The Lady's Own Cookery Book, and New Dinner-Table Directory;

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Bury Charlotte Campbell. The Lady's Own Cookery Book, and New Dinner-Table Directory;
Almond Soup
Asparagus Soup
Calf’s Head Soup
Carrot Soup
Clear Soup
Clear Herb Soup
Cod’s Head Soup
Crawfish Soup
Crawfish, or Lobster Soup
Curry or Mulligatawny Soup
Eel Soup
Fish Soup
French Soup
Friar’s Chicken
Giblet Soup. No. 1
Giblet Soup. No. 2
Giblet Soup. No. 3
Gravy Soup. No. 1
Gravy Soup. No. 2
Gravy Soup. No. 3
Hare Soup
Hessian Soup
Mock Turtle Soup. No. 1
Mock Turtle. No. 2
Mock Turtle. No. 3
Mock Turtle. No. 4
Mulligatawny Soup. No. 1
Mulligatawny Soup. No. 2
Mulligatawny Soup. No. 3
Onion Soup. No. 1
Onion Soup. No. 2
Onion Soup. No. 3
Ox Head Soup
Green Pea Soup. No. 1
Green Pea Soup. No. 2
Green Pea Soup. No. 3
Green Pea Soup. No. 4
Green Pea Soup. No. 5
Green Pea Soup. No. 6
Winter Pea Soup
Pea Soup. No. 1
Pea Soup. No. 2
Pea Soup. No. 3
Pea Soup. No. 4
Portable Soup
Potato Soup
Rabbit Soup
Root Soup
Scotch Leek Soup
To brown or colour Soup
Seasoning for Soups and Brown Sauces
Soup. No. 1
Soup. No. 2
Soup. No. 3
Soup without Meat
Soup for the Poor
Soup and Bouilli
Soupe à la Reine, or Queen’s Soup
Soupe Maigre. No. 1
Soupe Maigre. No. 2
Soupe Maigre. No. 3
Soupe Maigre. No. 4
Soupe Maigre. No. 5
Soupe Santé, or Wholesome Soup
Spanish Soup
Turnip Soup
Veal Soup
Vegetable Soup. No. 1
Vegetable Soup. No. 2
Vegetable Soup. No. 3
Vegetable Soup. No. 4
Vegetable Soup. No. 5
Vermicelli Soup
West India Soup, called Pepper Pot
White Soup. No. 1
White Soup. No. 2
White Soup. No. 3
White Soup. No. 4
White Soup. No. 5
White Soup. No. 6
White Soup. No. 7
Broth for the Poor
Broth for the Sick. No. 1
Broth for the Sick. No. 2
Broth for the sick. No. 3
Barley Broth
Chervil Broth for Cough
Leek Porridge
Madame de Maillet’s Broth
Mutton Broth
Pork Broth
Scotch Pottage
Scotch Broth
Turnip Broth
Veal Broth. No. 1
Veal Broth. No. 2
Veal Broth. No. 3
Veal Broth. No. 4. —Excellent for a Consumption
Carp and Tench
Carp, to stew
Another way
Cod, to stew
Cod, Ragout of
Cod’s Head, to boil
Crab, to dress
Crab or Lobster, to butter
Crab, or Lobster, to stew. No. 1
Crab, or Lobster, to stew. No. 2
Crab, or Lobster, to stew. No. 3
Crawfish, to make red
Eels broiled whole
Eels, to collar
Eels, to fry
Eels, to pot
Eels, to pickle
Eels, to roast
Eels, to spitchcock
Another way
Eels, to stew
Another way
Fish, to recover when tainted
Fish, in general, to dress
Fish, to dress in Sauce
Fish hashed in Paste
Fish, to Cavietch
Haddocks, to bake
Haddock baked
Haddock Pudding
Lampreys, to pot
Another way
Lobsters, to butter
Lobster Fricassee
Lobsters, to hash
Lobsters, to pot
Lobsters, to stew
Lobster Curry Powder
Lobster Patés
Lobster Salad
Mackarel à la maitre d’hotel
Mackarel, to boil
Mackarel, to broil
Mackarel, to collar
Mackarel, to fry
Mackarel, to pickle
Mackarel, to pot
Mackarel, to souse
Mackarel Pie
Mullet, to boil
Mullet, to broil
Mullet, to fry
Oysters, to stew
Another way
Oysters, ragout of
Oysters, to pickle
Oyster Patés. No. 1
Oyster Patés. No. 2
Oyster Patés. No. 3
Oyster Loaves
Oyster Pie
Perch, to fricassee
Pike, to dress
Pike stuffed, to boil
Pike, to boil, à-la-Française
Pike, to broil
Pike in Court Bouillon
Pike Fricandeau
Pike, German way of dressing – delicious!
