The Acts Of The General Assemblies of the Church of Scotland
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Church of Scotland. General Assembly. The Acts Of The General Assemblies of the Church of Scotland
The Acts Of The General Assemblies of the Church of Scotland
Table of Contents
The General Assembly, At Glasgow
Act Sess. 6. November 27. 1638
Act. Sess 7. November 28
Act. approving the Registers
Act. Sess. 12. December fourth
The six late pretended Assemblies condemned
Reasons annulling the pretended Assembly, holden at Linlithgow, 1606
Reasons for annulling the pretended Assembly at Linlithgow, 1608
Reasons for annulling the pretended Assembly at Glasgow, 1610
Reasons for annulling the pretended Assembly at Aberdene, 1616
The nullitie of the pretended Assembly at Saint Andrews, 1617
Reasons for annulling the pretended Assembly, holden at Perth, 1618
Act. Sess. 13. December 5. 1638
Against the unlawfull oaths of intrants
Act. Sess. 14. December 6. 1638
Condemning the Service-book, Book of Canons, Book of Ordination, and the high Commission
Sentence of deposition and excommunication against Mr. John Spottiswood, pretended Archbishop of St. Andrews; Mr. Patrik Lindsay, pretended Archbishop of Glasgow: Mr. David Lindsay, pretended Bishop of Edinburgh: Mr. Thomas Sidserfe, pretended Bishop of Galloway: Mr. John Maxwell, pretended Bishop of Rosse: Mr. Walter Whyt-foord, pretended Bishop of Brechen
Sentence of deposition and excommunication, against Mr. Adam Ballantyne, pretended Bishop of Aberdeen, and Mr. James Wedderburn pretended Bishop of Dumblane
Sentence of deposition against Master John Guthry, pretended Bishop of Murray: Mr. John Grahame, pretended Bishop of Orknay, Mr. James Fairlie, pretended Bishop of Lismoir: Mr. Neil Cambell, pretended Bishop of Isles
Sentence of deposition against Maister Alexander Lindsay pretended Bishop of Dunkell
Sentence of deposition against Master John Abernethie pretended Bishop of Cathnes
Act of the Assembly at Glasgow, Sess. 16. December 8. 1638
Declaring Episcopacie to have been abjured by the Confession of Faith, 1580. And to be removed out of this Kirk
Act. Sess. 17. December 10. 1638
The Assembly at Glasgow, declaring the five Articles of Perth to have been abjured and to bee removed
Act. Sess. 21. December 17. 1638
Act. Sess. 23, 24. December 17. 18
Act Sess. 14. December 18. 1638
Act. Sess. 25. December 19. 1638
Against the civil places and power of Kirk-men
Act Sess. 26. December 20. 1638
Act. Sess. 26. December 20. 1638
Act Sess. 26. December 20. 1638
Act Sess. 26. December 20
Act Sess. 26. December 20. 1638
Concerning the subscribing the confession of Faith lately subscribed by his Majesties Commissioner, and urged to be subscribed by others
Act. Sess. 26. December 20. 1638
Concerning yearly generall Assemblies
Ordaining an humble supplication to be sent to the Kings Majestie
The General Assembly, At Edinburgh, 1639
Sess. 8. August 17. 1639
Master George Grahame his renouncing and abjuring of Episcopacie
Sess. 8. August 17. 1639
Act containing the Causes and Remedie of the by-gone Evils of this Kirk
Sess. 18. Aug. 26. 1639
Act approving an old Register of the Generall Assembly
Act Sess. 19. August 27. 1639
Act approving the deposition of the Ministers by the Committees
Act Sess. 20. Aug. 28. 1639
Act anent receiving of deposed Ministers
Act Sess. 21. August 29. 1639
Act anent the keeping of the Lords Day
Act Sess. 22. Aug. 29. 1639. a Meridie
Articles and Overtures approved by the Assembly
Sess. 23. August 30. 1639
The Supplication of the General Assembly to the Kings Majesties Commissioner, concerning the Book, called, The large Declaration
The Supplication of the Assembly to His Majesties High Commissioner, and the Lords of secret Councell
The Act of the Lords of Councel at Edinburgh, August 30. 1639. containing the Answer of the preceding Supplication
The Kings Majesties Commissioners Declarations
Like as his Majesties Commissioner, read and gave in the Declaration following, of his consent to the Act of the Assembly 17. August, anent the causes of our by gone evils
