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ОглавлениеThe New Royal Cook Book
The new Royal Cook Book has been prepared to meet the large and ever increasing demand for a guide to wholesome and palatable home cooking. The young housewife will find here complete simple directions for making delicious cakes and other culinary delights. Experienced cooks and those more skilled in the art will find here many of their favorite recipes and in addition helpful suggestions, especially in the matter of saving eggs and other expensive materials.
Every recipe has been tested many times and all have been found excellent.
Royal Baking Powder is used in all recipes in which a leavening agent is required, and the biscuits, muffins, griddle cakes, doughnuts, cakes and pastry prepared by its use are unequalled in texture and healthfulness. "Royal" imparts a fine appearance, and a particularly good flavor to the food.
Housekeepers are urged to avoid substitutes for Royal Baking Powder. Failures in baking often result from the use of sour milk and soda, or even home made mixtures of cream of tartar and soda, because of inability to determine the uncertain strength of such materials and hence the proper proportions to use.
Avoid all guess work by using "Royal." It is always the same, always dependable. Copyright, 1920, by Royal Baking Powder Co.
NEW ROYAL COOK BOOK--Index to Recipes
Albuminized Orange, 46
Almonds, Salted, 44
Angel Cake, 10-11
Apple Cake, 22
Apple Dressing, 35
Apple Dumplings, 22
Apple Fritters, 9
Apple Pie, 26
Apple Roll, 23
Apple Sauce, 33
Asparagus, 39-48
Banana Cake with Jelly Sauce, 23
Banana Fritters, 10
Barley Water, 45
Beans, 38-39-40-48
Bean Soup, 29
Bechamel Sauce, 35
Beef, 32-33-46
Beef Tea, 46
Beets, 39
Berries, Canned, 48
Berry Pies, 27
Beverages, 42
Biscuits and Muffins, 6-7
Blueberry Cake, 23
Blueberry or Huckleberry Float, 24
Blueberry or Huckleberry Muffins, 7
Boiling and Stewing (Meats), 32-45
Boston Baked Beans, 38
Boston Brown Bread, 3
Boston Cream Pie, 23
Bran Biscuits, 6
Bread and Rolls, 3-4-5
Bride's Cake, 11
Broiling and Frying, 32
Brussels Sprouts, 40
Buckwheat Cakes, 8
Buns, 5
Butter Scotch, 43
Butter Scotch Icing and Filling, 18
Cakes, 10-16
Candies, 43-44
Canning and Preserving, 46-49
Caramels, Chocolate, 43
Caramel Sauce, 26
Carrots, 39
Cauliflower, 40
Cereals (Fireless Cookery), 45
Charlotte Russe, 23
Cheese Biscuits, 6
Cheese in Scallop Shells or Ramekins, 38
Cheese Souffle, 39
Cheese Straws, 38
Cherries, Canned, 48
Cherry Tarts, 28
Chicken Croquettes, 37
Chicken Patties, 38
Chicken Pie, 35
Chicken Salad, 41
Chili Sauce, 49
Chocolate, 43
Chocolate Blanc Mange, 24
Chocolate Cake, 11
Chocolate Caramels, 43
Chocolate Filling and Icing, 13-16-17
Chocolate Ice Cream, 28
Chocolate Layer Cake, 13
Chocolate Sauce, 25
Chow Chow, 49
Christmas Plum Pudding, 24
Cinnamon Buns, 5
Clam Chowder, 31
Clam Fritters, 10
Cocoa, 42
Cocoa Cookies, 19
Cocoa Cream Candy, 44
Cocoa Drop Cakes, 18
Cocoa Icing, 17
Cocoa Syrup, 42
Cocoanut Cake, Feather, 13
Cocoanut Cookies, 19
Cocoanut Cream Candy, 44
Cocoanut Layer Cake, 14
Codfish Balls, 30
Coffee, 42
Coffee Cakes, 5
Coffee Fruit Cake, 12
Coffee Spice Cake, 16
Cold Slaw, 39
Conserve, Plum, 49
Cookies and Small Cakes, 18-19-20
Corn and Rice Pone, 3
Corn, Boiled, 40
Corn Bread, 3
Corn, Canned, 48
Corn Fritters, 10
Corn Gems, Green, 8
Corn Meal Griddle Cakes, 9
Corn Meal Muffins, 7
Corn Pudding, 39
Cottage Pudding, 22
Crabs, 31
Cranberry Sauce, 36
Cream Filling, 14
Cream Layer Cake, 14
Cream Loaf Cake, 12
Cream Puffs, 24
Cream Sauce, 35
Cream Soups, 29-30
Creole Soup, 30
