Read Assure: Guaranteed Formula for Reading Success with Phonics

Read Assure: Guaranteed Formula for Reading Success with Phonics
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Описание книги

Read Assure takes advantage of the best asset all children have in abundance: tremendous brain power hungry for challenges. Children as young as four have successfully mastered reading English through phonics using Read Assure. The ability to read raises children’s confidence and leads to a love of reading and the desire to devour ever more challenging material. Parents have recognized that starting their children on the road to mastering English gives young learners the necessary tools to become active and engaged players in an increasingly competitive world. Read Assure provides an entry point by which young learners can pick up any English book – from picture books to more challenging works – and read them with delight. Having tried and tested this volume on numerous children with great success, the author can say without hesitation that this may be just what your child needs to develop a lifelong love of and proficiency in the English language. About the Author: Everett Ofori, MBA is a Canadian instructor with more than 20 years of experience as a teacher of English as a Second Language. Currently residing in Japan, Everett has had the privilege of teaching the whole spectrum of learners, from children as young as four to seasoned business executives. The writing of Read Assure arose out of the simple observation that many of the methods by which children are taught to speak English miss the point, especially when these children do not have the benefit of regular daily interaction with native speakers. The results obtained from the use of this book have been nothing short of spectacular and it is hoped that parents and teachers who are determined to bequeath the gift of English mastery to young learners will find in this book just what they need.


Everett Ofori. Read Assure: Guaranteed Formula for Reading Success with Phonics

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Read Assure

Guaranteed Formula for Reading Success with Phonics


When a learner acquires fluency first, subsequent learning experiences can focus on other aspects and be so much more meaningful and fun.

Three steps forward, one step back


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