Like as His Majesties Commissioner, read and gave in the Declaration following:
Act ordaining the subscription of the Confession of Faith and Covenant, with the Assemblies Declaration
Act anent Appellations
Act anent advising with Synods and Presbyteries before determination in Novations
Act anent Ministers Catechising, and Family Exercises
Sess. 24. Aug. 30. a meride
The Assemblies Supplication to the KINGS MAJESTIE
The Generall Assembly, Conveened at Aberdene, July 28. 1640
Sess. 2. July 29. 1640
Overtures given in by the Committee appointed by the last Assembly, anent the ordering of the Assembly-house: Which being read in audience of the Assembly they approved the same
Act anent the demolishing of Idolatrous Monuments
Act against Witches and Charmers
Sess. 5. Aug. 1. 1640
Act for censuring speakers against the Covenant
Sess. 10. Aug. 5. 1640
Act against Expectants refusing to subscribe the Covenant
The Generall Assembly, Holden at St. Andrews, and Edinburgh. 1641
Sess. 1. July 20. 1641
Sess. 3. July 28. 1641
Sess. 5. July 30. 1641
Act anent old Ministers bruiking their Benefices
Sess. 8. Aug. 2. 1641. a meridie
Act against sudden receiving Ministers deposed
Sess. 9. Aug. 3. 1641
Sess. 10. August 4. 1641
Act against Impiety and Schisme
Sess. 14. August 6. 1641. a Meridie
Act anent Novations
Act. Sess. 15. August 7. 1641
Overtures anent Bursars, and Expectants
Act Sess. 17. August 9. 1641
Act against unlawfull Bands
Sess. 18. August 9. 1641. a meridie
A Letter from some Ministers in England to the Assemblie
The Assemblies Answer to the English Ministers Letter
The Assemblies Answer to the Kings Majesties Letter
Act anent the Kirk of Campheir
The Generall Assembly, Conveened at S. Andrews, July 27. 1642
Act Sess. 1. July 27. 1642
The Kings Letter to the Generall Assembly, presented by His Majesties Commissioner, the Earle of Dumfermling, July 27. 1642
Act Sess 3. July 29. 1642
Act for bringing in of the Synode Books yeerly to the General Assemblies
Act Sess 5. August 1. 1642
Act anent the choosing of Kirk Sessions
Sess 6. August 2. 1642
The Report of the Interpretation of the Act at Edinburgh, anent tryal of Ministers
Act Sess. 7. August 3. 1642
Act anent the order for making Lists to His Majestie, and other Patrons for Presentations; The order of tryal of Expectants, and for trying the quality of Kirks
Act anent Lists for the Kirks in the High-lands
Overtures against Papists, non-Communicants, and profaners of the Sabbath
Act anent the joyning of the Presbyterie of Sky to the Synode of Argyle
Sess. 8. August 3. post Meridiem
The Supplication of this Assembly to the KINGS MAJESTIE
The Declaration of the Parliament of England, sent to the Assembly
The Assemblies answer to the Declaration of the Parliament of England
Act Sess. 8. Aug. 3. 1642
Act Sess. 11. Edinb. August 5. 1642
Sess. 11. August 5. 1642
Act anent contrary Oaths
Overtures anent Family Exercises, Catechising, keeping of Synods and Presbyteries, and restraint of Adulteries, Witch-crafts, and other grosse sins
Sess. 11. Aug. 5. 1642
Act against Petitions, Declarations, & suchlike in name of Ministers, without their knowledge and consents
Sess 11. Aug. 5. 1642
Act anent the Assemblies desires to the Lords of Counsell, and Conservators of Peace
Sess. 11. Aug 5. 1642
The Assemblies humble desire to the Kings Majestie for the Signator of 500 l. Sterling and recommendation thereof to the Kings Commissioner
Sess. 11. Aug. 5. 1642
The Assemblies Letter to the Commissioners of this Kingdom at London
A Letter from some Ministers of England
Answer to the Ministers Letter
Act for the Lord Maitlands presenting the Assemblies Supplication to His Majestie, and for going to the Commissioners at London, with the Answer to the Parliament of Englands Declaration
Sess. 11. August 5. post meridiem
Commission for publike affairs of this Kirk, and for prosecuting the desires of this Assembly to His Majestie, and the Parliament of England
Sess. 13. Aug. 6. 1642
A Petition from some distressed Professors in Ireland
