Falling For The Cop

Falling For The Cop
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Описание книги

The first step is the hardest…Everything can change in an instant, police officer Shane Warner learns when he's shot in the line of duty. And his tough–pretty–physical therapist, Natalie Keaton, also knows it all too well. She wants to help Shane get better, but it's hard to see him as any different from the reckless cops who ruined her life. As they work to get him walking again, he's determined to change her opinion of him. If he can show her who he really is, his most important step will be the one that ends with Natalie in his arms.


Dana Nussio. Falling For The Cop



Отрывок из книги

The first step is the hardest...

Everything can change in an instant, police officer Shane Warner learns when he’s shot in the line of duty. And his tough—pretty—physical therapist, Natalie Keaton, also knows it all too well. She wants to help Shane get better, but it’s hard to see him as any different from the reckless cops who ruined her life. As they work to get him walking again, he’s determined to change her opinion of him. If he can show her who he really is, his most important step will be the one that ends with Natalie in his arms.


Shane closed his eyes and opened them again. Why was he looking at his physical therapist like some item on the menu? What did chasing after a beautiful woman have to do with him learning to walk again? No. Run. He needed to be able to sprint if he ever hoped to be approved for patrol. Besides, there wasn’t a chance that a woman like Natalie Keaton would actually look back at him now. What did he plan to do, sweep her off her feet with his wheelchair?

“Today, in addition to looking at range of motion and doing a manual-muscle test, we’re going to check sensation, coordination and balance,” she said without looking up from the form on her clipboard. “Regarding balance, we’ll look at seated and standing balance and static and dynamic.”


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