The Handy Supreme Court Answer Book

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David L Hudson. The Handy Supreme Court Answer Book
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CREATION OF THE COURT. How was the U.S. Supreme Court created?
Does Article III call for a chief justice?
Where was the Constitution itself created?
What is the structure of the Constitution?
When did the framers consider a separate judicial branch?
Under the Constitution, who appoints Supreme Court justices?
Which framer first proposed how justices would obtain their positions?
Were the framers in agreement on the creation of lower federal courts?
JUDICIAL REVIEW AND JUDICIAL INDEPENDENCE. Did the framers agree on the power of judicial review?
Does the Constitution explicitly give the power of judicial review to the judiciary?
What other provisions of the Constitution imply a power of judicial review on the part of the courts?
What was the leading framer James Madison’s opinion of judicial review?
What were some important precursors to Marbury v. Madison?
Who were the attorneys in Bayard v. Singleton?
What does Article III say about the tenure of federal judges?
Why did the Constitution give federal judges life tenure?
Can federal judges be impeached?
Have any federal judges been impeached?
What happened with the impeachment of Samuel Chase?
JUDICIARY ACT OF 1789 AND THE LOWER FEDERAL COURTS. Why is the Judiciary Act of 1789 so important?
Who was the principal author of the Judiciary Act of 1789?
What type of federal court system did Congress create in the Judiciary Act of 1789?
Who were the original federal district court judges in these thirteen districts?
What three additional federal district courts were created within two years of the Judiciary Act of 1789?
What part of the Judiciary Act of 1789 gives the Supreme Court the power to review state laws?
What was circuit duty?
When did Congress create separate judges for the circuit courts?
Which federal judges lost their jobs because of the Judiciary Act of 1802?
What law created the U.S. Courts of Appeals that exists today?
Who was William Evarts?
How does the system created by the Founding Fathers compare with the current federal court system?
How many judges on the Court of Appeals hear individual cases?
JURISDICTION. What is jurisdiction?
What types of jurisdiction does the U.S. Supreme Court have?
What is an example of the Court’s original jurisdiction?
APPOINTMENT, CONFIRMATION, AND QUALIFICATIONS. How are federal judges appointed to the federal bench?
What is the confirmation process?
What qualifications must a federal judge possess?
What is the role of the American Bar Association in the Supreme Court nomination/confirmation process?
When and how did the Court come to be composed of nine justices?
What is the compensation of the Supreme Court justices and other federal judges?
THE BUILDING. Where did the U.S. Supreme Court first meet?
In what other places did the U.S. Supreme Court meet?
When did the U.S. Supreme Court get its own building?
What is the nickname of the Supreme Court Building?
What famous case did John Frank argue before the Court?
Who was the architect of the new Supreme Court Building?
THE TERM. When does the U.S. Supreme Court meet?
When did the Court first begin its terms on the first Monday of October?
When did the Court originally begin its new terms?
Does the Court ever meet outside of its traditional term time?
PROCESSES. How is a case brought to the U.S. Supreme Court?
What determines if the U.S. Supreme Court will hear a case?
What is the importance of circuit splits?
What are circuit assignments?
What is the discuss list?
What is the rule of four?
Where do the justices decide whether to accept a case for review?
When the Court decides to hear a case, what happens next?
What is oral argument?
What types of attorneys argue cases before the U.S. Supreme Court?
When does the Court hear oral arguments?
After oral argument, when does the Court decide the case?
If the majority opinion becomes the law of the land, are concurring and dissenting opinions important?
Has the oral argument rule always provided for thirty minutes to each side?
What are amicus briefs?
PERSONNEL. Who is the reporter of the Supreme Court?
Who is the Clerk of the Court?
Who are law clerks?
What Supreme Court justice started the practice of hiring a law clerk?
What functions do law clerks serve?
Who are some of the more famous law clerks?
What is the Supreme Court Fellows Program?
Who is the marshal of the U.S. Supreme Court?
What is the Office of Legal Counsel?
What was the original oath that federal judges had to take?
STATE COURTS. What types of cases do state courts handle?
What is the structure of state court systems?
What determines whether a case is filed in federal or state court?
SUPREME COURT. FIRSTS AND BEGINNINGS. Who were the first six justices on the U.S. Supreme Court?
Which Supreme Court justices attended the Constitutional Convention of 1787 in Philadelphia?
When did the Supreme Court initially meet?
Who was the first law school student to go on to become a U.S. Supreme Court justice?
Which justice hired the first female law clerk?
Which justice hired the first African American law clerk?
CAREERS AWAY FROM THE COURT. How many Supreme Court justices were former state governors?
Which justices were former veterans?
Which U.S. Supreme Court justices served as federal appeals court judges on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit?
Which former justices were newspaper editors or reporters?
Which U.S. Supreme Court justices formerly served as U.S. attorney general?
Which U.S. Supreme Court justices formerly served as U.S. solicitor general?
What former justice was a practicing medical doctor?
Which chief justices were associate justices before their elevation to the top post?
Which U.S. Supreme Court justices were former Supreme Court clerks?
Which two U.S. Supreme Court justices never held a position of public office or official governmental position until their Supreme Court nominations?
Who is the only justice to have served both as a federal district court and a federal appeals court judge before his elevation to the U.S. Supreme Court?
FAMILY AFFAIRS. Which justice had the most marriages?
Which Supreme Court justice had the most siblings?
Which Supreme Court justice married a sixteen-year-old?
Which two justices married cousins?
Which justice married a childhood friend?
Which justice was tutored by Horatio Alger?
Which justice later became a brother-in-law to the author of the “Star-Spangled Banner”?
Which justice was a descendant of John Cotton, the great sixteenth-century Puritan theologian and author?
Which justice married a sister of first lady Dolley Madison?
Which justice had a twin?
Which U.S. Supreme Court justices were lifelong bachelors?
Which justice had the most children?
Which justice left nearly his entire estate to charities?
BIRTH, DEATH, AND TENURE. Which U.S. Supreme Court justices were not born in the United States?
In what four states have the most justices been born?
Which Supreme Court justices shared the same birthday?
Which two justices died on the same day?
Which justices lived to at least the age of 90?
Which justice did not live to see his fiftieth birthday?
How many justices have served at least thirty years on the Court?
Which U.S. Supreme Court justices served the shortest and longest terms on the bench respectively?
Who were the youngest justices upon nomination to the U.S. Supreme Court?
Who was the youngest chief justice?
Who was the oldest justice appointed to the Court?
HAIL TO THE CHIEF. Which presidents appointed the most justices to the U.S. Supreme Court?
Which presidents made no Supreme Court appointments?
Which president served two full terms and made only one appointment to the U.S. Supreme Court?
