Managing Diabetes and Hyperglycemia in the Hospital Setting

Managing Diabetes and Hyperglycemia in the Hospital Setting
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Реклама. ООО «ЛитРес», ИНН: 7719571260.

Описание книги

As the number of patients with diabetes increases annually, it is not surprising that the number of patients with diabetes who are admitted to the hospital also increases. Once in the hospital, patients with diabetes or hyperglycemia may be admitted to the Intensive Care Unit, require urgent or elective surgery, enteral or parenteral nutrition, intravenous insulin infusion, or therapies that significantly impact glycemic control (e.g., steroids). Because many clinical outcomes are influenced by the degree of glycemic control, knowledge of the best practices in inpatient diabetes management is extremely important.The field of inpatient management of diabetes and hyperglycemia has grown substantially in the last several years. This body of knowledge is summarized in this book, so it can reach the audience of hospitalists, endocrinologists, nurses and other team members who take care of hospitalized patients with diabetes and hyperglycemia.


Boris Draznin. Managing Diabetes and Hyperglycemia in the Hospital Setting

Отрывок из книги

Chapter 1

The Evolution of Glycemic Control in the Hospital Setting


Other Forms of Diabetes Often Seen in the Hospital

The etiology of the diabetes is multifactorial. As noted, other conditions are associated with diabetes, and one that often is seen in the hospital is diabetes associated with hepatitis C infection.36 These patients are at high risk for stress hyperglycemia or already may have undiagnosed T2D when admitted.


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