Standing on the Sun

Standing on the Sun
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Реклама. ООО «ЛитРес», ИНН: 7719571260.

Описание книги

For half a century the US has sat at the center of the global economic system, and Western-style capitalism has dominated. Now, it's no secret that the center of gravity is shifting. The advanced economies that in 2000 consumed 75% of the world's output will, by 2050, consume just 32%. Meanwhile, the emerging economies of the world–Brazil, India, China, and others–will surge forward.As these fast-growing, low-income economies mature, will they adopt the practices of the old guard? Or will they make their own way, and create the next prevailing version of capitalism? What new opportunities will that create for firms around the world?Standing on the Sun tackles these questions with fresh ideas and provocative examples. Based on firsthand observations of companies defying capitalism's old rules yet prospering, the authors outline new principles for commercial success. Among them:· The obsession with return on equity gives way to more broad-based measurements of success.· Adam Smith's invisible hand of the market is redeemed by the «invisible handshake» of collaborative networks. · Businesses take ownership of the impacts they now call «externalities.»Those who need to understand the emerging shape of global capitalism will benefit from Standing on the Sun.


Christopher Meyer. Standing on the Sun

What to Expect from This Book

Set in New Lands

Placed in New Hands

Built on New Machinery

Cloud Computing

Mobile Internet Devices

The Internet of Things

Trading New Goods

Spanning the World

No Embedded Base

A Theory of Change

Capitalism Is a Set of Rules


Fitness and Selection

Feedback and Dynamics

The Peacock's Tale

The Rain Forest of Capitalism

Requisite Variety

Measuring What Matters

Why Settle for a Proxy Measure?

GDP as a Runaway Effect

Welcome to Bhutan

An Idea Spreads

The ROE Runaway Effect

The Happiness of Firms

Standing on the Sun

Ubiquitous Feedback Forces the Issue




Business Squaring the Circle

A Rational Response

Ripples of Responsibility

Taking Ownership

Taking Action

Taking Interest

Signs of Change

Standing on the Sun

Competition Isn't What It Used to Be

The Inevitability of Scale

The Quest for Sustainable Competitive Advantage

The Growth Imperative

Stopping Just Short of Monopoly

Bridled Competition

How to Pseudocompete

Manufacturing Demand

Suppressing Innovation

Co-opting Regulators

End of Life Care

Standing on the Sun

A Definition in Four Parts

Changing Hands

Collaboration Emerges

Atoms as Well as Bits

Surplus Left as Surplus

UNIX as Progenitor

What About Intellectual Property?

Give It Away Until You Charge for It

Emerging Economies as a Catalyst for Change

Standing on the Sun

Why Separate the Sectors in the First Place?

Patient Capital, Mixed Returns

The Social Sector as Capitalism's Silicon Valley

The Fourth Sector


Advantage: Emerging Economies

“Bem Estar Bem”: The Beauty of Mixed Value

The Surprise Twist

Standing on the Sun

The New Utilities and the Global Sharing of IP

The Failure Sector and the Dynamic Economy

A Nonreceding Bliss Point and the Measurement of Happiness

The Financial Sector and Externalities (Mostly Negative)

What's Your National Model?

The Ecosystem of Emerging Economies

Standing on the Sun

Fueled from the Sun, Planted in the Earth

Identify What's Really Important to Stakeholders

Look for Ways to Measure Those Things

Advocate—Even Agitate—for Standards

Track Performance

Build Feedback Loops

The New Multinational Corporation

The New DuPont Equation

Standing on the Sun: Capitalism Adapts

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Introduction: The Center of Capitalism?

Chapter One: Capitalism's New Center of Gravity

Chapter Two: Cambrian Capitalism

Chapter Three: Capitalism in Color

Chapter Four: Embracing Externalities

Chapter Five: Pseudocompetition

Chapter Six: The Invisible Handshake

Chapter Seven: The Fourth Sector

Chapter Eight: Call It Capitalism …

Chapter Nine: … And Move On

Отрывок из книги

Standing on the Sun



Chapter Six Ideas:



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