Welcome to My World

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Coleen McLoughlin. Welcome to My World
Mum and Dad
Our Joe and Anthony
Table of Contents
chapter one croxteth, baden-baden, monaco, cannes & st tropez
It’s funny to talk about something being over because we’re still so young and things are just starting for both of us
I wanted to put down on paper what the last four years have really been like – never mind what you read in the newspapers and the pages of magazines
The newspapers went over the top, following our every move, detailing how much we were spending, how much we were drinking, the fashion wars
My Wayne went off to play golf for hours and I went over to sit with these people without having a clue what to say
On the day of the Portugal match it was roasting. I had on this little grey jacket over a vest from one of the high-street stores, black denim shorts and Marc Jacobs wedges
Then the odd one started shouting, then more, until everyone, the whole ground, seemed to be full of England fans booing and having a go at the referee
One day we’d be in Monaco dancing at Jimmyz nightclub, the next we’d be in a bar in St Tropez watching France and Italy in the World Cup Final
I’m twenty-one years old now and I’ve grown up inside and out. I’ll always be the girl from Liverpool, but my life has changed in so many ways
chapter two question: what’s my favourite sport? answer: cricket
You laugh at yourself being in this national newspaper, and it’s strange, and funny, but it’s exciting too
It’s flattering to know that there are young girls and women out there who look at what I’m wearing and are inspired to go for a similar look
Shhhh! Don’t tell everyone…
Oh! Please! No! Don’t!
chapter three always a liverpool girl
chapter four dancing the night away with the stars
How to look fab and glamorous in an instant
It’s rare that you’ll ever see me and Wayne attending a public event together. We just don’t go for that celebrity-couple thing. The Beckhams’ World Cup party is one of the few times it’s happened
I expected Victoria’s party to be really good, but I imagined it would be quite a low-key affair with people eating and then a little bit of entertainment
In case of emergencies
I keep all the dresses I’ve worn to big events, parties and ceremonies – well, the dresses that I’ve really loved. I have big clear-outs of the rest of my clothes every now and again, and after friends and cousins have had a look at what they’d like, I take the rest to our local charity shop
chapter five a very strange relationship
I’d rather just go on holiday and be myself and not care what everyone thinks
Once you start that game, you’ve no right to have a go if the paparazzi start following you when you don’t want them to
My friends are always thinking of me and I’m forever grateful
chapter six the vogue shoot that almost never happened
But while Wayne was going to work every day, I spent the days sitting indoors thinking the whole world was against me
We should have been left alone to sort things out for ourselves, but I know that’s not the way things are
chapter seven big betty, bob and doing a klinsmann: growing up a mcloughlin
Bad manners are one of my pet hates. Good manners are just about being polite and appreciating other people, and having basic values that go towards making the world a better place
Christmas-time and doing a ‘Klinsmann’ in the field behind our house are the two memories that will always remind me of growing up
chapter eight welcome to the world of colly mac
Pump up the volume
The day after the night before
Open those eyes
Be cool
Bring yourself to life
Drink lots of water
Juice booster
Tropical Shake
Sunburst Smoothie
Whether it’s McDonald’s or KFC, I always eat junk food after a big night. It’s not really a hangover cure but I can’t seem to help myself!
chapter nine food and fitness: it’s like my dad has always said…
My view is that as long as you are happy with your own shape then that’s all that matters. You can’t let others determine how much you should weigh and what you should wear
A recipe for getting into shape
On an average week, I’ll usually try to eat healthily from Monday to Friday, then it often goes downhill on a Friday night
Get fit quick
Me and Wayne always say we’re going to buy a couple of bikes and go out cycling but we never get round to it
chapter ten are they talking about me?
