Bill Kauffman. Poetry Night at the Ballpark and Other Scenes from an Alternative America
Poetry Night at the Ballpark
At the Park
Play Ball!
Bill Kauffman Night at the Ballpark
St. Dennis of the Bleachers
Aw, Canada
Bullish on Buffalo
A Fan’s Notes
Writing America
A Note from the Reagan Generation
Frank ’n Nat
From the Outhouse to the White House
The John Wilkes Booth of American Poetry
Jessie Fauset’s Birthright
Peace in River City
The Beats Go Right
Ray Bradbury, Regionalist
Wilson’s Picket
J. Evetts Haley: The Texan Who Saw Through Lyndon
Vonnegut’s Cradle
A Gem of a State
Don’t Shoot That Mockingbird!
Shelter from the Storm
Elmer Kelton: The Art of Cowboying
Basque in It
The Patriot
The Artist as a Kept Man
Southern Comforts
The Last Republican
How I Met Eldridge Cleaver
Friendly Ghosts
My Pen Pal Gore Vidal
I Clean My Gun and Dream of Galveston
Summer Reading List
American Institutions and Holidays
The West Point Story
The Old-Fashioned Three-Day Weekend
To Hell with Earth Day; Long Live Arbor Day!
Shooting Down Mother’s Day
The Grinch Who Moved Thanksgiving
The Old College—Why?
The Un-American Game
TV or Not TV?
And They Call it Thanksgiving
In My Literary Backyard
Walter Edmonds: Our Stalwart
Warren Hunting Smith, the Quintessential Genevan
The Oldest Living Novelist Tells All
Review of Samuel Hopkins Adams and the Business of Writing (Syracuse University Press)
(John) Gardnering at Night
Harriet Tubman, in a Child’s Eye
Ten Years After a Place in Time
My Marlboro Man
The Loneliness of the Long-Dissonant Reader
The Utica Club
The Last Picture Show
At the Movies
Muskets and Misfires: The Revolutionary War on Film
How Not to Watch Copperhead: A Reply to Sidney Blumenthal
Que Surratt, Surratt
The Hollywood (Ten)nessean
Go Home, Limey
Murder, Mayhem, and Meathead
Peckinpah Country
Hoosiers Time
Wild (Warren) Oates
Thoroughly Anti-Modern Milius
“Why Not Have Stories Told From Where We Are About Who We Are?” Jay Craven Films Vermont
Lost History
Dick & Julia
Just Deseret
Our (First?) Gay Vice President
Mary Chesnut’s View from the Plantation
Poor Old Buck
Unfortunate Son
The Atheist Who Played in Peoria
Toledo’s Golden Rule
TR vs. the Dictionary
Our First African President?
The Melodious Veep
O Say Can You Sing?
Quaker for Peace
Barry Goldwater, New Leftist
The Ford Impeachment
The Elector Defector
Going to Mass
Home, Sweet, Home
The Last Gun Show? Not if Doc Spink of Attica, New York, Has Anything to Say About it
Consort of the Onion Queen
American Graffiti
Just My Type
Commencement Address, Batavia High School
Thoughts for Your Penny?
Clang, Clang, Go the Jail Guitar Doors
Court is in Session
Revolt of the Provinces
Home, Boys
Ohio’s Backyard Scientist
Earthling, Stay Home!
Visit to a Small Planet
Mr. Marrou Goes to Juneau
Folky-Fakey Populists
Pat Buchanan: The Last American Leftist
For Sick Willie, Washington is Worth a Massacre
At Least He Inhaled
Earl Dodge: He’d Rather Be Right than President
George W. Bush, the Anti-Family President
What a Country!
Hey, Ralph! Why Not Another Party of the People?
The Candidates from Nowhere
The Republic Strikes Back
Party Animus
New England Patriot
The America that Lost
Who Needs a President?
William Leggett: Manhattan’s Agrarian
Who Can We Shoot?
Decline of the Planet of the Japes
Heil to the Chief: Philip Roth versus My America
The Other Eisenhowers
What Was Right About the New Left? Or, We Haven’t Had That Spirit Here Since 1968
I Love My Country. But Perhaps Not This One
Bringing it All Back Home
I Laughed—and I Was Ashamed
Boulder Rocks
In A Cause That Will (Or Won’t) Triumph