Downward, Dog!

Downward, Dog!
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Реклама. ООО «ЛитРес», ИНН: 7719571260.

Описание книги

This book is about how to teach your dog not to jump up on people but without focusing on JUMPING UP. Rather we focus on teaching what we want Fido to do instead of the JUMP! It is a funner, easier and more humane way to interact with your dog. Remember Ignore the Bad and Reward the Good or as I like to call it Keep it Simple Stupid!


CPDT-KA Deathe. Downward, Dog!



Why Does My Dog Jump Up?

How To Fix It (Keep It Simple Stupid)

Just Because The Solution Is Simple Does Not Make It Fast

Hand Feeding

Sit, Say Please!

The Turn-Around Game

Ignore The Bad, Reward The Good (15 Minute Ignore)

Tethers (Or Crates)

50 First Dates

My Warranty Statement

Manners Mean Less Dogs In Shelters


Отрывок из книги

This book is for all the folks who cringe when the doorbell rings, because they realize that the games are about to begin... Whether you have the dog who rushes the door barking like a maniac, or the dog who jumps up on every single guest that comes into your home. This book will give you simple and easy techniques to get the problem under control. It will even work if you are the only person that your dog jumps on!

It will take time and practice so if you are looking for a quick fix, I cannot help you. But if you put in the time and work with your pooch I promise that this is a problem that can and will get fixed, because you are going to make doing-the-right-thing more fun for Fido than all that other stuff that is driving you crazy.


Little dogs are notorious for the simultaneous bark (that sounds like they are going to eat you) and jumping up on their hind legs, resulting in scratching your bare legs, and/or ruining pantyhose; small Fido comes running up and jumps up on us, and we immediately push or swat him away. Without realizing it, you have just let the game begin!

Fido is thinking, "Awesome! Man do I have my human trained well... See how I got them to play this cool game?”


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