Pike, to pot
Pike, to roast
Pike au Souvenir
Pike à la Tatare, or in the Tartar fashion
Fresh Salmon, to dress
Salmon, to dress en caisses, that is, in small paper cases
Salmon à la Poële, or done on the Stove
Shrimps, to pot
Another way
Smelts, to fry
Smelts, to pickle
Smelts, to pot
Soles, to boil
Soles, to boil, à-la-Française
Soles, to stew
Water Souchi
Sprats, to bake
Sturgeon, to roast
Turbot, to dress
Turbot, plain boiled
Turbot, to boil
Turbot, to boil in Gravy
Turbot, to boil in Court Bouillon, with Capers
Turbot, to fry
Turbot or Barbel, glazed
Turbot, to dress en gras, or in a rich fashion
Turbot or Barbel, to dress en maigre, or in a lean fashion
Turtle, to dress
Whiting, to dry
Asparagus forced in French Rolls
Eggs, to dress
Eggs buttered. No. 1
Eggs buttered. No. 2
Eggs buttered. No. 3
Eggs, Scotch
Eggs for second Course
Eggs to fry as round as Balls
Eggs, fricassee of
Eggs à la Crême
Ham, essence of
Maccaroni in a mould of Pie Crust
Maccaroni, to dress. No. 1
Maccaroni. No. 2
Maccaroni. No. 3
Maccaroni. No. 4
Maccaroni. No. 5
Maccaroni. No. 6
Maccaroni. No. 7
Maccaroni. No. 8
Omelet. No. 1
Omelet. No. 2
Omelet. No. 3
Omelet. No. 4
Omelet. No. 5
Omelet. No. 6
Asparagus Omelet
A French Omelet
Ragout for made dishes
Artichokes, to fricassee
Bacon, to cure. No. 1
Bacon, to cure. No. 2
Bacon, to cure. No. 3
Alamode Beef. No. 1
Alamode Beef. No. 2
Alamode Beef. No. 3
Alamode Beef, in the French manner
Rump of Beef, with onions
Rump of Beef, to bake
Rump of Beef, cardinal fashion
Beef, sausage fashion
Ribs and Sirloin of Beef
Rib of Beef, en papillotes, (in paper.)
Brisket of Beef, stewed German Fashion
Beef, to bake
Beef bouilli
Another way
Relishing Beef
Beef, to stew
Another way
Cold Beef, to dress
Cold Boiled Beef, to dress
Cold Beef, to pot
Beef Steaks to broil
Beef Steaks and Oysters
Rump Steaks broiled, with Onion Gravy
Beef Steaks, to stew
Another way
Beef Olives
Another way
Pickle for Beef
Beef, to salt
Beef, to salt
Beef, to dry
Hung Beef. No. 1
Hung Beef. No. 2
Hung Beef. No. 3
Beef for scraping
Italian Beef
Red Beef
Another way
Collar of Beef
Bisquet, to make
Boar’s Head, to dress whole
Brawn, to keep
Hog’s head like Brawn
Mock Brawn
Cabbage, farced
Calf’s Head
Calf’s Head, to dress like Turtle
Calf’s Head, to hash. No. 1
Calf’s Head, to hash. No. 2
Calf’s Head, to hash. No. 3
Calf’s Head, to hash. No. 4
Calf’s Head, to hash. No. 5
Calf’s Head fricassee
Calf’s Head, to pickle
Calf’s Liver
Cauliflowers, with White Sauce
Celery, to stew
Another way
Celery à la Crême
Scotch Collops
Another way
Scotch Collops, brown
Collops, White. No. 1
Collops, White. No. 2
Collops, White. No. 3
Collops, to mince
Collops of cold beef
Cucumbers, to stew
Curry Powder, from a Resident in India. No. 1
Curry Powder. No. 2
Curry Powder. No. 3
Curry, Indian. No. 1
Curry. No. 2
Curry. No. 3
Curry. No. 4
Curry. No. 5
Curry. No. 6
Curry. No. 7
Farcie, to make
Forcemeat, to make. No. 1
Forcemeat. No. 2
Forcemeat. No. 3
Ham, to cure. No. 1
Ham, to cure. No. 2
Ham, to cure. No. 3
Ham, to cure – the Thorpe way. No. 4
Ham, to cure. No. 5
Ham, to cure. No. 6
Ham, to cure. № 7
Ham, to cure. No. 8
Ham, to cure. No. 9
Ham, to cure. No. 10
Ham, to cure. No. 11
Ham, to cure. No. 12
Ham, to cure. No. 13
Ham, to cure. No. 14
Ham, to cure. No. 15
Westphalia Ham, to cure. No. 1
Westphalia Ham, to cure. No. 2
Westphalia Ham, to cure. No. 3
Westphalia Ham, to cure. No. 4
Westphalia Ham, to cure. No. 5
Westphalia Ham, to cure. No. 6
English Hams, to make like Westphalia. No. 1
English Hams, to make like Westphalia. No. 2
English Hams, to make like Westphalia. No. 3
Green Hams
Ham, to prepare for dressing without soaking
Ham, to dress
Ham, to roast
Ham, entrée of
Ham toasts
Ham and Chicken, to pot. Mrs. Vanbrugh’s receipt
Another way
Herb sandwiches
Hog’s Puddings, Black. No. 1
Hog’s Puddings, Black. No. 2
Hog’s Puddings, Black. No. 3
Hog’s Puddings, White. No. 1
Hog’s Puddings, White. No. 2
Hog’s Puddings, White. No. 3
Kabob, an India ragout
Another way
Leg of Lamb, to boil
Leg of Lamb, with forcemeat
Shoulder of Lamb, grilled
Lamb, to ragout
Lamb, to fricassee
Miscellaneous directions respecting Meat
Meat, general rule for roasting and boiling
Meat, half-roasted or under-done
Mustard, to make
Chine of Mutton, to roast
Mutton chops, to stew
Mutton cutlets
Mutton cutlets, with onion sauce
Mutton hams, to make
Haricot Mutton
Another way
Leg of Mutton
Leg of Mutton in the French fashion
