The Freedom of Science

Реклама. ООО «ЛитРес», ИНН: 7719571260.
Donat Josef. The Freedom of Science
Author's Preface To The English Edition
Translator's Note
First Section. The Freedom of Science and its Philosophical Basis
Chapter I. Science And Freedom
Chapter II. Two Views Of The World And Their Freedom
The Christian View of the World and its Freedom
The Modern Idea of Freedom
The Humanitarian View of the World
The Autonomous Man
The Period of Man's Emancipation
Chapter III. Subjectivism And Its Freedom
Objectivism and Subjectivism
The Autonomy of Reason
The Modern Separation of Knowledge and Faith
Relative Truth
Second Section. Freedom of Research and Faith
Chapter I. Research And Faith In General
What Faith is Not
What Faith Is
Faith and Reason
Chapter II. The Authority Of Faith And The Free Exercise Of Research
Preliminary Remarks
1. Authority of Faith and Private Authority
2. Science Retains its Method of Research
3. Restraint Only in the Province of Revelation
4. Infallible and Non-Infallible Teachings
Obedience of Faith and Freedom of Action
Obedience of Faith and Injury to Science
Chapter III. Unprepossession Of Research
What It Is
Unprepossession and Religious Conviction
The Duty to Believe and Scientific Demonstration
What Unprepossession is Not
An Erroneous Supposition
Chapter IV. Accusations And Objections
The Enemy of Progress
The Testimony of History
A False Progress
The Syllabus
The Condemnation of Modernism
The Index
Galileo, and Other Topics
Comments on the Galileo Case
Copernicus on the Index till 1835
Chapter V. The Witnesses of the Incompatibility Of Science And Faith
The Objection
The Old Masters
Modern Times
Mature Science Respects Faith
Third Section. The Liberal Freedom of Research
The Yoke of the Sun
Chapter I. Free From The Yoke Of The Supernatural
Ignoramus, We Ignore
The Principle of Exclusive Natural Causation
“I Know not Jesus Christ, His Only Begotten Son, Our Lord.”
The Truth is not in Them
Chapter II. The Unscientific Method
False Reasoning
Without Knowledge of the Human Nature
Mental Bondage
Without Earnestness
Without Reverence
Chapter III. The Bitter Fruit
The Vocation of Science
Are We Still Christians?
Reduced to Beggary
Despairing of Truth
In All Directions of the Compass
Without Peace and without Joy
A Rock in the Waters
Fourth Section. Freedom of Teaching
Preliminary Conceptions and Distinctions
Chapter I. Freedom Of Teaching And Ethics
Freedom of Teaching is Necessary
A Twofold Freedom of Teaching and Its Presumption
Unlimited Freedom in Teaching not Demanded
1. Not by Veracity
2. Not the Duty of Science
3. No Innate Right
Unrestricted Freedom of Teaching Inadmissible
“Every One to Form His Own Judgment”?
“Knowledge does no Harm”?
“The Vehicle of Truth.”
Serious Charges
Tell Me with Whom Thou Goest
The Responsibility before History
Chapter II. Freedom Of Teaching And The State
Universities as State Institutions
The Object of the State
Protection for the Spiritual Foundations of Life
Protection for Christianity
Restriction of Right
The Freedom of Teaching in History
Freedom of Teaching and Party Rule
Free Universities
The Church and the Universities
Fifth Section. Theology
Chapter I. Theology And Science
Theology as a Science
Theology and Progress
Theology and Freedom of Science
Ecclesiastical Supervision of Teaching
The Oath Against Modernism
Bonds of Love, not of Servitude
Chapter II. Theology And University
Do we Desire to Remain Christians?
Theological Faculty in State and Church
Law and Freedom. An Epilogue
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The German original is replete with references to works especially in the German language, the author having with great care quoted title and page whenever referring to an author. Since many of these references are of value only to those familiar with the German, they have been abbreviated or omitted in this English version, whenever they would seem to needlessly encumber its pages.
Those desirous of verifying quotations will be enabled to do so in all instances by a reference to the German original.
He who professes a Christian view of the world, can see in such a view of man and his freedom only an utter misunderstanding of human nature and an overthrow of the right order of things. This overthrow, again, can only produce calamity, interior and exterior disorder. Woe to the planet that feels its orbit a tyrannical restraint, and leaves it to move in sovereign freedom through the universe! It will move along free, and free will it go to ruin. Woe to the speeding train that leaves its track; it will speed on free, but invariably dash itself to pieces! A nature that abandons the prescribed safeguards can only degenerate into a wild sprout. We shall see how these principles have actually become in modern intellectual life the principles of negation and intellectual degeneration.
St. Augustine states the history of mankind in the following, thoughtful words: “A twofold love divides mankind into the City of the World and the City of God. Man's self-love and his self-exaltation pushed to the contempt of God constitute the City of the World; but the love of God pushed to contempt of self is the foundation of the City of God.” (Fecerunt itaque civitates duas amores duo, terrenam scilicet amor sui usque ad contemptum Dei, coelestem vero amor Dei usque ad contemptum sui. De civ. Dei XIV, 28.) Thus St. Augustine, while contemplating the time when the war between heathenism and Christianity was raging. The same spectacle is presented to our own eyes to-day, probably more thoroughly than ever before in history.