Commission to some Ministers to go to Ireland
Sess. 13. August 6. 1642
Act against slandering of Ministers
Act anent ordering of the Assembly House
Act for remembring in publike Prayers the desires of the Assembly to the King and Parliament, and indiction of a publike Fast
Reference from the Presbyterie of Kirkcaldie
Reference frrom the Synode of Fyffe
Overtures to be advised by Presbyteries against the next Assembly
The Generall Assembly at Edinburgh
Sess. 1. August 2. 1643
The Kings Letter to the General Assembly
Sess. 2. August 3. 1643
Overtures anent Bills, References, and Appeales
Sess. 3. August 4. 1643
Act for election of Professours to be Commissioners to Assemblies by Presbyteries
Sess. 4. Aug. 5. 1643
The Petition of the distressed Professours in Ireland for Ministers
Sess. 6. August 8, 1643
Acts for subscribing the Covenant
Sess. 7. August 9. 1643
Act for searching Books tending to Separation
Approbation of the proceedings of the Commissioners of the last Assembly
Sess. 8. August 10. 1643
Propositions given by the Commissioners of the Parliament of England to a Committee, to be presented by them to the Assembly
A Declaration of the Lords and Commons in the Parliament of England, to the Generall Assembly of the Church of Scotland
A Letter from some Brethren of the Ministerie in the Kirk of England, to the Assembly
Sess. 9. August 11. 1643
Act against Burials and hinging of Honours, &c. in Kirks
Sess. 10. August 12. 1643
Act anent reposition of Ministers, deposed by Superiour Judicatories
Sess. 11. Aug. 14. 1643
Act against Masters who have Servants that prophane the Lords day
Sess. 12. Aug. 15. 1643
Act for preparing the Directorie for the worship of God
Propositions from the English Commissioners presented this day to the Assembly
The Paper before-mentioned, delivered August 12. to the Convention, and this day to the Assembly
Sess. 13. Aug. 16. 1643
Recommendation to the Presbyteries and Universities anent Students that have the Irish language
Sess. 14. August 17. 1643
The Letter from the Assembly of Divines in the Kingdome of England
The Result of the Debates and Consultations of the Committees of the Convention of Estates and General Assembly, appointed to meet with the Commissioners of the Parliament of England
Approbation of the League and Covenant above mentioned
Sess. Ult. August 19. 1643
The Assemblies humble desires to his Majestie anent the Lists for Presentations: With a Recommendation to Presbyteries
Overtures anent Witch-craft, and Charming, &c
Commission for Ministers to go to Ireland
Act against Ministers haunting with excommunicate persons
Act anent an order for using civil Execution against Excommunicate Persons
The Answer of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, to the Declaration of the honourable Houses of the Parliament of England
The Assemblies Answer to the right reverend the Assembly of Divines in the Church of England
The Assemblies Answer to the Reverend their beloved Brethren, Ministers in the Church of England
Commission of the Generall Assembly, for these that repair to the Kingdome of England
Reference to the Commission, anent the Persons designed to repair to the the Kingdome of England
Commission for the Publick Affairs of this Kirk
The Generall Assembly, At Edinburgh, 1644
Die Jovis penult. Maii, Sess. 2
The Letter from the Presbyeerie with the Army in England, to the Generall Assembly
The Petition from the distressed Christians in the North of Ireland
3. Junii 1644. Antemeridiem. Sess. 5
Act for the present Entrie of the new erected Presbyterie at Biggar
Junii 3. 1644 Sess
Act concerning the Declaration subscribed by the Scottish Lords at Oxford
Act against the Rebells in the North and South
Act against secret disaffecters of the Covenant
Act for sending Ministers to the Armie
Renovation of the Commission for the Publick affairs of the Kirk
Renovation of the Commission granted to the Persons appointed to repair to the Kingdome of England
The Assemblies answer to the Presbyterie with the Armie
4. June 1644. Sess 7
