Birds of Manitoba

Birds of Manitoba
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"Birds of Manitoba" by Ernest Thompson Seton. Published by Good Press. Good Press publishes a wide range of titles that encompasses every genre. From well-known classics & literary fiction and non-fiction to forgotten−or yet undiscovered gems−of world literature, we issue the books that need to be read. Each Good Press edition has been meticulously edited and formatted to boost readability for all e-readers and devices. Our goal is to produce eBooks that are user-friendly and accessible to everyone in a high-quality digital format.


Ernest Thompson Seton. Birds of Manitoba

Birds of Manitoba

Table of Contents



1. Æchmophorus occidentalis. Western Grebe

2. Colymbus holbœllii. Holbœll’s Grebe. Red-necked Grebe

3. Colymbus auritus. Horned Grebe

4. Colymbus nigricollis californicus. American Eared Grebe

5. Podilymbus podiceps. Pied-billed Grebe. Dabchick

6. Urinator imber. Loon. Big Helldiver

7. Urinator arcticus. Black-throated Loon

8. Urinator lumme. Red-throated Loon

9. Cepphus mandtii. Mandt’s Guillemot

10. Larus argentatus smithsonianus. American Herring Gull

11. Larus delawarensis. Ring-billed Gull

12. Larus franklini. Franklin’s Gull. Rosy Gull

13. Larus philadelphia. Bonaparte’s Gull

14. Sterna forsteri. Forster’s Tern

15. Sterna hirundo. Common Tern. Sea Swallow

16. Hydrochelidon nigra surinamensis. Black Tern, or Marsh Tern

17. Phalacrocorax dilophus. Double-crested Cormorant. Crow Duck

18. Pelecanus erythrorhynchos. American White Pelican

19. Merganser americanus. American Merganser. Sheldrake

20. Merganser serrator. Red-breasted Merganser. Fish Duck

21. Lophodytes cucullatus. Hooded Merganser

22. Anas boschas. Mallard

23. Anas obscura. Black Duck. Dusky Duck

24. Anas strepera. Gadwall. Gray Duck

25. Anas americana. Baldpate, or Widgeon

26. Anas carolinensis. Green-winged Teal

27. Anas discors. Blue-winged Teal

28. Anas cyanoptera. Cinnamon Teal

29. Spatula clypeata. Shoveler or Spoonbill

30. Dafila acuta. Pintail

31. Aix sponsa. Wood Duck

32. Aythya americana. Red head

33. Aythya vallisneria. Canvas-back

34. Aythya marila nearctica. American Scaup Duck. Big Blue-bill or Black-head

35. Aythya affinis. Lesser Scaup Duck. Little Blue-bill

36. Aythya collaris. Ring-necked Duck. Marsh Blue-bill

37. Glaucionetta clangula americana. American Golden-eye. Whistler. Tree Duck

38. Glaucionetta islandica. Barrow’s Golden-eye

39. Charitonetta albeola. Buffle-head

40. Clangula hyemalis. Old squaw. Swallow-tailed Duck. Coween

41. Histrionicus histrionicus. Harlequin Duck

42. Oidemia americana. American Black Scoter

43. Oidemia deglandi. White-winged Scoter

44. Oidemia perspicillata. Surf Duck or Surf Scoter

45. Erismatura rubida. Ruddy Duck

46. Chen cærulescens. Blue Goose

47. Chen hyperborea. Snow Goose; White Wavy

48. Anser albifrons gambeli. American White-fronted Goose. Laughing Goose. Specklebelly

49. Branta canadensis. Canada Goose. Wild Goose. Wavy

50. Branta bernicla. Brant

51. Olor columbianus. Whistling Swan

52. Olor buccinator. Trumpeter Swan

53. Botaurus lentiginosus. American Bittern

54. Botaurus exilis. Least Bittern

55. Ardea herodias. Great Blue Heron

56. Ardea virescens. Green Heron

57. Nycticorax nycticorax nævius. Black-crowned Night Heron

58. Grus americana. Whooping Crane. Flying Sheep

59. Grus mexicana. Sandhill Crane

60. Rallus elegans. King Rail

61. Rallus virginianus. Virginia Rail

62. Porzana carolina. Sora. Common Rail

63. Porzana noveboracensis. Yellow Rail. Water Sparrow

64. Fulica americana. American Coot

65. Phalaropus lobatus. Northern Phalarope

66. Phalaropus tricolor. Wilson’s Phalarope

67. Recurvirostra americana. American Avocet

68. Philohela minor. American Woodcock

69. Gallinago delicata. Wilson’s Snipe. Common Snipe

70. Macrorhamphus scolopaceus. Long-billed Dowitcher, or Red-breasted Snipe

71. Micropalama himantopus. Stilt Sandpiper

72. Tringa canutus. Knot. Robin Snipe

73. Tringa maculata. Pectoral Sandpiper

74. Tringa fuscicollis. White-rumped Sandpiper

75. Tringa bairdii. Baird’s Sandpiper

76. Tringa minutilla. Least Sandpiper

77. Tringa alpina pacifica. Red-backed Sandpiper. Blackheart

78. Ereunetes pusillus. Semipalmated Sandpiper

