Hegemony or Survival. America's Quest for Global Dominance

Hegemony or Survival. America's Quest for Global Dominance
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Смотреть на сайте Лабиринта Купить в других магазинах Бумажная книга Жанр: Правообладатель и/или издательство: Penguin Дата публикации, год издания: 2022 Дата добавления в каталог КнигаЛит: ISBN: 9780141015057

Реклама. ООО "ЛАБИРИНТ.РУ", ИНН: 7728644571, erid: LatgC8Csm.

Описание книги

Hegemony or Survival is Noam Chomsky's essential polemic on American foreign policy. Noam Chomsky, the world's foremost intellectual activist, presents an irrefutable analysis of America's pursuit of total domination and the catastrophic consequences that are sure to follow. From the funding of repressive regimes to the current 'war on terror', from the toppling of governments opposing its beliefs to the invasion of Iraq, America pursues its global strategy no matter what the cost. With the rigour and insight that have made him our most important unraveller of accredited lies, Noam Chomsky reveals the truth and the true motives behind America's quest for dominance - and seeks also to show how the world may yet step back from the brink.

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