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This book is about one thing really. How to get published by creating your first e-book – that's it. It is not about how to become a better writer or how to find inspiration. I have never written or published a book before and am doing so purely off of a 32 second video from Tik Tok. I am going to follow the simple instructions and see if it is possible to do so. The video suggests you can do it in less than 10 minutes but, I am not taking time into consideration right now.

I haven't pre-written anything. I am literally writing this in real time, sharing my experience along the way. My only hope really is to become a published author. And, to inspire others who are not writers or authors to take the first step and just get published. Content be damned!

I actually considered just writing a few words on each page but, have opted to just write down whatever comes out. Whatever seems relevant for the time. So, I will give you just the smallest bit of back story.

Who am I? Well…no one special really. I am a person, just like you. I have done some really cool and amazing things in my life and I have also failed at many things. I am in my mid 40's and am in the midst of changing careers. I have a mentor who has pushed me to write, document, and share with my social media audience in order to gain more ‘social proof’. I do not enjoy the writing at all (I am more comfortable with creating videos) but know that it is necessary to advance me from where I am to where I want to be.

The assignment we are working on currently is writing a book. I think that I could write a book…I mean, I have plenty of opinions, thoughts and ideas to share. Whether they are valuable to others is another story.

In any event, my thinking is…if I can just get published, perhaps that will open up more pathways for me to actually write and publish a book of my own. Until that time, just getting published is on the menu for today.

Just Get Published

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