Leg of Mutton or Beef, to hash
Another way
Loin of Mutton, to stew
Neck of Mutton, to roast
Neck of Mutton, to boil
Neck of Mutton, to fry
Saddle of Mutton and Kidneys
Shoulder of Mutton, to roast in blood
Shoulder, or Leg of Mutton, with Oysters
Roasted Mutton, with stewed Cucumbers
Mutton to eat like Venison
Mutton in epigram
Mushrooms, to stew brown
Newmarket John
Ox-cheek, to stew
Another way
Ox-tail ragout
Peas, to stew
Another way
Green Peas, to keep till Christmas
Another way
Red Pickle, for any meat
Beef Steak Pie
Calf’s Head Pie
Mutton or Grass Lamb Pie
Veal Pie (common)
Veal Pie (rich)
Veal and Ham Pie
Veal Olive Pie
Beef Olive Pie
Pig, to barbicue
Pig, to collar
Pig, to collar in colours
Pig, to pickle or souse
Pig, to roast
Another way
Pig, to dress lamb fashion
Pigs’ Feet and Ears, fricassee of
Pigs’ Feet and Ears, ragout of
Pig’s Head, to roll
Pilaw, an Indian dish
Pork, to collar
Pork, to pickle
Another way
Chine of Pork, to stuff and roast
Another way
Pork Cutlets
Gammon, to roast
Leg of Pork, to broil
Spring of Pork, to roast
Potatoes, to boil. No. 1
Potatoes, to boil. No. 2
Potatoes, to boil. No. 3
Potatoes, to bake
Potato balls
Croquets of Potatoes
Potatoes, to fry
Potatoes, to mash
Potatoes, French way of cooking
Potatoes, à-la-Maitre d’hotel
Rice, to boil
Another way
Rissoles. No. 1
Rissoles. No. 2
Rissoles. No. 3
A Robinson, to make
Salad, to dress
Bologna Sausages
English Sausages
Another way
Oxford Sausages
Sausages for Scotch collops
Veal Sausages
Sausages without skins
Spinach, the best mode of dressing
Another way
Spinach, to stew
Another way
Sweetbreads, ragout of
Savoury Toasts, to relish Wine
Tomata to eat with roast meat
Tongues, to cure. No. 1
Tongues, to cure. No. 2
Tongues, to cure. No. 3
Tongues, to cure. No. 4
Tongues, to cure. No. 5
Tongues, to cure. No. 6
Tongue, to smoke
Tongue, to bake
Tongue, to boil
Tongue, to pot
Tongue and Udder, to roast
Sheep’s Tongue, or any other, with Oysters
Tripe, to dress
Tripe, to fricassee
Truffles and Morels, to stew
Veal, to boil
Veal, to collar
Another way
Veal, to roast
Veal, roasted, ragout of
Veal, to stew
Veal, with Rice, to stew
Veal served in paper
Bombarded Veal
Veal Balls
Breast of Veal
Breast of Veal, with Cabbage and Bacon
Breast of Veal en fricandeau
Breast of Veal, glazed brown
Breast of Veal, to stew with Peas
Another way
Breast of Veal ragout
Veal Collops, with Oysters
Veal Collops, with white sauce
Veal Cutlets, to dress
Another way
Veal Cutlets, larded
Fillet of Veal, to farce or roast
Fillet of Veal, to boil
Half a Fillet of Veal, to stew
Knuckle of Veal, white
Knuckle of Veal ragout
Leg of Veal and Bacon, to boil
Loin of Veal, to roast
Loin of Veal, to roast with herbs
Loin of Veal, fricassee of
Loin of Veal Bechamel
Neck of Veal, stewed with Celery
Veal Olives. No. 1
Veal Olives. No. 2
Veal Olives. No. 3
Veal Olives. No. 4
Veal Rumps
Shoulder of Veal, to stew
Veal Steaks
Veal Sweetbreads, to fry
Veal Sweetbreads, to roast
Vegetables, to stew
Haunch of Venison, to roast. No. 1
Haunch of Venison, to roast. No. 2
Haunch of Venison, to roast. No. 3
Venison, to boil
Haunch of Venison, to broil
Venison, to recover when tainted
Another way
Red Deer Venison, to pot
Venison, excellent substitute for
Water Cresses, to stew
Chicken, to make white
Chicken, to fricassee. No. 1
Chicken, to fricassee. No. 2
Chicken, to fricassee. No. 3
Chicken, to fricassee. No. 4
Chicken, white fricassee of
Cream of Chicken, or Fowl
Chickens, to fry
Chickens, to heat
Chickens, dressed with Peas
Chicken and Ham, ragout of
Chicken, or Ham and Veal patés
Duck, to boil
Duck, to boil, à la Française
Duck à la braise
Duck, to hash
Duck, to stew with Cucumbers
Duck, to stew with Peas
Fowls, to fatten in a fortnight
Fowl, to make tender
Fowl, to roast with Anchovies
Fowl with Rice, called Pilaw
Fowl, to hash
Fowl, to stew
Goose, to stuff
Another way
Goose’s liver, to dress
Pigeons, to boil
Pigeons, to broil
Pigeons, to jug
Pigeons, to pot
Pigeons, to stew. No. 1
Pigeons, to stew. No. 2
Pigeons, to stew. No. 3
Pigeons, biscuit of
Pigeons, en compote. No. 1
Pigeons, en compote. No. 2
Pigeons, en compote. No. 3
Pigeons, à la Crapaudine
Pigeons in disguise
Pigeons in fricandeau
Pigeons aux Poires
Another way
Pigeons, Pompeton of
Pigeons au Soleil
Pigeons à la Tatare, with Cold Sauce
Pigeons, Surtout of
To preserve tainted Poultry
Pullets with Oysters
Pullets to bone and farce
Rabbits, to boil
