Falling For The Single Dad

Falling For The Single Dad
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Описание книги

Nothing existed except the two of them.Her senses had shut down, other than the most basic. All she could think about was sex, desire, want and need.And Damien.Tonight she was a girl who could have anything her heart desired. And she desired Damien.Abi isn’t really one for believing in ‘happily ever afters’. The combination of spending two years working in Afghanistan as a reconstructive and plastic surgeon, and post-traumatic stress disorder tends to do that to a person. When she takes a job at a high-end plastic surgery clinic in Hollywood, all she’s thinking about is rebuilding herself and healing. There’s no room in her life for anything but surviving. Exceedingly hot or not, Damien would only be an unnecessary complication. Especially since he’s a single Dad.Abi resolves to keep her distance. Unfortunately this might be little difficult since he’s her boss and neighbour…


Emily Forbes. Falling For The Single Dad

Falling for the Single Dad (The Hollywood Hills Clinic, Book 2) Emily Forbes



Отрывок из книги

Dear Reader,

This is my second involvement in an eight-book series, and while in some ways it’s much, much harder than writing solo in other ways it’s so much fun. Writing is normally such a solitary occupation—a bit like being an only child—whereas being part of a series is like being part of a large family. Not only do the other authors become my family, but our characters develop and grow together on the pages and form relationships that carry across all the stories.


‘Different from what you are used to?’ Damien asked as he pushed open the swing door that led into an operating suite.

‘We have state-of-the art equipment in the defence forces but those facilities don’t extend past the medical necessities. The army certainly doesn’t waste money on modern art and marble floors.’


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