The "rains" of two terminal cancers created a lot of mud for Cleon Dewey – good mud that provided moisture until a tall, proud tree grew, spreading its determined branches toward heaven. Cleon's intimate story gently reminds us of the miracles in the mud of our own circumstances. Her journey from death's dark door into the sunlight of victory will inspire, challenge and even entertain you…all to the glory of God!<br><br><br>"'…this happened so that the work of God might be displayed in his life'…Having said this, He spit on the ground, made some mud with the saliva, and put it on the man's eyes. 'Go,' he told him, 'wash in the Pool of Siloam.' So the man went and washed, and came home seeing." (John 9:3-7)
Cleon Dewey. Miracle Out of the Mud
One: Prepare the Soil
Two: Rise Above the Storm
Three: Ask with Confidence
Four: Yield to His Presence
Five: Envision the Victory
Six: Rejoice!
Inspirational MUD BABY Stories
Addendum: 66 Verses from Books of the Bible
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There’s nothing that pleases a physician more than seeing a patient respond to medical treatment and regain vitality. Cleon Dewey is my patient and I have known her family for many years. When we met, she faced recurring colon cancer and was in grave condition.
When I read this book, I was struck with the realization that it is more than an account of her journey back to good health. It is a powerful, personal testimony. Not only is she cancer-free today, but she found the courage to write her compelling story and share her faith that was key in her recovery.
(Psalm 119:116 - KJV)
That was it! The Lord would heal me. He would protect me from evil. Yes, He would prepare me for what was to come. I would surely live and not die!