Rabbits, to boil with Onions
Rabbits, brown fricassee of
Rabbits, white fricassee of. No. 1
Rabbits, white fricassee of. No. 2
Rabbits, white fricassee of. No. 3
Turkey, to boil
Turkey, with Oysters
Turkey à la Daube
Roasted Turkey, delicate Gravy for
Turkey or Veal stuffing
Hare, to dress
Hare, to roast
Another way
Hare, to hash
Hare, to jug. No. 1
Hare, to jug. No. 2
Hare, to jug. No. 3
Hare, to jug. No. 4
Hare, to mince
Hare, to stew
Hare stuffing
Partridge, to boil
Partridge, to roast
Partridge à la Paysanne
Partridge à la Polonaise
Partridge à la Russe
Partridge rolled
Partridge stewed
Salme of Partridges
Partridge, to pot
Partridge Pie
Pheasant, to boil
Pheasant, with white sauce
Pheasant à la Braise
Pheasant à l’Italienne
Pheasant, Puré of
Widgeon, to dress
Wild Duck, to roast
Woodcocks and Snipes, to roast
Woodcocks à la Française
Woodcocks, to pot
Essence of Anchovies
Anchovy Pickle
Anchovy Sauce
To recover Anchovies
Bacchanalian Sauce
Bechamel, or White Sauce. No. 1
Bechamel. No. 2
Bechamel. No. 3
Sauce for Beef Bouilli
Sauce for boiled Beef à la Russe
Bread Sauce. No. 1
Bread Sauce. No. 2
Bread Sauce. No. 3
Bread Sauce. No. 4
Bread Sauce for Pig
Browning for made dishes
Butter, to burn
Butter, to clarify
Another way
Plain melted Butter – very simple, but rarely well done
To thicken Butter for Peas, &c
Caper Sauce
Carp Sauce
Light brown Sauce for Carp
Sauce for Carp and Tench
White Sauce for Carp
Dutch Sauce for Carp or Tench
Carp Sauce, for Fish
Cavechi, an Indian Pickle. No. 1
Cavechi. No. 2
Cavechi. No. 3
Celery Sauce, white
Celery Sauce, brown
Sauce for boiled Chickens
Sauce for cold Chicken or Game
White Sauce for Chickens
Cream Sauce for White Dishes
Cullis, to thicken Sauces
Brown Cullis
Cullis à la Reine, or Queen’s Stock
Turkey Cullis
Cullis of Veal, or any other Meat
Dandy Sauce, for all sorts of Poultry and Game
Devonshire Sauce
Sauce for Ducks
Dutch Sauce
Dutch Sauce for Fish
Dutch Sauce for Meat or Fish
Dutch Sauce for Trout
Egg Sauce
The Exquisite
Fish Sauce. No. 1
Fish Sauce. No. 2
Fish Sauce. No. 3
Fish Sauce. No. 4
Fish Sauce. No. 5
Fish Sauce. No. 6
Fish Sauce. No. 7
Fish Sauce. No. 8
Fish Sauce. No. 9
Fish Sauce. No. 10
Fish Sauce. No. 11
Fish Sauce. No. 12
Fish Sauce. No. 13
Fish Sauce. No. 14
Fish Sauce. No. 15
An excellent white Fish Sauce
White Sauce, with Capers and Anchovies, for any White Fish
Fish Stock
Forcemeat Balls, for Sauces
White Sauce, for Fowls
White Sauce, for boiled Fowls
Sauce, for roasted Fowls of all kinds, or roasted Mutton
A very good general Sauce
Genoese Sauce for stewed Fish
German Sauce
Beef Gravy
Beef Gravy, to keep for use
Brown Gravy
Green Sauce for Green Geese, or Ducklings
Ham Sauce
Sauce for Hare or Venison
Harvey’s Sauce
Sauce for Hashes or Fish, and good with any thing and every thing
Sauce for White Hashes or Chickens
Horseradish Sauce
Italian Sauce
Lemon Sauce
Liver Sauce for boiled Fowls
Lobster Sauce. No. 1
Lobster Sauce. No. 2
Lobster Sauce. No. 3
The Marchioness’s Sauce
Meat Jelly for Sauces
A Mixed Sauce
Mushroom Ketchup. No. 1
Mushroom Ketchup. No. 2
Mushroom Ketchup. No. 3
Mushroom Ketchup. No. 4
Mushroom Sauce
Sauce for roasted Mutton
Onion Sauce
Brown Onion Sauce
Oyster Sauce. No. 1
Oyster Sauce. No. 2
Sauce for Pike, or any other fresh-water Fish
Sauce Piquante
Sauce Piquante, to serve hot
Sauce Piquante, to serve cold
Poivrade Sauce
Poor Man’s Sauce
Quin’s Fish Sauce
Ragout Sauce
Sauce de Ravigotte
Sauce Ravigotte à la Bourgeoise
Relishing Sauce
Sauce à-la-Remoulade. No. 1
Sauce à-la-Remoulade. No. 2
Sauce à-la-Remoulade. No. 3. —For cold Chicken, or Lobster Salad
Rice Sauce
Richmond Sauce, for boiled Chicken
Sauce for any kind of roasted Meat
Sauce Robert
Sauce for Salad
Shalot Sauce, for boiled Mutton
Spanish Sauce
Sauce for Steaks
Sultana Sauce
Tomata Ketchup
Tomata Sauce. No. 1
Tomata Sauce. No. 2
Tomata Sauce. No. 3
Savoury Jelly for a Turkey
Sauce for Turkey or Chicken
Sauce for boiled Turkey or Fowl
Venison Sauce
Sweet Venison Sauce
Walnut Ketchup. No. 1
Walnut Ketchup. No. 2
Walnut Ketchup. No. 3
Walnut Ketchup. No. 4
Walnut Ketchup. No. 5
White Sauce
White Wine sweet Sauce
Almond Butter
Almond Cheesecakes
Almond Cream
Unboiled Almond Cream
Almond Paste, for Shapes, &c
Almond Puffs
Another way
Angelica, to candy
Apples, to do
Pippins, to candy
Pippins, to dry
Apples, to preserve green
Golden Pippins, to preserve
Crabs, to preserve
Siberian Crabs, to preserve (transparent.)