Croquettes, 37
Crullers, 21
Currant Jelly Sauce, 36
Currant Tea Cakes, 7
Currants, Spiced, 49
Custard, Baked, 22
Custard, Pie, 27
Date and Peanut Paste, 44
Date Bread, 4
Date Cake, Royal, 12
Date Muffins, 7
Dates, Stuffed, 44
Desserts, Frozen, 28-29
Devils Food Cake, 14
Doughnuts, 21
Dumplings, 22-32
Eggless, Milkless, Butterless Cake, 11
Eggs, 36-37
Egg Sauce for Fish, 36
Fairmount Cake, 13
Fig Envelopes, 8
Fig Pudding, 25
Filled Cookies, 20
Fireless Cookery, 44
Fish, 30-31
Fritters, 9-10
Frosting, Ornamental, 16
Fruit Cake, 12
Fruit Filling, 15-17
Fruit Fritters, 9
Fruit Layer Cakes, 15
Fruit Sauce, 26
Fruit Shortcakes, 20-21
Fruits, Canning, 46
Fudge, 44
Fudge Squares, 20
Gems, 8
Giblet Gravy,
Gluten Muffins,
Goose Roast,
Graham Bread,
Graham Gems,
Grape Sherbet,
Gravy, Brown,
Griddle Cakes and Waffles, 8-9
Ham, Baked, 33
Ham, Scalloped with Eggs, 37
Hermits, 20
Hickory Nut Candy, 44
Hollandaise Sauce, 36
Honey Drop Cakes, 18
Horse Radish Sauce, 36
Huckleberry or Blueberry Float, 24
Huckleberry or Blueberry Muffins, 7
Ice Cream, 28
Icings and Fillings, 16-17-18
Invalid Cookery, 45-46
Jams, 48
Jellies, 49
Jelly Meringue, 17
Jelly Roll, 25
Jelly Sauce, 23
Kidney Beans with Bacon, 38
Kohl-Rabi, 40
Lady Baltimore Cake, 15
Lamb, 33
Lemon Jelly, 25
Lemon Meringue Pie, 26
Lemon or Orange Sauce, 26
Lemon Sherbet, 28
Lima Beans, 40
Liver and Bacon, 32
Lobster Salad, 42
Lobsters or Crabs, 31
Luncheon Dishes, 38
Luncheon or Sandwich Rolls, 4
Macaroni, Baked with Cheese, 38
Maitre D'Hotel Butter, 36
Maple Icing, 17
Maple Layer Cake, 15
Maple Nut Cake, 12
Maple Sauce, 25
Marble Cake, 13
Marquise Salad, 42
Marshmallow Cookies, 20
Marshmallow Filling, 17
Marshmallow Icing, 14
Mayonnaise, 41
Meats, 32-33-34-45
Meringues, 23
Mince Meat, 27
Mince Pie, 27
Mint Sauce, 36
Molasses Cakes, 12-19
Molasses Candy, 43
Muffins, 6-7-46
Nut and Potato Croquettes, 37
Nut and Raisin Bread, 3
Nut and Raisin Rolls, 4
Nut Bars, 20
Nuts, Creamed, 43
Oatmeal Macaroons, 20
Omelets, 37
Onions, 39
Onion Soup, 30
Orange Cakes, 18
Orange Filling and Icing, 14-17
Orange Layer Cake, 13
Orange Water Ice, 29
Oyster Dressing, 34
Oyster Plant, 40
Oysters, 31
Pancakes, French, 9
Parker House Rolls, 5
Parsnips, 40
Pastry and Pies, 26-27-28
Patty Shells, Royal, 38
Peaches, 47-49
Peanut Brittle, 43
Peanut Butter Bread, 4
Pears, 48
Penuche, 44
Pickles, 39-49
Pineapple Juice, 45
Planked Fish, 30
Plums, 47-49
Poor Man's Pudding, 22
Popcorn, Candied, 43
Popovers, 8
Potato and Nut Croquettes, 37
Potato Rolls, 4
Potato Salad, 42
Potatoes, Sweet and White, 39-40
Pot Roast of Beef, 33
Poultry, 34-35
Poultry Dressing, 34-35
Pound Cake, 11
Preserving and Canning 46-49
Prune or Date Bread, 4
Prune Puff, 25
Prunes, Stuffed, 44
Puddings and Other Desserts, 22-25
Pumpkin Pie, 27
Raisin and Nut Bread, 3
Raisin and Nut Rolls, 4
Raisin Drop Cakes, 18
Raisin Tea Ring, 6
Raspberries, 47-48
Rhubarb Pie, 27
Rice Croquettes, 37
Rice Griddle Cakes, 9
Rice Muffins, 7
Rice Pudding, 22
Rolls, 4-5
Roast Meats, 32-33-45
Rusks, 5
Russian Dressing, 41
Rye Rolls, 4
Salads and Salad Dressings, 41-42
Sally Lunn, 8
Salmon Croquettes, 37
Sandwich Rolls, 4
Sauces, Fish, Meat and Vegetable, 35-36
Sauces, Pudding, 23-25-26
Scones, 7
Sea Foam Icing, 17
Shell Fish, 31
Shortcakes, 20-21
Soups, Cream and from Stock, 29-30-45
Spanish Cake, 11
Spanish Cream, 46
Spice Cakes, 18
Spiced Currants, 49
Spider Corn Bread, 3
Spinach, 39-40
Sponge Cake, 15-16
Stewing and Boiling (Meats), 32
Stew with Dumplings, 32
Strawberry Ice Cream, 28
Strawberry Icing, 17
Strawberry Mousse, 29
Strawberry Pie, 27
Strawberry Shortcakes, 21
