Читать книгу The Multi-Millionaire's Virgin Mistress - Cathy Williams - Страница 1


With the whole outfit put together—the classic jewellery round her neck, the perilously high shoes adding a further four inches to her frame, the dress which clung in all the right places—she felt like a million dollars. And she felt even better when she saw the expression in his eyes as he stood watching her descend the staircase.

‘Stop that,’ he said unsteadily, and Megan gathered herself sufficiently to answer.

‘Stop what?’

‘Looking so damned sexy. An outing to the theatre doesn’t stand a chance when your mouth is begging to be kissed… along with every other part of your body. Maybe,’ he growled, taking her in his arms, ‘we should just keep the taxi waiting a few minutes.’

Megan laughed and touched the extravagant string of diamonds at her neck. ‘I’m not missing a minute of this play, Alessandro Caretti!’

‘Are you telling me that I take second place in your life to a bunch of actors on a stage?’

She sighed. ‘I’m not your property, Alessandro.’

‘When it comes to my women, I don’t do sharing.’

The Multi-Millionaire's Virgin Mistress

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