My Trip Around the World in 18 days

My Trip Around the World in 18 days
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Описание книги

Travel around the world in an 18 day journey! This book includes: several of the ancient man-made wonders I visited and and how to travel to each. Experiences include riding a camel along with interesting people I met. <br><br>Read about the drama that occurred along the way, including having to repair a broken backpack on the very first day, missing a flight and other incidents. Learn of an effective travel communication aid that helps with getting around in areas where English is not spoken. Over 80 photos.


Chris Psy.D. McKell. My Trip Around the World in 18 days


1. Preparation


My List of Places and Sights

My Travel Aid

Selecting a Travel Agent

Applying for a Passport and Visas

Selecting a Backpack

Packed Items

Managing Worn Clothing

Safety Measures

Preparation Time

International Date Line

2. Time to Go!

First Stop: Beijing–"A Marathon Flight”

No Jetlag

3. Beijing and the Great Wall


My Broken Backpack

Looking For a Hotel

My First Night

Traveling to the Great Wall

My Travel Aid Worked Like Magic!

The Great Wall

The Forbidden City

Missed Flight

4. Singapore An Island Nation

A Hike

5. Agra and The Taj Mahal

Traveling to Agra

Nearly Scammed

Getting My Train Ticket

The Taj Mahal

Mosquitoes in My Hotel Room!

Traveling Third Class

Hotel Refund

U.S. Embassy

Going to the Police for Help

Back To the Police Station

6. Cairo and The Pyramids


A Bonus Camel Ride

The Pyramids

7. Jerusalem and the Old City

Airport Security Incident

Trip to Jerusalem

University Study Abroad Center

The Garden Tomb

An Underground Adventure

A Trip to Bethlehem

Our Stuck Taxi

8. Athens and The Parthenon

The Acropolis and The Parthenon

9. Berlin

Seeing Berlin By Train

The Berlin Wall

Seeing Berlin by Bus

The Olympic Stadium

10. Scotland and Castles

Driving On the Left Side

Staying the Night Across the Border

Experiencing My First Castle

Continuing Back to Edinburgh

Returning the Car Rental in Time

Booking a Hotel Room From the Airport

The Edinburgh Castle

11. Amsterdam

Riding on the Canals

My Tiny Hotel Room

12. Conclusion

Stamina and Being Fit


Ten PrecautionaryTips

What I Might Have Done Differently

Set a Budget and Document Expenses

My Total Expenses

What I Learned

My travel aid is available

About the author

Отрывок из книги

Traveling around the world and visiting a few of the world’s ancient man-made wonders has been a wish of mine for many years. This trip would become a type of scavenger hunt with traveling to and locating each ancient wonder during my trip.

The challenge, as it is for many people, would be to have the time, money and a traveling companion. With having the time and the money to travel, I was not able to find a traveling companion and made the decision to travel solo. I learned that solo travel offers flexibility, by being able to travel to places of my choice along with the ability of meeting interesting people more freely along the way.


•Four shirts

•Six undergarments


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