The Letter from the Commissioners at London to the General Assembly
The Letter from the Synod of Divines in the Kirk of England, to the Generall Assembly
The Generall Assemblies Answer to the right Reverend the Assembly of Divines in the Kirk of England
The Assemblies answer to their Commissioners at London
The Assemblies Letter to the Kirks in the Netherlands
Ordinance concerning Bursars
Ordinance for up lifting and imploying Penalties contained in Acts of Parliament, upon pious uses
An Overture concerning Promises of Marriage made by Minors, to those with whom they have committed Fornication
Act concerning dissenting voices in Presbyteries and Synods
Act concerning the Election of a Moderator in Provinciall Assemblies
Act for keeping of the Fast by the Congregations in the Towne where the Assembly holds
Meeting announcement
The Letter from the Synode of Divines in England, to the Generall Assembly
28 Jan. 1645. Post meridiem. Die Martis. Sess. 5
Approbation of the Proceedings of the Commission of the two preceding Assemblies
3. Februar. 1645. Die Lunæ, Post meridiem. Sess. 10
Act of the Generall Assembly of the Kirk of Scotland, for the establishing and putting in execution of the Directory for the publick Worship of GOD
7. February, 1645. Post meridiem. Sess. 14
Overtures for advancement of Learning and good Order in Grammar Schools and Colledges
The Humble Petition the Generall Assembly of the Kirk of Scotland
Overtures propounded by the Committee, appointed by this venerable Assembly, for ordering of the Bursars of Theologie, and maintaining of them at Schools of Divinitie
The opinion of the Committee for keeping the greater Uniformitie in this Kirk, in the practice and observation of the Directory in some points of publick Worship
10. February, 1645. Postmeridiem Sess. 16
Act of the Generall Assembly of the Kirk of Scotland, Approving the Propositions concerning Kirk government and Ordination of Ministers
12. Feb. 1645. Post meridiem Sess. 18
A Solemne and Seasonable Warning To the Noblemen, Barons, Gentlemen, Burrows, Ministers, and Commons of Scotland; As also to our ARMIES without and within this Kingdom
Act against Lykwakes
Act recommending to Sessions To have the Printed Acts of Assemblie
13. Februar. 1645. Postmeridiem. Sess. Ult
Act for censuring the Observers of Yule-day, and other superstitious dayes, especially if they be Schollars
Act for encouragement of Schollars to Professions in Schooles
Act for restraining Abuses at Pennie Brydals
Act Discharging deposed Ministers to be reponed to their former Places
Renovation of the Commission for the publick Affairs of the Kirk
Renovation of the Commission to the Persons appointed to repair to the Kingdom, of England, for prosecuting the Treaty of Uniformitie in Religion
The General Assemblies Answer to the Right Reverend the Assembly of Divines in the Kirk of England
The humble Remonstrance of the Generall Assembly of the Kirk of Scotland, met at Edinburgh the 13. day of February, 1645
The Assemblies Answer to their Commissioners at London
The Generall Assembly Met at Edinburgh Junii 3. 1646
Edinb. 4. Junii 1646. Sess. 2
The Kings Letter to the Assembly, presented by M. Robert Douglas Minister at Edinburgh
6. Junii 1646. Antemeridiem. Sess. 4
Act concerning the Registers and Acts of Provinciall Assemblies
11. Junii 1646. Antemeridiem Sess. 7
Act concerning the publike satisfaction of Married persons, for Fornication committed before Marriage
13. Junii 1646. Antemeridiem. Sess. 10
Ordinance for Excommunication of the Earle of Seafort
Enormities and Corruptions observed to be in the Ministery, with the Remedies thereof
Commission of the Approbation of the proceedings of the preceding Assembly
15. Junii 1646. Postmeridiem. Sess. 11
Act for joyning of the Presbyteries in Orkney and Zetland to the Provincial of Cathnes
17. Junii 1646. Postmeridiem. Sess. 14
Act concerning Expectants Preaching in Publike
Act for censuring the Complyers with the publike Enemies of this Kirk and Kingdom
Act concerning James Grahams Proclamation
