Lives and Legacies: First Ladies of the Bible

Lives and Legacies: First Ladies of the Bible
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Реклама. ООО «ЛитРес», ИНН: 7719571260.

Описание книги

These women’s stories are found in the Bible, but frequently without their thoughts and feelings recorded. The author presents them as living women with lessons to share.
This volume has multiple uses. It is a book for reading, script for delivering BibleTellings, and a study book for small groups.


Cheryl Rhodes. Lives and Legacies: First Ladies of the Bible

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Lives and Legacies

First Ladies of The Bible


Acknowledge the enemy. Beware his subtle doubts and lies. Learn to battle him. The Almighty is on our side, if only we trust and obey our Creator. To disobey is the enemy’s plan.

One day as we were tending paradise, the enemy, in the guise of a snake, asked me, “Did God actually say ‘Y’all should not eat of any tree in the garden’ (Gen. 3:1)?” You see, he started by misquoting and casting doubt upon The Creator’s goodness.


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