Another way
Golden Pippins, to stew
Apple Cheese
Conserve of Apples
Apple Demandon
Apple Fraise
Apple Fritters
Apple Jelly. No. 1
Apple Jelly. No. 2
Apple Jelly. No. 3
Crab Jam or Jelly
Pippin or Codling-Jelly
Apples and Pears, to dry
Apricots in Brandy
Apricot Chips
Apricot Burnt Cream
Apricots, to dry
Apricot Jam
Apricot and Plum Jam
Apricot Paste
Apricots, to preserve
Another way
Apricots, to preserve whole
Apricots, to preserve in Jelly
French Bances
Barberries, to preserve
Another way
Dutch Biscuits
Ginger Biscuits
Lemon Biscuits
Another way
Ratafia Biscuits
Table Biscuits
Blancmange. No. 1
Blancmange. No. 2
Blancmange. No. 3
Blancmange. No. 4
Dutch Blancmange
Diet Bread, which keeps moist
Potato Bread
Rice Bread
Rye Bread
Scotch short Bread
Buttered Loaves
Egg Loaf
Buns. No. 1
Buns. No. 2
Buns. No. 3
Bath Buns
Another way
Plain Buns
Butter, to make without churning
Black Butter
Spanish Butter
An excellent Cake
A great Cake
Light Cake
A nice Cake
A Plain Cake
A very rich Cake
Cake without butter
Almond Cake
Almond Cakes
Clear Almond Cakes
Apple Cake
Apricot Clear Cakes
Biscuit Cake
Bread Cake
Breakfast Cakes
Excellent Breakfast Cakes
Bath Breakfast Cakes
Butter Cake
Caraway Cake. No. 1
Caraway Cake. No. 2
Caraway Cake. No. 3
Small Caraway Cakes
Cocoa-nut Cakes
Currant clear Cakes
Egg Cake
Enamelled Cake
Epsom Cake
Ginger Cakes
Ginger or Hunting Cakes. No. 1
Ginger or Hunting Cakes. No. 2
Ginger or Hunting Cakes. No. 3
Gooseberry clear Cakes
Jersey Cake
Jersey Merveilles
London Wigs
Onion Cake
Orange Cakes
Another way
Orange Clove Cake
Orange-flower Cakes
Plum Cake. No. 1
Plum Cake. No. 2
Plum Cake. No. 3
Clear Plum Cake
Portugal Cakes
Potato Cakes
Pound Cake
Pound Davy
Clear Quince Cakes
Ratafia Cakes
Rice Cake
Rock Cakes
Royal Cakes
Savoy or Sponge Cake
Seed Cake. No. 1
Seed Cake. No. 2
Seed Cake. No. 3, called Borrow Brack
Shrewsbury Cakes
Sponge Cake
Sugar Cakes
Little Sugar Cakes
Sweet Cakes
Tea Cakes
Dry Tea Cakes
Thousand Cake
Tunbridge Cakes
Veal Cake
Yorkshire Cakes
Calves’ Foot Jelly. No. 1
Calves’ Foot Jelly. No. 2
Calves’ Foot Jelly. No. 3
Calves’ Foot Jelly. No. 4
Cheese, to make
The best Cheese in the world
Cheese, to stew
Cream Cheese
Princess Amelia’s Cream Cheese
Irish Cream Cheese
Rush Cheese
Winter Cream Cheese
To make Cream Cheese without Cream
Damson Cheese
French Cheese
Italian Cheese
Lemon Cheese – very good
Cheesecake. No. 1
Cheesecake. No. 2
Cheesecake. No. 3
Cheesecake. No. 4
Cheesecake. No. 5
Cheesecake. No. 6
Almond Cheesecake
Cocoa-nut Cheesecakes
Cream Cheesecake
Curd Cheesecake
Lemon Cheesecake
Orange Cheesecake
Scotch Cheesecake
Cherries, to preserve. No. 1
Cherries, to preserve. No. 2
Cherries, to preserve. No. 3
Morella Cherries, to preserve
Morella Cherries, to preserve in Brandy
Brandy Cherries
Cherries, to dry
Liquor for dried Cherries
Cherry Jam
Cocoa-Nut Candy
Coffee, to roast
Another way
Coffee to make the foreign way
To make Cream rise in cold weather
Cream, to fry
Artificial Cream and Curd
Cream of Rice
Almond Cream
Barley Cream
French Barley Cream
Chocolate Cream
Citron Cream
Clotted Cream
Coffee Cream
Eringo Cream
Fruit Cream
Preserved Fruit Creams
Italian Cream
Lemon Cream. No. 1
Lemon Cream. No. 2
Lemon Cream. No. 3
Lemon Cream. No. 4
Lemon Cream. No. 5
Lemon Cream without Cream
Lemon Cream frothed
Orange Cream
Orange Cream frothed
Imperial Orange Cream
Pistachio Cream
Raspberry Cream
Ratafia Cream
Rice Cream
Runnet Whey Cream
Snow Cream
Strawberry Cream
Sweetmeat Cream
Whipt Cream, to put upon Cake
Cucumbers, to preserve green
Cream Curd
Lemon Curd
Paris Curd