It wasn’t long ago that Wayne was asking footballers for their autographs, so he knows what it feels like
‘Coleen the Smuggler—Rooney’s Fiancée Held over £40,000 Spree’
‘Coleen Turns Pop Princess’
‘Wayne Gets Coleen a Gang of Minders – Ace Fears She’s a Kidnap Target’
‘Roo Not Disturb – Two Days in Paris – and Wayne and Coleen Spend 36 Hours of It in a Hotel Bed’
‘As Rooney is disgraced again, read the latest gloriously tacky episode in the life of designer-loving, comfort-eating, bank-emptying, Merc-driving, jewellery-dripping, Wayne-forgiving…QUEEN COLEEN’
‘Dump the thug. Friends say bad boy Rooney must go after slap in nightclub’
‘Coleen Buys Own Store’
‘Coleen Turns New Mansion into Chav Paradise’
‘Heavies Guard Coleen after Hate Mail Blitz’
‘Mills and Roon – Coleen Pens Love Story’
‘Coleen Approached to Go On I’m a Celebrity…’
chapter eleven photo-shoots and the art of breathing in
Inspire me!
For a photo-shoot the fashion editor will also suggest a few labels, and unless I’m really anti a designer, I won’t complain. After all, it’s always great to try on new clothes!
Strike a pose
Practice makes perfect
Don’t stand straight on to the camera
Take a deep breath and stand tall
Light fantastic
No over-the-top pouting!
Say cheese!
Hair and make-up are always working with the fashion editor to create an overall look. So, for example, I’ve done a kind of rock ‘n’ roll bobby-sox girl shoot for You magazine and gone ‘vamp’ for Closer – it all depends on what’s in fashion at the time
chapter twelve we’re not all called chardonnay or cristal
Footballers’ Wives has a lot to answer for! Everything about it is totally blown out of all proportion, even down to how the girls get dressed up to the nines in designer labels to go to a match on a Saturday. No one does that. It’s just not practical for starters
The girls are unbelievable sometimes, but then again, there are some footballers who love all the attention
What people on the outside often don’t appreciate is that when you’re in a relationship with a footballer then your life is dictated by the fixture list and their training schedule
I think the biggest misconception about footballers’ wives and girlfriends is that we all hang out together
Oi! Referee! Blow your whistle!
Obvious designer overload
Flashing the flesh
Faking it
Obvious logos
White stilettos with a high tackiness rating
Absolutely ghetto fabulous
All these stories build up the myth of footballers’ wives and girlfriends, and I suppose to someone on the outside they’re entertaining enough, but they don’t paint the whole picture and often they are way off the mark
chapter thirteen don’t stop shopping ‘til you’ve had enough…
I don’t think it’s a question of me liking shopping, it’s more to do with my love of fashion and clothes, as the two go hand in hand
Because Liverpool hasn’t got a Harvey Nichols or a Selfridges, Cricket has become the best place to go for all the top labels like Chloé, Stella McCartney and Marc Jacobs
High-street high
Like most girls, my weaknesses are bags and shoes. I couldn’t tell you how many pairs of shoes I’ve got at home. Loads
My Golden Rules of Shopping
Invest in your fashion
One of the most annoying things about being labelled a shopaholic by the newspapers is the insinuation that I haven’t got any money of my own and all I’ve ever done is spend Wayne’s wages
Computer love
If Wayne thinks I look nice he’ll compliment me, but that’s kind of rare. He just doesn’t get as passionate about fashion and clothes as I do
chapter fourteen pulling into a garage for petrol and an engagement ring
If you know it’s right then it doesn’t matter how old you are. Not that my dad didn’t feel like he was losing his little girl a bit
The experiences we’ve been through together, both personally and in our careers, have forced us to grow up quicker than a lot of couples our age. Going through all we have done has only brought us closer
chapter fifteen the tears of leaving home & the house of our dreams
Looking back now, it was a bit mad. I was seventeen years old and had just left school and Wayne was only eighteen. We were at an age when, under normal circumstances, we’d be moving into a rented one-bedroom flat, if we were lucky, and here we were buying this one-million-pound house
I felt so young in some ways, which I suppose I was. I’d only just left school and we were living in this really big house. Even inviting friends round and being the hostess seemed weird
