Dashiell Hammett, The Adventures of Sam Spade and other stories...
Сервис электронных книг Литрес предлагает скачать книгу The Adventures of Sam Spade and other stories, в форматах fb2, txt, epub, pdf или читать онлайн! Оставляйте и читайте отзывы о книге на Литрес! "The Adventures of Sam Spade and other stories" is a collection of seven short stories, written and published in 1924 by American author of detective novels and short stories, screenwriter, and political activist Dashiell Hammett (1894–1961): * Too Many Have Lived. * They Can Only Hang You Once.
www.litres.ru КупитьРеклама. ООО «ЛитРес», ИНН: 7719571260.
Dashiell Hammett, The Adventures of Sam Spade and other stories...
Сервис электронных книг Литрес предлагает скачать книгу The Adventures of Sam Spade and other stories (Dashiell Hammett) (Literary Thoughts Edition), в форматах fb2, txt, epub, pdf или читать онлайн! Оставляйте и читайте отзывы о книге на Литрес! – "The Adventures of Sam Spade and other stories" is a collection of seven short stories (three of them with Detective Sam Spade), written by American author of detective novels and short stories, screenwriter, and political activist Samuel Dashiell Hammett (1894–1961):
www.litres.ru КупитьРеклама. ООО «ЛитРес», ИНН: 7719571260.
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His age could have been thirty-five or forty-five. He sat beside Samuel Spade's desk, leaning forward a little over his Malacca stick, and said, "No. I want you to find out what happened to him.
A small-boned woman of twenty-five or -six opened the apartment door. Her powder-blue dress was trimmed with silver buttons. She was full-bosomed but slim, with straight shoulders and narrow hips, and she carried herself with a pride that would have been cockiness in one less graceful.
www.litres.ru КупитьРеклама. ООО «ЛитРес», ИНН: 7719571260.
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По следам «Дюны»: 8 грандиозных космоопер... - Литрес: Журнал
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