Sunshine Cake, 10
Sweetbreads, Creamed, 34
Taffy, Butter, 43
Tapioca Pudding, 22
Tea, 43
Time-Table for Canning Fruits, 47
Toast, French, 39
Tomato Catsup, 49
Tomatoes and Eggs, 38
Tomatoes, Baked, 40
Tomato Pickles, 49
Tomato Sauce, 35
Tomato Soup, 30
Veal, Baked with Tomato Sauce, 33
Veal Cutlet, 33
Vegetables, 38-39-40-45
Vegetable Salad, 41
Waffles, 9
Whole Wheat Biscuits, 6
Whole Wheat Hot Cakes, 9
The addition of one or two teaspoons of Royal Baking Powder to plain pastry will add wonderfully to its qualities, making it very
light and tender.
Omelets are improved by the addition of a small amount of Royal Baking Powder.
Royal Baking Powder may be added with great advantage to bread pudding, poultry dressing, stuffed or deviled crabs and other
preparations in which broken bread or bread crumbs are used.
Icings and especially Ornamental Icings are improved in texture and flavor by the addition of about a teaspoon of Royal Baking
Instead of adding soda to keep color in green vegetables use Royal Baking Powder.
[Pg 1]
Royal Baking Powder
For raising or leavening breads, biscuits, rolls, muffins, griddle cakes, doughnuts, cakes, pastries, puddings and other similar foods.
Absolutely Pure and Wholesome
The principal active ingredient of Royal Baking Powder is Royal Grape Cream of Tartar, a derivative of rich, ripe grapes. It perfectly aerates and leavens the batter or dough and makes the food finer in appearance, more delicious to the taste, and more healthful.
It possesses the greatest practicable leavening strength, never varies in quality, and will keep fresh and perfect in all climates until
The Standard for over 50 Years
For over 50 years Royal Baking Powder has been the standard. Most of the famous baking recipes in use today were created with it. Most of the famous cooking schools use it. Housewives all over the world have followed the lead of the American housewife and insist upon it. "I must have La Royal," say our Spanish-speaking neighbors in Mexico, Cuba and South America. "I want Royal Bak-ing Powder and no other," say housewives in England, Scotland and Ireland.
Only unequalled quality could create such a world-wide demand.
Used in Leading Hotels
Prominent chefs and expert bakers in America, including those of the famous restaurants in New York, Chicago, San Francisco and other cities, consider Royal Baking Powder the most reliable, most efficient and the most dependable leavening agent.
Physicians recommend Royal Baking Powder for its wholesomeness and for the healthful qualities that it adds to the food.
For Making the Finest and Most Healthful Food, Royal Baking Powder is Indispensable. [Pg 2]
Where shortening is mentioned in the recipes it is understood that butter or lard, or an equivalent quantity of butter substitute or
vegetable oil may be used.
All measurements for all materials called for in the recipes in this book are level.
The standard measuring cup holds one-half pint and is divided into fourths and thirds. To make level measurements fill cup or spoon and scrape off excess with back of knife.
One-half spoon is measured lengthwise of spoon.
Sift flour before measuring.
Regulate the oven carefully before mixing the ingredients. Many a cake otherwise perfectly prepared is spoiled because the oven is too hot or not hot enough.
Biscuits and pastry require a hot oven; cakes, a moderate oven.
When a cake is thoroughly baked it shrinks from the sides of the pan. A light touch with the finger which leaves no mark is another
indication that the cake is baked.
saltspoon =
1/4 teaspoon
teaspoons =