Currants, to bottle
Another way
Currants or Barberries, to dry in bunches
Currants, to ice
White Currants, to preserve
Red Currants, to preserve
Another way
Currant Jam
Currant Jam or Jelly
Black or red Currant Jelly
Currant Juice
Another way
Currant Paste
Custard. No. 1
Custard. No. 2
Custard. No. 3
Custard. No. 4
Custard. No. 5
Almond Custard
To bottle Damsons
Damsons, to dry
Damsons, to preserve without Sugar
Dripping, to clarify for Crust
Currant Dumplings
Drop Dumplings
Another way
Kitchen hard Dumplings
Yest Dumplings
Another way
Whites of Eggs
Another way
Figs, to dry
Small Flowers, to candy
Flowers in sprigs, to candy
Dutch Flummery
Hartshorn Flummery. No. 1
Hartshorn Flummery. No. 2
Hartshorn Flummery. No. 3
Yorkshire Fritters
Fruit, to preserve
Fruit, to preserve green
Fruit of all sorts, to scald
Gingerbread. No. 1
Gingerbread. No. 2
Gingerbread. No. 3
Gingerbread. No. 4
Gingerbread. No. 5
Gingerbread. No. 6
Thick Gingerbread
Gingerbread Cakes or Nuts
Gingerbread Nuts
Gooseberries, to bottle
Gooseberries in Jelly
Gooseberries, to preserve
Another way
Gooseberry Paste
Grapes, to dry
Grapes, to preserve
Greengages, to preserve
Another way
Hartshorn Jelly
Ice and Cream
Lemon Ice
Iceing for Cakes
Another way
Coloured Jelly, to mix with or garnish other Jelly
Gloucester Jelly
Another way
Lemon Jelly
Nourishing Jelly
Orange Jelly. No. 1
Orange Jelly. No. 2
Orange Jelly. No. 3
Restorative Jelly
Strawberry Jelly
Wine Jelly
Lemons or Seville Oranges, to preserve
Lemon Caudle
Lemon or Chocolate Drops
Lemon Puffs
Lemon Tart
Lemon Solid
Syrup of Lemons
Citron Marmalade
Cherry Marmalade
Another way
Orange Marmalade. No. 1
Orange Marmalade. No. 2
Orange Marmalade. No. 3
Scotch Orange Marmalade
Red Quince Marmalade. No. 1
Red Quince Marmalade. No. 2
Red Quince Marmalade. No. 3
White Quince Marmalade
Another way
Marrow Pasties
Melons or Cucumbers, to preserve
Melon Compote
Mince Meat. No. 1
Mince Meat. No. 2
Mince Meat. No. 3
Mince Meat without Meat. No. 1
Mince Meat without Meat. No. 2
Mince Meat without Meat. No. 3
Lemon Mince Meat
Oranges, to preserve
Whole Oranges, to preserve
Seville Oranges, to preserve
Butter Orange
Candied Orange
Orange Cream
Orange Jelly
Orange Paste
Another way
Orange Puffs
Another way
Orange Sponge
Orange and Lemon Syrup
Oranges for a Tart
Orange Tart
Another way
Pancakes. No. 1
Pancakes. No. 2
Pancakes. No. 3
French Pancakes
Grillon’s Pancakes
Quire of Paper Pancakes
Rice Pancakes
Paste for baking or frying
Paste for Pies
Paste for raised Pies
Another way
Paste for Tarts
Paste for Tarts in pans
Paste for very small Tartlets
Potato Paste
Rice Paste
Another way
Paste Royal
Short or Puff Paste. No. 1
Short Paste. No. 2
Short Paste. No. 3
Short Paste. No. 4
Short Paste. No. 5
Short Paste. No. 6
Short Paste. No. 7
Short Paste, made with Suet
Sugar Paste
Peaches, to preserve in Brandy. No. 1
Peaches, to preserve in Brandy. No. 2
Peaches, to preserve in Brandy. No. 3
Pears, to pot
Pears, to stew
Chicken Pie
Giblet Pie
Common Goose Pie
Rich Goose Pie
Ham and Chicken Pie
Hare Pie
Lumber Pie
Olive Pie
Partridge Pie
Rich Pigeon Pie
High Veal Pie
Vegetable Pie
A Yorkshire Christmas Pie
Pineapple, to preserve in slices
Pineapple Chips
Plums, to dry green
Green Plum Jam
Great White Plum, to preserve
Another way, richer
Sack Posset
Sack Posset, without milk
Sack Posset, or Jelly
Cheese Puffs
Chocolate Puffs
German Puffs
Spanish Puffs
Another way
A good Pudding
A very good Pudding
An excellent Pudding
A plain Pudding
A scalded Pudding
A sweet Pudding
All Three Pudding
Almond Pudding. No. 1
Almond Pudding. No. 2