18. Junii 1646. Antermeridiem. Sess. Ult
Act against loosing of Ships and Barks upon the Lords Day
Act anent Children sent without the Kingdom
Overtures presented to the Assembly
Renovation of the Commission for the publike affairs of the Kirk
Renovation of the Commission for prosecuting the Treaty for Uniformity in England
The Assemblies Answer To The Kings Maiestie
The Assemblies Letter to the Right Honorable the Lords and Commons in the Parliament of England Assembled at Westminster
The Assemblies Letter to the Right Honorable the Lord Major Aldermen, and Common-Councel of the City of London
The Assemblies Letter to the right Reverend the Assembly of Divines in the Kirk of England assembled at Westminster
Recommendation to Presbyteries and Provincial Assemblies
Act for a publike Fast before the next Assembly
The Generall Assembly, At Edinburgh 4. August. 1647
August. 16. 1647 Postmeridiem. Sess. 2
Act allowing the half of the Ministers in the Presbyterie of Zetland only, with their Ruling Elders, to keep the Provincial Assembly
20. August 1647. Antemeridiem. Sess. 15
A Declaration, and Brotherly Exhortation of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, to their Brethren of England
24. August 1647. Antemeridiem. Sess. 19
Act for observing the Directions of the Generall Assembly for Secret and Private Worship, and mutuall edification, and censuring such as neglect Familie Worship
The Directions of the Generall Assembly, for Secret and Private Worship & mutuall edification, for cherishing Piety, for maintaining Unitie, and avoiding Schisme and Division
Act against such as withdraw themselves from the publike Worship in their own Congregation
26. August 1647. Postmeridiem. Sess. 22
Approbation of the preceedings of the Commission of the preceeding Assembly
27. August 1647. Antemeridiem. Sess. 23
Approbation of the Confession of Faith
Edinburgh 28. August 1647. Postmeridiem. Sess. 25
Act for revising the Paraphrase of the Psalmes brought from England, with a recommendation for Translating the other Scriptuall Songs in Meeter
Act recommending the execution of the Act of Parliament at Perth, for uplifting pecuniall paines to bee imployed upon pious uses, and of all Acts of Parliament made against excommunicate Persons
Ult. August 1647. Antemeridiem. Sess. 26
Act discharging the importing, venting or spreading of erronious Books or Papers
Act for debarring of Complyers in the first Classe from Ecclesiastick office
Act for pressing and furthering the plantation of Kirks
Act for censuring absents from the Generall Assembly
Renovation of former Acts of Assembly for Triall and Admission of Expectants to the Ministrie
Eodem die, Sess. 28. Postmeridiem
Renovation of the Commission for prosecuting the Treaty for Uniformity in England
Renovation of the Commission for the publike affaires of the Kirk
Desires and Overtures from the Commissioners of Universities, and the Assemblies answer thereto
Edinburgh 1. September 1647. Sess. Ult
The Assemblies Letter to their Countreymen in Poleland, Swedland, Denmarke, and Hungarie
Act concerning the Hundred and eleven Propositions therein mentioned
Desires and Overtures presented from Presbyteries and Synods, with the Assemblies answer thereunto
The Generall Assembly, At Edinburgh
Iuly 12. 1648. Post meridiem, Sess. 1
The Letter from the Synod of Divines in England to the Generall Assembly
Iuly 15 Antemeridiem, Sess. 4
Act concerning Commissions from Burghs
Iuly 18. 1648. Antemeridiem. Sess 6
Act concerning the examining of the proceedings of the Commissioners of Assemblies
Iuly 18. 1648. Postmeridiem. Sess. 7
Approbation of the proceedings of the Commission of the preceeding Assembly,
July 20. 1648. Postmeridiem, Sess. 10
Approbation of the larger Catechisme
July 21. 1648. Antemeridiem, Sess. 11
Act against sudden admitting deposed Ministers to particular Congregations
July 25. 1648. Antemeridiem. Sess. 14
The Assemblies Answer to the Paper sent from the Committee of Estates of the 24. July
July 28. 1648. Antemeridiem, Sess. 18