Which U.S. Supreme Court justice was former president of the United States?
What future U.S. president was offered a position on the U.S. Supreme Court?
Have any presidents nominated justices of another political party to the U.S. Supreme Court?
Which justices, who were recess appointments, actually served on the Court before the Senate voted on their confirmations?
Which two Supreme Court chief justices presided over trials involving impeached presidents?
EDUCATION. Which U.S. Supreme Court justice graduated from college at age 14?
Which justice was the first to graduate from a law school?
Which five U.S. Supreme Court justices served as law school deans?
Who is the only U.S. Supreme Court justice to teach law school while serving on the U.S. Supreme Court?
Which twentieth century U.S. Supreme Court justices never received a high school diploma?
Which justices who served entirely during the twentieth century never obtained a law degree?
Which justice left his high school after a fight?
Which future chief justices were expelled from college?
Which U.S. Supreme Court justices have law schools named after them?
SPORTS AND GAMES. Which Supreme Court justice was once known as “Whizzer”?
Which justice participated in both football and wrestling in high school?
What type of court is found in the Supreme Court Building?
What justice did former NBA great Charles Barkley visit in 2004?
Which U.S. Supreme Court justice is an expert bridge player?
MISCELLANEOUS TRIVIA. Who are the only Supreme Court justices to sign the Declaration of Independence?
Which justice tried to drown himself after the Senate failed to confirm his nomination for chief justice?
Which future Supreme Court justices met each other in a state court case?
Which justice killed a man in a duel?
Which former U.S. Supreme Court justice prosecuted alleged ax-murderer Lizzie Borden?
Which Supreme Court justices have been Catholic?
Which U.S. Supreme Court justices have been Jewish?
Who was the tallest U.S. Supreme Court justice?
Who was the shortest U.S. Supreme Court justice?
Which justice was disbarred twice?
Who is the only Supreme Court justice to play the role of a justice in a movie?
Which U.S. Supreme Court justice has made more than one singing appearance at the Washington Opera?
Which justice participated in a National Public Radio trivia quiz?
Who were the nation’s first three chief justices?
Which justices served on these first three courts?
What positions did Jay, Rutledge, and Ellsworth hold before serving as chief justice?
What position did President George Washington first offer to Jay?
Why did these chief justices leave the Court?
Who were the first six justices nominated for the U.S. Supreme Court?
How many of the first six justices had state court judicial experience?
Which justice had the most judicial experience?
What exactly was “riding circuit”?
What early court justice served on the court for only a little more than one year because of circuit riding?
What federal law is perhaps Ellsworth’s greatest achievement?
What other early Supreme Court justice participated in the writing of the Judiciary Act of 1789?
Which Supreme Court justices attended the Constitutional Convention of 1787 in Philadelphia to create the U.S. Constitution?
What famous documents did John Jay help write?
Which member of the early court served time in jail for his debts?
What early Supreme Court justice was related to President George Washington?
What was the initial salary of the Supreme Court justices?
When did the Supreme Court initially meet?
How many decisions did the U.S. Supreme Court make during its first three terms?
DECISIONS. What famous decision in the 1790s led to a constitutional amendment?
Who argued the case for Alexander Chisholm?
In what case did the Supreme Court define ex post facto laws?
In what decision did the Court address direct and indirect taxes?
What did the Court say about the power of the Court to strike down unconstitutional federal law?
In what case did the Court rule that Virginia law had to take a backseat to a treaty?
In Ware v. Hylton and Hylton v. United States, is Hylton the same person?
What famous person represented Hylton before the U.S. Supreme Court?
In what case did the justices decline to review pension benefits of soldiers?
Why is Hayburn’s Case important?
In what case did the U.S. Supreme Court assert jurisdiction over admiralty disputes involving captured ships?
Why is the captured ship decision important?
How many and which justices served on the Marshall Court?
What is noteworthy about the tenure of several of the Marshall Court justices?
What government positions did Marshall have before serving as chief justice?
Why is Marshall considered the greatest of the chief justices?
Whom did John Marshall believe should be chief justice?
What significant proposal did William Paterson make at the Constitutional Convention of 1787?
What member of the Marshall Court faced impeachment proceedings?
Over what impeachment trial did Marshall preside?
Whose attacks in the press caused Marshall to write anonymous replies under the name “A Friend of the Constitution?”
Which justice was considered the greatest scholar on the Marshall Court?
Which justice is often referred to as the “first great dissenter?”
Which justice’s bizarre behavior negatively impacted the Marshall Court at times?
Which Marshall Court justice was related by marriage to John Jay?
DECISIONS. In which case did Marshall proclaim that the Supreme Court has the power of judicial review?
What were the underlying facts of Marbury v. Madison?
What did the Court actually rule in Marbury v. Madison?
Whatever happened to William Marbury?
The Marshall Court upheld a federal bankruptcy law in what decision?
What are the historical coincidences associated with this case?
The Marshall Court struck down a state law for the first time in what decision?
What famous men represented Peck before the U.S. Supreme Court?
What famous man represented Fletcher in both arguments before the Court?
In what Contract Clause case did the U.S. Supreme Court rule in favor of a college?
What attorney argued the case for Dartmouth College?
The Supreme Court upheld the National Bank in what famous case?
What did Chief Justice Marshall say about the “Necessary and Proper” Clause of the Constitution?
How long were oral arguments in the McCullough case?
What famous lawyers argued the McCullough case?
In what two decisions involving the confiscation of Loyalist property did the Supreme Court establish its authority over state courts?
What exactly did the Virginia Supreme Court say about what it perceived to be the U.S. Supreme Court’s lack of jurisdiction?
How did Justice Story respond to this flagrant disregard to U.S. Supreme Court authority?
Why did Chief Justice Marshall not participate in Martin v. Hunter’s Lessee?
In what famous decision did Marshall broadly define Congress’s interstate commerce powers?
What was the impact of the Gibbons v. Ogden decision?
How personal was the conflict between Gibbons and Ogden?
What political positions did Ogden hold?
Besides both being involved in the steamboat business, what occupation did Gibbons and Odgen share?
What famous case involving the selling of lottery tickets established the power of federal courts to review state laws?
In what decision did the Marshall Court rule that the president has the ultimate authority to call out the militia and such orders cannot be reviewed by the judiciary?
In what decision did the Marshall Court rule that a state can release debtors from prison?
In what decision did the Marshall Court reject a federal common-law claim of seditious libel?
What Marshall Court decision did President Andrew Jackson openly defy?
What was the only major constitutional decision in which Chief Justice Marshall was on the dissenting side?
In what decision did the Marshall Court refuse to apply the Fifth Amendment protection of just compensation to the states?
