Spatial Impacts of Climate Change
![Spatial Impacts of Climate Change](/img/big/02/02/06/2020652.jpg)
Реклама. ООО «ЛитРес», ИНН: 7719571260.
Denis Mercier. Spatial Impacts of Climate Change
Table of Contents
List of Illustrations
List of Tables
Spatial Impacts of Climate Change
Introduction. Spatial Impacts of Climate Change: Multi-scale Issues
I.1. The impact of contemporary climate change on forest fires in Australia in 2019-2020: a systemic approach
I.2. The impacts of contemporary climate change: a multi-scalar approach
I.3. References
1. Climate Change at Different Temporal and Spatial Scales
1.1. Contemporary global climate change
1.2. Contemporary Arctic-wide climate change
1.3. Future global climate change
1.4. Future Arctic-wide climate change
1.5. The causes of climate change. 1.5.1. Solar radiation
1.5.2. Anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions
1.5.3. Volcanism
1.5.4. Albedo and the radiation balance
1.6. Conclusion
1.7. References
2. Climate Change and the Melting Cryosphere
2.1. Introduction
2.2. The sensitivity of the cryosphere to climate change
2.3. Melting of the marine cryosphere. 2.3.1. The melting of the Arctic sea ice
2.3.2. Antarctic sea ice
2.4. Melting of the Earth's cryosphere. 2.4.1. Melting ice sheets. The melting of Greenland The melting of the Antarctic
2.4.2. The melting of mountain glaciers
2.4.3. Decreasing permafrost
2.4.4. Melting snow
2.5. Consequences of the melting cryosphere. 2.5.1. On a global scale: rising sea levels
2.6. Conclusion
2.7. References
3. Between Warming and Globalization: Rethinking the Arctic at the Heart of a Stakes System
3.1. Spatial impacts of climate change in the Arctic
3.1.1. Clarifying the terms of the subject in their polar contexts The notion of “impact”: standards and modeling Polar space, a multidimensional and dynamic geographical object Boreal spatiality and “nordicity”, a fundamental re-interpretation of northern and Arctic regional identities Climate change and polar weather, the past and the revolution
3.2. The manufacture of polar issues, between global warming and globalization
3.2.1. Warming and space production, a decade of confusion off the Arctic coasts
3.2.2. Three interacting contexts
3.3. The production of polar doctrines: rhetoric and frameworks for action
3.3.1. Factors of convergence and consensus
3.3.2. The strategic dimensions of Arctic policies, the complex issue of polar militarization
3.4. Geography of a new system of stakeholder relations in the Arctic
3.5. Conclusion: polar metamorphisms
3.6. References
4. Coastlines with Increased Vulnerability to Sea-level Rise
4.1. Introduction
4.2. Coastlines under the influence of sea-level rise. 4.2.1. The pressures of climate change on coastlines. Sea-level rise Impact of climate change on tropical- and extra-tropical cyclones
4.2.2. Consequences of sea-level rise on coastlines. Temporary and permanent submergence of low-lying coasts Coastline erosion and retreat
4.3. Increasingly attractive coastlines for societies. 4.3.1. The coastalization process
4.3.2. A densification of activities on the coastlines
4.3.3. A closer approach to the sea
4.4. Towards the necessary adaptation of coastal areas. 4.4.1. The coastline, an area at risk
4.4.2. Possible coping strategies
4.4.3. The example of the Netherlands Actions for hazard reduction Action on issues/follow-up Actions on vulnerability reduction
4.5. Which coastline for tomorrow?
4.6. References
5. The Consequences of Climate Change on the Paraglacial Sedimentary Cascade
5.1. The paraglacial sedimentary cascade: elements of definition. 5.1.1. General principles of the concept of a paraglacial sedimentary cascade
5.1.2. Paraglacial spatial boundaries
5.2. Sediment inputs to the paraglacial sedimentary cascade
5.2.1. Landslides
5.2.2. Remobilization of slope deposits Runoff, gullying and debris flows Paraglacial alluvial cones
5.3. Sediment fluxes within the paraglacial sedimentary cascade
5.3.1. The evolution of ice margins on a decadal scale
5.3.2. Paraglacial fluvial metamorphoses on a secular scale
5.4. Sedimentary stocks or the end of the paraglacial sedimentary cascade. 5.4.1. Temporary storage areas on a secular scale
5.4.2. Interglacial-scale temporary storage areas
5.4.3. Final storage areas
5.5. Conclusion
5.6. References
6. Spatial Impacts of Climate Change on Periglacial Environments
6.1. Introduction
6.1.1. Definition of periglacial
6.1.2. Present and past spatial extent of periglacial environments
6.2. Melting permafrost and paraperiglacial geomorphological crises. 6.2.1. Definition of paraperiglacial
6.1.3. Paraperiglacial processes and forms
6.3. Periglacial coastal environments in high latitudes in the face of climate change
6.4. Periglacial environments at high altitudes in the face of climate change
6.1.4. Gravity dynamics and permafrost wall degradation
6.1.5. Gravity dynamics and permafrost degradation in loose formations
6.1.6. The impact of global warming on high-mountain practices
6.5. Conclusion
6.6. References
7. The Impacts of Climate Change on the Hydrological Dynamics of High Latitude Periglacial Environments
7.1. Periglacial regions strongly affected by recent climate change
7.1.1. Much warmer winters
7.1.2. Permafrost and its sensitivity to air temperatures
7.2. The influence of permafrost on hydrological functioning
7.2.1. Numerous wetlands in periglacial environments
7.2.2. The knock-on effects of climate change on slope hydrology
7.3. The response of Arctic fluvial hydrosystems to ongoing climate change
7.3.1. River ice
7.3.2. Increasing winter low water levels
7.3.3. Spring flooding and breakup
7.3.4. The rapid evolution of water discharge
7.4. Conclusion
7.5. References
8. The Impacts of Climate Change on Watercourses in Temperate Environments
8.1. What is at stake? 8.1.1. Spatial dynamics of climate zoning and river regimes
8.1.2. Watercourses: resource, vector and living environment
8.1.3. The (dis)equilibrium between precipitation, evapotranspiration and flow in temperate environments
8.1.4. The study of past climate impacts
8.1.5. The study of future climate impacts
8.1.6. Summary Scientific evaluation of modeling tools
8.2. Hydrological changes already “observable” 8.2.1. The case of metropolitan France. Multi-decadal fluctuations Attribution of these changes