Act and Declaration against the Act of Parliament & Committee of Estates ordained to be subscribed the 10. and 12. of June, and against all new Oathes or Bands in the common Cause imposed without consent of the Church
Eodem die Postmeridiem. Sess. 19
Approbation of the shorter Catechisme
Act discharging a little Catechisme printed at Edinburgh, 1647
Ult. Iuly 1648. Postmeridiem, Sess. 21
A Declaration of the Generall Assembly concerning the present dangers of Religion, and especially the unlawfull engagement in War, against the Kingdom of England; Together, with many necessary exhortations and directions to all the Members of the Kirk of Scotland
August. 1. 1648. Antemeridiem. Sess. 22
The General Assemblies Answer to the Paper presented from the Honourable Committee of Estates of the Date Iuly 28. 1648
Eodem die Postmeridiem, Sess. 23
A Declaration and Exhortation of the Generall Assembly of the Church of Scotland, to their Brethren of England
August. 2. 1648. Antemeridiem, Sess. 26
Answer to the Letter of the Reverend Assembly of Divines in England
Eodem die Postmeridiem, Sess. 25
The Humble Supplication of the Generall Assembly, To the Right Honourable the Committee of Estates
August 3. 1648. Antemeridiem, Sess. 26
Act for censuring Ministers for their silence, and not speaking to the corruptions of the time
August 4. 1648. Postmeridiem, Sess. 21
Overtures concerning the education of the Hie-land Boys in the Province of Argyle
August 5. 1648. Antemeridiem, Sess. 30
Explanation of the fifth Article of the Overtures concerning Appeals past in the Assembly, 1643
Eodem die 1648. Antemeridiem, Sess. 30
Act discharging deposed or suspended Ministers from any exercise of the Ministery, or medling with the stipend
August 7. 1648. Antemeridiem. Sess 31
The Assemblies Declaration of the falsehood and forgerie of a lying scandalous Pamphlet put forth under the name of their Reverend Brother Mastr Alexander Henderson after hes death
Act for taking the Covenant at the first receiving of the Sacrament of the Lords Supper, & for the receiving of it also by all Students at their first entry to Colledges
Eodem die Postmeridiem, Sess. 32
Act concerning Presbyteries maintaining of Bursars
August 9. 1648. Antemeridiem Sess. 25
Act for dis-joyning the Presbyteries of Zetland, from the Provinciall Synod of Orkney and Cathnes
Aug. 10. 1648. Postmeridiem, Sess. 38
Overtures for the Remedies of the grievous and common Sins of the Land in this present time
Act for examining the Paraphrase of the Psalms and other Scripturall Songs
Overtures concerning Papists, their children, and Excommunicate Persons
Aug. 11. 1648 Antemeridiem, Sess. 39
Act for prosecuting the Treaty for the Uniformity in Religion in the Kingdom of England
Act Renewing the Commission for the publick Affairs of this Kirk
August 11. 1643. Postmeridiem, Sess. 40
Exemption of Murray, Rosse, and Caithnesse from the contribution granted to the boyes of Argyle, with a Recommendation to Presbyteries, to make up what is taken of them by that exemption
Act concerning Collection for the Poor
Recommendation for securing provisions to Ministers in Burghs
The Humble Supplication of the Generall Assembly of the Kirk of Scotland, met at Edinburg August 12 unto the Kings Most Excellent Majeste
August. 12. 1648, Sess. Ult
Act discharging Duels
Act concerning deposed Ministers
The Generall Assembly, Holden at Edinburgh, July 7. 1649
July 7. 1649. Antemeridiem, Sess 4
Approbation of the proceedings of the Commissioners of the Generall Assembly
July 10. 1649. Antemeridiem, Sess. 6
Approbation of the Commissioners sent to his Majesty
July 19. 1649 Postmeridiem, Sess. 18
Act discharging promiscuous Dancing
July 20. 1649. Antemeridiem, Sess. 19
Act concerning the receiving of Engagers in the late unlawfull War against England, to publick Satisfaction, Together with the Declaration and Acknowledgement to be subscribed by them
The Declaration and Acknowledgement before mentioned
July 24. 1649. Postmeridiem. Sess. 23
Letter to the High & Honourable Court of Parliament