Who was the attorney for the city of Baltimore?
How many and which justices served on the Taney Court?
What government positions did Chief Justice Taney hold before coming to the Court?
In what position did the Senate reject Taney?
What famous person was related to Taney?
Which justice on the Taney Court gave a copy of his dissenting opinion to a newspaper before official publication?
Which member of the Taney Court was a Quaker?
Which two former justices on the Taney Court returned to the Supreme Court several times to argue cases?
Which member of the Taney Court later joined the Confederate government?
Which justice on the Taney Court was disowned by his home state during the Civil War?
Which member of the Taney Court was a former high school teacher?
DECISIONS. In what infamous decision did the Supreme Court regard blacks as mere slaves?
Who was Dred Scott?
hy did many believe that Dred Scott had a valid claim?
How did the U.S. Supreme Court reject the Declaration of Independence’s “All men are created equal” principle for Scott?
What about the Missouri Compromise of 1820, which provided that there could be no slavery in many states?
Which two justices dissented in the Scott case?
Which justice was so upset by the Scott case that he resigned?
The Taney Court upheld the Fugitive Slave Act of 1793 in what decision?
In what decision did the Court rule that Ohio did not have to release a suspected criminal to Kentucky?
In what celebrated decision did the Taney Court affirm the release of Africans enslaved by Spaniards?
What was the ruling in The Amistad case?
What attorneys argued on behalf of the Amistads before the U.S. Supreme Court?
Who was the only justice to dissent in The Amistad case?
In what decision did the Taney Court uphold the Fugitive Slave Act of 1793?
In what decision did the Taney Court strike down a provision in a state constitution?
In what case did the Taney Court have to decide between two bridge-builders?
What was the significance of the bridge-builders decision?
Who were the attorneys who argued the case?
What other Taney Court decision involved the height of a bridge?
What happened to the bridge?
In what decision did the Taney Court say that a corporation has diversity jurisdiction?
What were the License Cases?
In what case did the Taney Court rule it could not review a military court decision?
What happened to Vallandigham after his banishment to the South?
In what famous case did the Court narrowly uphold the president’s power to order a blockade?
What were the captured ships involved in The Prize Cases?
Why was this case known as The Prize Cases?
In what decision did the Taney Court address the meaning of “due process of law”?
How many and which justices served on the Chase Court?
What government positions did Salmon Chase hold before becoming chief justice?
What views made Chase well-known before his elevation to the U.S. Supreme Court?
How long did it take for Chase to be confirmed as chief justice?
What case did attorney Chase argue before joining the Court?
What was most unusual in Supreme Court history about the number of justices on the Chase Court?
In what decision did the Chase Court say that a person suspected of treason could not be tried by a military court?
What were the violations of which Milligan was accused?
How did the Court rule in Ex Parte Milligan with regard to a president and habeas corpus?
What attorney in Ex Parte Milligan was a relative of a sitting Supreme Court justice?
The Chase Court invalidated loyalty oaths in what two decisions?
What famous attorney represented Father Cummings before the U.S. Supreme Court?
In what decision did the Chase Court rule that it could not stop the president from enforcing the Reconstruction Acts?
What was ironic about President Johnson’s battle with the state of Mississippi about the Reconstruction Acts?
In what decision did the Court allow Congress to take away the Court’s appellate jurisdiction?
Who was the defendant in Ex Parte McCardle?
In what decision did the Chase Court rule that Texas could recover securities sold by its confederate government when it seceded from the union?
In what two cases did the Chase Court change positions with respect to greenbacks?
How many and which justices served on the Waite Court?
What government positions did Morrison Waite hold before his elevation to the Supreme Court?
Was Waite President Grant’s first choice as chief justice?
Which members of the Waite Court served on the commission that ultimately selected the winner of the 1876 presidential election?
Why did the Waite Court hear so many Fourteenth Amendment cases?
RACIAL DISCRIMINATION/CIVIL RIGHTS. The Waite Court invalidated the Civil Rights Act of 1875 in what group of cases?
What were the collection of cases that collectively became known as the Civil Rights Cases?
What did the 1875 Civil Rights Act prohibit?
How did Congress justify the Civil Rights Act of 1875?
Why did the Court strike down the Civil Rights Act of 1875?
Who was the Court’s lone dissenter in the Civil Rights Cases?
What case arose after a massacre of African Americans in Louisiana?
Why did Cruikshank prevail before the U.S. Supreme Court?
The Waite Court convicted a man of violating federal law designed to ensure voting rights in what decision?
The Waite Court protected African American rights to serve on a jury in what famous decision?
In what decision did the Waite Court affirm the conviction of a judge who excluded blacks from juries?
In what decision involving laundries did the Waite Court establish important equal protection principles?
VOTING RIGHTS. The Waite Court rejected women’s rights to vote in what decision?
The Waite Court refused to enforce the Fifteenth Amendment in what decision?
COMMERCE. The Waite Court upheld state power to regulate private business in what famous decision?
Why did Justices Field and Strong dissent?
The Court invalidated a state antidiscrimination law based on the Commerce Clause in what decision?
CRIMINAL JUSTICE. In what decision did the Waite Court rule that state courts do not have to proceed with a grand jury indictment in murder cases?
What landmark privacy decision involved both the Fourth and Fifth Amendments?
In what decision did the Waite Court refuse to extend the Second Amendment right to bear arms to the states?
In what decision did the Waite Court rule that American federal courts could not assert jurisdiction over a Sioux Indian accused of murder?
In what decision did the Waite Court uphold a fornication law with increased penalties for interracial associations?
MISCELLANEOUS DECISIONS. What Waite Court decision rejected a First Amendment challenge to polygamy laws?
What Waite Court decision affirmed convictions for several Baltimore election judges?
In what decision did the Waite Court rule that a state can prohibit lotteries under its police powers?
In what decision did the Waite Court rule that Congress improperly interrogated a private citizen?
How many and which justices served on the Fuller Court?
What governmental positions did Melville Fuller hold before becoming chief justice?
Fuller participated actively in what famous campaign?
Was Fuller President Cleveland’s first choice?
Why was law not a surprising career for Melville Fuller?
Which two justices on the Fuller Court were related?
RACIAL DISCRIMINATION. The Fuller Court upheld the “separate but equal” doctrine in what infamous decision?
Who was the Court’s lone dissenter in Plessy v. Ferguson?
In what decision did the Fuller Court uphold a law that barred Chinese laborers who left the United States from returning?
The Fuller Court relaxed its stance toward Chinese persons born in America in what decision?
What distinction did the Court make between the Chinese Exclusions cases and the Wong Kim Ark case?
