Читать книгу Some these are. Into a glasses - Catherine Zueva - Страница 1


Into a glasses

Into a glasses It is fairy all.

What all are looked man and girl?

As a well as somebody

Are looking inside our through,

The outside It isn’t named ready

As a false to it isn’t or a true?

A big so mouse

Into a glasses It is big so mouse.

What all are looked It is nail at house?

As a well as somebody

Are looking inside our so nails,

The outside It isn’t named ready

As a true to it isn’t or a false?

A short so pig

Into a glasses It is short so pig.

What all are looked It is before so think?

As a well as somebody

Are looking inside our so these,

The outside It isn’t named ready

As a slice of ours piece?

A nailed to a mail

Into a glasses It is nailed to a mail.

What all are looked It is before on of sail?

As a well as somebody

Are looking inside our so glad too,

The outside It isn’t named ready

As a mother said trough?

A calling so work

Into a glasses It is calling so work.

What all are looked It is a just walker for?

As a well as somebody

Are looking inside our so needle tread,

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Some these are. Into a glasses

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