Genuine Mediumship; or, The Invisible Powers

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Atkinson William Walker. Genuine Mediumship; or, The Invisible Powers
Knowledge Versus Faith
Supernormal, Not Supernatural
Supernormal, Not Abnormal
The Prevailing Ignorance
Prejudice Against the Unusual
Great Changes Impending
The Naturalness of the Occult Powers
The World of Vibrations
Super-Sensible Vibrations
The Higher Vibrations
Unseen Worlds
Interpenetrating Planes and Worlds
Manifold Planes of Existence
Planes and Vibrations
The Higher Senses of Men
The World of Sensation
A Senseless World
The Elemental Sense
The Raw Material of Thought
The Evolution of the Senses
Unfoldment of New Senses
Discovery of New Worlds
Transcendental Senses
We Sense Only Vibratory Motion
The Higher Planes of Nature
An Appeal To Reason
Mental Vibrations and Transmissions
The Higher Forces
Chitta, or Mind Substance
What Modern Science Says
A Living Dynamic Focus
Dynamic Correlate of Thought
Answer to Skeptical Critics
The World of Vibrations
Uncharted Seas of Vibration
The Human Wireless Telegraph Instrument
A Great Scientist's Theory
Human Electro-Magnetism
Human Etheric Force
The Brain-Battery
A Peculiar Organ
The Pineal Gland
Transmission of Thought
A General Principle
Transformation of Vibrations
Example of Electric Light
Example of Wireless Telegraphy
Example of Light Waves
Transformation of Mental Vibrations
Vibrational Attunement
In Tune With Higher Planes
The Two Key-Words
Involuntary Transmission of Mental Vibrations
Thought Waves
Vibratory Thought Force
Mental Atmospheres
The Contagion of Thought
Mental Whirlpools
Mental Tidal Waves
Immunity to Thought Influences
Mental Attunement
Voluntary Transmission of Mental Vibrations
Voluntary Mental Influence
Base Use of Mind Power
The Secret of Witchcraft
Modern Black Magic
The Explanation of Sorcery
The Power of Fearthought
The Negative Pole
Voodooism Explained
Repelling Adverse Influences
Neutralizing Psychic Influences
Telepathic Phenomena
Scientific Investigators
How Experiments Are Conducted
Private Experiments
Development of Telepathic Power
"Mind Reading."
Development Practices
The "Willing Game."
Formal Tests
Automatic Writing
Psychic Sensitiveness
Clairvoyance Defined
The Phenomena of Clairvoyance
Classification According to General Distinctions
The "Psychic Scent."
Magnetic Affinity
Distant En Rapport
Psychic Underground Exploration
Psychic Detective Work
How to Psychometrize
Developing Psychometry
Varieties of Psychometry
Psychometric "Getting in Touch."
Psychometric Readings
Crystal Gazing, Etc
Crystals and Bright Objects
The Care of the Crystal
How to Use the Crystal
The "Milky Mist."
Classes of Psychic Pictures
General Directions for Crystal Gazing
Selection of Place, Etc
Adjusting the Crystal
Time of Sittings
Other Persons Present
Crystalline Vision
Physical Requirements
Determining Time of Fulfillment
Two Classes of Visions
Time and Space in Crystal Gazing
Direct Clairvoyance
Trance Conditions
Clairvoyant Reverie
The Dawn of Clairvoyance
Methods of Development
Present Clairvoyance
The Human Aura
The Prana Aura
The Auric Colors
Thought Forms
The X-Ray Sense
Microscopic Vision
Space Clairvoyance
The Psychic Telescope
Sensing the Higher Vibrations
Viewing Distant Scenes
Time Clairvoyance
Past Time Clairvoyance
The Mystery of Seeing the Past
Analogies on the Physical Plane
Thousand-Year-Old Light
Reading the Light Waves
The Akashic Plane
The Akashic Records
Degrees of Clairvoyant Vision
"The Memory of Nature."
Involuntary Clairvoyance
Future Time Clairvoyance
Seeing What Has Not Yet Happened
Simple Prevision
The Nature of Time
The Oriental Teaching
The Eternal Now
Absolute Time
The Occult Hypothesis
"The Prophecy of Cazotte."
The Dinner of the Elect
The Illuminatus
The Beginning of the Prophecy
The Shadow of the Guillotine
The Fall of the Great
The Fate of Royalty
The Fulfillment of the Prophecy
Other Historical Instances
The Eternal Verities
What Is Mediumship?
Ancient Mediumship
Mediumship and Religious Belief
The Ideals of Modern Spiritualism
Immortality Demonstrated Through Mediumship
The Truth of Personal Survival
The Gateway of Mediumship
The Mediumistic Character
Mediumistic Sensitivity
The Higher Vibratory Forces
Psychic Attunement
The Development of Mediumship
Unconscious Mediumship
Mediumship and Individuality
Co-operation of Medium and Spirits
Mediumship Not Dangerous
Rational Mediumship
The "Home Circle."
The Cure for Fraudulent Mediumship
Warning to Young Mediums
Physical Phenomena
"Psychic Force."
Human Magnetism
Mental Phenomena
The Value of Phenomena
Trance Condition Not Essential
Scientific Reports on Phenomena
Phenomena Without Darkness
Test Conditions
Is Darkness Necessary?
Developing Circles
Impersonating Mediumship
The Proper Mental Condition
Demand Proof of Spirit Identity
The "Trance Condition."
Spirit Inspiration
Spirit Suggestion
Psychic Attunement
Automatic Writing
Inspirational Writing
Gradual Development of Powers
Spirit Guides
No Loss of Individuality
Mediumship Beneficial
Mediumship and The Bible
Who Are Mediumistic?