Which two justices dissented and ruled against Wong Kim Ark?
LABOR. In what famous, oft-criticized decision did the Fuller Court strike down a 10-hour workday for New York bakers?
Why was the Lochner decision criticized so much?
Which justices dissented in the Lochner case?
Who ironically switched sides in the controversy over limiting bakers’ hours?
The Court upheld a 10-hour limit for women workers in what decision?
What future Supreme Court justice represented the state in this case?
In what decision did the Court uphold a Utah law limiting the hours of miners?
In what decision did the Court strike down a federal law protecting railroad workers from being fired for union activity?
In what decision did the Fuller Court strike down a state statute regulating railway rates?
In what case involving a railroad company did the Court extend the Fifth Amendment protection of just compensation to the states?
What was the railway company’s underlying claim in the case and what “just compensation” did it receive?
In what decision did the Fuller Court find a Fourteenth Amendment right to make contracts?
In what decision did the Fuller Court rule that a state could ban the manufacture of alcohol?
In what Fuller Court decision did Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes advocate the “stream of commerce” theory?
In what decision did the Fuller Court rule that aliens can recover property in the United States?
What Fuller Court decision led to the adoption of a Constitutional Amendment dealing with taxation?
Why were there two decisions in Pollock?
In what decision did the Court uphold broad use of the taxing power as a regulatory measure?
What was the Lottery Case?
What was the Fuller Court’s first decision in which it applied the Sherman Antitrust Act?
In what case did the U.S. Supreme Court sanction the use of injunctions against striking railroad workers?
What famous attorney represented Eugene Debs?
What Fuller Court decision outlawed secondary boycotts by unions?
CRIMINAL JUSTICE. In what decision did the Fuller Court define the meaning of the “Cruel and Unusual Punishment Clause” in the Eighth Amendment?
In which case did the Fuller Court rule that death by electrocution was not cruel and unusual?
What is the origin of the word “electrocution”?
In what decision did the Fuller Court refuse to extend the Fifth Amendment privilege against self-incrimination to the states?
Who was the Court’s lone dissenter in the Twining case?
Is Twining still good law today?
What town was named after Twining?
What Fuller Court decision upheld a state criminal conviction with only eight jurors?
Who was the Court’s lone dissenter in the Maxwell case?
In what famous decision did the Fuller Court reject the equal protection claim of an African American defendant convicted by an all-white jury?
In what decision did the Fuller Court reverse the conviction of an African American defendant who alleged discrimination in the Texas grand jury system?
What decision gave broad Fifth Amendment protection to grand jury witnesses?
What bizarre case involved a U.S. marshal imprisoned for protecting a U.S. Supreme Court justice?
What did the U.S. Supreme Court rule in the Neagle case?
What is interesting about Neagle’s background?
What landmark decision on the Eleventh Amendment sanctioned the jailing of a state attorney general?
Why is the Ex Parte Young decision important?
In what decision did the Fuller Court uphold a contempt citation for a newspaper for publishing unfavorable cartoons?
How many and which justices served on the White Court?
What was unusual about Justice White becoming chief justice?
What government positions did White hold before becoming a Supreme Court justice?
What was noteworthy about White’s background?
Was White President Grover Cleveland’s first choice for the Supreme Court as an associate justice?
Why did President William Howard Taft select White as chief justice?
RACIAL DISCRIMINATION. In what decision did the White Court invalidate a state law that limited voting on Fifteenth Amendment grounds?
In what decision did the White Court strike down a residential segregation law?
CRIMINAL JUSTICE. In what decision later viewed as a miscarriage of justice did the White Court refuse to overrule a death-penalty conviction in Georgia?
Who dissented in the Frank case and what was their position?
Why was the Court’s Frank decision considered such a miscarriage of justice?
What was Leo Frank’s fate?
What surprising turn of events occurred in the 1980s with respect to the Frank case?
In what famous decision did the U.S. Supreme Court exclude evidence obtained without a warrant?
In what two decisions did the U.S. Supreme Court reverse the convictions of Samuel Gompers?
What famous politician represented Samuel Gompers before the U.S. Supreme Court?
LABOR. In what decision did the White Court strike down a federal child labor law?
In what decision did the Court uphold a ten-hour work day for mill and factory workers?
In what decision did the White Court outlaw the secondary boycott?
Which justices dissented in Duplex Printing?
What was the famous Standard Oil case?
What famous rule did the Court adopt in the Standard Oil case?
Why did Justice Harlan disagree with the “rule of reason” in his partial dissenting opinion?
What was unusual, by current norms, of the arguments before the Court in the Standard Oil case?
In what decision did the White Court uphold the power of the federal government to regulate rates of travel among railways?
In what decision did the Court uphold the military draft law?
In what decision did the White Court rule that Congress could set limitations for the ratification of constitutional amendments?
What ruling established that a state can choose its own capital city?
In what decision involving a treaty and migratory birds was the supremacy of treaties over state powers established?
In what decision did the White Court uphold a federal law limiting the shipment of alcohol across state lines?
FIRST AMENDMENT. In what famous First Amendment decision did Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes create the “clear and present danger test”?
What was Justice Holmes’s famous phrase from this case that involves fire in a theatre?
In what famous case were five Russians convicted of violating the Sedition Act?
Which two justices dissented in the Russian Sedition Act case?
Who were the Five Russians convicted in the Abrams case and what happened to them?
According to the U.S. Supreme Court, which presidential candidate violated the Espionage Act of 1917?
How many and which justices served on the Taft Court?
What offices did Taft hold before becoming chief justice?
Why was it not surprising that Taft became a judge?
What was unusual about Taft’s confirmation as chief justice?
When was Taft first offered a position as justice on the U.S. Supreme Court?
Why was Taft considered a great judicial administrator?
RACIAL DISCRIMINATION. What did the Taft Court rule with regard to a state law that mandated a white primary?
Who was L. A. Nixon?
Which attorney for L. A. Nixon shares his last name with a famous annual award for African Americans?
Why did the Taft Court refuse to invalidate a racially restrictive covenant?
Who were the parties in Corrigan v. Buckley?
CRIMINAL JUSTICE AND PROCEDURE. In what decision did the Taft Court invalidate death sentences because of a mob-like atmosphere during a trial?
In what famous decision did the Taft Court narrowly find no Fourth Amendment problem with wiretapping?
What justice issued a famous dissent questioning the majority’s narrow interpretation of the Fourth Amendment?
Did the U.S. Supreme Court ever overrule Olmstead?
In what prohibition case did the Taft Court refuse to find a double jeopardy violation?
In which case did the Taft Court create the automobile exception to the Fourth Amendment?
Federal juries generally must consist of twelve members according to what Taft Court decision?
