A Theater of Diplomacy

A Theater of Diplomacy
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The seventeenth-century French diplomat François de Callières once wrote that «an ambassador resembles in some way an actor exposed on the stage to the eyes of the public in order to play great roles.» The comparison of the diplomat to an actor became commonplace as the practice of diplomacy took hold in early modern Europe. More than an abstract metaphor, it reflected the rich culture of spectacular entertainment that was a backdrop to emissaries' day-to-day lives. Royal courts routinely honored visiting diplomats or celebrated treaty negotiations by staging grandiose performances incorporating dance, music, theater, poetry, and pageantry. These entertainments—allegorical ballets, masquerade balls, chivalric tournaments, operas, and comedies—often addressed pertinent themes such as war, peace, and international unity in their subject matter. In both practice and content, the extravagant exhibitions were fully intertwined with the culture of diplomacy. But exactly what kind of diplomatic work did these spectacles perform? Ellen R. Welch contends that the theatrical and performing arts had a profound influence on the development of modern diplomatic practices in early modern Europe. Using France as a case study, Welch explores the interconnected histories of international relations and the theatrical and performing arts. Her book argues that theater served not merely as a decorative accompaniment to negotiations, but rather underpinned the practices of embodied representation, performance, and spectatorship that constituted the culture of diplomacy in this period. Through its examination of the early modern precursors to today's cultural diplomacy initiatives, her book investigates the various ways in which performance structures international politics still.


Ellen R. Welch. A Theater of Diplomacy

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A Theater of Diplomacy

International Relations and the Performing Arts in Early Modern France


The poem plays with tenses to project its listeners into an imagined future time in which the present moment belongs to a wondrous past. The verses ask the audience to look back on themselves and the tournament as a spectacle, joining them together as a new kind of public. Through these multiple rhetorical and performance strategies, the chivalric display and its texts momentarily unite the diverse actors as a community occupying a single, utopian cultural space.

A somewhat different form of ideal, shared world was evoked by the use of pastoral tropes during the queen mother’s banquet. Following Neptune’s recital and the mock hunt of the artificial whale, guests disembarked from their pleasure boats to a bucolic setting. They were welcomed by courtiers dressed as shepherds and shepherdesses who performed rustic dances to music played on bagpipes and musettes and bestowed gifts of silk flowers and little toy sheep made from silver embroidery thread. Such pastoral imagery—inspired by the Eclogues of Virgil, Ovid’s retelling of the Orpheus myth, and other classical antecedents—was a commonplace of court festivities throughout the early modern period.57 As Louis Auld notes, “Various writers have seen in pastoral the representation of a basic mode of human existence in idealized and generalized form, one with which all may identify.”58 The pastoral celebrates love, friendship, and being in nature stripped of all the trappings of culture and politics.


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