Читать книгу Jesus and the Nonviolent Revolution - André Trocmé - Страница 1



Jesus and the Nonviolent Revolution

Glen Stassen, Fuller Theological Seminary

In a time when the church is being seduced by the concentration of power and violence, this book gives us the ethic we need to remain faithful. Almost all the major themes on which John Howard Yoder later based his classic Politics of Jesus are here – in briefer and highly readable form.

Andy Crouch, Re:generation Quarterly

Trocmé brings a ground-breaking historical clarity to Jesus’ life and teachings. The result is a vision for Jesus’ followers that is unsettling, exhilarating, and – most amazing of all – possible.

John Dear, author, Jesus the Rebel

Gandhi once said that Jesus was the greatest practitioner of nonviolence in history and that the only people who do not know that Jesus was nonviolent are Christians. Now more than ever, we need to study and imitate the nonviolent Jesus. This classic text by a legendary Christian peacemaker is a must for anyone who is concerned not only about the world’s wars and violence, but who wants to know what Jesus would do. It is a great source of inspiration and encouragement.

Donald Kraybill, author, The Upside-Down Kingdom

The revised edition is a welcome refinement to a classic study…Trocmé has the prophetic gift of bypassing doctrinal fluff and cutting to the heart of Jesus’ message: a stark call for repentance, love and socio-economic change. A prophet for the 21st century, Trocmé speaks in plain and simple words we can understand but may not want to hear. Read him with caution: this book may change your life.

Ched Myers, author, Who Will Roll Away the Stone?

Trocmé pioneered territory where many of us now dwell, and opened doors we seek still to pass through…It is wonderful that a new generation might come to know this book: it represents a continuing light in our darkness.

Jesus and the Nonviolent Revolution

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