Almond Pudding. No. 3
Amber Pudding
Princess Amelia’s Pudding
Apple Mignon
Apple Pudding. No. 1
Apple Pudding. No. 2
Apple Pudding. No. 3
Arrow-root Pudding
Pearl Barley Pudding
Batter Pudding
Plain Batter Pudding, or with Fruit
Norfolk Batter Pudding
Green Bean Pudding
Beef Steak Pudding
Bread Pudding
Another way
Rich Bread Pudding
Bread and Butter Pudding
Raisin Bread Pudding
Buttermilk Pudding
Carrot Pudding
Another way
Charlotte Pudding
Cheese Pudding
Another way
Citron Pudding
Cocoa-nut Pudding
College Pudding. No. 1
College Pudding. No. 2
College Pudding. No. 3
College Pudding. No. 4
New College Pudding
Another way
Cottage Pudding
Currant Pudding
Custard Pudding. No. 1
Custard Pudding. No. 2
Custard Pudding. No. 3
Custard Pudding. No. 4
Fish Pudding
French Pudding
Gooseberry Pudding
Hunter’s Pudding
Jug Pudding
Lemon Pudding
Another way
Small Lemon Puddings
Maccaroni Pudding
Marrow Pudding
Another way
Nottingham Pudding
Oatmeal Pudding
Orange Pudding. No. 1
Orange Pudding. No. 2
Orange Pudding. No. 3
Orange Pudding. No. 4
Orange Pudding. No. 5
Orange Pudding. No. 6
Plain Orange Pudding
Paradise Pudding
Pith Pudding
Plum Pudding. No. 1
Plum Pudding. No. 2
Plum Pudding. No. 3
Plum Pudding. No. 4
Plum Pudding. No. 5
A rich Plum Pudding
Potato Pudding. No. 1
Potato Pudding. No. 2
Potato Pudding. No. 3
Potato Pudding. No. 4
Potato Pudding. No. 5
Potato Pudding. No. 6
Potato Pudding. No. 7
Pottinger’s Pudding
Prune Pudding
Quaking Pudding
Another way
Ratafia Pudding
Rice Pudding
Plain Rice Pudding
Another way
Ground Rice Pudding
Rice Hunting Pudding
Kitchen Rice Pudding
Rice Plum Pudding
Small Rice Puddings
Swedish Rice Pudding
Rice White Pot
Sago Pudding
Spoonful Pudding
Plain Suet Pudding, baked
Suet Pudding, boiled
Tansy Pudding
Another way
Tapioca Pudding
Neat’s Tongue Pudding
Quatre Fruits
Quinces, to preserve
Quinces, to preserve whole
Ramaquins. No. 1
Ramaquins. No. 2
Ramaquins. No. 3
Ramaquins. No. 4
Raspberries, to preserve
Another way
Raspberries, to preserve in Currant Jelly
Raspberry Jam. No. 1. —Very good
Raspberry Jam. No. 2
Raspberry Jam. No. 3
Raspberry Paste
Apple Tart with Rice Crust
Another way
Another way
Excellent Rolls
Little Rolls
Breakfast Rolls
Another way
Brentford Rolls
Dutch Rolls
French Rolls. No. 1
French Rolls. No. 2
French Rolls. No. 3
Milton Rolls
Another way
Another way
Rusks, and Tops and Bottoms
Sally Lunn
Another way
Soufflé of Apples and Rice
Strawberries, to preserve for eating with Cream
Strawberries, to preserve in Currant Jelly
Strawberries, to preserve in Gooseberry Jelly
Strawberry Jam – very good
Another way
Sugar, to clarify
Another way
Everlasting Syllabub – very excellent
Solid Syllabub
Whipt Syllabub
Trifle. No. 1
Trifle. No. 2
Trifle. No. 3
Trotter Jelly
Veal and Ham Patés
Venison Pasty
Sugar Wafers
Walnuts, to preserve
White Walnuts
Mustard Whey
Excellent Yest
Potato Yest
Another way
General Directions
Green Almonds
Artichokes to boil in Winter
Barberries. No. 1
Barberries. No. 2
Barberries. No. 3
Barberries. No. 4
Beet-root and Turnips
Red Cabbage. No. 1
Red Cabbage. No. 2
Red Cabbage. No. 3
Another way
Clove Gilliflower, or any other Flower, for Salads
Cucumbers. No. 1
Cucumbers. No. 2
Cucumbers. No. 3
Large Cucumbers, Mango of
Cucumbers sliced
Cucumbers stuffed
Cucumbers, to preserve
French Beans. No. 1
French Beans. No. 2
French Beans. No. 3
Herrings, to marinate
Herrings, red, Trout fashion
India Pickle, called Picolili. No. 1
India Pickle. No. 2
India Pickle. No. 3
Lemons. No. 1
Lemons. No. 2
Lemons. No. 3
Lemons. No. 4
Lemons. No. 5
Lemons. No. 6
