MADE: Sex, Drugs and Murder, The Recipe for Success

MADE: Sex, Drugs and Murder, The Recipe for Success
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Описание книги

Organized Crime Novel… Inspired by true events. <br><br>The journey you are about to embark on is about Andy Cooper; a military vet, turned hustler, turned Gangster, turned Crime Boss. His marriage is on the rocks; fresh out of the military, AC finds himself broke and lost with a Wife and three kids to feed. Trapped in Sin City and working any job he can get from day to day, to make ends meet. Hating the state of mind he&#39;s in right now, a really screwed up way to be! Gone are the days when Uncle Sam paid for housing, day care and groceries. Now, all own his own again, with no idea of where life is going to take him. One thing for sure, Andy &quot;AC&quot; Cooper no longer wanted to wear that Army uniform another day. Coop loved every minute of it and would not trade it for the world but the next chapter of his life was about to start. It just so happen that he landed in Las Vegas, one of the hardest cities to make it in, it is truly the land of the Hustler. What the outsiders don&#39;t know is that beneath the bright neon lights, the delicious buffets and luxurious casino&#39;s, lays a whole different world that would eventually suck him in.


ANT J.D. BANK$. MADE: Sex, Drugs and Murder, The Recipe for Success

Chapter 1, The Day his life Changed

Chapter 2, The Epiphany

Chapter 3, The Club

Chapter 4, My Place

Chapter 5, The Business

Chapter 6, The Understudy

Chapter 7, Rain

Chapter 8, The Deal

CHAPTER 9, 44TH Floor

Chapter 10, Chaos

CHAPTER 11, Club Dolls










Отрывок из книги

It's 1996 and the desert is hot, he finds himself single and staying at a condo in the center of town. Gina, his wife; parted ways after a long drawn out family fight over money, kids, and unemployment. Well that’s another story all in itself, so let’s get to this one. Down on his luck, in the gutter, constantly searching the Las Vegas Journal for any job that was available. One of the most adventurous ones was in door to door sales or multi-level marketing shall I say. AC attended this small seminar of about 25 people, a day he will never forget. This white kid; Matt, was giving a seminar and mentioned that he’s looking for leaders, go-getters, you know, only motivated people. He went on to give this story of how he can make them independent, own their own business and make lots of money. Player was dressed in the finest attire, Italian leather shoes, Brooks Brothers Suit, crisp white shirt, nice tie and a wine face Rolex.

The couple sat down and joined the other patrons that were waiting to be seated. While waiting, AC noticed Sabrina had pulled out a roll of cash wrapped in a rubber band. Damn baby! Who did you rob? Nobody silly, this is all me, I made this last night at work. What kind of work you do? Slang crack, coke, weed, what? Well I'm an entertainer. Oh yeah, like whom do you entertain? Whoever pays to see me baby! OK Sabrina, let me have it, you can tell me, are you an escort or something? I should of known, man how did I miss it! No baby, I’m not an escort but I am in the Adult Entertainment industry. Doing what baby? Exotic Dancer baby! Oh a Stripper, hmm, that’s interesting, where do you work? Over on Industrial at Dolls, I took off tonight, needed a break; it's been 12 days straight now without a day off. So how long have you been dancing?


Make sure you have a sit down with them tonight at your place Will? Yeah I got you, don’t worry. Alright let’s plan out this deal, which conference room are we using Manny? The Presidential, it has the most seats plus I already have a box of Cuban Cigars and a bottle of Martel set up for us. Cool that’s what’s up! Just like old times, there’s no better way to plan out a strategic plan then to be smoking on a Cuban and sipping on some Martel. As the guys entered the Presidential you could smell the scent of fresh new carpet, the fibers formed to your feet as you walked across it, you could see the money green color shade from light to dark with every step. A 12 foot Mahogany finished table captivated your attention as it conquered the center of the room. 10 tall Mahogany leather back chairs complemented the gold molding that trimmed the Grey marble walls and the doorway. A Gold and Platinum Chandelier hung over the center of the table right above the trey of Crystal tumblers and Platinum bucket of ice. The five gentlemen pulled out their chairs and took a seat at the table, Looney picked up the bottle of Martel, asked everyone to bless the bottle by tapping it on the bottom before they opened it. Will took a cigar, passed the box to the right, Manny set up 5 glasses with 2 cubes each, Looney cracked open the bottle of Martel and poured everyone a glass. Duck pulled out his lighter, lit his cigar and passed the lighter to the right. Everyone was now ready to make a toast. AC stood at the end of the table and said. Today we take a drink to the next deal and a smoke to its completion. So here’s to always finishing what we start, may this journey be just exciting as the last. Then they all said simultaneously. Death before dishonor!


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