Sweet Talkin' Guy

Sweet Talkin' Guy
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Описание книги

A honeymoon hotel…Daphne Remington's fate as the perfect socialite is practically sealed. But before giving in to la vie en beige and a matronly string of pearls, she's determined to have one last bit of fun. Only, her fling could be a bust when the hotel she hits has no vacancy…until a guy with charm to spare offers to share his room. Looks as if her adventure just got a little more interesting!…and a supernatural attraction Reporter Andy Branigan has a way with words and a suite he's more than happy to share with the sexy adventuress. Funny, before Daphne arrived, he hadn't noticed the hotel's seductive atmosphere. Now it's as if someone is putting sensual ideas in his head. And all he can think about is how to convince Daphne to share more than the suite!


Colleen Collins. Sweet Talkin' Guy

The Legend of the Inn at Maiden Falls…

Books by Colleen Collins


The Golden Rules for Miss Arlotta’s Girls

















Отрывок из книги

There are lots of rumors, but no one is exactly sure why even the crankiest twosomes get so very coosome when they spend time at the historic Inn at Maiden Falls, nestled in the Colorado Rockies. Maybe it’s the beautiful vista of all that rushing water (the falls) outside the windows. Maybe it’s the clean, invigorating mountain air stirring up their blood. Or maybe (as the whispers say) there really are lusty ghosts of shady ladies past floating around the rafters. Old-timers say the inn was a famous brothel more than a hundred years ago; all the “soiled doves” may have mysteriously passed away, but their spirits remain to help young lovers discover the joy of sensual pleasure. Or so the story goes….

In Sweet Talkin’ Guy, heiress and runaway-almost-bride Daphne Remington crosses paths with Andy Branigan, a cynical reporter. He smells a hot story, she needs a place to hide out and they end up sharing one of the bridal suites while pretending to be newlyweds. What they don’t know is their room is haunted by the once-notorious cardsharp and sharpshooter Belle Bulette, who thinks Andy and Daphne are hardly strangers but soul mates, and uses her ghostly wiles to prove as much.


ANDY BRANIGAN sat in a small parlor nestled in the back of the lobby at the inn at Maiden Falls staring at the sepia-toned photo in the old album, wondering if Maiden Falls was named for this particular group of fallen maidens…or any of the other ladies of the evening who had flocked to Colorado’s mining towns back in the late nineteenth century.

Looking at this picture, however, one would be hard-pressed to claim these were shady ladies. This group was dressed in their Sunday finest, sitting demurely on a blanket in a field having a picnic. Some held parasols, some daintily nibbled on fried chicken.


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