In what case did the Taft Court uphold the sterilization of a woman?
What did the Taft Court rule with respect to municipal prohibition courts?
In what landmark decision did the Taft Court uphold the zoning power of cities?
What famous attorney represented the Village of Euclid?
In what decision did the Taft Court favor a restaurant over its ex-employees in a picketing dispute?
What was the position of the dissenting judges in the Truax Case?
EMPLOYMENT. In what decision did the Taft Court invalidate a minimum wage law?
What future U.S. Supreme Court justice argued before the Court in favor of the minimum wage law?
In what case did the Taft Court strike down a state law creating an arbitration court for employer disputes?
In what decision did the Taft Court invalidate a federal child labor tax law?
CONGRESSIONAL AND EXECUTIVE POWER. In what case did the Taft Court strike down a law that regulated congressional candidate spending?
Who was Newberry in Newberry v. United States?
In what decision did the Taft Court give broad powers to the executive branch to fire its own employees?
DUE PROCESS RIGHTS OF PARENTS. In what decision did the Taft Court protect the right of parents to choose their children’s schooling?
In what decision did the Taft Court prohibit states from outlawing the teaching of foreign languages?
FIRST AMENDMENT. In what decision did the Taft Court rule that the First Amendment Free Speech and Press clauses extended to the states?
Who was Benjamin Gitlow and how did the Court rule in his case?
Which two justices dissented in the Gitlow decision?
In what famous decision did the Taft Court uphold California’s criminal syndicalism law?
Which foundational First Amendment principle did Brandeis’s opinion articulate?
Which Supreme Court justice was related to Charlotte Anita Whitney?
After the verdict, what happened to Charlotte Anita Whitney?
How many and which justices served on the Hughes Court?
What offices did Charles Evans Hughes hold before becoming chief justice?
Why did Hughes resign from the Court as an associate justice in 1916?
Why did Hughes’s nomination for chief justice raise red flags to some?
How did Hughes’s position as chief justice affect his son’s job?
Why is it said there were two Hughes courts?
Which justice on the Hughes Court was nominated after the Senate rejected President Herbert Hoover’s first choice?
Why did President Herbert Hoover initially balk at the nomination of Benjamin Cardozo?
Why did Justice Hugo Black’s nomination create controversy?
What was unusual about Justice Black’s swearing-in as a justice?
CRIMINAL JUSTICE. What did the Hughes Court decide in the Scottsboro Boys cases?
Who were the nine Scottsboro Boys?
What happened to the Scottsboro Boys after the trial?
In what case did the Hughes Court first invalidate coerced confessions?
Who was the young prosecuting attorney who obtained a conviction of the three men in a Mississippi state trial court?
In what Florida case did the Hughes Court invalidate coerced confessions for a second time?
In what case did the Hughes Court invalidate a confession obtained by the Texas Rangers?
What happened to the defendant in White v. Texas?
When did the Hughes Court rule that federal, non-capital criminal defendants have the right to counsel?
What attorney in Johnson v. Zerbst later became a famous judge?
In what decision did the Court refuse to extend the right against double jeopardy to the states?
What happened to Frank Palko?
RACE AND EQUAL PROTECTION. In what Hughes Court case did the NAACP win its first major desegregation case in education?
What famous attorney represented Lloyd Gaines?
What happened to Lloyd Gaines after the trial?
In what decision did the Hughes Court strike down a state voter registration law as discriminatory?
In what decision did the Hughes Court uphold a poll tax?
How did the Hughes Court address Texas’s primary system, which limited African Americans from voting?
What famous footnote caused major changes in constitutional law?
COMMERCE AND LABOR. How did the Hughes Court change its position with respect to the constitutionality of minimum wage laws?
Which justice changed his vote from one minimum wage case to the other?
What was the “sick chicken” case and how did it affect the National Industrial Recovery Act?
In what decision did the Hughes Court invalidate the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1933?
In what famous decision did the Court uphold the National Labor Relations Act?
In what decisions did the Hughes Court uphold portions of the Social Security Act?
In what decision did the Hughes Court uphold a state law fixing milk prices?
PRESIDENTIAL POWER. How did the Hughes Court limit the power of a president to remove certain federal officials?
FIRST AMENDMENT. In what famous decision did the Hughes Court protect freedom of the press and prevent prior restraints on expression?
Did the U.S. Supreme Court say all prior restraints on publications were unconstitutional?
In what famous decision did the Hughes Court strike down a “red flag” law?
In what case did the Hughes Court protect the freedom of assembly of a communist?
In what decision did the Hughes Court invalidate the criminal conviction of an African American communist on First Amendment grounds?
Which dissenting justice emphasized Herndon’s race?
What Hughes Court decision laid the foundation for the public forum doctrine?
In what decision did the Hughes Court uphold a flag-salute law?
Who was the Court’s lone dissenter in the Gobitis decision?
What decision reversed the conviction of a phonograph-playing Jehovah’s Witness?
In what decision did the Hughes Court unanimously strike down a city licensing law applied to Jehovah’s Witnesses?
In what other Jehovah’s Witness case did the Hughes Court uphold a state statute requiring a license for parades or marches?
In what context did the Hughes Court rule that newspapers are not entitled to special exemptions from generally applicable laws?
In what decision did the Hughes Court strike down a tax on newspapers?
How many and which justices served on the Stone Court?
What was unusual about Harlan Fiske Stone’s elevation to chief justice?
What was Chief Justice Stone’s professional experience?
How did Stone die?
COMMERCE CLAUSE. What dispute involving a wheat farmer led to a major U.S. Supreme Court case over Congress’s Commerce Clause powers?
In what case did the Stone Court rule on the constitutional right to travel?
What case involving German saboteurs established the power of the president to order captured spies tried by military tribunals?
What was unusual about the Quirin case?
How did the Court in Quirin rule against positions taken by both the government and the saboteurs?
In what decision did the U.S. Supreme Court unanimously uphold exclusion and curfew orders imposed on Japanese citizens during wartime?
In which related decision did a divided U.S. Supreme Court uphold the internment of Japanese Americans?
Which justices dissented in the Korematsu case?
What did the Stone Court rule with respect to whether the Sixth Amendment right to assistance of counsel could be extended to the states?
How did the Stone Court rule with respect to criminal sterilization laws?
FIRST AMENDMENT. In what decision did the Stone Court create the fighting words exception to the First Amendment?
In what First Amendment decision did the U.S. Supreme Court overrule itself only three years later?
What was ironic about the date of the Court’s decision in the Barnette case?
Why did the U.S. Supreme Court overrule itself?
Which justices changed their votes in the two flag-salute cases?
In what decision did the Court declare that the First Amendment did not protect advertising?