79. Calidris arenaria. Sanderling

80. Limosa fedoa. Marbled Godwit

81. Limosa hæmastica. Hudsonian Godwit

82. Totanus melanoleucus. Greater Yellow-legs

83. Totanus flavipes. Yellow-legs

84. Totanus solitarius. Solitary Sandpiper

85. Symphemia semipalmata. Willet

86. Bartramia longicauda. Bartramian Sandpiper. Prairie Plover. Quaily

87. Tryngites subruficollis. Buff-breasted Sandpiper

88. Actitis macularia. Spotted Sandpiper

89. Numenius longirostris. Long-billed Curlew

90. Charadrius squatarola. Black-bellied Plover

91. Charadrius dominicus. American Golden Plover

92. Ægialitis vocifera. Killdeer

93. Ægialitis semipalmata. Semipalmated Plover. Ring Plover

94. Ægialitis meloda. Piping Plover. Ring-neck

95. Arenaria interpres. Turnstone

96. Dendragapus canadensis. Spruce Partridge

97. Bonasa umbellus togata. Canadian Ruffed Grouse. Birch Partridge

98. Lagopus lagopus. Willow Ptarmigan, or White Partridge

99. Tympanuchus americanus. Prairie Hen, or Pinnated Grouse

100. Pediocætes phasianellus. Northern Sharp-tail Grouse

101. Ectopistes migratorius. Wild Pigeon

102. Zenaidura macroura. Mourning Dove

103. Cathartes aura. Turkey Vulture

104. Elanoides forficatus. Swallow-tailed Kite

105. Circus hudsonius. Harrier, or Marsh Hawk

106. Accipiter velox. Sharp-shinned Hawk

107. Accipiter cooperi. Cooper’s Hawk. Chicken Hawk

108. Accipiter atricapillus. American Goshawk

109. Buteo borealis. Red-tailed Hawk

110. Buteo lineatus. Red-shouldered Hawk

111. Buteo swainsoni. Swainson’s Hawk. Common Henhawk

112. Buteo latissimus. Broad-winged Hawk

113. Archibuteo lagopus sancti-johannis. American Rough-legged Hawk

114. Archibuteo ferrugineus. Ferruginous Rough-leg

115. Aquila chrysaëtos. Golden Eagle

116. Haliæëtus leucocephalus. Bald, or White-headed Eagle

117. Falco rusticolus obsoletus. Black Gyrfalcon

118. Falco peregrinus anatum. Peregrine Falcon. Duck Hawk, or Bullet Hawk

119. Falco columbarius. Pigeon Hawk

120. Falco richardsonii. Richardson’s Merlin

121. Falco sparverius. American Sparrow Hawk

122. Pandion haliaëtus carolinensis. American Osprey, or Fish Hawk

123. Asio wilsonianus. American Long-eared Owl

124. Asio accipitrinus. Short-eared Owl. Marsh Owl

125. Syrnium nebulosum. Barred Owl

126. Ulula cinerea. Great Gray Owl

127. Nyctala tengmalmi richardsoni. Richardson’s Owl

128. Nyctala acadica. Saw-whet Owl

129. Bubo virginianus subarcticus. Western Horned Owl

130. Nyctea nyctea. Snowy Owl. White Owl

131. Surnia ulula caparoch. American Hawk Owl

132. Coccyzus erythrophthalmus. Black-billed Cuckoo

133. Ceryle alcyon. Belted Kingfisher

134. Dryobates villosus leucomelas. Northern Hairy Woodpecker

135. Dryobates pubescens. Downy Woodpecker

136. Picoides arcticus. Arctic Three-toed Woodpecker

137. Picoides americanus. American Three-toed Woodpecker

138. Sphyrapicus varius. Yellow-bellied Sapsucker

139. Ceophlœus pileatus. Pileated Woodpecker. Cock of the woods

140. Melanerpes erythrocephalus. Red-headed Woodpecker

141. Colaptes auratus. Flicker. Highholder. Golden-winged Woodpecker

142. Antrostomus vociferus. Whip-poor-will

143. Chordeiles virginianus sennetti. Night-hawk

144. Chætura pelagica. Chimney Swift

145. Trochilus colubris. Ruby-throated Humming Bird

146. Milvulus forficatus. Scissor-tailed Flycatcher

147. Tyrannus tyrannus. Kingbird

148. Myiarchus crinitus. Crested Flycatcher

149. Sayornis phœbe. Phœbe. Pewee

150. Contopus borealis. Olive-sided Flycatcher

151. Contopus virens. Wood Pewee

152. Contopus richardsonii. Western Wood Pewee. Richardson’s Pewee

153. Empidonax flaviventris. Yellow-bellied Flycatcher

154. Empidonax acadicus. Acadian Flycatcher

155. Empidonax pusillus traillii. Traill’s Flycatcher

156. Empidonax minimus. Least Flycatcher

157. Otocoris alpestris praticola. Prairie Horned Lark, or Prairie Shore Lark

158. Pica pica hudsonica. American Magpie

159. Cyanocitta cristata. Blue Jay

160. Perisoreus canadensis. Canada Jay. Whisky Jack. Wis-Ka-tjan

161. Corvus corax principalis. Northern Raven

162. Corvus americanus. American Crow

163. Dolichonyx oryzivorus albinucha. Western Bobolink. White-naped Bobolink

164. Molothrus ater. Cowbird

165. Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus. Yellow-headed Blackbird

