No B.S. Business Success In The New Economy

No B.S. Business Success In The New Economy
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Internationally recognized “millionaire-maker” Dan Kennedy leads business professionals into the post-recession economy and introduces them to the new rules, new restrictions, new obstacles, and new opportunities that lie ahead. Entrepreneurs are mentored on which current business truths and principles are still relevant, but more importantly, Kennedy offers completely new strategies, tactics, and applications to help them succeed in The New Economy. Following Kennedy’s advice, entrepreneurs can go forward into The New Economy more astutely, efficiently, productively, and confidently—earning themselves more money than they ever imagined possible! Kennedy covers: • The key decision required for success by The New Economy • The #1 Demand of New Economy Customers and how to meet it • Four power-positioning strategies for extreme marketplace advantage • Six mandatory entrepreneurial competencies for The New Economy • What The New Economy punishes most viciously and rewards most generously • How to avoid destruction by and instead profit from the “No Boundaries” New Economy • And More In this timely business guide, Kennedy reveals essential strategies, tactics, and business principles that every business owner will need to succeed in the tougher, more demanding New Economy.


Dan S Kennedy. No B.S. Business Success In The New Economy

A Matter of Personal Decision

Truths That Aren’t, That Hold You Back

WARNING: Your Entry Point to Entrepreneurship May Be a Handicap to Overcome

Why Trying Doesn’t Work

Keeping Faith with Your Commitments

ACCUSATION: You’re a Workaholic

PERCEPTION: You’re a Wild-Eyed Risk Taker, a Riverboat Gambler. Have You Lost Your Mind?

BIG LIE: The Price of Entrepreneurial Success Is Just Too Much to Pay

The Decision of Autonomy

Mental Toughness Required

Hey, That’s Not Fair!

Take a Trip Down Lonely Street

I’m an Overnight Success—After 30 Years

Even with Success, There Is Failure

What Ultimately Separates Entrepreneurial Winners from Losers?

The Good News

Ask Your Customers

Ask Your Counterparts and Competitors

Smart Direct-Mail Testing

“Steal” Already-Tested Direct-Marketing Strategies

Moving Ideas from One Business to Another

How to Be More “Creative”




Old Ads

Top Direct-Response Copywriters’ Work

What If Everybody Hates Your Idea?

Positioning Strategy #1: How to Describe What You Do to Attract the Customers You Want

Positioning Strategy #2: How to Price

Positioning Strategy #3: How to Make Your Image Work for You

Positioning Strategy #4: Self-Appointment

A Story of Positioning Success

Who Do You Think You Are?

How to Tell If You Are an Entrepreneur (or Not)

The Fortune-Building Secret of Total Customer Value

Networking, Strategic Alliances, and Joint Ventures

The Remarkable Value of a Duplicatable Model

Mastering the Six Entrepreneurial Competencies

Live Outside the Lines

At Least Avoid the Ultimate Marketing Sin

Breakthrough Strategy #1: Find a Market Niche and Exploit It

Breakthrough Strategy #2: Find a New Sales Media and Let It Make You Rich

E. Joseph Cossman’s Million-Dollar Secret

Breakthrough Strategy #3: Create a New Type of Guarantee and Confound Your Competition

Breakthrough Strategy #4: Deliver Exceptional Service and Earn Word-of-Mouth Advertising

Breakthrough Strategy #5: Get Professional Prowess on a Percentage

Breakthrough Strategy #6: Reasonable Investment

Changing Your Attitudes About Selling. Myth #1: Selling Is Just Fast Talking

Myth #2: Selling Sets Up a Win/Lose Situation

Myth #3: Sales Ability Is Hereditary

Myth #4: Selling Isn’t Important to Every Business

But When Can I Stop Selling?

Fully Embrace Your Role as Salesperson

The Two Most Important Sales You’ll Ever Make

How to Bridge the Confidence Chasm

Another Important Sale

Take Off Your Rose-Colored Glasses

If It’s Not Meant to Be ..

How to Choose Your Key People

The Worst Number in Any Business—and What to Do About It

How to Be Litigious without Buying Your Lawyer a Yacht

What to Do If You Are in a Fight

Your Turn Can Come

When You Must Really Use a Lawyer

Putting a Wall Around Your Castle and Alligators in the Moat

Strange Creatures, Accountants

Rear View Mirrors, Magnifying Glasses, and Binoculars

Who Can You Count On?

You Can’t Teach a Pig to Sing

Hire Slow, Fire Fast

Forget the Idea of Ownership Mentality

How Your Employees Sabotage Your Marketing

You Can Only Expect What You Inspect

Identify, Keep, Reward, and Motivate

Recent Discoveries About All Employees

The Decision to Make

Good People Can Make a Huge Difference

What Works for You Is What’s Right

The Five Keys to Multiplied Cash Flow. 1. How to Reduce and Control Expenses

2. How to Get Financing Leverage

3. How to Get Paid

4. Increase Cash Flow by Increasing Sales

5. How to Find or Invent a “Slack Adjuster”

Two Commonly Under-Utilized Means of Boosting Sales, Profits, and Cash Flow

The Ultimate MCF Tactic: “Pre-Pay”

Why Is Time Such a Problem?

Why “Do It Now” May Not Be the Best Advice

The Yes or No Test

What Now?

Refuse to Let Them Steal Your Time

Put a Stake Through the Heart of Every “Time Vampire” Who Comes Your Way

The Secret of Secrets of Getting Rich

Using Your Subconcious Mind

How to Be in the Right Place at the Right Time

Luck Is a Product of Universal Law, But It Needs Some Assistance

Some Practical Advice on Attracting Good Luck

Three Strategies forBIGIncome Even if Starting as aSmallBusiness Owner

Strategy #1: You want to develop and control an effective promotional platform, and think in terms of owning that, not just owning a business

Strategy #2: Think synergistically

Strategy #3: Give yourself something other than your business to promote

How to Get Rich by Accident

The New Mandate of The New Economy

The Antidote to Advertising

Don’t Let Your Business Own You

Getting Out of Your Own Way

How to Help Your Business Mature

How Does a System Work?

As Long as There’s a Pulse, There’s Hope

Forget “Kinder and Gentler”

Pull Together a Plan

Don’t Hide

Don’t Take It Personally

Direct Your Energy to Business Re-Invention






















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You Can’t Teach a Pig to Sing


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