The Single Dad's Second Chance

The Single Dad's Second Chance
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Реклама. ООО «ЛитРес», ИНН: 7719571260.

Описание книги

The mommy projectDear Diary,Today I met my new mommy! Well, I wish Rachel would be my new mommy. See, I love my daddy a lot, but ever since my real mommy died I think he's been very lonely. Rachel is so pretty, and she has the coolest job–she owns the flower shop in town! She promised to show me how to make a bouquet!My best friend, Kristy, says Daddy should take Rachel out on dates, and then they hafta kiss, and then they can get married. Diary, I wish Rachel would like my daddy and me as much as I like her. Maybe if she did, she would want to be my mommy and join our family. Maybe if I close my eyes and wish hard, it will come true….


Brenda Harlen. The Single Dad's Second Chance



Отрывок из книги

Andrew listened to the conversation.

While he went to the other room, Rachel gathered up the cards they were playing with his daughter. “Maybe we should play Candy Land next time,” he heard her say to Maura. “I’m pretty good at that game.”


A stool was waiting at the end of a stainless steel workstation that was covered with a linen cloth and set up to replicate the tables in the dining room, complete with a lit candle inside a hurricane shade.

“Okay, this is better than eating out of a take-out container,” Rachel admitted.


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