166. Agelaius phœniceus. Red-winged Blackbird. Soldier Blackbird

167. Sturnella magna neglecta. Western Meadow Lark. Prairie Lark

168. Icterus spurius. Orchard Oriole

169. Icterus galbula. Baltimore Oriole

170. Scolecophagus carolinus. Rusty Blackbird

171. Scolecophagus cyanocephalus. Brewer’s Blackbird. Satin-bird. Blue-headed Blackbird

172. Quiscalus quiscula æneus. Bronzed Grackle. Crow Blackbird

173. Coccothraustes vespertinus. Evening Grosbeak

174. Pinicola enucleator. Pine Grosbeak

175. Carpodacus purpureus. Purple Finch

176. Loxia curvirostra minor. American Crossbill. Red Crossbill

177. Loxia leucoptera. White-winged Crossbill

178. Acanthis hornemanii exilipes. Hoary Red-poll

179. Acanthis linaria. Red-poll

180. Spinus tristis. American Goldfinch. Wild Canary

181. Spinus pinus. Pine Siskin. Pine Linnet

182. Plectrophenax nivalis. Snow-flake. Snow Bunting. Snowbird

183. Calcarius lapponicus. Lapland Longspur

184. Calcarius pictus. Smith’s Longspur. Painted Longspur

185. Calcarius ornatus. Chestnut-collared Longspur. Black-breasted Longspur

186. Poocætes gramineus confinis. Western Vesper Sparrow. Baywing

187. Ammodramus sandwichensis alaudinus. Western Savanna Sparrow

188. Ammodramus bairdii. Baird’s Sparrow

189. Ammodramus lecontei. Leconte’s Sparrow

190. Chondestes grammacus. Lark Sparrow

191. Zonotrichia querula. Harris’s Sparrow

192. Zonotrichia leucophrys. White-crowned Sparrow

193. Zonotrichia intermedia. Intermediate Sparrow

194. Zonotrichia albicollis. White-throated Sparrow

195. Spizella monticola. Tree Sparrow

196. Spizella socialis. Chipping Sparrow

197. Spizella pallida. Clay-colored Sparrow. Ashy-nape

198. Spizella pusilla. Field Sparrow

199. Junco hyemalis. Slate-colored Junco

200. Junco hyemalis shufeldti. Shufeldt’s Junco

201. Melospiza fasciata. Song Sparrow

202. Melospiza lincolni. Lincoln’s Sparrow

203. Melospiza georgiana. Swamp Sparrow

204. Passerella iliaca. Fox Sparrow

205. Pipilo erythrophthalmus. Towhee

206. Pipilo maculatus arcticus. Arctic Towhee

207. Habia ludoviciana. Rose-breasted Grosbeak

208. Calamospiza melanocorys. Lark Bunting. Buffalo Bird

209. Piranga erythromelas. Scarlet Tanager

210. Progne subis. Purple Martin

211. Petrochelidon lunifrons. Cliff Swallow, House Swallow, Eave Swallow

212. Chelidon erythrogaster. Barn Swallow

213. Tachycineta bicolor. Tree Swallow. White-breasted Swallow

214. Clivicola riparia. Bank Swallow. Sand Martin

215. Ampelis garrulus. Bohemian Wax-wing

216. Ampelis cedrorum. Cedar Wax-wing. Cherry Bird

217. Lanius borealis. Northern Shrike