One of the things me and Wayne have always said is that where we live now is our private home and our sanctuary away from the press and the public spotlight
We never take things for granted. From the Everton first team to the England team to the move to Manchester United, with Wayne’s work, and now my work, everything has been a gradual stepping stone to where we are now
chapter sixteen when the world isn’t watching
I’ll watch the football if there’s a big match on, but otherwise I’m not usually that bothered unless Wayne’s playing
Since we moved into our new house, we’ve tried to be tidier than we naturally are
But then while we were living at my mum and dad’s, Wayne bought me a chow named Fizz, and later on I bought a white fluffy bichon frise called Daisy, but because we’ve moved backwards and forwards over the past few years they now both live at Mum’s
chapter seventeen my experience of men and fashion…i.e. wayne
To be honest, I don’t think I’d be attracted to a lad who was too into themselves and the way they look. I could never go out with the pretty-boy type
When I’m choosing stuff for Wayne I never go for anything over the top. In the main it will be classic and smart-casual gear like jumpers, T-shirts, jeans or just basic shoes
One for the boys
A crisp white shirt
A cashmere sweater
Dark blue denim jeans
A wool coat
A smart pair of leather shoes
A slim-fitting single-breasted suit
I know that these days some footballers have a reputation for fancying themselves a bit, and concentrating more on their appearance than their game, but that will never apply to Wayne
chapter eighteen eyes and teeth: if they’re smiling then so’s the rest of you
Skincare – too much is too much
Hair – anything but a full fringe
Nature’s way
I’ve tried loads of styles over the last few years – some good, some bad – but the one I don’t think I would try again too soon is the full fringe. At the time I thought it was lovely, but on reflection perhaps it was not the right style for me
All eyes
Oi! Referee! Beauty foul!
Getting lippy
Fake bake
The Bronze Age is long gone
Message in a bottle of peroxide
Easy tweezy
Teeth and lips
DIY home spa treatment
Smooth legs
Manicures and pedicures
Sun care – force yourself to be good
A girl’s little secret
Treatments – treat yourself every now and again
I’ve always said that beauty is to do with feeling good about yourself, and if you feel good about yourself then others will feel good about you
chapter nineteen beach babe
Once our mums and dads came over it was miles better. They organized day trips and everything, and we ended up having a really good time. Well, that’s not counting the time I almost drowned!
Now and again, I still go across to Blackpool for a day out at the fair. I went with Wayne, my two brothers and their mates not long ago. It was a Monday night so the Pleasure Beach was dead and we had all the rides to ourselves. You can’t beat Blackpool for a laugh
Hot stuff
A wide-brimmed straw hat
Long and short kaftans
At least one well-cut bikini
Over-sized sunglasses
High flip-flops/sandals
A cotton sarong
chapter twenty give it a go: that’s my attitude to life
When I launched the Must-Have range in May 2006 wearing a £10 khaki shirt dress, over 45,000 were sold just hours after going in store
All of a sudden, people were more positive about me, so it was good for the public to see that I wasn’t the shopaholic footballer’s girlfriend the newspapers had been talking about for so long
chapter twenty-one my whole life ahead of me
Five years ago I thought I was probably going to go to university and study Performing Arts or Journalism, but then there was the broken bicycle and a kiss in the local churchyard, and everything changed for ever
I’m just taking life as it comes. I can’t say I’m planning on world domination and being a superstar in however many years’ time
Now and again, I have times when I imagine what our wedding’s going to be like. I know I want it to be a big, traditional wedding, but that’s as far as it goes
Whether I like it or not, my private life isn’t private any more, and it’s hard to make these kinds of decisions without thinking you’re going to upset someone
‘…fast-forward 12 months and they say I’m the new Cilla Black!’
I never really wanted to be a model or believed that I could be in adverts and then I ended up working with George at Asda
‘The best days of our lives and the best night of my life’
There was an ice bar with my name carved into it. That was funny because everyone kept putting their drinks down on it and they kept sliding off!