Lemons, or Oranges
Mango Cossundria, or Pickle
Melons to imitate Mangoes
Melons or Cucumbers, as Mangoes
Mushrooms. No. 1
Mushrooms. No. 2
Mushrooms. No. 3
Mushrooms. No. 4
Mushrooms. No. 5
Mushrooms. No. 6
Mushrooms. No. 7
Brown Mushrooms
Mushrooms, to dry
Mushroom Liquor and Powder
Mustard Pickle
Onions. No. 1
Onions. No. 2
Onions. No. 3
Onions. No. 4
Onions. No. 5
Onions. No. 6
Spanish Onions, Mango of
Orange and Lemon Peel
Oysters. No. 1
Oysters. No. 2
Oysters. No. 3
Oysters. No. 4
Oysters. No. 5
Oysters. No. 6
Peaches, Mango of
Purslain, Samphire, Broom Buds, &c
Radish Pods
Salmon. No. 1
Salmon. No. 2
Salmon. No. 3
Salmon, to marinate
Suckers, before the leaves are hard
Vinegar for Pickling. No. 1
Vinegar. No. 2
Vinegar. No. 3
Camp Vinegar
Chili Vinegar
Elder-flower Vinegar. No. 1
Elder-flower Vinegar. No. 2
Elder-flower Vinegar. No. 3
Elder-flower Vinegar. No. 4
Garlic Vinegar
Gooseberry Vinegar
Plague, or Four Thieves’ Vinegar
Raisin Vinegar
Raspberry Vinegar. No. 1
Raspberry Vinegar. No. 2
Raspberry Vinegar. No. 3
Walnuts, black. No. 1
Walnuts. No. 2
Walnuts. No. 3
Walnuts. No. 4
Walnuts. No. 5
Walnuts, green
Walnut Ketchup
Ale, to drink in a week
Very rare Ale
Orange Ale
Aqua Mirabilis, a very fine Cordial
Another way
Cherry Brandy
Cordial Cherry Water
A very fine Cordial
Elder-flower Water
Elderberry Syrup
Ginger Beer. No. 1
Ginger Beer. No. 2
Ginger Beer. No. 3
Ginger Beer. No. 4
Ginger Beer. No. 5
Imperial. No. 1
Imperial. No. 2
Imperial. No. 3
Lemonade. No. 1
Lemonade. No. 2
Lemonade. No. 3
Clarified Lemonade
Milk Lemonade
Transparent Lemonade
Lemon Water
Mead. No. 1
Mead. No. 2
Mead. No. 3
Mithridate Brandy
Orange Juice
Spirit of Oranges or Lemons
Cordial Orange Water
Another way
Excellent Punch
Milk Punch
Another way
Norfolk Punch
Roman Punch
Raspberry Liqueur
Raspberry Vinegar
Ratafia Brandy
Shrub. No. 1
Shrub. No. 2
Shrub. No. 3
Currant Shrub
Spruce Beer
Bittany Wine
Sham Champagne
Cherry Wine
Another way
Cowslip Wine. No. 1
Cowslip Wine. No. 2
Cowslip Wine. No. 3
Currant Wine. No. 1
Currant Wine. No. 2
Currant Wine. No. 3
Currant or Elder Wine
Black Currant Wine
Red Currant Wine
Another way
Red or White Currant Wine
White Currant Wine
Damson Wine
Elder Wine. No. 1
Elder Wine. No. 2
Elder Wine. No. 3
Elder Wine. No. 4
Elder Wine. No. 5
Elder-flower Wine
Sham Frontiniac
Mixed Fruit Wine
Ginger Wine. No. 1
Ginger Wine. No. 2
Ginger Wine. No. 3
Ginger Wine. No. 4
Gooseberry Wine. No. 1
Gooseberry Wine. No. 2
Gooseberry Wine. No. 3
Gooseberry Wine. No. 4
Grape Wine
Lemon Wine
Sham Madeira
Orange Wine. No. 1
Orange Wine. No. 2
Orange Wine. No. 3
Sham Port Wine
Raisin Wine. No. 1
Raisin Wine. No. 2
Raisin Wine. No. 3
Raisin Wine. No. 4
Отрывок из книги
The following directions may appear trite and common, but it is of the greatest consequence that they be strictly observed:
Attend to minute cleanliness. Never wipe a dish, bowl, or pan, with a half dirty napkin, or give the vessel a mere rinse in water and think that it is then fit for use. See that it be dried and pure from all smell before you put in any ingredient.
You make this soup to most advantage the day after a leg of mutton has been boiled, into the liquor from which put four large leeks, cut in pieces. Season with pepper and salt, and let it boil gently for a quarter of an hour. Mix half a pint of oatmeal with cold water till quite smooth; pour this into the soup; let it simmer gently half an hour longer; and serve it up.
To brown soup, take two lumps of loaf-sugar in an iron spoon; let it stand on the stove till it is quite black, and put it into soup.