218. Lanius ludovicianus excubitorides. White-rumped Shrike. Common Shrike. Shrike

219. Vireo olivaceus. Red-eyed Vireo

220. Vireo philadelphicus. Philadelphia Vireo

221. Vireo gilvus. Warbling Vireo

222. Vireo flavifrons. Yellow-throated Vireo

223. Vireo solitarius. Blue-headed Vireo

224. Mniotilta varia. Black-and-White Warbler or Creeper

225. Helminthophila ruficapilla. Nashville Warbler

226. Helminthophila celata. Orange-crowned Warbler

227. Helminthophila peregrina. Tennessee Warbler

228. Dendroica tigrina. Cape May Warbler

229. Dendroica æstiva. Yellow Warbler. Spider Bird. Willow Warbler. Willow Wren

230. Dendroica coronata. Myrtle Warbler

231. Dendroica maculosa. Magnolia Warbler

232. Dendroica pensylvanica. Chestnut-sided Warbler

233. Dendroica castanea. Bay-breasted Warbler

234. Dendroica striata. Blackpoll Warbler

235. Dendroica blackburniæ. Blackburnian Warbler

236. Dendroica vigoraii. Pine Warbler

237. Dendroica palmarum. Palm Warbler. Redpoll Warbler

238. Seiurus aurocapillus. Ovenbird

239. Seiurus noveboracensis. Water-thrush or Wagtail

240. Geothlypis agilis. Connecticut Warbler

241. Geothlypis philadelphia. Mourning Warbler

242. Geothlypis trichas. Maryland Yellowthroat

243. Sylvania pusilla. Wilson’s Warbler. Black Capped Flycatcher

244. Sylvania canadensis. Canadian Warbler

245. Setophaga ruticilla. American Redstart

246. Anthus pensilvanicus. American Pipit, or Titlark

247. Anthus spragueii. Sprague’s Pipit. Missouri Skylark

248. Galeoscoptes carolinensis. Catbird

249. Harporhynchus rufus. Brown Thrasher, or Thrush

250. Troglodytes aëdon aztecus. Western House Wren. Common Wren

251. Troglodytes hiemalis. Winter Wren

252. Cistothorus stellaris. Short-billed Marsh Wren

253. Cistothorus palustris. Long-billed Marsh Wren

254. Certhia familiaris americana. Brown Creeper

255. Sitta carolinensis aculeata. Slender-billed Nuthatch

256. Sitta canadensis. Red-breasted Nuthatch

257. Parus atricapillus septentrionalis. Long-tailed Chickadee

258. Parus hudsonicus. Hudsonian Chickadee

259. Regulus satrapa. Golden-crowned Kinglet or Wren

260. Regulus calendula. Ruby-crowned Kinglet

261. Turdus fuscescens. Wilson’s Thrush. Veery

262. Turdus aliciæ. Gray-cheeked Thrush

263. Turdus ustulatus swainsoni. Olive-backed Thrush

264. Turdus aonalaschkæ pallasii. Hermit Thrush

265. Merula migratoria. American Robin

266. Sialia sialis. Bluebird. Blue Robin




Отрывок из книги

Ernest Thompson Seton

Published by Good Press, 2021


134. Dryobates villosus leucomelas. Northern Hairy Woodpecker.

135. Dryobates pubescens. Downy Woodpecker.


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