Читать книгу His Last Week - Barton William Eleazar - Страница 1




The evangelists have devoted one-third of the Gospel record to our Lord's Passion and Resurrection. A comparison of the four narratives clearly indicates the order of events upon the several days of the Holy Week. The devotional reading of the story is a most natural and helpful observance of the Easter season. As an aid to such observance this booklet has been prepared. It is the story, day by day, of the last week in our Lord's earthly life in the words of the four evangelists, containing all that they record, but without repetition. Messrs. Thomas Nelson and Sons have generously co-operated in permitting the use of the best translation.

Originally planned for the churches of all denominations in a single community, the booklet has proved a blessing to many thousands of Christians. May this new edition help in the fulfillment of the great purpose which the Gospel epilogue expresses.

copyright, 1905, by the oak park pastors' union. the text of the american standard revised bible, copyright 1901, by thomas nelson and sons, is used by special arrangement and with their permission.

His Last Week

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