Tripling Your Efficiency: The Quick and Easy Guide to Help You Stay Organized, Increase Productivity and Achieve Your Goals Faster

Tripling Your Efficiency: The Quick and Easy Guide to Help You Stay Organized, Increase Productivity and Achieve Your Goals Faster
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It&#39;s often tiring to continue working all the time when you don&#39;t have any motivation to work. Procrastination then ends up becoming a factor in your working habits without you realizing it. <br><br>You feel like there&#39;s too much work that you have to finish, but you have too little time to finish them all. At the end of the day you just feel tired and worn out. You&#39;re not getting the right amount of sleep that you need and if anything, you feel as if you haven&#39;t accomplished much throughout the day. <br><br>That&#39;s why this book will give you the basic tips and tricks on how to be more productive. It will give you methods on how to organize your life for the better. Pretty soon, you&#39;ll be able to sleep without a care in the world and you&#39;ll be able to wake up the next day with a smile on your face.


Christina Inc. David. Tripling Your Efficiency: The Quick and Easy Guide to Help You Stay Organized, Increase Productivity and Achieve Your Goals Faster


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Chapter 1 - The Basics

Chapter 2 – Organizing Yourself

Chapter 3 – Managing Your Stress

Chapter 4 – Additional Tips


Отрывок из книги

Tripling Your Efficiency:

The Quick and Easy Guide to Help You Stay Organized, Increase Productivity and Achieve Your Goals Faster


No one is perfect and perfection isn’t going to be easily achieved with the limited amount of time that you have on your hands. It’s good to go the extra mile, but you have to have to know when to stop.

You’ll find that being productive isn’t as hard as you think it would be.


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