Christine Arylo. Madly in Love with ME
Praise for Madly in Love with ME
Why Didn’t You Receive the Self-Love Handbook before Now?
What Is Madly in Love with ME?
Misunderstanding #1. Self-Love Means Masturbation
Misunderstanding #2. Self-Love Is Narcissistic and Selfish
Misunderstanding #3. People Who Love Themselves Are Conceited and Vain
Misunderstanding #4. If You Pamper Yourself, You Love Yourself
Me Art My Self-Love Imprint
What Is Self-Love?
How Do You Get More Self-Love?
Self-Love Pulse Check
Love Story: From Ugly Duckling to Proud Peacock
Me Art Make “I AM” and “I AM NOT” Manifestos
Self-Love Pulse Check
Where Do You Lack Self-Acceptance?
Me Art Make a Love Mirror
A Love Story: A Woman and Her Cellulite Unite
Self-Love Pulse Check
How Do You Keep Getting What You Need?
Love Story: Ancient Chinese Secrets for Modern-Day Superwomen
Self-Care Rules for Replenishing and Retaining
Self-Care Rule #1. Always Keep Your Tank at Least Half Full
Self-Care Rule #2. Never Serve from Your Reserves
Me Art Create an “I Care for Me” Proclamation
Self-Love Pulse Check
Resetting Your Crazy Superwoman, Superhuman, Perfectionist Expectations
Choosing Self-Compassion
Me Art Make a Set of Compassion-Filled Love Flash Cards
Choosing Self-Forgiveness
Self-Love Pulse Check
Love Story: Smart Women Who Sabotage Themselves
Love Story: A Self-Trust Transformation Story
Growing Your Self-Trust Branch: Make It Strong
Mental Muscles: Your Mind Is Just a Set of Beliefs — Retrain Your Mind to See Magic
Spiritual Muscles: When You Have Faith in Fear, You Cannot Trust — Choose to Have Faith in Love
Emotional Muscles: Distinguish between the Voice of Fear (Your Inner Mean Girl) and the Voice of Love (Your Inner Wisdom)
Physical Muscles: Stop and Check In with Your Inner Wisdom Daily — and Take Small Steps before You Take Big Leaps
Self-Love Pulse Check
You Are Gifted: Dare to Be Special and Embrace Your Gifts
Your Gifts Are Valuable: Value Yourself
Love Story: The Courage to Both Believe in and Live Your Gifts
Me Art Make an “I Love Me” List
Self-Love Pulse Check
Take Your Power Back: Reclaim Your Sovereignty
Me Art Prepare Your Proclamation of Sovereignty
Love Story: From Esteemed Maiden to Empowered Queen
Be the Monarch of Your Dreams
Love Boost
Self-Love Pulse Check
Reclaim Yourself as a Sacred Being
Me Art Create a Sacred Self-Love Altar for a Part of Yourself That Needs to Be Honored
Stand Up for Your Sacredness — Require Respect in All Your Relationships
Love Story: Trading Self-Respect to Get Love from a Boy
Reflect Your Sacredness: Respect and Honor Others
Self-Love Pulse Check
Love Story: I’m Taking My Happy Back!
How Do You Keep Your Pleasure Center Full?
Pleasure Source #1. Make Joy for Yourself!
Me Art Create Your Joy Portrait
Pleasure Source #2. Experience Each Day through Your Senses
Self-Love Pulse Check
Set Your Soul Free…Express and Embody Your Essence
Me Art Make a ME Print: See Yourself and Let Yourself Be Seen
Love Story: A Call to Liberation
Dear beautiful, magical, powerful soul,
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“Loving ourselves is one of the most challenging and essential elements of healing, growth, and transformation. Madly in Love with ME is a passionate call for each of us to make peace with who we are and love ourselves unconditionally. As a man, father, and husband, I can think of nothing more important to do for ourselves, our partners, and our children.”
— Mike Robbins, author of Be Yourself, Everyone Else Is Already Taken
“I love you, <>.” Repeat the Love Mantra at least ten times, making a real effort to see yourself as you say the words.
Double Dare: For extra love throughout the day, sneak a peek in any mirror and, instead of checking your hair, whisper to yourself, “<>, I see you; I love you.”