The Witchcraft Delusion in New England: Its Rise, Progress, and Termination (Vol 3 of 3)

Реклама. ООО «ЛитРес», ИНН: 7719571260.
Calef Robert. The Witchcraft Delusion in New England: Its Rise, Progress, and Termination (Vol 3 of 3)
An Impartial Account of the most Memorable Matters of Fact, touching the supposed Witchcraft in New-England
An Account how John Aldin,25Senior, was dealt with at Salem-Village
To Mr. John Arnold, Keeper of the Prison in Boston, in the County of Suffolk.27
The Indictment of George Burroughs.58
The Tryal of G. B. as Printed in Wonders of the Invisible World, from P. 94 to 104
The Indictment of Bridget Bishop
The Tryal of Bridget Bishop, as printed, in Wonders of Invisible World, June 2, 1692. P. 104 to 114
The Indictment of Susanna Martin
The Trial of Susanna Martin, June 29, 1692. As is Printed, in Wonders of the Invisible World, from p. 114 to p. 116
The Indictment of Elizabeth How
The Tryal of Elizabeth How,97June 30, 1692. As is Printed In Wonders of the Invisible World, from P. 126 to P. 132, inclusively
The Indictment of Martha Carryer.110
The Trial of Martha Carryer, August 2, 1692. As may be seen in Wonders of the Invisible World, from P. 132, to 138
By the Honourable the Lieutenant Governour, Council and Assembly of his Majesties134Province of the Massachusetts Bay, in General Court Assembled
Some that had been of several Jewries, have given forth a Paper, Sign'd with their own hands in these words
NUMBER I. Examination of Giles Cory
NUMBER III. Testimony of William Beale, of Marblehead, against Mr. Philip English of Salem, Given August 2d, 1692. Taken from the Original
NUMBER V. The Examination of Mary Clark190of Haverhill. Taken before Jno. Hauthorn, Esq. and otheir their Majesties Justices of the Peace, August 4th, 1692
NUMBER VI. An Account of the Life and Character of the Rev. Samuel Parris, of Salem Village, and of his Connection with the Witchcraft Delusion of 1692
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MR. Parris1 had been some years a Minister in Salem-Village, when this sad Calamity (as a deluge) overflowed them, spreading itself far and near. He was a Gentleman of Liberal Education, and not meeting with any great Encouragement, or Advantage in Merchandizing, to which for some time he apply'd himself, betook himself to the work of the Ministry; this Village being then vacant, he met with so much Encouragement, as to settle in that Capacity among them.
After he had been there about two years, he obtained a Grant from a part of the Town, that the House and Land he Occupied, and which had been Alotted by the whole People to the Ministry, should be and remain to him, &c. as his own Estate in Fee Simple. This occasioned great Divisions both between the Inhabitants themselves, and between a considerable part of them and their said Minister, which Divisions were but as a beginning or Præludium to what immediately followed.
Martha Cory, Wife to Giles Cory, protesting her Innocency, concluded her Life with an Eminent Prayer upon the Ladder.
Wardwell having formerly confessed himself Guilty, and after denied it, was soon brought upon his Tryal; his former Confession and Spectre Testimony was all that appeared against him. At Execution while he was speaking to the People, protesting his Innocency, the Executioner being at the same time smoaking Tobacco, the smoak coming in his Face, interrupted his Discourse, those Accusers said, the Devil hindered him with smoak.