Did the Stone Court allow a religious exemption to child labor laws for Jehovah’s Witnesses?
How did the Stone Court deal with licensing laws that imposed fees on those who distributed religious materials?
What caused the Court to shift course in the licensing fees on Jehovah’s Witnesses?
Did the Stone Court uphold a state law that made it a crime to urge people not to salute the flag?
Did the Stone Court reverse a criminal conviction for discrimination in the grand jury selection process?
What was the subject matter of the decision that Justice Stone announced when he fell ill?
How did the Stone Court address Texas’s white primary system?
On what grounds did the Stone Court invalidate a Virginia law requiring segregation of bus passengers?
How many and which justices served on the Vinson Court?
What was the professional background of Fred Vinson?
In what opinion did the Vinson Court limit executive branch authority to seize the nation’s steel mills?
In what famous capital case involving alleged spies did the Vinson Court deny relief?
Did the Vinson Court invalidate confessions obtained by extreme duress?
What type of police conduct did the Vinson Court say “shocks the conscience?”
Did the Vinson Court rule that the right against self-incrimination protected state court defendants?
Which justice argued for total incorporation of the federal Bill of Rights?
What did the Vinson Court rule with respect to the exclusionary rule in state courts?
Did the Vinson Court address the issue of segregation in public schools?
How did the Vinson Court rule with respect to restrictive covenants?
Do enemy aliens have a right to seek relief in U.S. federal courts?
FIRST AMENDMENT. In what decision did the Vinson Court uphold a federal law designed to charge members of the Communist Party with crimes?
Which two justices dissented in the Dennis case?
In what decision did the Vinson Court uphold a group libel law?
What did the Vinson Court rule with respect to the regulation of sound trucks?
In what case did the U.S. Supreme Court invalidate a breach-of-the-peace conviction on First Amendment grounds?
In what famous decision did the Vinson Court define the meaning of the Establishment Clause?
What did the Vinson Court say about released-time plans that allow religious education for public school students?
How many and which justices served on the Warren Court?
Which two justices served on the Supreme Court both before and after Earl Warren’s tenure as chief justice?
What prior experience did Earl Warren have before assuming the position of chief justice?
What was the historical irony of the Warren Court being the great liberal court?
Which justice resigned from the Warren Court because of his son?
Which member of the Warren Court played professional football?
What was the Warren Commission?
RACIAL DISCRIMINATION. What was Brown v. Board of Education?
What was Footnote 11 in the Brown case and why has it received so much attention?
What decision did Brown v. Board of Education overrule?
How was Earl Warren crucial to the Brown decision?
Who was “Brown” in Brown v. Board of Education?
Was there a second Brown decision?
What attorney in the Brown case later became a member of the Warren Court?
What law clerk memo about the Brown case would cause much controversy in later years?
What did the Court say about a county that closed its schools rather than desegregate?
How did the Warren Court respond to arguments that a state governor was not bound to obey its decision in Brown v. Board of Education?
Did the Warren Court issue other desegregation decisions outside of the school context?
What did the Warren Court rule with respect to interracial marriages?
Who were the plaintiffs in Loving v. Virginia?
How did the Warren Court uphold the Civil Rights Act of 1964?
What did the Warren Court rule with respect to the Thirteenth Amendment and private racial discrimination?
In what decision did the Warren Court uphold the Voting Rights Act of 1965?
What was unusual about the South Carolina v. Katzenbach decision?
Why is Baker v. Carr considered one of the most important decisions of the Warren Court?
Where does the principle “one person, one vote” come from in Supreme Court decisions?
CRIMINAL PROCEDURE AND CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS. How was the Warren Court instrumental in advancing the freedoms in the Bill of Rights?
What was the case that established that the ban on Cruel and Unusual Punishment Clause of the Eighth Amendment applied to the states?
What case involving a wartime deserter led to a landmark standard under the Eighth Amendment?
What did the Warren Court say with respect to “Miranda rights”?
Who was Miranda?
What happened to Miranda after the Supreme Court decision?
What did the Warren Court decree on the exclusionary rule?
Who was the defendant in Mapp v. Ohio and what other events brought her in the public eye?
How did the Warren Court expand the right to counsel in criminal cases?
What did the Court rule in Gideon v. Wainwright?
What happened to Clarence Earl Gideon after the Supreme Court’s decision?
What did the Warren Court rule about guilty pleas?
What did the Warren Court do with respect to jailhouse lawyers?
What did the Warren Court rule in the case of Sam Sheppard?
What happened to Sheppard after the Court’s decision?
What famous television show and movie were inspired by the Sheppard case?
What Warren Court decision became the leading search-and-seizure precedent dealing with privacy rights?
What Fourth Amendment standard emerged from the Court’s Katz decision?
How did the Warren Court increase the power of the police in street-level encounters?
What single justice objected to the Terry v. Ohio decision?
How did the Warren Court deal with alleged claims of discrimination in jury selection?
What did the Warren Court rule with respect to the constitutional rights of juvenile suspects?
What happened in the Gault juvenile case?
How did the Warren Court rule in criminal and constitutional cases involving communists?
PRIVACY. In what decision did the Warren Court recognize a general right to privacy?
Where did the Warren Court find this general right to privacy in the Bill of Rights?
Which two Warren Court justices dissented in Griswold v. Connecticut, finding no constitutional right to privacy?
Why is Griswold v. Connecticut considered such an important decision?
FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION. How did the Warren Court protect press freedoms?
What was the alleged defamation in New York Times v. Sullivan?
Why did the Court reverse the state court libel ruling?
Which justices would have gone even farther than the majority in protecting the press in Times v. Sullivan?
Why was the case so important for the civil rights movement?
How did the Warren Court extend the ruling of Times v. Sullivan?
What decisions regarding the freedom of association also arose out of the civil rights movement?
What Warren Court decisions involved freedom of assembly or petition during the civil rights movement?
What civil rights activist was a successful challenger in two separate cases?
Which civil rights activist successfully challenged a state legislature that sought to expel him for his critical speech?
How did the Warren Court deal with incitement?
What test did the Warren Court create to evaluate restrictions on conduct that has expressive and non-expressive elements?
What did the Warren Court rule with respect to burning the American flag?
How did Chief Justice Warren rule in the flag-burning case?
What did the Warren Court rule with respect to “true threats”?
How did the Warren Court deal with obscenity and the First Amendment?
Which justice wrote that he couldn’t define obscenity but “I know it when I see it”?
In what decision did the Warren Court protect the movie Lady Chatterleys Lover?
In what decision did the Court rule against a state motion picture censorship law for failing to provide prompt judicial review?
