge a physician would start to pray before healing a patient. It can cause confusion…”

“Confusion?!’ Sensei grinned. “Do you know, doctor, that even those who are considered now in the world medicine to be the most pragmatic people, I mean surgeons whose work is connected with living matter… and not just surgeons but outstanding surgeons… they prayed before operation, during operation and after operation. And they pray till now for the health of their patients. Since they know from their experience that however highly qualified a doctor is, many things in his practice depend on the Will from Above.”

“Really?” Nikolai Andreevich was sincerely surprised and uttered thoughtfully. “I didn’t know that…”

“But we digressed a bit from the main work of Imhotep,” Sensei came back to the main topic. “Due to that grandiose unprecedented building and joining to it of the best people in Egypt Imhotep got an opportunity to chose his personal disciples from the best both men and women who had a grain of spirituality and humanity. That group which Imhotep took to teach personally consisted of people with different professions but primarity it based itself on brick-layers. Therefore Imhotep entitled his group approximately as ‘Spiritually free brick-layers’ that is those who strived to the freedom of soul and got firem monolith-like belief and knowledge.

“Gradually they developed symbols of Imhotep’s ‘Spiritually free brick-layers’ which were copied so dashingly later by Ariman’s ‘Freemasons’: a bricklayer’s apron, a stone, a hammer, a pyramid with all-seeing eye (the ancient sign of Shambala, and for Imhotep’s brick-layers it meant belonging to light, spiritual forces), Phoenix, Sphinx (later ‘Freemasons’ changed it to a lion), a forepaw of Sphinx (a lion’s forepaw), figures 3, 5, 7, 13, 33 (it’s a number of people who formed a certain circle of power) etc. They recognized each other by certain words, signs and touches and later it was taken over by ‘Freemasons’. By the way, the sign of pentagram, the isogonal five-point star, which became popular among ‘Freemasons’ was one of the most important symbols for ‘Spiritually free brick-layers’ but they interpreted it completely differently. The thing is that according to the primordial knowledge of the science of ‘White Lotus’ a star is a symbol of the female divine nature, a circle means life and Universe. A star in a circle means a presence of female divine nature in the circle of existence. Besides, the female nature was regarded as a vessel for reincarnations and a woman regarded as a force– and life-giving being. That’s why they depicted in Ancient Egypt the Kingdom of Duat as a star in a circle which meant a kingdom for reincarnations of human souls.

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Sensei of Shambala. Book IV

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