27. July, 1649. Antemeridiem. Sess. 27
A seasonable and necessary Warning and Declaration, concerning Present and Imminent dangers, and concerning duties relating thereto, from the Generall Assembly of this Kirk, unto all the Members thereof
30. July 1649. Antemeridiem Sess. 30
Act concerning Catechising
4 Aug. 1649. Antemeridiem Sess. 40
Commission for publick Affaires
Directorie for Election of Ministers
6. August, 1649. Antemeridiem, Sess. Ult
A Brotherly Exhortation from the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, to their Brethren in England
Act for a Collection for entertaining Highland Boyes at Schooles
Commission for a conference of Ministers, Lawyers and Physitians, Concerning the tryal and punishment of Witch-craft, Charming and Consulting
Recommendation for maintenance for Schoolmasters and Precenters
Acts concerning Persons to be admitted Bursars
Reference to the Commission for publick affaires for re-examining the Paraphrase, of the Psalmes and the emitting the same for publicke use
Letter to the Kings Majestie
The Principal Acts of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland holden at Edinburgh the 16th day of October 1690
Edinburgh 16 of October 1690. Post Meridiem. Sess. 1
I. The Meeting of the General Assembly, and the Recording of Their Majesties Commission, to John Lord Carmichael, for Representing Their Majesties therein
Edinburgh 17 October 1690. Ante Meridiem Sess. 2
II. His MAJESTIES Gracious Letter to the Assembly
Edinburgh 18th. October 1690. Post Meridiem Sess. 4
III. The Assemblies Answer to His Majesties Gracious Letter
IV. Appointment of a Diet, to be kept by the Assembly for Prayer
Edinburgh 25th. October 1690. Ante Meridiem. Sess. 9
V. The proceedings of the Assembly, anent Mr. Thomas Lining and Others
Act anent Mr. Thomas Lining and Others
Edinburgh 28 of October 1690. Ante Meridiem, Sess. 11
VI. Act anent Ministers that observe not the publick Orders of the Church
Edinburgh 29 October 1690. Ante Meridiem, Sess. 12
VII. Act approving several Overtures
VIII. Act approving the Associations of Presbyteries
Edinburgh 31 October 1690, Ante Meridiem Sess. 15
IX. Act against Ministers Removing out of this Church
X. Act anent the Administration of the Sacraments
Edinburgh 11 November 1690. Post Meridiem Sess. 24
XI. Act approving Overtures anent the Irish Bibles, &c
At Edinburgh, November 12. 1690. Post Meridiem. Sess. 25
XII. Act anent a Solemn National Fast and Humiliation, with the Causes thereof
XIII. Act anent Sentences past against Ministers from the Year 1650. &c
Edinburgh 13 of November 1690. Post Meridiem. Sess. 26
XIV. The Assemblies Letter to His Majesty
XV. Instructions to the Commissions for Visitations on the South and North sides of Tay
XVI. Commission for Visitations on the South side of Tay
XVII. Commission for Visitations on the North side of Tay
XVIII. Commission for Mr. Gilbert Rule and Mr. David Blair, to wait upon His Majesty anent the Affairs of this Church
INDEX of the Unprinted Acts, &c. Of the General Assembly, 1690
An INDEX Of the Principal unprinted Acts of the Assembly at Glasgow, 1638
Index of the Principal Acts of the Assembly at Edinburgh, 1639, not Printed
Index of the Principal Acts of the Assembly at Aberdene, 1640, not Printed
Index of the Principal Acts of the Assembly holden at St. Andrews, and Edinburgh 1641. not Printed
Index of the Principal Acts of the Assembly holden at St. Andrews, 27. July, 1642. not Printed
Index of the Acts of the Assembly holden at Edinburgh, 1643, not Printed
Index of the Acts of the Assembly holden at Edinburgh, 1644, not Printed
INDEX of the ACTS of this Assembly holden at Edinburgh 1645. not Printed
Index of the Acts of the General Assembly not Printed 1646
Index of the Acts of the General Assembly holden at Edinburgh, 1647, not printed
INDEX of the Unprinted ACTS of the General Assembly held at Edinburgh. 1648
INDEX of the Unprinted ACTS of the Assembly. 1649
Отрывок из книги
Church of Scotland. General Assembly
Published by Good Press, 2020
Meeting announcement.