What decision prohibited imposing strict liability on booksellers for the contents of books?
How did the Warren Court justify limiting the First Amendment rights of broadcasters?
How did the Warren Court expand public employee First Amendment rights?
What did the Warren Court do for students’ First Amendment rights?
FREEDOM OF RELIGION. What did the Warren Court say about government-sponsored prayer in public schools?
Did the Supreme Court say the Bible could not be discussed in public schools?
Who was the Warren Court’s only justice to dissent in the school prayer decisions?
How did the Warren Court protect the free exercise of individuals’ religion rights?
What did the Warren Court say about Sunday closing laws?
What did the Warren Court rule about the evolution/creationism controversy?
What did the Warren Court rule with respect to the power of eminent domain?
What was Chief Justice Warren’s last opinion for the Court?
Which justices served on the Burger Court?
What was unique about changes on the Burger Court?
What technological advances occurred during the Burger Court era?
What were some of the administrative programs that were developed during the Burger Court era?
What was the prior legal experience for Warren Burger before ascending to the U.S. Supreme Court?
Upon retirement from the Court, what did Warren Burger do?
Which Burger Court justice faced an investigation that could have led to impeachment?
What book exposed some of the inner workings of the early Burger Court?
COURT DECISIONS. What did the Court decide in Roe v. Wade?
Who wrote the Court’s opinion in Roe v. Wade?
Which two justices dissented in Roe v. Wade?
Who were “Roe” and “Wade” in Roe v. Wade?
What was the Court’s other abortion case decided the same day as Roe v. Wade?
How did the Burger Court expand the reach of federal antidiscrimination law?
Did the Griggs decision speak to affirmative action or preferences for certain groups?
How did the Court explain what an employment discrimination plaintiff must prove to establish a violation of Title VII?
What happened in the McDonnell Douglas case?
Did the Burger Court rule that Title VII protected all races?
In what case did the Burger Court first consider the constitutionality of affirmative action?
Did the Court rule that an educational institution could not consider race in its admissions policy?
What was the vote breakdown in the Bakke case?
What happened to Allen Bakke?
What did the Burger Court rule with respect to busing in the desegregation of schools?
How did Milliken v. Bradley change the Court’s direction on school desegregation?
Did the Burger Court hold that education was a fundamental right?
How did the Court rule with respect to illegal aliens and public school education?
How did the Burger Court decide whether the IRS could deny tax-exempt status for schools and universities that discriminate on the basis of race?
Who was the lone dissenter in the Bob Jones University decision?
How did the Burger Court rule with respect to gender discrimination?
What standard of review did the Burger Court eventually adopt for gender-based classifications?
In what decision did the Court uphold a state sodomy law?
CRIMINAL LAW AND PROCEDURE. How did the Burger Court rule on the constitutionality of the death penalty?
When did the Supreme Court rule the death penalty constitutional again?
What is the exclusionary rule and how did the Burger Court limit it?
How did the Burger Court give police more discretion in the use of confidential informant information?
How did the Burger Court limit the Warren Court’s Miranda decision?
In what decision did the Burger Court allow individuals to sue police officers for violations of constitutional rights?
In what decision did the U.S. Supreme Court expand the rights of criminal defendants to a jury process free from discrimination?
What test is applied by a court if a criminal defendant asserts a Batson claim?
Did the Burger Court invalidate state laws providing for less than twelve jurors in criminal cases?
FIRST AMENDMENT. What were the major First Amendment cases of the Burger Court?
What did the Court rule in the “Pentagon Papers” case?
What exactly were the Pentagon Papers?
How did the newspapers acquire a copy of the Pentagon Papers?
What happened to Daniel Ellsberg?
What did the Burger Court do with respect to commercial speech?
What happened in the Court’s first attorney advertising case?
What did the Burger Court rule with respect to reporters’ privilege to withhold confidential sources?
Why have lower courts struggled with determining the meaning of the Branzburg case?
Did the majority rule that there were any limits on grand jury investigations into a reporter’s sources?
Who were the actual reporters in the Branzburg case?
What did the Court rule with respect to gag orders on the press?
What alternatives did the Court say that trial judges must consider before issuing a gag order on the press?
What happened to Edwin Charles Simants, the alleged murderer in the case?
How did the Burger Court deal with obscenity law?
How did the Miller test for obscenity differ from prior Warren Court definitions of obscenity?
Who was Miller in Miller v. California?
Which Supreme Court justice changed his mind on the obscenity question?
What famous movie became the subject of a U.S. Supreme Court obscenity case?
What famous comedian’s case formed the basis for an important U.S. Supreme Court case on indecency?
How did the Burger Court rule on a moment of silence law in public schools?
Which of the three dissenters in Wallace v. Jaffree criticized the Court’s entire Establishment Clause jurisprudence since 1947?
How did the Burger Court decide the famous case dealing with President Richard Nixon’s claims of executive privilege?
Which justice did not participate in United States v. Nixon and why?
What immediate effect of great political import did the Court’s decision have?
In what case did the Burger Court strike down the legislative veto?
What provisions of the Constitution did Chief Justice Burger rely on to find a separation of powers problem?
What was the effect of the Chadha decision?
In what federalism decisions involving the Tenth Amendment did the Burger Court switch sides?
Which Burger Court decision led to a Constitutional Amendment?
RIGHTS OF STUDENTS. Do public school students have due-process rights?
Do public school officials need probable cause before searching a student?
How many and which justices served on the Rehnquist Court?
What is noteworthy about the tenure of the final Rehnquist Court justices?
Who was scheduled to become the fifteenth justice to serve on the Rehnquist Court?
When did William Rehnquist become chief justice?
Why was his confirmation vote so contentious?
Which Rehnquist Court justice had the closest confirmation vote?
How was Rehnquist viewed as a chief justice?
What were some of the hallmarks of the Rehnquist Court?
Who was the only member of the Rehnquist Court to never have any prior judicial experience before becoming a member of the Court?
Which two justices were law school classmates?
FIRST AMENDMENT. What did the Rehnquist Court rule with respect to the burning of the American flag as a First Amendment right?
How did the Rehnquist Court treat restrictions on commercial speech?
How did the Rehnquist Court deal with regulations on Internet pornography?
How did the Rehnquist Court deal with the First Amendment rights of minor students?
Can a state pass a law criminalizing cross burning?
What were some of the key First Amendment Freedom of Expression decisions of the Rehnquist Court?
FREEDOM OF RELIGION. How did the Rehnquist Court deal with the issue of school prayer?
Can the Ten Commandments be posted on government property?
How did the Rehnquist Court rule on the issue of teaching evolution in public schools?
Did the U.S. Supreme Court strike down the Pledge of Allegiance in public schools?
