Читать книгу Lonely Samurai: Attack on Egypt - Денис Тимуш - Страница 1

Chapter 1


Main characters:

Laurent-son of Maury


Tezuba the Antagonist

Iron – Mori's best friend

Rockfold Grandpa Mori

A few years later, after Mori defeated Kuandza and the Cauza clan, a lot has changed.

Mori had a son named Laurent, his father taught him everything he knew himself. Soon, when his son turned 15, Mori decided to give him his father's katana.

Laurent! Called Mori.

– I'm coming, dad.

Son, first I want to wish you a Happy Birthday.


⁃ That's not all, I wanted to talk to you. Since you are already studying in the senior group and help me to fight off raider attacks, I would like to give you something.

–Dad, thanks a lot.

Maury and Laurent go to their father's room.

–A long time ago, back in your return, I really wanted to become a Samurai and once, I knew that my father was a Samurai. I inherited this katana from my father, for my birthday and I want to give it to you. This katana was made of a very durable metal, yet very lightweight.

⁃ Thank you very much, I am glad for your gift.

⁃ This thing is very dear to me, I hope it will be as dear to you, my son.

⁃ Dad, when can I find out the secrets of the clan?

⁃ All in good time, son, to find out the secrets you need to become at least a General, and this is oh what a difficult task

⁃ I will prove to you that I can achieve this title.

⁃ I believe my son, I believe.

Lonely Samurai: Attack on Egypt

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