The Mediumistic Temperament
Is Mediumship Desirable?
Developing the Natural Power
Mediumship and Genius
Spontaneous Mediumship
Mediumistic Flashes
Systematic Development
The Development Circle
The Aspirational Attitude
Natural Unfoldment
Persistent Watchful Waiting
Building Lines of Communication
Developing Concentration
The Call for Illumination
The Jacob's Ladder of Communion
The Attainment of Excellence
What a Development Circle Is
Forming the Development Circle
The Sitters in the Circle
The Spirit Communication Code
The Matter of Time Conditions
Opening of the Seance
Developing a Medium
The Personnel of the Circle
Changing the Sitters
Adding a Medium
Reasons for Changes
Psychic Attunement
Pre-Test Manifestations
Premature Tests
Forcing Tests
Spirit Directions
Questioning the Spirits
Substance and Shadow
The Part Played by the Sitters
Result of Bad Sitters
Mental Atmosphere of the Medium
The Mediumistic Mind
Mediumistic "Stage Fright."
The Psychic Telephone System
Interrupted Communications
Some Difficulties of the Spirits
Difficulties Overcome
The Psychic Triangle
Harmonious Relationship
The Discordant Note
Antagonistic Elements
The Open Mind
Spirits and the Sense of Humor
Rhythmic Harmony
Retarding Factors
Reasonable Demands of Spirits
Harmonious Conditions
The Channel of Communication
The Role of the Spirits
Differences Among Spirits
Disturbing Elements
Impersonation Mediumship
The True Purpose of Mediumship
Gradual Development
Public Seances
Home Circle Development
Undue Prolongation of Seances
Good Advice to Young Mediums
Self-Protection for Mediums
Danger in Indiscriminate Magnetizing
Detrimental Magnetic Influence
Mediumistic Auto-Suggestion
"Psychic Sponges."
Investigate Your Spirits
Spirits Are Still Human Beings
Beware of Domineering Spirits
Signs of Spirit Presence
Spirit Rappings
Table Tippings
The Spirit Signals
Flashes of Communication
Spirit Code Signals
Ouija Boards
A Home-Made Ouija Board
Trance or Inspirational Mediumship
Symptoms of Trance Condition
The Entranced State
Trance Phenomena
Entering the Trance
Advice to Trance Mediums
Speaking Mediumship
Public Speaking Under Control
Spirit Advice and Counsel
Incidents of Impersonations
Incidents of Inspirational Mediumship
Value of Identification
Fraudulent Claims of Identity
Guarding Against Fraudulent Spirits
Spirit Jokers
A Typical Case of Identification
Recalling Past Incidents
Identifying Property
Identifying Historical Personages
Spirit Psychometry and Clairvoyance
Spirit Psychic Assistance
Writing Mediumship
Incidents of Writing Mediumship
Developing Writing Mediumship
Stead's Method and Results
Automatic Writing vs. Inspirational Writing
Use and Abuse of Automatic Writing
Advice to Writing Mediums
Drawing Mediumship
The Planchette
How to Use the Planchette
Healing Mediumship
How to Heal by Spirit Power
Materialization Mediumship
Why the Cabinet Is Necessary
How to Make the Spirit Cabinet
How to Use the Spirit Cabinet
Spirit Phosphorescence
Appearance of Materialized Substance
Materialized Spirit Forms
Scientific Proof of Materialization
How to Conduct a Materializing Seance
Trumpet Mediumship
Spirit Playing on Musical Instruments, Etc
Independent Slate Writing
The Slate Writing Circle
Spirit Paintings
Fraudulent Slate Writing
Practical Advice to Developing Mediums
Need of Special Development
Advice to Discouraged Mediums
Avoid Cross-Magnetism
Avoid Psychic Absorption
The Stewardship of Great Powers
Отрывок из книги
One of the most common mistaken conceptions of the average student of the occult sciences, and of so-called "psychic phenomena" in general, is that which may be expressed by the term "supernatural." This term, as you know, is used to express the idea of "that which is outside of the realm of Nature, and of Nature's laws."
As a matter of fact, as all the advanced students and teachers of the occult doctrine know full well, we have no direct knowledge whatsoever of anything that is "outside of the realm of nature, and of Nature's laws." It is true that we may, by an act of faith, profess to believe in powers and beings entirely apart from the great realm of Nature—in fact, most persons do believe in such powers and beings in connection with their formal religion—but their belief is entirely within the category of Faith, and is not even pretended to be based upon actual experience and phenomenal manifestation.
Another says: "There may be, right here and now, passing through us and this world, some planet invisible to us, with mountains, oceans, lakes, rivers, cities, and inhabitants: and yet we know absolutely nothing of their existence." Another says: "Some students of the occult find it difficult to grasp the idea of a number of manifestations, each having its own rate of vibration, occupying the same point of space at the same time. A slight consideration of the phenomena of the physical world would perhaps aid such persons in assimilating the concept in question. For instance, as every student of physics knows, a single point of space may contain at the same time vibrations of heat, light of many shades, magnetism electricity, X-Rays, etc., each manifesting its own rate of vibration, land yet none interfering with the others."
Another says: "Every beam of sunlight contains many different colors, each with its own degree of vibration, and yet none crowding out the others. By the use of the proper forms of laboratory apparatus each kind of light may be separated from the others, and the ray thus split up. The difference in colors arises simply from the different rates of etheric vibrations. Again, it is possible to send many telegrams along the same wire, at the same time, by using senders and receivers of different vibratory keynotes. The same thing has its corresponding analogy in the case of the wireless telegraphy. So you see, even on the physical planes we find many forms of vibratory energy manifesting on, in, and at the same point of space at the same time, without interfering one with the other."