What did the Rehnquist Court say with respect to Bible clubs in public schools?
Did the Rehnquist Court rule on the constitutionality of a school voucher program?
Did the Rehnquist Court change Free Exercise Clause jurisprudence?
How did Congress and the Court disagree over the Free Exercise Clause?
CRIMINAL JUSTICE. How did the Rehnquist Court treat the exclusionary rule?
Can the police search garbage bags in front of a house without a warrant?
Is it an unreasonable search when officers hover in a helicopter 400 feet above a home and observe illegal activity?
What did the Rehnquist Court say about the use of thermal imagers?
How did the Rehnquist Court rule on the constitutionality of roadblocks?
Can government officials drug-test pregnant women in efforts to reduce crack babies?
Must police officers knock and announce their presence before entering a suspect’s home?
Do social guests enjoy Fourth Amendment protection from police searches?
Can school officials drug-test students?
What did the Rehnquist Court say about Miranda rights?
Did the Rehnquist Court expand limitations on the use of peremptory challenges?
MISCELLANEOUS. What was the position of the Rehnquist Court on the death penalty?
What did the Court decide with respect to criminal three-strikes laws?
Did the Rehnquist Court address constitutional issues related to sexual predators?
Did the Rehnquist Court overrule Roe v. Wade?
How did the Rehnquist Court deal with affirmative action?
Did the Rehnquist Court find there to be a constitutional right to die?
Do detained “enemy combatants” have constitutional rights and access to the U.S. court system?
How did the Rehnquist Court rule in the area of sexual harassment in employment?
How did the Rehnquist Court deal with the Americans with Disabilities Act?
Did the Rehnquist Court rule on the constitutionality of anti-sodomy laws?
Did the Rehnquist Court in Lawrence v. Texas indicate how it would rule on the issue of same-sex marriage?
How did the Court rule on male-only military educational institutions?
How did the Rehnquist Court deal with the issue of punitive damages?
FEDERALISM. Did the Rehnquist Court strike down laws that it believed exceeded Congress’s power under the Commerce Clause?
How did the Rehnquist Court rule with regard to civil rights laws and state sovereign immunity?
Did Congress exceed its powers when it passed a law banning controlled substances such as marijuana?
What did the U.S. Supreme Court decide in the 2000 presidential election case?
Can a sitting president be subjected to a civil lawsuit?
What was the Court’s controversial eminent domain ruling in 2005?
How many and which justices have served on the Roberts Court?
What official positions did John Roberts hold before becoming the nation’s seventeenth chief justice?
For what Supreme Court position was Roberts first nominated?
Who was the first new justice to join the Roberts Court after the chief?
What were the confirmation votes of Chief Justice Roberts and Justice Alito?
Who are the conservative and liberal justices on the current Roberts Court?
What was the political affiliation of the presidents who appointed the current Roberts Court?
What were the prior occupations of the current justices before they ascended to the High Court?
What common thread links all current members of the Roberts Court?
Which of the current members of the Roberts Court taught in law school?
Which justice is a former Rhodes Scholar?
Which justices earned their law degrees from Harvard?
DECISIONS. In what decision did Chief Justice Roberts write his first opinion for the Court?
In what decision did Justice Samuel Alito write his first opinion?
In what decision did the Roberts Court invalidate the president’s creation of military commissions in the War on Terror?
Who is Hamdan?
Why did Chief Justice Roberts not participate in the Hamdan case?
In what decision did the Roberts Court uphold a state’s assisted-suicide law?
How did the Roberts Court change the law of public employee free-speech rights?
What did the Roberts Court rule with respect to religious usage of hallucinogenic tea?
In what decision did the Roberts Court consider a claim by a famous celebrity involving wills and estates?
In what search and seizure case did the Roberts Court invalidate a warrantless search because the husband denied consent?
Why did the majority rule that the police violated Scott Randolph’s Fourth Amendment rights?
Why did Chief Justice Roberts dissent in the Randolph case?
In what decision did the Roberts Court narrow the exclusionary rule?
In what decision did the Court explain what statements are “testimonial” subject to a criminal defendant’s Confrontation Clause rights?
Who was the Court’s lone dissenter in the Hammon case?
In what decision did the Roberts Court examine a large punitive damage award imposed on a tobacco company?
How did the Roberts Court rule with respect to partial-birth abortion?
Did the Roberts Court rule on global warming?
In what decision did the Roberts Court examine the message “Bong Hits 4 Jesus”?
What justice in his concurring opinion believed public secondary school students have no First Amendment rights?
What famous attorney argued the case before the Supreme Court on behalf of the principal and the school officials?
Chief Justice John Roberts Jr. recently had a seizure from which he fortunately recovered, but what happens when a justice becomes incapacitated?
Justices of the U.S. Supreme Court
The Constitution of the United States
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David L. Hudson Jr. is an attorney-author who works as First Amendment Scholar for the First Amendment Center at Vanderbilt University. He writes regularly on the Supreme Court, as a contributing editor to the American Bar Association’s Preview of U.S. Supreme Court Cases. He also teaches several classes at the Nashville School of Law, an introduction to law class at Middle Tennessee State University, and a First Amendment class at Vanderbilt Law School. He is the author of more than 16 books, including The Rehnquist Court: Understanding Its Impact and Legacy (Praeger, 2006). He is a graduate of Duke University and Vanderbilt Law School.
Chuck Williams, Tony Mauro, my wife, and my parents
“And be it further enacted, That a final judgment or decree in any suit, in the highest court of law or equity of a State in which a decision in the suit could be had, where is drawn in question the validity of a treaty or statute of, or an authority exercised under the United States, and the decision is against their validity; or where is drawn in question the validity of a statute of, or an authority exercised under any State, on the ground of their being repugnant to the constitution, treaties or laws of the United States, and the decision is in favour of such their validity, or where is drawn in question the construction of any clause of the constitution, or of a treaty, or statute of, or commission held under the United States, and the decision is against the title, right, privilege or exemption specially set up or claimed by either party, under such clause of the said Constitution, treaty, statute or commission, may be re-examined and reversed or affirmed in the Supreme Court of the United States upon a writ of error….”
Congress established sixteen judgeships in six circuit courts in the Judiciary Act of 1801. The first five circuits would receive three judges each, while a single judge would man the Sixth Circuit. The outgoing administration of Federalist president John Adams wanted to strengthen the federal judicial system, particularly before the Democratic-Republican administration of incoming president Thomas Jefferson and a new Congress dominated by Jefferson’s party took office. The Democratic-Republicans repealed the Judiciary Act of 1801 in the Judiciary Act of 1802. This new law kept the structure of the six circuits but abolished the separate judgeships.