Journey to the Lost City is a captivating detective story that follows a young girl named Lily as she sets out to solve a mysterious case. With her sharp intellect and natural curiosity, Lily partners up with a seasoned detective to investigate a string of strange disappearances in her small town.
bestrigyn. The Journey to the Lost City
Chapter 1: The Beginning
Chapter 2: The Stranger
Chapter 3: The Investigation
Chapter 4: The Mansion
Chapter 5: The Clue
Chapter 6: The Forest
Chapter 7: The Kidnapper
Chapter 8: The Escape
Chapter 9: The Showdown
Chapter 10: The Resolution
Отрывок из книги
The Journey to the Lost City
As she walked down the quiet street, she noticed a figure lurking in the shadows of an alleyway. It was a tall, lanky man wearing a long coat and a fedora hat, and he seemed to be watching her. Lily couldn’t help but feel a shiver of fear run down her spine.
– Excuse me, miss,» he said. – Do you live in this town?