I’d chosen to wear a Grecian-style Amanda Wakeley gown that I found in Harvey Nichols. I tried it on and instantly fell in love with it
The whole year seemed to have this brilliant momentum all of its own, and both me and Wayne were picked up in the whirlwind thrill of it all
Yes, it’s been a busy year and it’s going to get busier, but the main thing is I’ve never been happier
It’s official, me and Wayne are going to get married this year
chapter twenty-two my big list of questions
Favourite film?
Favourite actress?
Favourite actor?
Favourite song at the moment?
Favourite song of all time?
Favourite book?
What makes you laugh?
What makes you cry?
What makes you depressed?
What gets you annoyed?
Do you ever have any recurring dreams?
Let’s do an amateur psychological test. You can’t think about the answers too much, you’ve just got to say the first thing that comes into your head
You’re in the woods, a thick green forest, when you see an opening. In the opening there’s a drinking vessel of some description. What do you see?
Okay, you leave the tap behind, re-enter the forest and keep walking until you see another opening. In the opening, there’s a bear. What kind of bear do you see?
How do you react to it?
You leave the bear behind, return to the forest and continue walking until you see another opening. This time there’s water of some kind. What do you see?
What do you do when you see the stream?
Okay, so you keep walking, back through the forest until you come to a wall. What kind of wall do you see?
And what do you do?
And do you succeed?
That’s it. The end
Well, the drinking vessel is meant to represent your view of an ideal partner…
Something functional and dependable…The bear is how you see life, the water represents your sex life and the wall is meant to represent your view on the afterlife. Let’s do another one. Name the first animal that comes into your head
And a second?
Finally, a third?
The first animal is how you’d like people to see you. The second is how you see yourself. The third is what you really are…
Favourite colour?
Favourite animal?
Any particular kind?
Favourite TV programme?
Favourite TV soap?
If you could choose an actress to play you in the film of your life who would it be?
If you could swap places with anyone famous for a day who would you choose?
Do you believe in aliens?
Favourite car?
Have you ever stolen anything?
Favourite joke?
What’s your favourite season of the year?
Do you vote Labour, Conservative, Lib Dem or other?
Favourite flower?
Favourite smell?
Have you ever wished you were a man?
If you were invisible for a day what would you do?
Have you any special skill or talent that we should know about?
What’s your worst habit?
Favourite guilty pleasure?
What’s your most treasured possession?
What’s your idea of perfect happiness?
Favourite swear word?
If you could be transported back in time to one era, which one would it be?
Which historical figure do you most admire?
Favourite musician or band?
Biggest regret?
Favourite junk food?
Favourite vegetable?
Most used phrase or word?
What’s your least favourite smell?
One thing that reminds you of home?
What’s your lucky number?
What are you scared of?
What do you regard as your biggest achievement?
What’s the one thing that always makes you happy?
How would you like to be remembered?
About the Publisher
Отрывок из книги
This book is for the people most important to me in life, the ones who matter the most and the ones who have loved and influenced me throughout my life and still do so today.
Two very special people who I love very much. Thank you for giving me the life I love and have loved, for the continuous love and support you have always given me and continue to give me.
The whole holiday was fantastic. We’d be in the VIP area of a club, when it wasn’t so long ago that I used to go to nightclubs and think, ‘Oooh, look at them in the VIP area.’ Being with other people made me think about everything all over again and enjoy things through their eyes. All our friends, they would be going, ‘Just think, we’re doing this, and next week we’re back to work.’ It’s great for me and Wayne to have family and friends like that around us because they bring us back down to earth. We try not to take things for granted but sometimes we forget how lucky we are.
It’s lovely to share such experiences with other people, but unfortunately they also get to see the more unpleasant side of being in the spotlight. The speedboats full of paparazzi, constantly circling. Reading stories about us in the newspapers the next day that are just not true. The attention we receive when out for the night, girls coming up to Wayne with no other intention than to make money out of a story.