8.2.2. Continental trends: Western Europe. Changes detected Link to climate change
8.3. Hydrological projections. 8.3.1. For French rivers
8.3.2. For continental Europe
8.4. Conclusion
8.5. References
9. Spatial Impacts of Melting Central Asian Glaciers:Towards a “Water War”?
9.1. Societies and economies dependent on the cryosphere. 9.1.1. The possibility of water scarcity and “water war”?
9.1.2. “Water tower” mountains for arid depressions
9.1.3. Tensions between riparian and rival states
9.2. The impact of climate change on water resources. 9.2.1. Recession of the cryosphere
9.2.2. The consequences of cryosphere retreat on hydrology
9.2.3. Human societies facing the challenge of climate change
9.3. Conclusion
9.4. References
10. Spatial Impact of Climate Change on Winter Droughts in the Mediterranean and Consequences on Agriculture
10.1. Climate variability and change in the Mediterranean basin
10.2. Droughts during rainy seasons. 10.2.1. Rainfall drought: the absence of rain in time and space
10.3. Rainfall droughts in the Mediterranean: impacts on Spanish agrosystems
10.4. Rainfall droughts in the Mediterranean: projections for the future
10.5. Conclusion
10.6. References
11. The Spatial Impacts of Climate Change on Viticulture Around the World
11.1. Introduction
11.2. Recent climatic trends in the world's wine-growing regions
11.3. Climate zoning in viticulture
Box 11.1. Main bioclimatic indices used in viticulture
11.4. Impact of climate change: anticipating changes in the spatial distribution of vines
11.4.1. Towards climate change modeling in wine-growing regions
Box 11.2. Global and regional climate models
11.4.2. The need to take into account local factors
11.5. Conclusion
11.6. References
12. Climate Change in the Amazon:A Multi-scalar Approach
12.1. Introduction
12.2. The Amazonian climate system. 12.2.1. Heat, humidity and regional diversity
12.2.2. Radiation balance and general circulation
12.2.3. The forest-climate interaction issue
12.3. A changing system: deforestation, warming and drying? 12.3.1. Pioneering dynamics: rise and (provisory?) decline
12.3.2. Increase in temperature and decrease in rainfall
12.3.3. The dynamics of the start and end dates of the rainy season
12.3.4. Local effects of land-use changes
12.4. Uncertainties of future changes, perceptions and adaptations. 12.4.1. Savanization and tipping points
12.4.2. An overall impact which is certain, but which remains to be specified
12.4.3. Perceptions and adaptations by local populations
12.5. Conclusion: a stake in the global negotiations
12.6. References
13. The Impacts of Climate Change on the Distribution of Biomes
13.1. Biomes, a representation of life on a global scale
13.1.1. The biome, an indicator of climatic context: what are the realities?
13.1.2. From the roots of a globalizing concept to the emergence of an operational scale
13.2. Structural and functional impacts of climate change on terrestrial biomes
13.2.1. From bioclimatic bathing to modification of ecological processes
13.2.2. Identifying changes: from global diagnosis to biological responses
13.3. Spatializing change: biome modeling
13.3.1. Observed and projected global impacts
13.3.2. Observed and projected impacts for the Arctic region
13.4. Conclusion
13.5. References
14. Spatial Impacts of Climate Change on Birds
14.1. Introduction
14.2. Contemporary distributional changes
14.2.1. Latitudinal shifts
14.2.2. Altitudinal shifts
14.2.3. Spatial manifestations of range changes
14.3. Different responses for different species
14.3.1. Dispersion capabilities
14.3.2. Reproductive capacity
14.3.3. Generalist nature
14.4. Conservation implications. 14.4.1. Ecological consequences
14.4.2. Conservation measures
14.5. Conclusion
14.6. References
List of Authors
Index. A
J, K, L
O, P
U, V
W, Y
Отрывок из книги
Geography and Demography, Field Director – Denise Pumain
Thus, whatever the spatial scales used here, contemporary climate change is illustrated by an increase in temperatures and an associated increase in precipitation.
Ribes, A., Terray, L. (2015). Le climat du dernier millénaire. La Météorologie, 88, 36-47.